701 research outputs found

    Coping with negative stereotypes toward older workers: Organizational and work-related outcomes

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    The current study aims to test a moderated-mediation model in which occupational selfefficacy determines the indirect effect of negative stereotypes about older workers in the organization both on psychological engagement in the work domain and on attitudes toward development opportunities through identification with the company. The survey involved 1,501 Italian subjects aged over 50 who were employed by a major large-scale retailer. Consistently with the Social Identity Theory and the Social Exchange Theory, results showed that the perception of negative stereotypes about older workers in the organization is associated with low identification with the company and, subsequently, with poor psychological engagement in the work domain and with attitudes indicating very little interest in development opportunities. In addition, this association was found to be stronger in older workers with higher and medium levels of occupational selfefficacy. These findings suggest that organizations should discourage the dissemination of negative stereotypes about older workers in the workplace because they may lead to older workers' disengagement from the work domain and their loss of interest in development opportunities

    Estudio de curvas de lactancia como diagnóstico del estado nutricional de vientres lecheros

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    Se analizaron cinco años de registros (1975-1979) que cubrieron 354 lactancias de vientres lecheros de una unidad experimental de producción de leche perteneciente a la Facultad de Agronomía de la Universidad Nacional de La Pampa. El trabajo se propone diagnosticar el estado nutricional de los vientres a través del estudio de sus curvas de lactancia. El método empleado consistió en ordenar la por años, por épocas dentro de años y por estratos productivos dentro de épocas de parición. Se obtuvieron así 45 curvas medias de lactancia que fueron analizadas detalladamente a los fines de detectar efectos nutricionales. Se escogió de la bibliografía una curva normal de lactancia correspondiente a vientres sin restricciones que fue utilizada como elemento de comparación respecto de las curvas en estudio. Se concluye señalando la existencia de un sobredimensionamiento del potencial genético de los animales en relación a la base forrajera existente. Esto generó una condición subnutricional casi permanente que le que impidió a los vientres manifestar sus aptitudes para producir. Las limitaciones forrajeras apuntadas, podrían ser corregidas mediante suplementación con alimentos de alta concentración nutritiva suministrados estratégicamente

    The effect of age on daily positive emotions and work behaviors

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    This study draws on socioemotional selectivity and person–job fit theories to investigate the emotional bases for age-related differences in daily task crafting and in-role performance. We tested a mediation model in which age is related to positive emotions that in turn predict task crafting and in-role performance. A total of 256 people working in multiple organizations participated in a 5-day diary study. Multilevel modeling showed that, at the person level of analysis, age is significantly and positively related to positive emotions and task crafting and, via crafting, to in-role performance. No significant mediation of high- and low-arousal positive emotions was found between age and task crafting. However, at the day level of analysis, high-arousal positive emotions are positively related to task crafting, and this in turn is positively related to in-role performance. These findings make important theoretical contributions to understanding within-person processes associated with employee age in addition to more traditional between-person factors. They also have implications for managing an age-diverse workforce by means of job crafting.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Age Diversity Climate Affecting Individual‐Level Work‐Related Outcomes

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    The present study answers the call for more studies to investigate the age diversity climate’s effect on individual‐level outcomes. Building on the social identity approach and social exchange theory, we surveyed 110 Italian employees aged between 18 and 61 years old (M = 46.10, SD = 10.02) and investigated the role of age diversity climate in predicting intentions to quit (H1), job‐related wellbeing (H2), and work engagement (H3). Our findings confirmed the hypotheses (H1 and H2), showing the added effect of age diversity climate over and above age, job tenure, role clarity, job demands, job control, perceived support, and perceived job and organizational fit. In fact, age diversity climate accounted for a significant increase in the variance explained for two of the three hypothesized models (i.e., intentions to quit and job‐related wellbeing, but not work engagement). To conclude, this study contributes to the existing literature by showing the age diversity climate’s predictive value for turnover intentions and job‐related wellbeing, and corroborating the importance of supporting age diversity through a variety of Human Resources Management strategies

    Finding an effective freezing protocol for Turkey semen: Benefits of ficoll as non-permeant cryoprotectant and 1:4 as dilution rate

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    The present study aimed to find an effective cryopreservation protocol for turkey semen through the combined use of dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) and three non-permeant cryoprotectants (NP-CPAs), sucrose, trehalose, and Ficoll 70. In addition, the action of two dilution rates (1:2 and 1:4) were also investigated. Semen was processed according to two final dilution rates and the following treatments: Tselutin extender (TE)/DMSO (control), TE/DMSO + sucrose or trehalose 50, 100, 200, or 400 mM, and TE/DMSO + Ficoll 0.5, 0.75, 1, or 1.5 mM. In total 26 different combinations treatments were achieved. The diluted semen was filled up into straws and frozen on liquid nitrogen vapor. The post-thawing sperm quality was assessed by analyzing motility, membrane integrity, osmotic resistance, and DNA integrity. The results obtained revealed a significant effect of NP-CPA concentration on total and progressive motility, on most of the kinetic parameters, on membrane integrity and DNA integrity, while the post-thaw quality was less affected by dilution rate. The highest post-thaw quality for all sperm quality parameters assessed except curvilinear velocity (VCL) and DNA integrity were found in semen frozen with 1 mM Ficoll/1:4 (p < 0.05). Our findings provide an important contribution for the identification of a reference procedure for turkey semen cryopreservation, in order to create the first national avian semen cryobank

    Tsunamis From Submarine Collapses Along the Eastern Slope of the Gela Basin (Strait of Sicily)

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    Geophysical surveys in the eastern slope of the Gela Basin (Strait of Sicily, central Mediterranean) contributed to the identification of several episodes of sediment mass transport, recorded by scars and deposits of various dimensions within the Pleistocene succession. In addition to a huge failure called Gela Slide with volume exceeding 600 km3, the most studied events show volumes estimated between 0.5 and 1.5 km3, which is common to many other submarine landslide deposits in this region and that can therefore be considered as a characteristic value. In this work, the tsunamigenic potential of two of such landslides, the so-called Northern Twin Slide and South Gela Basin Slide located about 50 km apart along the eastern slope of the Gela Basin, are investigated using numerical codes that describe the onset and motion of the slide, as well as the ensuing tsunami generation and propagation. The results provide the wave height of these tsunami events on the coast of southern Sicily and Malta and can be taken as representative of the tsunamigenic potential of typical landslides occurring along the slope of the Gela Basin

    bird density stress markers and growth performance in the italian chicken breed milanino

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    Summary The Milanino is an Italian chicken breed included in a conservation project run by the University of Milan. It is characterized by good fertility, heavy body weights, high adaptation ability to adverse climate conditions, and disease resistance. Because of these characteristics, the Milanino could represent an important genetic resource for alternative production systems. This research was aimed at studying the effect of bird density on growth and slaughter performance, as well as stress response in Milanino chickens kept in outdoor pens. One hundred and sixty Milanino chickens were randomly assigned to 2 experimental groups kept at different densities (2 m2/bird and 8 m2/bird) and were slaughtered at 185 days of age. Growth and slaughter performance and stress condition were recorded. The interaction bird density * sex * age significantly affected body weight and an opposite trend was found between females and males: heavier females were found in the high-density group, while heavier males were found in the low-density group. Bird density did not affect carcass weight data. The stress marker (H/L ratio) was significantly higher in birds kept at the higher density (2 m2/bird). In conclusion, the Milanino provided satisfactory growth performance with different rearing density but the lower density, 8 m2/bird, should be preferred to minimize welfare problems for male birds

    Semen quality of Italian local pig breeds

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    From 1996 to 1999 a conservation programme was carried out within the framework of EC contract "European gene banking project for the pig genetic resources" (Ollivier et al., 2001) in the Italian local pig breeds. The aims of the program included the primary characterization of the breeds, i.e. information on the organization in charge of the breed, breeding population numbers, breed description and qualifications, and field trials on productive and reproductive performances. In this context the "Semen Bank of Italian local pig breeds" was built. A total of 30,835 straws of four Italian local pig breeds (Cinta Senese, Casertana, Mora Romagnola and Nero Siciliano), collected from 42 sires, have been stored. In this work semen quality traits, lipid composition and freezability of the four Italian local pig breeds are reported

    Tsunami potential source in the eastern Sea of Marmara (NW Turkey), along the North Anatolian Fault system

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    Based on morphobathymetric and seismic reflection data, we studied a large landslide body from the eastern Sea of Marmara (NW Turkey), along the main strand of the North Anatolian Fault, one of the most seismically active geological structures on Earth. Due to its location and dimensions, the sliding body may cause tsunamis in case of failure possibly induced by an earthquake. This could affect heavily the coasts of the Sea of Marmara and the densely populated Istanbul Metropolitan area, with its exposed cultural heritage assets. After a geological and geometrical description of the landslide, thanks to high-resolution marine geophysical data, we simulated numerically possible effects of its massive mobilization along a basal displacement surface. Results, within significant uncertainties linked to dimensions and kinematics of the sliding mass, suggest generation of tsunamis exceeding 15–20 m along a broad coastal sector of the eastern Sea of Marmara. Although creeping processes or partial collapse of the landslide body could lower the associated tsunami risk, its detection stresses the need for collecting more marine geological/geophysical data in the region to better constrain hazards and feasibility of specific emergency plans