268 research outputs found

    Managing Equipment for Emergency Obstetric Care in Rural Hospitals

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    In resource poor countries substantial sums of money, from governments and international donors, are used to purchase equipment for health facilities. WHO estimates that 50-80% of such equipment remains non-functional. This article is based on the experiences from various projects in developing countries in Asia and Africa. The key issues in the purchase, distribution, installation, management and maintenance of equipment for emergency obstetric care (EmOC) services are identified and discussed. Some positive examples are described to show how common equipment management problems are solved.

    Madhu Agnikarma in the pain management of Tennis Elbow - A Case Study

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    Lateral epicondylitis, also known as ‘tennis elbow’, is a very common condition that presents with pain and tenderness on the lateral side of the elbow due to the repetitive stress, results in inflammation of the common extensor tendon of the lateral epicondyle of the humerus. According to Ayurveda, Snayugata Vikara can be correlated with the condition of tennis elbow. Agnikarma being superior among all surgical and parasurgical procedure by its action seems to be more effective in providing instant pain relief. The therapeutic effects of Agnikarma with Kshoudra include relief of pain and muscle spasm, acceleration of healing, promotion of resolution of inflammation and increase in the range of movement of joint

    Potential role of p21 Activated Kinase 1 (PAK1) in the invasion and motility of oral cancer cells.

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    Background Oral cancer malignancy consists of uncontrolled division of cells primarily in and around the floor of the oral cavity, gingiva, oropharynx, lower lip and base of the tongue. According to GLOBOCAN 2012 report, oral cancer is one of the most common cancers among males and females in India. Even though significant advancements have been made in the field of oral cancer treatment modalities, the overall prognosis for the patients has not improved in the past few decades and hence, this demands a new thrust for the identification of novel therapeutic targets in oral cancer. p21 Activated Kinases (PAKs) are potential therapeutic targets that are involved in numerous physiological functions. PAKs are serine-threonine kinases and they serve as important regulators of cytoskeletal dynamics and cell motility, transcription through MAP kinase cascades, death and survival signalling, and cell-cycle progression. Although PAKs are known to play crucial roles in cancer progression, the role and clinical significance of PAKs in oral cancer remains poorly understood. Results Our results suggest that PAK1 is over-expressed in oral cancer cell lines. Stimulation of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) cells with serum growth factors leads to PAK1 re-localization and might cause a profound cytoskeletal remodelling. PAK1 was also found to be involved in the invasion, migration and cytoskeletal remodelling of OSCC cells. Conclusions Our study revealed that PAK1 may play a crucial role in the progression of OSCC. Studying the role of PAK1 and its substrates is likely to enhance our understanding of oral carcinogenesis and potential therapeutic value of PAKs in oral cancer

    A study on the prescription pattern of antifungal drugs in the Dermatology Department of a tertiary care teaching hospital in Southern Kerala

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    Background: Skin disorders form 2% of total Out Patient Department consultations worldwide. But no such data is available from India. Studying prescription pattern is a component of medical audit that help prescribers to provide rational and cost-effective medical care. This study is about the prescription pattern of antifungals in this institution and will help in developing local policies for appropriate use of antifungal drugs. The objective was to study the prescription pattern of antifungals in dermatological diseases.Methods: This is a retrospective study conducted from 1st June 2017 to 30th November 2017 in Dermatology Department. Prescriptions included all newly diagnosed patients with cutaneous fungal infection of both sex who attended Dermatology OPD. Factors considered were sociodemographic parameters, number of patients with combination and monotherapy, number of single topical agents and Fixed Dose Combination (FDC) details of prescribing indicators.Results: 1500 prescriptions were analysed; 500 prescriptions were of fungal infection. 40.2% of the patients were in 18-35 years age group. There were a greater number of males (59.6%) than females (40.4%).Conclusions: The most common oral antifungal used was fluconazole. Terbinafine and clotrimazole were the most commonly used topical agents

    സമുദ്ര, സമുദ്രതീര ജീവികൾ

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    സമുദ്ര, സമുദ്രതീര ജീവിക

    Circularly Polarized Split Ring Resonator Loaded Slot Antenna

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    A compact circularly polarized printed slot antenna operating at 2.45 GHz is reported. The antenna consists of a pair of rotated square split ring resonators (SRR) inside a rectangular slot etched on the ground plane of an FR-4 dielectric substrate. A microstrip open-loop feed is etched on the backside of the dielectric substrate to feed the slot and the split ring resonators. The overall size of the antenna is 60x42x1.6 mm3. The measured -10dB impedance bandwidth is 10.48% (2.38-2.64 GHz) and the measured 3dB axial ratio (AR) bandwidth covers the entire impedance bandwidth

    Atmospheric dispersion corrector for a multi-object spectroscopic mode of HROS-TMT

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    Highly multiplexed spectroscopic surveys have changed the astronomy landscape in recent years. However, these surveys are limited to low and medium spectral resolution. High spectral resolution spectroscopy is often photon starved and will benefit from a large telescope aperture. Multiplexed high-resolution surveys require a wide field of view and a large aperture for a suitable large number of bright targets. This requirement introduces several practical difficulties, especially for large telescopes, such as the future ELTs. Some of the challenges are the need for a wide field atmospheric dispersion corrector and to deal with the curved non-telecentric focal plane. Here, we present a concept of Multi-Object Spectroscopy (MOS) mode for TMT High-Resolution Optical Spectrograph (HROS), we have designed an atmospheric dispersion corrector for individual objects that fit inside a fiber positioner. We present the ZEMAX design and the performance of the atmospheric dispersion corrector for all elevations accessible by TMT