204 research outputs found

    RGS9-1 is required for normal inactivation of mouse cone phototransduction

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    Purpose: To test the hypothesis that Regulator of G-protein Signaling 9 (RGS9-1) is necessary for the normal inactivation of retinal cones. Methods: Mice having the gene RGS9-1 inactivated in both alleles (RGS9-1 -/-) were tested between the ages 8-10 weeks with electroretinographic (ERG) protocols that isolate cone-driven responses. Immunohistochemistry was performed with a primary antibody against RGS9-1 (anti-RGS9-1c), with the secondary conjugated to fluorescein isothiocyanate, and with rhodamine-conjugated peanut agglutinin. Results: (1) Immunohistochemistry showed RGS9-1 to be strongly expressed in the cones of wildtype (WT is C57BL/6) mice, but absent from the cones of RGS9-1 mice. (2) Cone-driven b-wave responses of dark-adapted RGS9-1 -/- mice had saturating amplitudes and sensitivities in the midwave and UV regions of the spectrum equal to or slightly greater than those of WT (C57BL/6) mice. (3) Cone-driven b-wave and a-wave responses of RGS9-1 -/- mice recovered much more slowly than those of WT after a strong conditioning flash: for a flash estimated to isomerize 1.2% of the M-cone pigment and 0.9% of the UV-cone pigment, recovery of 50% saturating amplitude was approximately 60-fold slower than in WT. Conclusions: (1) The amplitudes and sensitivities of the cone-driven responses indicate that cones and cone-driven neurons in RGS9-1 -/- mice have normal generator currents. (2) The greatly retarded recovery of cone-driven responses of RGS9-1 -/- mice relative to those of WT mice establishes that RGS9-1 is required for normal inactivation of the cone phototransduction cascades of both UV- and M-cones

    Particle Acceleration in Pulsar Wind Nebulae: PIC modelling

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    We discuss the role of particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations in unveiling the origin of the emitting particles in PWNe. After describing the basics of the PIC technique, we summarize its implications for the quiescent and the flaring emission of the Crab Nebula, as a prototype of PWNe. A consensus seems to be emerging that, in addition to the standard scenario of particle acceleration via the Fermi process at the termination shock of the pulsar wind, magnetic reconnection in the wind, at the termination shock and in the Nebula plays a major role in powering the multi-wavelength signatures of PWNe.Comment: 32 pages, 16 figures, to appear in the book "Modelling Nebulae" edited by D. Torres for Springer, based on the invited contributions to the workshop held in Sant Cugat (Barcelona), June 14-17, 201

    Growth rates of the Weibel and tearing mode instabilities in a relativistic pair plasma

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    We present an algorithm for solving the linear dispersion relation in an inhomogeneous, magnetised, relativistic plasma. The method is a generalisation of a previously reported algorithm that was limited to the homogeneous case. The extension involves projecting the spatial dependence of the perturbations onto a set of basis functions that satisfy the boundary conditions (spectral Galerkin method). To test this algorithm in the homogeneous case, we derive an analytical expression for the growth rate of the Weibel instability for a relativistic Maxwellian distribution and compare it with the numerical results. In the inhomogeneous case, we present solutions of the dispersion relation for the relativistic tearing mode, making no assumption about the thickness of the current sheet, and check the numerical method against the analytical expression.Comment: Accepted by PPC

    Acceleration in perpendicular relativistic shocks for plasmas consisting of leptons and hadrons

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    We investigate the acceleration of light particles in perpendicular shocks for plasmas consisting of a mixture of leptonic and hadronic particles. Starting from the full set of conservation equations for the mixed plasma constituents, we generalize the magneto-hydrodynamical jump conditions for a multi-component plasma, including information about the specific adiabatic constants for the different species. The impact of deviations from the standard model of an ideal gas is compared in theory and particle-in-cell simulations, showing that the standard-MHD model is a good approximation. The simulations of shocks in electron-positron-ion plasmas are for the first time multi-dimensional, transverse effects are small in this configuration and 1D simulations are a good representation if the initial magnetization is chosen high. 1D runs with a mass ratio of 1836 are performed, which identify the Larmor frequency \omega_{ci} as the dominant frequency that determines the shock physics in mixed component plasmas. The maximum energy in the non-thermal tail of the particle spectra evolves in time according to a power-law proportional to t^\alpha with \alpha in the range 1/3 < \alpha < 1, depending on the initial parameters. A connection is made with transport theoretical models by Drury (1983) and Gargate & Spitkovsky (2011), which predict an acceleration time proportional to \gamma and the theory for small wavelength scattering by Kirk & Reville (2010), which predicts a behavior rather as proportional to \gamma^2. Furthermore, we compare different magnetic field orientations with B_0 inside and out of the plane, observing qualitatively different particle spectra than in pure electron-ion shocks

    The theory of pulsar winds and nebulae

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    We review current theoretical ideas on pulsar winds and their surrounding nebulae. Relativistic MHD models of the wind of the aligned rotator, and of the striped wind, together with models of magnetic dissipation are discussed. It is shown that the observational signature of this dissipation is likely to be point-like, rather than extended, and that pulsed emission may be produced. The possible pulse shapes and polarisation properties are described. Particle acceleration at the termination shock of the wind is discussed, and it is argued that two distinct mechanisms must be operating, with the first-order Fermi mechanism producing the high-energy electrons (above 1 TeV) and either magnetic annihilation or resonant absorption of ion cyclotron waves responsible for the 100 MeV to 1 TeV electrons. Finally, MHD models of the morphology of the nebula are discussed and compared with observation.Comment: 33 pages, to appear in Springer Lecture Notes on "Neutron stars and pulsars, 40 years after the discovery", ed W.Becke

    Dissipation in Poynting-flux Dominated Flows: the Sigma-Problem of the Crab Pulsar Wind

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    Flows in which energy is transported predominantly as Poynting flux are thought to occur in pulsars, gamma-ray bursts and relativistic jets from compact objects. The fluctuating component of the magnetic field in such a flow can in principle be dissipated by magnetic reconnection, and used to accelerate the flow. We investigate how rapidly this transition can take place, by implementing into a global MHD model, that uses a thermodynamic description of the plasma, explicit, physically motivated prescriptions for the dissipation rate: a lower limit on this rate is given by limiting the maximum drift speed of the current carriers to that of light, an upper limit follows from demanding that the dissipation zone expand only subsonically in the comoving frame and a further prescription is obtained by assuming that the expansion speed is limited by the growth rate of the relativistic tearing mode. In each case, solutions are presented which give the Lorentz factor of a spherical wind containing a transverse, oscillating magnetic field component as a function of radius. In the case of the Crab pulsar, we find that the Poynting flux can be dissipated before the wind reaches the inner edge of the Nebula if the pulsar emits electron positron pairs at a rate >1.E40 per second, thus providing a possible solution to the sigma-problem.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Particle-in-cell simulations of shock-driven reconnection in relativistic striped winds

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    By means of two- and three-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations, we investigate the process of driven magnetic reconnection at the termination shock of relativistic striped flows. In pulsar winds and in magnetar-powered relativistic jets, the flow consists of stripes of alternating magnetic field polarity, separated by current sheets of hot plasma. At the wind termination shock, the flow compresses and the alternating fields annihilate by driven magnetic reconnection. Irrespective of the stripe wavelength "lambda" or the wind magnetization "sigma" (in the regime sigma>>1 of magnetically-dominated flows), shock-driven reconnection transfers all the magnetic energy of alternating fields to the particles, whose average Lorentz factor increases by a factor of sigma with respect to the pre-shock value. In the limit lambda/(r_L*sigma)>>1, where r_L is the relativistic Larmor radius in the wind, the post-shock particle spectrum approaches a flat power-law tail with slope around -1.5, populated by particles accelerated by the reconnection electric field. The presence of a current-aligned "guide" magnetic field suppresses the acceleration of particles only when the guide field is stronger than the alternating component. Our findings place important constraints on the models of non-thermal radiation from Pulsar Wind Nebulae and relativistic jets.Comment: 25 pages, 14 figures, movies available at https://www.cfa.harvard.edu/~lsironi/sironi_movies.tar ; in press, special issue of Computational Science and Discovery on selected research from the 22nd International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Plasma

    The Crab Nebula: interpretation of CHANDRA observations

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    We interpret the observed X-ray morphology of the central part of the Crab Nebula (torus + jets) in terms of the standard theory by Kennel and Coroniti (1984). The only new element is the inclusion of anisotropy in the energy flux from the pulsar in the theory. In the standard theory of relativistic winds, the Lorentz factor of the particles in front of the shock that terminates the pulsar relativistic wind depends on the polar angle as Îł=Îł0+Îłmsin⁥2Ξ\gamma=\gamma_0+\gamma_m\sin^2\theta, where Îł0∌200\gamma_0 \sim 200 and Îłm∌4.5×106\gamma_m \sim 4.5\times 10^6. The plasma flow in the wind is isotropic. After the passage of the pulsar wind through the shock, the flow becomes subsonic with a roughly constant (over the plerion volume) pressure P=13nÏ”P={1\over 3}n\epsilon, where nn is the plasma particle density and Ï”\epsilon is the mean particle energy. Since Ï”âˆŒÎłmc2\epsilon \sim \gamma mc^2, a low-density region filled with the most energetic electrons is formed near the equator. A bright torus of synchrotron radiation develops here. Jet-like regions are formed along the pulsar rotation axis, where the particle density is almost four orders of magnitude higher than that in the equatorial plane, because the particle energy there is four orders of magnitude lower. The energy of these particles is too low to produce detectable synchrotron radiation. However, these quasi-jets become comparable in brightness to the torus if additional particle acceleration takes place in the plerion. We also present the results of our study of the hydrodynamic interaction between an anisotropic wind and the interstellar medium. We compare the calculated and observed distributions of the volume intensity of X-ray radiation.Comment: 38 pages, 5 figures. To be published in Astronomy Letters, 2002, N 6, p.

    MHD models of Pulsar Wind Nebulae

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    Pulsar Wind Nebulae (PWNe) are bubbles or relativistic plasma that form when the pulsar wind is confined by the SNR or the ISM. Recent observations have shown a richness of emission features that has driven a renewed interest in the theoretical modeling of these objects. In recent years a MHD paradigm has been developed, capable of reproducing almost all of the observed properties of PWNe, shedding new light on many old issues. Given that PWNe are perhaps the nearest systems where processes related to relativistic dynamics can be investigated with high accuracy, a reliable model of their behavior is paramount for a correct understanding of high energy astrophysics in general. I will review the present status of MHD models: what are the key ingredients, their successes, and open questions that still need further investigation.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures, Invited Review, Proceedings of the "ICREA Workshop on The High-Energy Emission from Pulsars and their Systems", Sant Cugat, Spain, April 12-16, 201
