107 research outputs found


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    The article presents the estimation of the quality of strategic goal-setting basing on the analysis of the system of indices of the development of Russian pharmaceutical industry. The author offered a technique allowing to compare different scenario approaches of the industry development on the basis of goal-setting. An idea about the necessity of significant differences between different scenario approachesfor acknowledge of their strategically importance is theoretically proved in the article. As for practice in the strategic planning proposed method allows to control this process, to reduce expenses for development of strategic plans. In this article we put into scientific circulation and calculated the index of innovation strategic goals of development of pharmaceutical industry of Russian Federation, which amounts to 5,5 % that speaks about the necessity of their correction

    Organizational and financial mechanisms for implementation of the projects in the field of increasing the energy efficiency of the regional economy

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    Nowadays budgetary funds still prevail among sources of financing of the projects in the area of increasing the energy efficiency of the regional economy in the Russian Federation. For example, in the Tver region in 2016, 82% of the projects for the modernization of the heat supply infrastructure and 100% for the modernization of the electricity supply infrastructure were implemented at the expense of the budget. At the same time, there is a decrease in the total amount of state financing of energy efficiency projects due to a high proportion of the budget deficit of the subjects of the Russian Federation. According to the agency ACRA (information dated April, 12, 2017 at www.acra-ratings.ru), 58 out of 85 regional budgets for 2017 were accepted with a total deficit of 193 billion rubles. At the same time, the urgency of applying organizational and financial mechanisms for the implementation of energy efficient projects involving alternative financing is growing. The article systematizes the views on the perspective mechanisms for implementing projects in the field of increasing the energy efficiency of the regional economy, including taking into account the analysis of problems of their application in the example of the Tver region. The authors studied existing organizational and financial mechanisms for energy-efficient projects, including public private and municipal private partnerships, and the Local Initiatives Support Program

    Influence of the participatory budgeting on the infrastructural development of the territories in the Russian federation

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    The relevance of the investigated problem is caused by the need for the advancing of participatory budgeting practice in the Russian Federation. Due to insufficient development of theoretical, scientific, and methodological aspects of the participatory budgeting, very few territories in the Russian Federation use this tool effectively. The most important issue to be addressed is increasing the effectiveness of involving of local communities in the process of the rational allocation of budgetary funds. The objective of this paper is to study how participatory budgeting influences the potential of infrastructural development of territories in the Russian Federation. The leading methods of investigation of the problem include analyzing the common practices in certain regions and specifying the different categories of participatory budgeting. Using these methods, the authors consider the participatory budgeting as a process of allocating the budget funds to address the primary local problems, which leads to improving territorial infrastructure development. The results of the given research include updated conceptual basis of participatory budgeting; indicators reflecting the influence of the participatory budgeting on infrastructural development and criteria for its implementation in the municipalities; organizational chart clarifying the methodological aspects of different types of the participatory budgeting; and classification of territorial development mechanisms based on the participatory budgeting models of financing municipal projects. The practical significance of the given research is focused on the development of the practice of the relevant projects financing through the participatory budgeting in the Russian regions by systematizing their conceptual frameworks. Results of the study can be used by regional and municipal authorities to improve the relevant legislation, and by representatives of local communities to increase their participation in the budgeting process. © 2016 Tsurkan et al

    Inadecuación de la audiencia al rebelde para denunciar la infracción del derecho de audiencia debida a notificación irregular

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze students’ awareness and con­sciousness about the threat to health of risk factors for the development of chronic non-infectious diseases, to determine whether they have the skills of a healthy lifestyle and to develop and scientifically substantiate the Algorithm for introducing health-saving educational technologies in the educational process of higher educational institutions of Ukraine. A sociological survey was conducted among students of higher educational institutions of Ukraine regarding the levels of awareness and consciousness about certain factors in the development of non-infectious diseases. 430 students of the Kiev National University of Trade and Economics and 216 students of SumyStatePedagogicalUniversitywere interviewed. A specially designed questionnaire was used. A high level of awareness of students about the main factors in the development of non-infectious diseases – poor nutrition, low physical activity, smoking and alcohol abuse has been established. At the same time, students are not sufficiently conscious about the risk of developing diseases and are unsufficiently motivated to a healthy lifestyle. It is shown a significant difference in indicators of healthy lifestyle among students of institutions of various profile. The Algorithm for the introduction of a health-saving educational technologies into the educational process of higher educational institutions, which is a scientifically substantiated system containing the main tasks, principles and measures aimed at raising the level of awareness and consciousness of young students about the health threat of risk factors for the development of chronic non- infectious diseases has been developed. The data obtained are the basis for the improvement of measures for the prevention of non-infectious diseases among students inUkraine

    Tandem Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Novel Peptide-Modified Gemini Surfactants Used as Gene Delivery Vectors.

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    NSERC, CIHR, CFIDiquaternary ammonium gemini surfactants have emerged as effective gene delivery vectors. A novel series of 11 peptide-modified compounds was synthesized, showing promising results in delivering genetic materials. The purpose of this work is to elucidate the tandem mass spectrometric (MS/MS) dissociation behavior of these novel molecules establishing a generalized MS/MS fingerprint. Exact mass measurements were achieved using a hybrid quadrupole orthogonal time-of-flight mass spectrometer, and a multi-stage MS/MS analysis was conducted using a triple quadrupole-linear ion trap mass spectrometer. Both instruments were operated in the positive ionization mode and are equipped with electrospray ionization. Abundant triply charged [M+H]3+ species were observed in the single-stage analysis of all the evaluated compounds with mass accuracies of less than 8 ppm in mass error. MS/MS analysis showed that the evaluated gemini surfactants exhibited peptide-related dissociation characteristics because of the presence of amino acids within the compounds' spacer region. In particular, diagnostic product ions were originated from the neutral loss of ammonia from the amino acids' side chain resulting in the formation of pipecolic acid at the N-terminus part of the gemini surfactants. In addition, a charge-directed amide bond cleavage was initiated by the amino acids' side chain producing a protonated α-amino-ε-caprolactam ion and its complimentary C-terminus ion that contains quaternary amines. MS/MS and MS3 analysis revealed common fragmentation behavior among all tested compounds, resulting in the production of a universal MS/MS fragmentation pathway

    Ultrathin Silicon Membranes for Wearable Dialysis

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    The development of wearable or implantable technologies that replace center-based hemodialysis (HD) hold promise to improve outcomes and quality of life for patients with ESRD. A prerequisite for these technologies is the development of highly efficient membranes that can achieve high toxin clearance in small-device formats. Here we examine the application of the porous nanocrystalline silicon (pnc-Si) to HD. pnc-Si is a molecularly thin nanoporous membrane material that is orders of magnitude more permeable than conventional HD membranes. Material developments have allowed us to dramatically increase the amount of active membrane available for dialysis on pnc-Si chips. By controlling pore sizes during manufacturing, pnc-Si membranes can be engineered to pass middle-molecular-weight protein toxins while retaining albumin, mimicking the healthy kidney. A microfluidic dialysis device developed with pnc-Si achieves urea clearance rates that confirm that the membrane offers no resistance to urea passage. Finally, surface modifications with thin hydrophilic coatings are shown to block cell and protein adhesion

    Функция ортотопического мочевого резервуара, сформированного из илеоцекального угла, в отдаленные сроки после радикальной цистэктомии у женщин

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    Objective: to study the long-term functional results of creating an orthotopic urinary reservoir from the ileocecal angle in comparison with the Studer technique of creating a urinary reservoir after radical cystectomy in women.Materials and methods. From 2004 to 2018 radical cystectomy for bladder cancer was performed in 120 women. In 71 (59.2 %) patients, an orthotopic urinary reservoir was formed: 48 (67.6 %) from the ileum, 23 (32.4 %) from segments of the colon. This study included 11 patients who had a reservoir formed from the ileocecal angle, including by their own modification, and 13 patients who had a reservoir forme by Studer. The average age of the patients was 62.6 ± 2.6 (29—82) years. The average follow-up time was 77.1 ± 10.5 (19—184) months. The presence and degree of urinary incontinence was assessed using a questionnaire and a Pad test. 12 months or more after the operation, a complex urodynamic study was performed.Results. The overall 5-year survival rate was 92.3 %: in the Studergroup it was 90.9 %, in the ileocecal angle group it was 100 % (p = 0.317). In the general population of patients, 37.5 % were completely continent. Women after plastic surgery by Studer retained urine better than after plastic surgery by ileocecal angle (46.2 % vs 27.3 %), the difference was only for mild urinary incontinence, which was more common in the ileocecal angle group. The frequency of severe urinary incontinence in both groups was the same. Nocturnal urinary incontinence was more common in patients in the Studer group (46.2 %). In the group of patients with ileocecal angle plastic surgery, there was no chronic urinary retention requiring intermittent catheterization, and in the group of Studer plastic surgery — in 1 (7.7 %) case. Analysis of urodynamic parameters revealed the presence of a greater physiological capacity of the urinary reservoir in the group of patients after plastic surgery according to Studer (p = 0.043). In the group of patients with ileocecal angle plastic surgery, higher values of the maximum pressure of the reservoir wall, “leakage pressure” and maximum expulsion pressure are observed, possibly associated with a more pronounced muscle layer of the intestinal segment used.Conclusion. The functional results of the orthotopic reservoir formedfrom the ileocecal angle are comparable to the results of urine derivation using the classical Studer method. Complex urodynamic study showed a direct influence of various characteristics of the reservoir on the nature and degree of urination disorders in patients.Цель исследования — изучение отдаленных функциональных результатов создания ортотопического мочевого резервуара из илеоцекального угла в сравнении с техникой создания мочевого резервуара по Studer после радикальной цистэктомии у женщин.Материалы и методы. С 2004 по 2018 г. радикальная цистэктомия по поводу рака мочевого пузыря выполнена 120 женщинам. У 71 (59,2 %) пациентки сформирован ортотопический мочевой резервуар: из подвздошной кишки — у 48 (67,6 %), из сегментов толстой кишки — у 23 (32,4 %). В исследование включены 11 пациенток, которым был сформирован резервуар из илеоцекального угла, в том числе по собственной модификации, и 13 пациенток, которым был сформирован резервуар по Studer. Средний возраст пациенток составил 62,6 ± 2,6 (29—82) года. Среднее время наблюдения — 77,1 ± 10,5 (19—184) мес. Наличие и степень недержания мочи оценивали с помощью анкетирования и Pad-теста. Спустя 12 мес и более после операции выполняли комплексное уро-динамическое исследование.Результаты. Общая 5-летняя выживаемость составила 92,3 %: в группе Studer — 90,9 %, в группе илеоцекального угла — 100 % (p = 0,317). В общей популяции больных 37,5 % пациенток оказались полностью континентными. Женщины после пластики по Studer лучше удерживали мочу, чем после пластики илеоцекальным углом (46,2 % против 27,3 %), разница была только по недержанию мочи легкой степени, которое чаще встречалось в группе илеоцекального угла. Частота недержания мочи тяжелой степени в обеих группах оказалась одинаковой. Ночное недержание мочи чаще встречалось у пациенток в группе Studer (46,2 %). В группе илеоцекального угла не было хронической задержки мочи, требующей интермиттирующей катетеризации, в группе Studer она отмечена в 1 (7,7 %) случае. При анализе уродинамических показателей наблюдается наличие большей физиологической емкости мочевого резервуара в группе пациенток после пластики по Studer (p = 0,043). В группе илеоцекального угла отмечаются более высокие показатели максимального давления стенки резервуара, «давления утечки» и максимального давления изгнания, возможно связанные с более выраженным мышечным слоем используемого сегмента кишечника.Заключение. Функциональные результаты ортотопического резервуара, сформированного из илеоцекального угла, сопоставимы с результатами деривации мочи по классической методике Studer. Данные комплексного уродинамического исследования показали прямое влияние различных характеристик резервуара на характер и степень нарушений мочеиспускания пациенток

    Тридцатидневные осложнения радикальной цистэктомии и факторы, влияющие на их развитие

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    Objective: to identify the most important factors influencing the development of complications after radical cystectomy (RCE).Materials and methods. The results of 182 RCEs performed in September 2014 and December 2016 were analyzed. The patients included 152 (83.5 %) men and 30 (16.5 %) women. The patients’ age ranged from 31 to 84 years (mean age 62.3 years). An orthotopic urinary reservoir was formed in 138 (75.8 %) patients. Postoperative complications were evaluated according to the Clavien–Dindo classification. The calculations were made with a computer program for SPSS Statistics 16.Results. No complications were recorded in 84 (46.2 %) patients within 30 days after RCE. The development of various postoperative adverse reactions was observed in 98 (53.8 %) patients. The most common complications were gastrointestinal (26.9 %) and infectious (25.8 %). Sixteen (8.8 %) patients developed grade I complications; grades II, III, IV, and V complications were seen in 53 (29.1 %), 21 (11.5 %), 5 (2.7 %), in 3 patients, respectively. Thirty-day mortality was 1.64 %. Univariate regression analysis has established that overweight (p = 0.031), T status (p = 0.021), preoperative hemoglobin levels (p = 0.001), intraoperative blood loss (p = 0.009), and intraoperative abdominal cavity infection (p <0.001) play a significant role in the development of complications following RCE. Multivariate regression analysis has revealed that the frequency of complications after RCE is influenced by body mass index (p = 0.008), preoperative anemia (p = 0.034), blood loss (p = 0.003), and intraoperative abdominal cavity infection (p <0.001).Conclusion. RCE is often accompanied by the development of different categories and severity of complications. Identification of risk factors for their complications will be able to elaborate effective ways for their prevention.Цель исследования – выявление наиболее значимых факторов, влияющих на развитие осложнений после проведения радикальной цистэктомии (РЦЭ).Материалы и методы. Проанализированы результаты 182 РЦЭ, произведенных с сентября 2014 г. по декабрь 2016 г. Среди пациентов были 152 (83,5 %) мужчин и 30 (16,5 %) женщин. Возраст больных варьировал от 31 до 84 лет (средний возраст 62,3 года). У 138 (75,8 %) пациентов сформирован ортотопический мочевой резервуар. Послеоперационные осложнения оценивали по классификации Clavien–Dindo. Расчеты выполняли в компьютерной программе для статистической обработки данных SPSS Statistics 16.Результаты. У 84 (46,2 %) пациентов в 30-дневные сроки после РЦЭ осложнений не зарегистрировано. У 98 (53,8 %) больных было зафиксировано развитие различных нежелательных отклонений после операции. Наиболее частыми осложнениями явились желудочно-кишечные (26,9 %) и инфекционные (25,8 %). У 16 (8,8 %) пациентов развились осложнения I степени, у 53 (29,1 %) – II, у 21 (11,5 %) – III, у 5 (2,7 %) – IV, у 3 пациентов – V. Тридцатидневная летальность составила 1,64 %. Однофакторный регрессионный анализ установил значимую роль избыточной массы тела больных (p = 0,031), T-статуса опухоли (p = 0,021), уровня гемоглобина до операции (p = 0,001), объема интраоперационной кровопотери (р = 0,009) и интраоперационного инфицирования брюшной полости (р <0,001) в развитии осложнений после РЦЭ. Многофакторный регрессионный анализ выявил, что на частоту развития осложнений после РЦЭ влияют индекс массы тела (р = 0,008), анемия до операции (р = 0,034), кровопотеря (р = 0,003) и интраоперационное инфицирование брюшной полости (р <0,001).Заключение. РЦЭ часто сопровождается развитием осложнений различных категорий и степени тяжести. Выявление факторов риска их развития позволит разработать эффективные пути их профилактики

    Структура 90-дневных осложнений после резекции единственной почки при опухолях ее паренхимы

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    Objective. Study of 90 day complications after solitary kidney resection and determination of their dependence on resection complexity level in accordance with the RENAL nephrometry scoring system.Materials and methods. Seventy (70) resections due to solitary kidney tumors were performed in 65 patients (34 males and 31 females). Mean age was 59.1 years (40–75 years). Fifty-five (55) patients had renal cell carcinoma, 10 patients had benign tumors. According to the RENAL scoring system, in 17 (24 %) cases resection complexity was 4–6 points, in 21 (30 %) cases it was 7–9 points, in 32 (45 %) cases it was 10–12 points. Mean tumor diameter was 4.4 (1.5–10.0) cm. Kidney resection without ischemia was performed in 3 patients, with segmental ischemia – in 39 cases. In 28 (40 %) cases general ischemia was used, its mean duration was 18 (6–48) minutes. Local hypothermia was used in 5 patients. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS Statistics 16.Results. Analysis of 90 day complications revealed no complications in 41 (58.6 %) cases, severity grade I complications were observed in 2 (2.9 %) cases, grade II – in 20 (28.6 %), grade III – in 6 (8.6 %); there were no grade IV and V complications. Hemodialysis wasn’t performed. Complications were significantly more frequent when total RENAL points were higher (Mann–Whitney U-test, р = 0.001); a positive correlation between RENAL score and presence of complications was observed (Spearman’s rho 0.411; p <0.001). A dependence between complications severity and RENAL score (Mann–Whitney U-test, р = 0.004) and a positive correlation between complications severity and RENAL score (Spearman’s rho 0.432; p <0,001) were revealed.Conclusion. Forty-five percent (45 %) of kidney resections were of maximum complexity according to the RENAL scoring system. In 60 % of cases resection was performed without general ischemia. Analysis of the results of solitary kidney resection demonstrated high efficacy and safety of the procedure and dependence of the frequency and severity of complications on complexity level per the RENAL scoring system.Цель исследования: изучить структуру 90-дневных осложнений после резекции единственной почки и определить зависимость их возникновения от степени сложности резекции по нефрометрической системе R.E.N.A.L.Материал и методика. 65 пациентам с опухолями единственной почки произведено 70 резекций  почки. Мужчин было 34, женщин – 31 в возрасте 59,1 (40 – 75) лет. У 55 больных был ПКР, у 10 – доброкачественные опухоли. Степень сложности резекции почки по системе R.E.N.A.L. определена: 4-6 баллов - в 17 (24%) случаях, 7–9 – в 21 (30%), 10–12 - в  32 (45%). Средний диаметр опухолей составил 4,4 см (1,5–10 см).  Резекция почки без ишемии осуществлена у 3 больных, в 39 случаях - с сегментарной ишемией. В 28 случаях (40%) применяли общую ишемию, среднее время ишемии составило 18,0 мин (6–48 мин). У 5 больных применяли местную гипотермию. Статистический анализ проведен с использованием SPSS statistics 16.Результаты. При анализе 90-дневных осложнений установлено: не было осложнений – 41 (58,6%) случаев; I степени –2 (2,9%); II –20 (28,6%); III – 6 (8,6%); IV – 0; V степени – 0. Гемодиализа не было. Осложнения статистически значимо чаще встречались при увеличении балла RENAL (U-test р=0,001), выявлена положительная корреляция между величиной балла RENAL и наличием осложнений (R=0,411, p<0,001). Выявлена зависимость тяжести осложнений от величины RENAL (U-test р=0,004) и положительная корреляция между тяжестью осложнений и баллом RENAL (R=0,432, p<0,001).Заключение. 45% случаев резекции почки относилось к максимальной степени сложности по системе R.E.N.A.L. В 60% случаев резекцию почки выполняли без общей ишемии. Анализ результатов резекции единственной почки показал их высокую эффективность и безопасность и зависимость частоты и тяжести осложнений от степени сложности резекции по системе RENAL

    DIVULGA.net: internacionalización de la divulgación del conocimiento científico y académico en internet

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    El proyecto DIVULGA.net tiene la finalidad específica de internacionalizar la difusión de conocimiento científico y académico, en una iniciativa liderada por alumnos UCM y cuyo propósito es incorporar a estudiantes de universidades extranjeras. De este modo se pueden crear sinergias que fortalezcan una red en internet de divulgación de cultura científica con los universitarios como agentes principales