8 research outputs found

    Методологія використання мікроконтролеру Ардуїно при вирішенні агроінженерних задач для студентів в рамках проходження навчальної практики

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    UK: Серед традиційних форм та методик навчання, у педагогічній практиці все частіше використовуються інтерактивні технології [1, 2]. Це пов'язано з тим, що вони спрямовані на підвищення пізнавальної активності студентів, націлені на кооперативну обробку навчальної інформації з виробленням нових знань особисто кожним студентом в оптимальному тільки для нього режимі. Інтерактивні технології навчання досить швидко були визнані дієвим засобом впровадження нових освітніх технологій. EN: The article examines the issues of improving students practical experience during practical training using the Arduino microcontroller in solving agro-engineering problems. The proposed methodology for conducting students practical training as an element of interactive learning technology that will allow students to deepen their knowledge, gain and consolidate their practical experience, as well as turn the student into an active participant of the educational process, demonstrating their initiative and revealing creative and intellectual potential

    Anti-crisis management in Higher Education institutions of Ukraine during the Covid-19 pandemic

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    The article provides an overview of the anti-crisis managerial strategies of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine and educational authorities of Ukrainian higher education institutions in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The study comprises results of the on-line survey conducted between the 1st of March 2021 and 11th of April 2021 and covering 380 respondents (faculty members of 12 major higher education institutions in various regions of the country). The statistical and descriptive analysis of the challenges faced by Ukrainian teachers was carried out. The review makes clear that anti-crisis management activities (organizational, socio-psychological, technical, etc.) during corona-based closures have not yet been the object of sufficient surveys and therefore remain an unexplored phenomenon. The review presented proves the urgency of the problem of development of anti-crisis management activities and is intended to facilitate educational anti-crisis management. In addition, the study provides a relevant information basis for decisions and action in politics, administration and academic practice

    Розробка cистеми обліку успішності школярів

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    Мета полягає у проектуванні інформаційної системи обліку успішності школярів. Потрібно побудувати базу даних, яка була б максимально гнучкою. У базі даних повинні міститися дані про школярів, їх оцінках, вчителів, предметах, тощо

    Psycho-Emotional State of Ukrainian Soldiers Before Going to the Frontline

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    The aim of the study is to investigate the psychological state of the soldiers before they go to the battle space. The article shows the Assessment of people’s behavior, their psycho-emotional characteristics, and the degree of their adaptability in extreme conditions. This interest has increased even further due to the intensification of hostilities in Ukraine since February 2022 after the invasion of Russian forces on its territory. Extreme situations, including military conflicts, largely affect people’s ability to withstand stress, and their willingness to survive these events safely and develop a sufficient degree of adaptability in themselves. Researchers examine the psycho-emotional state of an individual from the standpoint of different theoretical positions. Conclusions. This study has shown that the current psycho-emotional state of Ukrainian military personnel who are preparing to go to the front line is characterized by a low degree of anxiety, increased aggressiveness, and the ability to adapt to environmental conditions easily, set goals and achieve them. At the same time, the military of Ukraine also show symptoms of stress, and some signs of neuropsychic instability, psychopathy, hysteria, paranoia, and psychasthenia. These personality traits may be directly related to the nature of their professional activities and an increased sense of awareness of their own significance and importance in combat conditions. In general, the listed features of the psycho-emotional state are evidence of the readiness of Ukrainian service members to participate in the war and their ability to perform their duties effectively.</p

    Методологія використання WEB-API в ІТ-сфері

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    UK: За останні кілька років «цифровізація» змінила спосіб обміну інформацією на ринку праці: організація, переважно, відбувається за допомогою електронних засобів. При цьому, обчислювальна потужність збільшилася настільки, що інформаційні технології можуть обробляти великі обсяги даних, які стають доступними для роботодавців через використання соціальних засобів комунікації. EN: The article examines he relevance of working out the principles of the combination of the labor market with the market of educational services. The features of the ESCO classifier, which combines users from different countries of the European Union, and the principles of identifying professions, knowledge, skills and competencies are considered

    The achievement of the country’s sustainable development in the conditions of global threats

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    The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development stipulates the need for economical use of natural resources and the introduction of green technologies to ensure the harmonious reconciliation of economic, social, and environmental development. However, the problems associated with the definition of the country’s sustainable development in conditions of global threats are far from being solved and require further theoretical efforts. So,the purpose of the article is to form a methodological approach to define the country’s sustainable development in conditions of global threats. The methods used in this study are the comparative and statistical analysis , the systematic approach – in creating the mechanism of ensuring the sustainable development of the world in conditions of global challenges. The analysis results show that the methodological approach allows assessing the country’s sustainable development considering global threats, which, in turn, policy adjustments to strengthen sustainable development in global crises. This study concludes that globalization’s process causes various changes; the positive or negative vector of these changes largely depends on the level of sustainable development of the country and the country’s position in the world economy. The higher the country’s sustainable development indicators, the more positive effects of globalization the state receives