27 research outputs found

    Architecture of economic activity efficiency of agricultural fruit producers of the region under sanctions

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    In the current realities, it is engineering and dealer services that take into account the balance of interests to ensure the development of management decisions that contribute to improving the quality of activities of fruit growing organizations in the region, the effective use of engineering innovations and equity capital. During the study, an assessment was made of entrepreneurial activity, the duration of the operating and financial cycles, financial stability of engineering and dealer organizations, and a factor analysis of return on capital was carried out, using the example of manufacturers of agricultural machinery for fruit growing. The assessment of indicators included an assessment of turnover of current assets, profitability, SWOT analysis and identification of risks of reducing the efficiency of business activities, taking into account factors affecting the optimization of leverage. Low profitability of the engineering and dealer business is associated with an ineffective pricing strategy, setting low prices when participating in government contracts and a significant amount of variable costs in the overall cost structure. To improve the situation, it was proposed to optimize the work of dealer centers and revise the pricing policy

    Telomerase inhibition by new di- and trisubstituted acridine derivatives

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    Aim. To study a series of new acridine derivatives containing two basic fragments able to bind to quadruplex DNA at C-4 and C-9 positions as potential telomerase inhibitors. Methods. TRAP assay was used to determine the activity of compounds in vitro. Results. A number of acridines inhibiting the enzyme at micromolar concentrations were found, with IC₅₀ = 2.6 µM for the most active compound. Conclusions. The introduction of a highly basic N,N-dimethylaminoalkyl group at the C-9 position of the acridine core results in a strong increase of biological activity of compounds, and a 5-methyl substituent further enhances it.Мета. Дослідити серію нових похідних акридину, що містять у положеннях С-4 і С-9 два основні фрагменти, здатні зв’я-зу-ва-ти-ся з квадруплексною ДНК, як потенційних інгібіторів теломерази. Методи. Для визначення активності сполук in vitro вико-ристано метод TRAP. Результати. Виявлено ряд акридинів, що інгібують фермент у низьких мікромолярних концентраціях, для найактивнішого з яких ІС₅₀ = 2.6 мкМ. Висновки. При введенні високоосновної N,N-диметиламіноалкільної групи в положення С-9 акридинового ядра біологічна активність сполук різко зростає, а 5-метильний замісник додатково збільшує її.Цель. Изучить серию новых производных акридина, содержащих в положениях С-4 и С-9 два основных фрагмента, способных связываться с квадруплексной ДНК, как потенциальных ингибиторов теломеразы. Методы. Для определения активности веществ in vitro использован метод TRAP. Результаты. Обнаружен ряд акридинов, ингибирующих фермент в низких микромоляных концентрациях, для самого активного из которых ІС₅₀ = 2.6 мкM. Выводы. При введении высокоосновной N,N-диметиламиноадкильной группы в положении С-9 акридинового ядра биологическая активность соединений резко возрастает, а 5-метильный заместитель дополнительно увеличивает ее

    Project of VEPP-2000 electron-positron collider

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    The status of VEPP-2M collider is presented. Implementation of Round Colliding Beams (RCB) concept in the new collider VEPP-2M is outlined, potential advantages of RCB over the flat colliding beams are discussed. The main desing parameters and features of this VEPP-2000 collider are reported

    Aphorisms and author’s means of their structure

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    Розглянуто афоризми як один із різновидів експресивних стислих текстів, а також особливості функціонування різноманітних засобів побудови афоризмів, характерні для певного автора.Рассмотрены афоризмы как одна из разновидностей экспрессивных сжатыхтекстов, а также особенности функционирования разнообразных средств построения афоризмов, характерные для определенного автора.The article is devoted to the consideration of aphorisms as one of the types of expressive compressed texts. In addition, the features of functioning of diverse means of aphorisms building typical to a certain author are considered in the article

    Monoclonal antibodies for coronavirus infection in pregnant and puerperal women

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    O.V. Polikarpova1, Yu.E. Dobrokhotova2, N.A. Shevchenko1, V.M. Grabovskiy1, M.A. Lysenko1 1City Clinical Hospital No. 52, Moscow, Russian Federation 2Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russian Federation Aim: to compare the efficacy of monoclonal antibodies for novel coronavirus infection treatment in pregnant women. Patients and Methods: a retrospective analysis of medical reports of 502 pregnant and puerperal women aged 18–49 years with mild-to-moderate novel coronavirus infection who received monoclonal antibodies was performed. Women were divided into two groups. Group 1 included 108 women who received sotrovimab. Group 2 included 394 women who received bamlanivimab plus etesevimab. The condition was evaluated over 14 days after administering drug(s) based on the data of the general condition survey and laboratory and instrumental tests on days 1, 3, and 7 of follow-up. Lung damage was detected using ultrasound. Results: the maximum number of patients with lung damage grades 1a and 2a was identified on day 3 after starting therapy, i.e., 34.6% in the sotrovimab group and 71.8% in the bamlanivimab plus etesevimab group. On day 14 after starting therapy, most women recovered. When comparing the efficacy of two treatments, sotrovimab was superior to bamlanivimab plus etesevimab (recovery was reported in 96% and 89%, respectively). No adverse events after sotrovimab administration were reported. No therapy-associated clinically significant events were detected using ultrasound during pregnancy and the postnatal period on days 3 and 7 after drug administration. Conclusion: treatment for mild-to-moderate novel coronavirus infection with monoclonal antibodies in pregnant women is effective and reduces the number of hospital admissions, complications, and maternal and perinatal mortality. Keywords: COVID-19, pregnancy, monoclonal antibodies, obstetric risk, efficacy. For citation: Polikarpova O.V., Dobrokhotova Yu.E., Shevchenko N.A., Grabovskiy V.M., Lysenko M.A. Monoclonal antibodies for coronavirus infection in pregnant and puerperal women. Russian Journal of Woman and Child Health. 2023;6(3):241–246 (in Russ.). DOI: 10.32364/2618-8430-2023-6-3-4. </p

    Fertility preservation problem in oncohematological patients of reproductive age

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    Yu.E. Dobrokhotova1, M.A. Lysenko1,2, V.M. Grabovsky2, N.A. Shevchenko1,2, I.M. Grashchenko2 1Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russian Federation 2City Clinical Hospital No.52, Moscow, Russian Federation Modern advances in the early diagnosis and treatment of oncological, in particular oncohematological, diseases have led to an increase in the reproductive-aged life expectancy. The use of effective, but aggressive from the standpoint of gonadotoxic treatment, chemotherapy regimens in the treatment of female patients of reproductive age with hematologic malignancies can lead to iatrogenic premature ovarian insufficiency with reduced fertility. All female patients of reproductive age who are scheduled for chemotherapy courses should be informed in a timely manner about the possible ovarian insufficiency and consulted about modern methods of preserving fertility, taking into account both medical and social factors. Cryopreservation procedures (cryopreservation of oocytes, embryos, ovarian tissue) create a large financial burden, being a significant social problem. However, the accumulated experience of using a financially affordable medical method for preserving ovarian function (gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist drugs) during chemotherapy allows to widely use it in everyday practice. Further trials are needed to study the use of combined oral contraceptives in oncohematological female patients, which include innovative components that provide minimal effect on the hemostatic system and a favorable safety profile for venous thromboembolism. Keywords: hematological malignancies, fertility preservation, gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists, oocyte cryopreservation, embryo cryopreservation, ovarian tissue cryopreservation, assisted reproductive technologies. For citation: Dobrokhotova Yu.E., Lysenko M.A., Grabovsky V.M., Shevchenko N.A., Grashchenko I.M. Fertility preservation problem in oncohematological patients of reproductive age. Russian Journal of Woman and Child Health. 2023;6(4):362–367 (in Russ.). DOI: 10.32364/2618-8430-2023-6-4-6. <br

    Endometrial hyperplasia process in female patients with chronic kidney disease: the choice of treatment tactics

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    Yu.E. Dobrokhotova1, M.A. Lysenko2, V.M. Grabovsky2, N.A. Shevchenko1,2, N.P. Zapolskaya2 1Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russian Federation 2City Clinical Hospital No. 52, Moscow, Russian Federation This article provides a literature review demonstrating modern paradigms concerning etiology, pathogenesis and management of endometrial hyperplasia processes in female patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Endometrial hyperplasia (EH) is a pathological process with various phenotypic cell changes and a characteristic predominance of glands over the stromal and epithelial components in the endometrium. Untimely diagnosis and treatment of EH can cause the pathology progression and the development of endometrium malignant transformation. Endometrial cancer (EC) refers to one of the most common malignant tumor forms of the female reproductive system, and EH, as a rule, is its precursor. In the gynecological morbidity structure, EH is 10 to 55%, and its incidence is steadily increasing. EH occurs as a result of excessive estrogen stimulation, when it is not compensated by the progesterone action. In addition, patients with CKD develop "immunosuppressive states" due to the use of various types of renal replacement therapy (hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, taking immunosuppressive drugs in patients with kidney transplant). Every year there are more and more such female patients. Over the past decade, there has been no reference in the Russian literature concerning a systematic approach to the diagnosis and treatment of EH in female patients with CKD. Considering that these were female patients of the reproductive period to a greater extent, who wanted to perform the childbearing function in the future, therefore, this problem is very relevant for the world medical community. Keywords: endometrial hyperplasia, abnormal uterine bleeding, chronic kidney disease, hemodialysis, kidney transplant, peritoneal dialysis, immunosuppression. For citation: Dobrokhotova Yu.E., Lysenko M.A., Grabovsky V.M., Shevchenko N.A., Zapolskaya N.P. Endometrial hyperplasia process in female patients with chronic kidney disease: the choice of treatment tactics. Russian Journal of Woman and Child Health. 2023;6(4):380–384 (in Russ.). DOI: 10.32364/2618-8430-2023-6-4-9. </p

    Telomerase inhibition by new di- and trisubstituted acridine derivatives

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    Aim. To study a series of new acridine derivatives containing two basic fragments able to bind to quadruplex DNA at C-4 and C-9 positions as potential telomerase inhibitors. Methods. TRAP assay was used to determine the activity of compounds in vitro. Results. A number of acridines inhibiting the enzyme at micromolar concentrations were found, with IC₅₀ = 2.6 µM for the most active compound. Conclusions. The introduction of a highly basic N,N-dimethylaminoalkyl group at the C-9 position of the acridine core results in a strong increase of biological activity of compounds, and a 5-methyl substituent further enhances it.Мета. Дослідити серію нових похідних акридину, що містять у положеннях С-4 і С-9 два основні фрагменти, здатні зв’я-зу-ва-ти-ся з квадруплексною ДНК, як потенційних інгібіторів теломерази. Методи. Для визначення активності сполук in vitro вико-ристано метод TRAP. Результати. Виявлено ряд акридинів, що інгібують фермент у низьких мікромолярних концентраціях, для найактивнішого з яких ІС₅₀ = 2.6 мкМ. Висновки. При введенні високоосновної N,N-диметиламіноалкільної групи в положення С-9 акридинового ядра біологічна активність сполук різко зростає, а 5-метильний замісник додатково збільшує її.Цель. Изучить серию новых производных акридина, содержащих в положениях С-4 и С-9 два основных фрагмента, способных связываться с квадруплексной ДНК, как потенциальных ингибиторов теломеразы. Методы. Для определения активности веществ in vitro использован метод TRAP. Результаты. Обнаружен ряд акридинов, ингибирующих фермент в низких микромоляных концентрациях, для самого активного из которых ІС₅₀ = 2.6 мкM. Выводы. При введении высокоосновной N,N-диметиламиноадкильной группы в положении С-9 акридинового ядра биологическая активность соединений резко возрастает, а 5-метильный заместитель дополнительно увеличивает ее

    Methodological approaches to the identification of plants in images using UAVs

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    The issues of plant identification on multispectral images on the example of wheat are considered. It has been shown that the possibility of cascading soil filtration is complicated by the uncertain state of moisture and land features for arable land. It is proposed to carry out the indication of plants based on their spectral portraits by the ratio of the intensity of their spectral components. The expediency of taking into account the horizontal area of plants as an indicator of the state of crops is substantiated.Рассмотрены вопросы идентификации растений на мультиспектральных снимках на примере пшеницы. Показано, что возможность каскадной фильтрации почвы осложняется неопределенным состоянием влажности и особенностями рельефа для пашни. Предложено осуществлять индикацию растений исходя из их спектральных портретов, а именно соотношением интенсивности их спектральных составляющих. Обосновано целесообразность учета горизонтальной площади растений как показателя состояния посевов

    Soehngenia saccharolytica gen.nov., sp.nov. and Clostridium amygdalinum sp.nov., two novel anaerobic benzaldehyde-converting bacteria

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    Two anaerobic, benzaldehyde-converting bacteria were isolated from an anaerobic upflow anaerobic sludge bed (UASB)-reactor treating potato starch waste water. Strain BOR-Y-T converted benzaldehyde to benzoate and benzylalcohol in approximately equimolar concentrations. Benzaldehyde conversion did not support growth. Strain BOR-Y-T was Gram-positive and rod-shaped, and its cells were slightly thickened in the middle. The strain was a mesophilic spore-former that grew between 15 and 40 degreesC, with optimum growth at 30-37 degreesC. The optimum pH for growth was pH 7(.)0. Strain BOR-Y-T grew on a wide range of carbohydrates and some other carbon sources including yeast extract, cysteine and serine. The G + C content of its DNA was 42 mol%. According to physiological characteristics and 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, confirmed by DNA-DNA hybridization with its phylogenetic neighbours, strain BOR-Y-T belongs to a novel genus of cluster XII of the clostridia, namely Soehngenia; the name Soehngenia saccharolytica is proposed for the type species (type strain BOR-Y-T = DSM 12858(T) ATCC BAA-502(T)). Strain BR-10(T) reduced benzaldehyde to benzylalcohol. This conversion was coupled to growth. In a medium containing yeast extract, the presence of benzaldehyde resulted in the accumulation of more than twofold more cells. Strain BR-10(T) was a Gram-positive organism that was characterized by oval- or rod-shaped cells with oval ends, which occurred singly, in pairs or sometimes in chains. The strain was moderately thermophilic and grew between 20 and 60 degreesC, with optimum growth at 45 degreesC. The optimum pH for growth was between pH 7(.)0 and 7(.)5. Strain BR-10(T) grew on a wide range of carbon sources including carbohydrates, yeast extract, casein and some amino acids. The G + C content of its DNA was 32 mol%. As determined by 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, strain BR-10(T) represents a novel species of cluster XIVa of the clostridia; the name Clostridium amygdalinum is proposed for this novel species (type strain BR-10(T) = DSM 12857(T) = ATCC BAA-501(T))