2,299 research outputs found

    A Limited Habitable Zone for Complex Life

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    The habitable zone (HZ) is commonly defined as the range of distances from a host star within which liquid water, a key requirement for life, may exist on a planet's surface. Substantially more CO2 than present in Earth's modern atmosphere is required to maintain clement temperatures for most of the HZ, with several bars required at the outer edge. However, most complex aerobic life on Earth is limited by CO2 concentrations of just fractions of a bar. At the same time, most exoplanets in the traditional HZ reside in proximity to M dwarfs, which are more numerous than Sun-like G dwarfs but are predicted to promote greater abundances of gases that can be toxic in the atmospheres of orbiting planets, such as carbon monoxide (CO). Here we show that the HZ for complex aerobic life is likely limited relative to that for microbial life. We use a 1D radiative-convective climate and photochemical models to circumscribe a Habitable Zone for Complex Life (HZCL) based on known toxicity limits for a range of organisms as a proof of concept. We find that for CO2 tolerances of 0.01, 0.1, and 1 bar, the HZCL is only 21%, 32%, and 50% as wide as the conventional HZ for a Sun-like star, and that CO concentrations may limit some complex life throughout the entire HZ of the coolest M dwarfs. These results cast new light on the likely distribution of complex life in the universe and have important ramifications for the search for exoplanet biosignatures and technosignatures.Comment: Revised including additional discussion. Published Gold OA in ApJ. 9 pages, 5 figures, 5 table

    Long-term sedimentary recycling of rare sulphur isotope anomalies

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    The accumulation of substantial quantities of O_2 in the atmosphere has come to control the chemistry and ecological structure of Earth’s surface. Non-mass-dependent (NMD) sulphur isotope anomalies in the rock record are the central tool used to reconstruct the redox history of the early atmosphere. The generation and initial delivery of these anomalies to marine sediments requires low partial pressures of atmospheric O_2 (PO_2; refs 2, 3), and the disappearance of NMD anomalies from the rock record 2.32 billion years ago is thought to have signalled a departure from persistently low atmospheric oxygen levels (less than about 10^(−5) times the present atmospheric level) during approximately the first two billion years of Earth’s history. Here we present a model study designed to describe the long-term surface recycling of crustal NMD anomalies, and show that the record of this geochemical signal is likely to display a ‘crustal memory effect’ following increases in atmospheric PO_2 above this threshold. Once NMD anomalies have been buried in the upper crust they are extremely resistant to removal, and can be erased only through successive cycles of weathering, dilution and burial on an oxygenated Earth surface. This recycling results in the residual incorporation of NMD anomalies into the sedimentary record long after synchronous atmospheric generation of the isotopic signal has ceased, with dynamic and measurable signals probably surviving for as long as 10–100 million years subsequent to an increase in atmospheric PO_2 to more than 10^(−5) times the present atmospheric level. Our results can reconcile geochemical evidence for oxygen production and transient accumulation with the maintenance of NMD anomalies on the early Earth, and suggest that future work should investigate the notion that temporally continuous generation of new NMD sulphur isotope anomalies in the atmosphere was likely to have ceased long before their ultimate disappearance from the rock record

    Emerging biogeochemical views of Earth's ancient microbial worlds

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    This work was supported by the NASA Astrobiology Institute under Cooperative Agreement No. NNA15BB03A issued through the Science Mission Directorate (TWL), a Natural Environment Research Council Fellowship (NE/H016805/2) (AZ), and National Science Foundation grants (EAR-0951509, OCE-1061476, EAR-1124389, and OCE-1155346) and a Packard Fellowship (DAF).Microbial processes dominate geochemical cycles at and near the Earth’s surface today. Their role was even greater in the past, with microbes being the dominant life form for the first 90% of Earth’s history. Most of their metabolic pathways originated billions of years ago as both causes and effects of environmental changes of the highest order, such as the first accumulation of oxygen in the oceans and atmosphere. Microbial processes leave behind diverse geochemical fingerprints that can remain intact for billions of years. These rock-bound signatures are now steering our understanding of how life coevolved with the environments on early Earth and are guiding our search for life elsewhere in the universe.PostprintPeer reviewe

    A comprehensive sulfur and oxygen isotope study of sulfur cycling in a shallow, hyper-euxinic meromictic lake

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    Mahoney Lake is a permanently anoxic and sulfidic (euxinic) lake that has a dense plate of purple sulfur bacteria positioned at mid-water depth (∼7 m) where free sulfide intercepts the photic zone. We analyzed the isotopic composition of sulfate (δ34SSO4 and δ18OSO4), sulfide (δ34SH2S), and the water (δ18OH2O) to track the potentially coupled processes of dissimilatory sulfate reduction and phototrophic sulfide oxidation within an aquatic environment with extremely high sulfide concentrations (>30 mM). Large isotopic offsets observed between sulfate and sulfide within the monimolimnion (δ34SSO4-H2S = 51‰) and within pore waters along the oxic margin (δ34SSO4-H2S > 50‰) are consistent with sulfate reduction in both the sediments and the anoxic water column. Given the high sulfide concentrations of the lake, sulfur disproportionation is likely inoperable or limited to a very narrow zone in the chemocline, and therefore the large instantaneous fractionations are best explained by the microbial process of sulfate reduction. Pyrite extracted from the sediments reflects the isotopic composition of water column sulfide, suggesting that pyrite buried in the euxinic depocenter of the lake formed in the water column. The offset between sulfate and dissolved sulfide decreases at the chemocline (δ34SSO4-H2S = 37‰), a trend possibly explained by elevated sulfate reduction rates and inconsistent with appreciable disproportionation within this interval. Water column sulfate exhibits a linear response in δ18OSO4–δ34SSO4 and the slope of this relationship suggests relatively high sulfate reduction rates that appear to respond to seasonal changes in the productivity of purple sulfur bacteria. Although photosynthetic activity within the microbial plate influences the δ18OSO4–δ34SSO4 relationship, the biosignature for photosynthetic sulfur bacteria is restricted to the oxic/anoxic transition zone and is apparently minor relative to the more prevalent process of sulfate reduction operative throughout the light-deprived deeper anoxic water column and sediment pore waters

    Nitrogen isotope ratios trace high-pH conditions in a terrestrial Mars analog site

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    This research was financially supported by the Leverhulme Trust to T.W.L. E.E.S. acknowledges start-up funds from the University of St. Andrews. The NASA Astrobiology Institute under Cooperative Agreement no. NNA15BB03A issued through the Science Mission Directorate also provided funds as did a NASA Fellowship in support of C.T. under Cooperative Agreement no. 80NSSC19K1739 issued through the NASA Office of STEM Engagement.High-pH alkaline lakes are among the most productive ecosystems on Earth and prime targets in the search for life on Mars; however, a robust proxy for such settings does not yet exist. Nitrogen isotope fractionation resulting from NH3 volatilization at high pH has the potential to fill this gap. To validate this idea, we analyzed samples from the Nördlinger Ries, a Miocene impact crater lake that displayed pH values up to 9.8 as inferred from mineralogy and aqueous modeling. Our data show a peak in δ15N of +17‰ in the most alkaline facies, followed by a gradual decline to around +5‰, concurrent with the proposed decline in pH, highlighting the utility of nitrogen isotopes as a proxy for high-pH conditions. In combination with independent mineralogical indicators for high alkalinity, nitrogen isotopes can provide much-needed quantitative constraints on ancient atmospheric Pco2 (partial pressure of CO2) and thus climatic controls on early Earth and Mars.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Sulfur isotopic composition of individual organic compounds from Cariaco Basin sediments

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    Reactions between reduced inorganic sulfur and organic compounds are thought to be important for the preservation of organic matter (OM) in sediments, but the sulfurization process is poorly understood. Sulfur isotopes are potentially useful tracers of sulfurization reactions, which often occur in the presence of a strong porewater isotopic gradient driven by microbial sulfate reduction. Prior studies of bulk sedimentary OM indicate that sulfurized products are ^(34)S-enriched relative to coexisting sulfide, and experiments have produced ^(34)S-enriched organosulfur compounds. However, analytical limitations have prevented the relationship from being tested at the molecular level in natural environments. Here we apply a new method, coupled gas chromatography – inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, to measure the compound-specific sulfur isotopic compositions of volatile organosulfur compounds over a 6 m core of anoxic Cariaco Basin sediments. In contrast to current conceptual models, nearly all extractable organosulfur compounds were substantially depleted in ^(34)S relative to coexisting kerogen and porewater sulfide. We hypothesize that this ^(34)S depletion is due to a normal kinetic isotope effect during the initial formation of a carbon-sulfur bond and that the source of sulfur in this relatively irreversible reaction is most likely the bisulfide anion in sedimentary pore water. The ^(34)S-depleted products of irreversible bisulfide addition alone cannot explain the isotopic composition of total extractable or residual OM. Therefore, at least two different sulfurization pathways must operate in the Cariaco Basin, generating isotopically distinct products. Compound-specific sulfur isotope analysis thus provides new insights into the timescales and mechanisms of OM sulfurization

    Effects of pH on redox proxies in a Jurassic rift lake : implications for interpreting environmental records in deep time

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    This work was supported at the University of California, Riverside by the NSF-EAR FESD Program and the NASA Astrobiology Institute under Cooperative Agreement No. NNA15BB03A issued through the Science Mission Directorate. We thank Roger Buick (UW) for financial support of the carbon and nitrogen isotope work. EES acknowledges support from a NASA postdoctoral fellowship, as well as valuable discussions about the Newark basin with Charlotte B. Schreiber. GDL thanks the Agouron Institute for providing funding for the Waters Autospec GC-MS instrument at UCR.It is widely agreed that the Earth’s atmosphere and oceans have undergone major redox changes over the last 2.5 billion years. However, the magnitude of these shifts remains a point of debate because it is difficult to reconstruct concentrations of dissolved O2 from indirect proxies in sedimentary archives. In this study, we show that an additional complicating factor that is rarely considered may be the pH of the water column. We analyzed rock samples from the early Jurassic Towaco Formation in the Newark basin (eastern USA), comprising deposits of a rift lake that became temporarily redox stratified. New biomarker evidence points to increasingly saline aquatic conditions during the second half of the lake’s history, with a salinity stratification that induced redox stratification, including evidence for water column anoxia, and that state may also explain the disappearance of macrofauna at this time. Distinctive lipid biomarker assemblages and stable nitrogen isotope data support previous mineralogical indications that the lake was alkaline (pH ≥ 9) during its saline episode. Despite the biomarker and macrofaunal evidence for anoxia, ratios of Fe/Al and FeHR/FeT show only small to no enrichments in the anoxic horizon compared to oxic facies in the same section – counter to what is commonly observed in anoxic marine settings. Molybdenum, As, V, U and to some degree Cd show enrichments in the anoxic interval, whereas Co, Ni, Cu, Zn and Cr do not. These patterns are most parsimoniously explained by differential pH effects on the solubility of these elements. Extrapolating from these observations in lacustrine strata, we speculate that a secular increase in seawater pH over Earth’s history as recently proposed may have helped modulate the magnitude of trace metal enrichments in marine shales, although other factors such as atmospheric and oceanic redox likely dominated the observed enrichment patterns. Further, a decrease in the solubility of ferrous iron, a major O2 sink, with increasing pH may have contributed to ocean oxygenation. In summary, our results highlight the potential importance of pH in influencing global biogeochemical cycles for multiple elements and for the interpretation of ancient nitrogen isotope signatures.PostprintPeer reviewe

    A Stratified Redox Model for the Ediacaran Ocean

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    The Ediacaran Period (635 to 542 million years ago) was a time of fundamental environmental and evolutionary change, culminating in the first appearance of macroscopic animals. Here, we present a detailed spatial and temporal record of Ediacaran ocean chemistry for the Doushantuo Formation in the Nanhua Basin, South China. We find evidence for a metastable zone of euxinic (anoxic and sulfidic) waters impinging on the continental shelf and sandwiched within ferruginous [Fe(II)-enriched] deep waters. A stratified ocean with coeval oxic, sulfidic, and ferruginous zones, favored by overall low oceanic sulfate concentrations, was maintained dynamically throughout the Ediacaran Period. Our model reconciles seemingly conflicting geochemical redox conditions proposed previously for Ediacaran deep oceans and helps to explain the patchy temporal record of early metazoan fossils
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