309 research outputs found

    Critical Strings from Noncritical Dimensions: A Framework for Mirrors of Rigid Vacau

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    The role in string theory of manifolds of complex dimension Dcrit+2(Q1)D_{crit} + 2(Q-1) and positive first Chern class is described. In order to be useful for string theory, the first Chern class of these spaces has to satisfy a certain relation. Because of this condition the cohomology groups of such manifolds show a specific structure. A group that is particularly important is described by (Dcrit+Q1,Q1)(D_{crit} + Q-1, Q-1)--forms because it is this group which contains the higher dimensional counterpart of the holomorphic (Dcrit,0)(D_{crit}, 0)--form that figures so prominently in Calabi--Yau manifolds. It is shown that the higher dimensional manifolds do not, in general, have a unique counterpart of this holomorphic form of rank DcritD_{crit}. It is also shown that these manifolds lead, in general, to a number of additional modes beyond the standard Calabi--Yau spectrum. This suggests that not only the dilaton but also the other massless string modes, such as the antisymmetric torsion field, might be relevant for a possible stringy interpretation.Comment: 7 pages, NSF-ITP-93-3

    Heterotic Gauge Structure of Type II K3 Fibrations

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    We show that certain classes of K3 fibered Calabi-Yau manifolds derive from orbifolds of global products of K3 surfaces and particular types of curves. This observation explains why the gauge groups of the heterotic duals are determined by the structure of a single K3 surface and provides the dual heterotic picture of conifold transitions between K3 fibrations. Abstracting our construction from the special case of K3 hypersurfaces to general K3 manifolds with an appropriate automorphism, we show how to construct Calabi-Yau threefold duals for heterotic theories with arbitrary gauge groups. This generalization reveals that the previous limit on the Euler number of Calabi-Yau manifolds is an artifact of the restriction to the framework of hypersurfaces.Comment: 15 pages, 3 eps figure

    Complex Multiplication of Exactly Solvable Calabi-Yau Varieties

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    We propose a conceptual framework that leads to an abstract characterization for the exact solvability of Calabi-Yau varieties in terms of abelian varieties with complex multiplication. The abelian manifolds are derived from the cohomology of the Calabi-Yau manifold, and the conformal field theoretic quantities of the underlying string emerge from the number theoretic structure induced on the varieties by the complex multiplication symmetry. The geometric structure that provides a conceptual interpretation of the relation between geometry and the conformal field theory is discrete, and turns out to be given by the torsion points on the abelian varieties.Comment: 44 page

    Black Hole Attractor Varieties and Complex Multiplication

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    Black holes in string theory compactified on Calabi-Yau varieties a priori might be expected to have moduli dependent features. For example the entropy of the black hole might be expected to depend on the complex structure of the manifold. This would be inconsistent with known properties of black holes. Supersymmetric black holes appear to evade this inconsistency by having moduli fields that flow to fixed points in the moduli space that depend only on the charges of the black hole. Moore observed in the case of compactifications with elliptic curve factors that these fixed points are arithmetic, corresponding to curves with complex multiplication. The main goal of this talk is to explore the possibility of generalizing such a characterization to Calabi-Yau varieties with finite fundamental groups.Comment: 21 page

    Landau-Ginzburg Vacua of String, M- and F-Theory at c=12

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    Theories in more than ten dimensions play an important role in understanding nonperturbative aspects of string theory. Consistent compactifications of such theories can be constructed via Calabi-Yau fourfolds. These models can be analyzed particularly efficiently in the Landau-Ginzburg phase of the linear sigma model, when available. In the present paper we focus on those sigma models which have both a Landau-Ginzburg phase and a geometric phase described by hypersurfaces in weighted projective five-space. We describe some of the pertinent properties of these models, such as the cohomology, the connectivity of the resulting moduli space, and mirror symmetry among the 1,100,055 configurations which we have constructed.Comment: LaTeX, 33 pages, 10 PostScript figures using epsfig and psfi

    A Note On ADE String Compactifications

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    We address the question whether so-called m-invariants of the N=2 super Virasoro algebra can be used for the construction of reasonable four-dimensional string models. It turns out that an infinite subset of those are pathological in the sense that - although N=2 supersymmetric - the Ramond sector is not isomorphic to the Neveu-Schwarz sector. Consequently, these two properties are independent and only requiring both guarantees an N=1 space-time supersymmetric string spectrum. However, the remaining 529 consistent spectra - 210 of them are mirrors of Gepner models and 76 real orbifolds - show exact mirror symmetry and are contained in a recent classification of orbifolds of Gepner models.Comment: 11 pages, plain TeX, no postscript figure

    Scaling behavior of observables as a model characteristic in multifield inflation

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    One of the fundamental questions in inflation is how to characterize the structure of different types of models in the field theoretic landscape. Proposals in this direction include attempts to directly characterize the formal structure of the theory by considering complexity measures of the potentials. An alternative intrinsic approach is to focus on the behavior of the observables that result from different models and to ask whether their behavior differs among models. This type of analysis can be applied even to nontrivial multifield theories where a natural measure of the complexity of the model is not obvious and the analytical evaluation of the observables is often impossible. In such cases one may still compute these observables numerically and investigate their behavior. One interesting case is when observables show a scaling behavior, in which case theories can be characterized in terms of their scaling amplitudes and exponents. Generically, models have nontrivial parameter spaces, leading to exponents that are functions of these parameters. In such cases we consider an iterative procedure to determine whether the exponent functions in turn lead to a scaling behavior. We show that modular inflation models can be characterized by families of simple scaling laws and that the scaling exponents that arise in this way in turn show a scaling law in dependence of these varying energy scales.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figure