36 research outputs found

    Occupational skin diseases analysis from the French national occupational diseases surveillance and prevention network : distribution, trends and occupational situations at risk

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    Contexte : Les dermatoses professionnelles sont l’une des principales causes de pathologies professionnelles en Europe, et dans près de 80% des cas, elles concernent des dermatites de contact professionnelles (DCP). Les DCP comprennent les dermatites allergiques de contact (DAC), les dermatites irritatives de contact (DIC) et les urticaires de contact (UC). En France, les secteurs et nuisances à risque de DCP et les tendances chronologiques de DCP sont très peu documentés. Objectifs : 1) étudier les tendances observées au fil du temps vis-à-vis du nombre de cas de dermatoses professionnelles, des secteurs d’activité concernés et des nuisances mises en cause, 2) mettre en évidence des secteurs ou des postes à risque de dermatoses professionnelles. Méthode : Ce travail de thèse s’appuie sur le réseau français RNV3P (Réseau national de vigilance et de prévention des pathologies professionnelles) qui assure le suivi des évènements de santé liés au travail sur l’ensemble du territoire, en centralisant les informations recueillies dans ses 32 centres de consultations de pathologies professionnelles (CCPP). Les analyses ont porté sur les DAC, les DIC et les UC en lien probable ou certain avec le travail et recensées dans le RNV3P entre 2001 et 2010. L’analyse des évolutions temporelles a été réalisée à partir des rapports de cote de signalement (Reporting Odds-Ratio, ROR). Deux méthodes statistiques ont été utilisées : le coefficient de corrélation de rang de Kendall sur les ROR estimés chaque année et le modèle logistique calculant la variation annuelle des cas. Résultats : Les 5990 cas de DCP notifiés touchent plus fréquemment les femmes, dans des tranches d'âges jeunes. Les principaux secteurs mis en cause pour les trois DCP se distribuent différemment en fonction du sexe et sont, par ordre décroissant de fréquence : santé et action sociale, services personnels, construction, métallurgie et travail des métaux, administrations publiques, services fournis principalement aux entreprises, commerce et réparation automobile, hôtellerie et restauration. Les DCP associées aux cosmétiques (savons ou substances parfumantes) et les biocides augmentent significativement dans le secteur de la santé et de l’action sociale ; les produits de coiffure et les cosmétiques (savons essentiellement) augmentent dans celui des services personnels, essentiellement parmi les coiffeuses. On observe une montée des cas de DAC aux résines époxy dans la construction sur la période et les DIC liées au ciment dans ce secteur ne baissent pas. Les cas de DAC aux métaux augmentent dans le secteur des services fournis aux entreprises (personnels de nettoyage). Nos résultats ont aussi montré une hausse des DAC liées aux isothiazolinones, quel que soit le secteur (+38%) et une baisse des DIC liées à l’action de lavage des mains (utilisation itérative des savons). Par ailleurs, nos données ont objectivé l’impact de mesures réglementaires ou de politiques visant à prévenir les DCP : la mise en place de la directive européenne « Ciment » (2003/53/CE) en 2005 s’est accompagnée d’une réduction de moitié des cas de DAC et une baisse similaire a été observée à partir des données du réseau britannique EPIDERM, confortant nos conclusions ; la campagne de substitution des gants en latex dans le secteur de soins au milieu des années 2000 est suivie d’une réduction significative de la notification des cas d’UC. Conclusion : Ces résultats démontrent, avec l’exemple des dermatoses professionnelles, la capacité du RNV3P à orienter les politiques nationales en matière de prévention des risques professionnels et à en évaluer l’efficacité.Background: In Europe, occupational skin disease is one of the major causes of work-related diseases, among them occupational contact dermatitis (OCD) accounts for 80% of all cases of OSD reported, but data about sectors and agents at risk remains sparse. Objectives: 1) to study OCD trends in terms of industrial activities and main causal agents, 2) to describe industrial sectors or occupations at risk of OCD. Method: Data were collected from the French National Network of Occupational Disease Surveillance and Prevention (RNV3P) during 2001-2010 period, based on the 32 French Occupational and Environmental Disease Consultation Centres. All allergic contact dermatitis (ACD), irritative contact dermatitis (ICD) and contact urticaria (CU) probably or certainly work-related were included in the study. Trends were examined (i) on annual crude numbers of OCD and (ii) on reported odds-ratios of OCD calculated using logistic regression models. Results: 5990 OCD cases were included and concerned more frequently young age classes among women and older age classes among men. Industrial sectors more commonly involved in OCD concerned in decreasing order: health and social work activities, personal service activities, construction, metal industry, public administrations, other business activities, retail trade and repair of motor vehicles, and hotels and restaurants. According to trend analysis of OCD cases, cosmetics (including soaps and fragrances) and biocides increased significantly in health and social work activities; hairdressing products and cosmetics (mainly soaps) in personal service activities (including primarily hairdressers). In construction sector, ACD due to epoxy resins increased during the study period and concomitantly, ICD attributed to cement did not decrease underlying the lack of prevention in this sector at risk. ACD due to metals increased in other business activities mainly occupied by cleaning staff. We showed a rise of ACD due to isothiazolinone compounds whatever the sector. Besides, we have shown the impact of regulatory measures or prevention campaign on OCD: (i) a significant reduction by almost half in the occurrence of ACD attributed to chromate in cement which coincides with the implementation of the European Cement directive and we obtained similar results to a study based on the UK EPIDERM network; (ii) the effectiveness of latex exposure prevention measures for health care workers since half of 2000s and (iii) the wide use of disinfection with an alcohol-based solution in health and social work activity followed by a significant reduction of ICD due to iterative handwashing with soap. Conclusion: RNV3P data allowed to highlight causal agents involved in sectors most at risk of OCD. These results might help intervention policy in health and safety at work and allergy prevention. They also showed the effectiveness of preventative intervention on OCD, suggesting that RNV3P reporting scheme is useful in France to evaluate intervention policy in health and safety at work

    La qualité de l’air à l’intérieur des cabines d’avion: Événements feux/fumées lors des vols aériens : conséquences sur la qualité de l’air à l’intérieur des cabines d’avion et sur la santé des personnels navigants d’une flotte aérienne française

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    National audienceAlors que les aéroports parisiens ont connu une forte croissance en 2018 (dépassant la barre des 105 millions de passagers), la problématique de la qualité de l’air à l’intérieur des cabines d’avion est une question émergente, non encore traitée en France. Le projet de recherche AviSan se propose d’étudier les expositions professionnelles à l’intérieur des cabines d’avion en lien avec des événements accidentels aigus de type événements feux/fumées

    [Acute and chronic cadmium poisoning]

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    International audienceCadmium is a metallic impurity in various minerals. The two main cadmium exposure sources in general population are food and tobacco smoking. Its industrial exploitation has grown in the early twentieth century. Cadmium is used in accumulators or alkaline batteries (80%) and in pigments for paints or plastics (10%), in electrolytic process by deposit or by cadmium plating on metals or to reduce melting points (welding rods...). Cadmium is a cumulative toxic substance whose half-time for elimination is about 20 to 40 years and it is mainly stored in the liver and kidneys. Inhalation of cadmium oxide fumes may cause inhalation fevers or chemical pneumonitis. Cadmium chronic poisoning causes mainly renal tubulopathy and could be the cause of osteomalacia and diffuse osteoporosis. Cadmium is classified as certain carcinogen agent for humans by International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). The most relevant biological index exposure is the urinary cadmium. According to literature, no chelating agent can be still used in human cadmium poisonings. In France, some diseases caused by occupational exposure to cadmium may be compensated

    : Intoxication au mercure

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    International audienceMercury is a widespread heavy metal with potential severe impacts on human health. Exposure conditions to mercury and profile of toxicity among humans depend on the chemical forms of the mercury: elemental or metallic mercury, inorganic or organic mercury compounds. This article aims to reviewing and synthesizing the main knowledge of the mercury toxicity and its organic compounds that clinicians should know. Acute inhalation of metallic or inorganic mercury vapours mainly induces pulmonary diseases, whereas chronic inhalation rather induces neurological or renal disorders (encephalopathy and interstitial or glomerular nephritis). Methylmercury poisonings from intoxicated food occurred among some populations resulting in neurological disorders and developmental troubles for children exposed in utero. Treatment using chelating agents is recommended in case of symptomatic acute mercury intoxication; sometimes it improves the clinical effects of chronic mercury poisoning. Although it is currently rare to encounter situations of severe intoxication, efforts remain necessary to decrease the mercury concentration in the environment and to reduce risk on human health due to low level exposure (dental amalgam, fish contamination by organic mercury compounds...). In case of occupational exposure to mercury and its compounds, some disorders could be compensated in France. Clinicians should work with toxicologists for the diagnosis and treatment of mercury intoxication

    Determinants of ultrafine particles, black carbon, nitrogen dioxide, and carbon monoxide concentrations inside vehicles in the Paris area: PUF‐TAXI study

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    International audienceThis study presents real-time concentrations of traffic-related air pollutants during 499 trips conducted by 50 Parisian taxi drivers from PUF-TAXI project. Ultrafine particles (UFPs), black carbon (BC), and nitrogen dioxide (NO2)/carbon monoxide (CO) were measured inside vehicles by Diffusion Size Classifier Miniature(R), microAeth(R), and Gas-Pro(R), respectively, for nine hours. Vehicle/trip data characteristics were collected by questionnaires and on ambient conditions by monitoring stations. The associations between pollutant levels and their potential determinants were analyzed using generalized estimating equation model. Determinants of in-vehicle pollutants levels were identified: (1) ambient factors (meteorology and ambient pollution)-affecting BC, NO2, and CO; (2) vehicle characteristics-affecting all pollutants; and (3) trip-related driving habits-affecting UFP, BC, and CO. We highlight that commuters can, therefore, avoid high in-vehicle air pollutant concentrations mainly by (1) closing windows and activating air-conditioning under air recirculation mode in congested traffic; (2) smooth driving; and (3) maintaining cabin air filters

    Short-term association of in-vehicle ultrafine particles and black carbon concentrations with respiratory health in Parisian taxi drivers

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    International audienceIntroduction: Professional drivers are exposed inside their vehicles to high levels of air pollutants due to the considerable time they spend close to motor vehicle emissions. Little is known about ultrafine particles (UFP) or black carbon (BC) adverse respiratory health effects compared to the regulated pollutants.Objectives: We aimed to study the short-term associations between UFP and BC concentrations inside vehicles and (1) the onset of mucosal irritation and (2) the acute changes in lung function of Parisian taxi drivers during a working day.Methods: An epidemiological study was carried out on 50 taxi drivers in Paris. UFP and BC were measured inside their vehicles with DiSCmini® and microAeth®, respectively. On the same day, the frequency and the severity of nose, eye, and throat irritations were self-reported by each participant and a spirometry test was performed before and after the work shift. Multivariate analysis was used to evaluate the associations between in-taxis UFP and BC concentrations and mucosal irritation and lung function, after adjustment for potential confounders.Results: In-taxis UFP concentrations ranged from 17.9 to 37.9 × 103 particles/cm3 and BC concentrations from 2.2 to 3.9 μg/m3, during a mean of 9 ± 2 working hours. Significant dose-response relationships were observed between in-taxis UFP concentrations and both nasal irritation and lung function. The increase of in-taxis UFP (for an interquartile range of 20 × 103 particles/cm3) was associated to an increase in nasal irritation (adjusted OR = 6.27 [95% CI: 1.02 to 38.62]) and to a reduction in forced expiratory flow at 25-75% by -7.44% [95% CI: -12.63 to -2.24], forced expiratory volume in one second by -4.46% [95% CI: -6.99 to -1.93] and forced vital capacity by -3.31% [95% CI: -5.82 to -0.80]. Such associations were not found with BC. Incident throat and eye irritations were not related to in-vehicle particles exposure; however, they were associated with outdoor air quality (estimated by the Atmo index) and in-vehicle humidity, respectively.Conclusion: To our knowledge, our study is the first to show a significant association, within a short-period of time, between in and vehicle UFP exposure and acute respiratory effects in professional drivers

    Vocational Guidance for Young Patients with Atopic Dermatitis: A Survey of Physicians’ Opinions and Practices

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    International audienceAlthough patients with atopic dermatitis (AD) have an increased risk of developing occupational eczema, there are few data on medical practices concerning vocational guidance for young patients with AD (1–3). To help address this issue, relevant professionals, i.e. dermato-logists, paediatricians, allergologists and occupational physicians, were asked to complete a survey of their opinions and practices regarding vocational guidance for young patients with AD

    Cross‐sectional study of in‐vehicle exposure to ultrafine particles and black carbon inside Lebanese taxicabs

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    International audienceTaxi drivers' exposure to traffic-related air pollutants inside their vehicles has been reported in different countries but not yet in Lebanon. Thus, we conducted a cross-sectional study on 20 Lebanese taxi drivers to (1) assess their exposure to ultrafine particles (UFP) and black carbon (BC) inside their vehicles and (2) identify determinants of this exposure. UFP and BC were measured using Diffusion Size Classifier Miniature (R) and microAeth (R) Model AE51, respectively, for 5 hours. Data on characteristics of vehicles and trips were collected by face-to-face interviews. Associations between pollutant levels and their determinants were analyzed by multiple linear regression. The mean of UFP count (35.2 +/- 17.6 x 10 3particles cm(-3)) and BC (5.2 +/- 1.9 mu g m(-3)) concentrations in-taxis was higher in the morning measurements compared with those in the afternoon measurements. UFP count increased in-taxis by 60% for every 10 minutes spent in blocked traffic and by 84% starting from two trips with smokers compared to trips without smokers. Conversely, UFP count decreased by 30% for every 10 minutes under both air-conditioning and air recirculation mode with windows closed. BC was not affected by any of these factors. Our findings suggest easy ways to reduce UFP exposure inside vehicles for all commuters