36,088 research outputs found

    Adaptive and demographic responses of plankton populations to environmental change

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    Because of their large population sizes, short generation times, and clonal mode of propagation, microorganisms should often be the first members of a community to respond evolutionarily to temporal changes in the environment. Because the planktonic microbial community directly or indirectly influences all other members of aquatic ecosystems, it is useful to have a general theory for the magnitude and limits of such response. Models are presented for the expected dynamics of evolutionary change for the mean and variance of a quantitative character under natural selection toward a fixed or a moving optimum. It is also shown how the rate of population growth is related to the phenotypic composition of the population and the selective aspects of the environment. These models, which lead to the identification of extinction thresholds for the rate of environmental change beyond which a population cannot maintain itself, provide a heuristic basis for understand-ing the response of ecosystems to environmental perturbations. The analyses also indicate that clones of microorganisms isolated into novel laboratory environments are likely to undergo sub-stantial evolutionary change over periods of a few hundred days, which raises questions about the utility of such cultures for inferring ecological properties of natural populations

    Adaptive evolution of molecular phenotypes

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    Molecular phenotypes link genomic information with organismic functions, fitness, and evolution. Quantitative traits are complex phenotypes that depend on multiple genomic loci. In this paper, we study the adaptive evolution of a quantitative trait under time-dependent selection, which arises from environmental changes or through fitness interactions with other co-evolving phenotypes. We analyze a model of trait evolution under mutations and genetic drift in a single-peak fitness seascape. The fitness peak performs a constrained random walk in the trait amplitude, which determines the time-dependent trait optimum in a given population. We derive analytical expressions for the distribution of the time-dependent trait divergence between populations and of the trait diversity within populations. Based on this solution, we develop a method to infer adaptive evolution of quantitative traits. Specifically, we show that the ratio of the average trait divergence and the diversity is a universal function of evolutionary time, which predicts the stabilizing strength and the driving rate of the fitness seascape. From an information-theoretic point of view, this function measures the macro-evolutionary entropy in a population ensemble, which determines the predictability of the evolutionary process. Our solution also quantifies two key characteristics of adapting populations: the cumulative fitness flux, which measures the total amount of adaptation, and the adaptive load, which is the fitness cost due to a population's lag behind the fitness peak.Comment: Figures are not optimally displayed in Firefo

    Development of Empirical Models to Rate Spruce-Fir Stands in Michigan\u27s Upper Peninsula for Hazard From the Spruce Budworm (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae): A Case History

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    The procedure used to develop empirical models which estimate potential spruce budworm impact to spruce-fir stands in Michigan\u27s Upper Peninsula is reviewed. Criteria used to select independent variables, to select the best of alternative multiple linear regression models. and to validate final models are discussed. Preliminary, intermediate, and final results demonstrate a cyclic pattern to the development procedure. Validation is emphasized as an important step in the procedure. Implications of using the hazard-rating system as a pest management tool in the stand management process are discussed

    Long-Term Potentiation and Memory

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    One of the most significant challenges in neuroscience is to identify the cellular and molecular processes that underlie learning and memory formation. The past decade has seen remarkable progress in understanding changes that accompany certain forms of acquisition and recall, particularly those forms which require activation of afferent pathways in the hippocampus. This progress can be attributed to a number of factors including well-characterized animal models, well-defined probes for analysis of cell signaling events and changes in gene transcription, and technology which has allowed gene knockout and overexpression in cells and animals. Of the several animal models used in identifying the changes which accompany plasticity in synaptic connections, long-term potentiation (LTP) has received most attention, and although it is not yet clear whether the changes that underlie maintenance of LTP also underlie memory consolidation, significant advances have been made in understanding cell signaling events that contribute to this form of synaptic plasticity. In this review, emphasis is focused on analysis of changes that occur after learning, especially spatial learning, and LTP and the value of assessing these changes in parallel is discussed. The effect of different stressors on spatial learning/memory and LTP is emphasized, and the review concludes with a brief analysis of the contribution of studies, in which transgenic animals were used, to the literature on memory/learning and LTP

    Impact of the Spruce Budworm (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) on the Ottawa and Hiawatha National Forests, 1978-1980

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    The Michigan Impact Plot System was established during 1978 and 1979 to obtain a data base for quantifying the impact of the spruce budworm in the Ottawa and Hiawatha National Forests. The formulae used to estimate the mean, total, and associated standard errors of the various parameters at the national forest and forest district levels are presented. We present the 1978, 1979, and 1980 impact data for the following parameters; percent mortality, total dead volume. dead volume per ha, live volume per ha, defoliation ranking, frequency and extent of top-kill, and incidence of spruce budworm feeding on saplings and regenera- tion. Statistics from an annual inventory of 108 composite ground sampling units (CGSU) in 1978, and 136 CGSU\u27s in 1979 and 1980 provide a more precise estimate ofthe impact of the spruce budworm in Michigan\u27s Upper Peninsula than ha~ been available to date

    Two-Bit Messages are Sufficient to Implement Atomic Read/Write Registers in Crash-prone Systems

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    Atomic registers are certainly the most basic objects of computing science. Their implementation on top of an n-process asynchronous message-passing system has received a lot of attention. It has been shown that t \textless{} n/2 (where t is the maximal number of processes that may crash) is a necessary and sufficient requirement to build an atomic register on top of a crash-prone asynchronous message-passing system. Considering such a context, this paper presents an algorithm which implements a single-writer multi-reader atomic register with four message types only, and where no message needs to carry control information in addition to its type. Hence, two bits are sufficient to capture all the control information carried by all the implementation messages. Moreover, the messages of two types need to carry a data value while the messages of the two other types carry no value at all. As far as we know, this algorithm is the first with such an optimality property on the size of control information carried by messages. It is also particularly efficient from a time complexity point of view

    The separate neural control of hand movements and contact forces

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    To manipulate an object, we must simultaneously control the contact forces exerted on the object and the movements of our hand. Two alternative views for manipulation have been proposed: one in which motions and contact forces are represented and controlled by separate neural processes, and one in which motions and forces are controlled jointly, by a single process. To evaluate these alternatives, we designed three tasks in which subjects maintained a specified contact force while their hand was moved by a robotic manipulandum. The prescribed contact force and hand motions were selected in each task to induce the subject to attain one of three goals: (1) exerting a regulated contact force, (2) tracking the motion of the manipulandum, and (3) attaining both force and motion goals concurrently. By comparing subjects' performances in these three tasks, we found that behavior was captured by the summed actions of two independent control systems: one applying the desired force, and the other guiding the hand along the predicted path of the manipulandum. Furthermore, the application of transcranial magnetic stimulation impulses to the posterior parietal cortex selectively disrupted the control of motion but did not affect the regulation of static contact force. Together, these findings are consistent with the view that manipulation of objects is performed by independent brain control of hand motions and interaction forces

    Aerosol studies in mid-latitude coastal environments in Australia

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    The results of the evaluation of several inversion procedures that were used to select one which provides the most accurate atmospheric extinction profiles for small aerosol extinction coefficients (that often predominate in the maritime airmass) are presented. Height profiles of atmospheric extinction calculated by a two component atmospheric solution to the LIDAR equation will be compared with corresponding in-situ extinction profiles based on the size distribution profiles obtained in Western Australia. Values of the aerosol backscatter to extinction ratio obtained from multi-angle LIDAR measurements will be used in this solution
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