63 research outputs found

    Improvingthesystemofpreparation and advanced training of civil servants and local government officialsin the field of European and Euro-Atlantic integration

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    The integration of Ukraine into the European Union and the European security system provides for a high level of professional competence of civil servants and local government offi cials, their active participation on the national, regional and local levels in the implementation of priorities, arising from European partnership, the implementation of the Association Agreement, harmonization of legislation of Ukraine with acquis communautaire, their ability to quickly adapt to new rules and procedures, to implement new standards of service, maintain a dialogue with citizens and with the European Community

    Method of individual forecasting of sow reproductive performance on the basis of a non-linear canonical model of a random sequence

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    Improvement of sow reproductive performance is a key factor determining the efficiency of the pig production cycle and profitability of pork production. This article presents the solution of an important scientific and practical problem of individual forecasting of sow reproduction . The population used for the present study is from a pig farm managed by the Limited Liability Company (LLC) ‘Tavriys’kisvyni’ located in Skadovsky district (Kherson region, Ukraine). The experimental materials used for this study consisted of 100 inds. of productive parent sows of the Large White breed.The litter size traits – the total number of piglets born (TNB), number of piglets born alive (NBA) and number of weaned piglets (NW) – were monitored in the first eight parities over an eleven year period (2007–2017). The method of the forecasting of sow litter size is developed based on the non-linear canonical model of the random sequence of a litter size change. The proposed method allows us to take maximum account of stochastic peculiarities of sow reproductive performance and does not impose any restrictions on the random sequence of a litter size change (linearity, stationarity, Markov property, monotony, etc.). The block diagram of the algorithm presented in this work reflects the peculiarities of calculation of the parameters of a predictive model. The expression for the calculation of an extrapolation error allows us to estimate the necessary volume of a priori and a posteriori information for achieving the required quality of solving the forecasting problem. The results of the numerical experiment confirmed the high accuracy of the proposed method of forecasting of sow reproduction. The method offered by us almost doubles the accuracy of forecasting of sow litter size compared to the use of the Wiener and Kalman methods. Thus, average forecast error decreases across the range of features TNB (1.71), NBA (1.68) and NW (1.25 piglets). Apparently, this may reflect a higher level of manifestation of the genetically determined level of individual sow fertility at the moment of piglet weaning. The higher adequacy of the developed mathematical model with regard to NW can be also due to the fact that the relations between sow litter size in different farrowings primarily have a non-linear character, which is taken into maximum account in our offered model. Given non-linearity, on the other hand, turns out to be a significant factor determining a lower estimation of the repeatability value for NW compared to the estimations for TNB and NBA. The use of the developed method will help to improve the efficiency of pig farming

    Genetic diversity of Ukrainian local pig breeds based on microsatellite markers

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    Preserving the current diversity of the living material on Earth is fundamental for the survival of future generations . A study was conducted to investigate the genetic diversity of Ukrainian local pig breeds. A total of 350 pigs representing five local pig breeds from Ukraine (Mirgorod – MIR, Poltava Meat – PM, Ukrainian Meat – UM, Ukrainian White Steppe – UWS and Ukrainian Spotted Steppe – USS) and one commercial breed (Duroc, DUR) were sampled. Twelve microsatellite loci (SW24, S0155, SW72, SW951, S0386, S0355, SW240, SW857, S0101, SW936, SW911 and S0228) were selected and belong to the list of microsatellite markers recommended by ISAG. The results indicate that there exists, in general, a high degree of genetic variability within the five Ukrainian local pig breeds. However, the genetic variability in the MIR and PM breeds was significantly lower (mean Na = 2.92–3.92; Ho = 0.382–0.411; FIS = 0.178–0.184) than in the other three Ukrainian local pig breeds – UM, UWS and USS (mean Na = 5.00–8.42; Ho = 0.549–0.668; FIS = 0.027–0.066). Thirty-four private alleles were identified among the six analyzed genetic groups which were distributed between 11 of the 12 loci. A high number of alleles typical for the breed (private alleles) was observed in Duroc pigs – 9 alleles did not occur in Ukrainian local pig breeds. The HWE test showed that all of the polymorphic loci deviated from HWE (P < 0.05) in at least one population. Loci S0355 (5), S0386 (4) and SW24 (4) presented a higher number of populations in imbalance. The mean FST showed that approximately 77.8% of the genetic variation was within-population and 12.2% was across the populations. The five Ukrainian local breeds were classified into two major groups, according to the phylogenetic tree, which was based on standard genetic distance. Overall, we found that 92.6% of the individual pigs were correctly assigned (324 out of 350) to the respective breed of origin, which is likely a consequence of the well-defined breed structure. Probabilities from the allocation test of individuals for the six pig genetic groups were estimated with Structure Harvester. In cluster 1 the highest grouping probabilities were found for the MIR (0.917) and PM (0.750) breeds. Local breeds UM (0.824) and USS (0.772) were grouped in cluster 2. Cluster 3 was related to the local pig breed USW (0.873). Cluster 4 presented high allocation probabilities for the commercial pig breed Duroc (0.924). The obtained results are important for the future conservation of Ukrainian local pig breeds

    Ефективність використання високобілкового соняшникового концентрату в годівлі свиней

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    The article studied the dependence of productive qualities and feed cost on the growth of pigs during rearing and fattening with partial (50 %) and complete (100 %) replacement of soybean meal with high-protein protein concentrate “Proglot” in the diet. It was established that the use of partial and complete replacement of soybean meal with high-protein sunflower concentrate in the rearing of piglets led to a decrease in the growing intensity of piglets by 0.87 % with partial and 4.95 % with total replacement. And as a result of a decrease in live weight by 0.3 % at the end of the growing period with a partial and by 1.2 % with a complete replacement of soybean products with sunflower in the starter compound feed. At the same time, feed conversion turned out to be the best in the group of animals that partially replaced soybean meal with high-protein sunflower concentrate – 2.30 kg, which is 1.41 % better than in animals that consumed soybean meal in the starter feed and by 5.37 % compared to animals in which this meal was completely replaced by high-protein sunflower concentrate. Replacing soybean meal with high-protein sunflower concentrate made it possible to reduce the cost of 1 kg of feed by 2.24 % when it was partially replaced and by 4.57 % when it was replaced entirely. The feed cost of 1 kg of growth in piglets that consumed feed with a partial replacement of soybean meal with high-protein sunflower concentrate decreased by 3.64 % and by 3.47 % in animals that completely replaced soybean meal with this product. Animals whose diet was replaced entirely with soybean meal by high-protein sunflower concentrate had the lowest feed cost per head. According to this indicator, they outnumbered peers with partial replacement by 3.83 % and 4.33 %, where such replacement was not done. Animals whose diet was replaced entirely with soybean meal by high-protein sunflower concentrate had the lowest feed cost per head for the entire experiment period. According to this indicator, they were 3.14 % better than their peers, partially replaced by 5.25 %. It was not carried out. The index of fattening qualities of pigs was the highest in pigs with partial replacement of soybean meal with high-protein sunflower concentrate, 31.2 points. In contrast, in animals with the complete replacement, it was 9.75 % lower, and by 2.74 %, and in analogs with such replacement was not conducted. A clear tendency to increase the intensity of growth of piglets was established with the combined use (50/50 %) of soybean meal and high-protein sunflower concentrate. However, the use of only high-protein sunflower concentrate probably reduces this indicator. It was determined that replacing soybean meal with high-protein protein concentrate “Proglot” reduces the cost of feed and, as a result, the cost of feed per unit of growth and per head of pigs after fattening.У статті вивчалась залежність продуктивних якостей та кормової собівартості приросту свиней під час дорощування та відгодівлі при частковій (50 %) та повній (100 %) заміні в раціоні соєвого шроту на високобілковий протеїновий концентрат “Проглот”. Встановлено, що на дорощуванні поросят використання часткової та повної заміни соєвого шроту на високобілковий соняшниковий концентрат призвело до зниження інтенсивності росту поросят на 0,87 % при частковій та на 4,95 % при повній його заміні. І, як результат, зменшення на 0,3 % живої маси на кінець періоду дорощування при частковій та на 1,2 % при повній заміні соєвих продуктів на соняшникові в стартерному комбікормі. Водночас конверсія корму виявилась найкращою в групі тварин, яким було частково замінено соєвий шрот на високобілковий соняшниковий концентрат – на 2,30 кг, що на 1,41 % краще ніж у тварин які споживали в стартерному комбікормі соєвий шрот та на 5,37 % порівняно з тваринами, яким цей шрот був повністю замінений на високобілковий соняшниковий концентрат. Заміна соєвого шроту на високобілковий соняшниковий концентрат дозволила знизити собівартість 1 кг корму при частковій його заміні на 2,24 %, та на 4,57 % при повній. Кормова собівартість 1 кг приросту у поросят, які споживали корм з частковою заміною соєвого шроту на високобілковий соняшниковий концентрат знизилась на 3,64 %, та на 3,47 % у тварин, яким було повністю замінено соєвий шрот на цей продукт. Найнижчу кормову собівартість однієї голови мали тварини, в раціоні яких було повністю замінено соєвий шрот на високобілковий соняшниковий концентрат, вони за цим показником на 3,83 % переважали ровесників, яким така заміна була здійснена частково і на 4,33 %, де такої заміни не здійснювалось. Найнижчу кормову собівартість однієї голови за весь період досліду мали тварини, в раціоні яких було повністю замінено соєвий шрот на високобілковий соняшниковий концентрат, вони за цим показником на 3,14 % переважали ровесників, яким така заміна була здійснена частково, і на 5,25 %, де такої заміни не здійснювалось. Індекс відгодівельних якостей свиней був найвищим у свиней з частковою заміною соєвого шроту на високобілковий соняшниковий концентрат на 31,2 бала, тимчасом як у тварин з повною заміною він виявився на 9,75 % нижчим та на 2,74 % нижчим в аналогів, яким така заміна не проводилась. Встановлено чітку тенденцію до підвищення інтенсивності росту поросят при комбінованому застосуванні (50/50&nbsp;%) соєвого шроту і високобілкового соняшникового концентрату, але використання тільки соняшникового високобілкового концентрату вірогідно знижує цей показник. Визначено, що заміна соєвого шроту на високобілковий протеїновий концентрат “Проглот” зменшує собівартість корму і, як результат, кормову собівартість одиниці приросту та однієї голови свиней по закінченні відгодівлі

    DHA Supplemented in Peptamen Diet Offers No Advantage in Pathways to Amyloidosis: Is It Time to Evaluate Composite Lipid Diet?

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    Numerous reports have documented the beneficial effects of dietary docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) on beta-amyloid production and Alzheimer's disease (AD). However, none of these studies have examined and compared DHA, in combination with other dietary nutrients, for its effects on plaque pathogenesis. Potential interactions of DHA with other dietary nutrients and fatty acids are conventionally ignored. Here we investigated DHA with two dietary regimes; peptamen (pep+DHA) and low fat diet (low fat+DHA). Peptamen base liquid diet is a standard sole-source nutrition for patients with gastrointestinal dysfunction. Here we demonstrate that a robust AD transgenic mouse model shows an increased tendency to produce beta-amyloid peptides and amyloid plaques when fed a pep+DHA diet. The increase in beta-amyloid peptides was due to an elevated trend in the levels of beta-secretase amyloid precursor protein (APP) cleaving enzyme (BACE), the proteolytic C-terminal fragment beta of APP and reduced levels of insulin degrading enzyme that endoproteolyse beta-amyloid. On the contrary, TgCRND8 mice on low fat+DHA diet (based on an approximately 18% reduction of fat intake) ameliorate the production of abeta peptides and consequently amyloid plaques. Our work not only demonstrates that DHA when taken with peptamen may have a tendency to confer a detrimental affect on the amyloid plaque build up but also reinforces the importance of studying composite lipids or nutrients rather than single lipids or nutrients for their effects on pathways important to plaque development

    Catalysing sustainable fuel and chemical synthesis

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    Concerns over the economics of proven fossil fuel reserves, in concert with government and public acceptance of the anthropogenic origin of rising CO2 emissions and associated climate change from such combustible carbon, are driving academic and commercial research into new sustainable routes to fuel and chemicals. The quest for such sustainable resources to meet the demands of a rapidly rising global population represents one of this century’s grand challenges. Here, we discuss catalytic solutions to the clean synthesis of biodiesel, the most readily implemented and low cost, alternative source of transportation fuels, and oxygenated organic molecules for the manufacture of fine and speciality chemicals to meet future societal demands