83 research outputs found

    Xi Jinpings vĂ€g till makten – hur kom han dit?

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    Xi Jinping, Kinas nuvarande generalsekreterare, har nyligen cementerat sin makt ytterligare med en grundlagsförĂ€ndring som möjliggör innehav av mandatet pĂ„ livstid. DĂ€rmed Ă€r syftet med denna uppsats att undersöka hur Xi kom till makten efter sin företrĂ€dare Hu Jintao. Vi har valt att anvĂ€nda oss av en kvalitativ metod och uppsatsen blir dĂ„ en fallstudie eftersom att vi undersöker en enstaka politisk process dĂ€r ett maktskifte har skett. Vi anvĂ€nder oss av en teoriprövande metod dĂ€r vi analyserar de tvĂ„ teorierna Governmental politics och Organisational behaviour. UtifrĂ„n Governmental politics teoretiska perspektiv betonas aktörer, sĂ€rskilt People’s Liberation Army och â€œĂ„ldermĂ€nnen” i Kinas kommunistiska parti. Organisational behaviour analyserar normer och beteenden. Vidare resulterar uppsatsen i att Governmental politics ger bĂ€st förklaring pĂ„ vĂ„r frĂ„gestĂ€llning. DĂ€rmed kan vi dra slutsatsen att Kinas inre politik prĂ€glas av olika aktörer med sĂ€rskilda maktpositioner, och till viss del normer, som banat vĂ€gen för Xi Jinping

    Baseline characteristics of patients in the reduction of events with darbepoetin alfa in heart failure trial (RED-HF)

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    <p>Aims: This report describes the baseline characteristics of patients in the Reduction of Events with Darbepoetin alfa in Heart Failure trial (RED-HF) which is testing the hypothesis that anaemia correction with darbepoetin alfa will reduce the composite endpoint of death from any cause or hospital admission for worsening heart failure, and improve other outcomes.</p> <p>Methods and results: Key demographic, clinical, and laboratory findings, along with baseline treatment, are reported and compared with those of patients in other recent clinical trials in heart failure. Compared with other recent trials, RED-HF enrolled more elderly [mean age 70 (SD 11.4) years], female (41%), and black (9%) patients. RED-HF patients more often had diabetes (46%) and renal impairment (72% had an estimated glomerular filtration rate <60 mL/min/1.73 m2). Patients in RED-HF had heart failure of longer duration [5.3 (5.4) years], worse NYHA class (35% II, 63% III, and 2% IV), and more signs of congestion. Mean EF was 30% (6.8%). RED-HF patients were well treated at randomization, and pharmacological therapy at baseline was broadly similar to that of other recent trials, taking account of study-specific inclusion/exclusion criteria. Median (interquartile range) haemoglobin at baseline was 112 (106–117) g/L.</p> <p>Conclusion: The anaemic patients enrolled in RED-HF were older, moderately to markedly symptomatic, and had extensive co-morbidity.</p&gt

    IT-kopplade AC-nÀt : Enpoliga jordfel i befintlig elanlÀggning under jord

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    In some electrical facilities for underground mining, IT-system grounding is used for processes of high priority. This report explains why such systems are used in these kinds of environments, what happens when single-line-ground faults occur and how does the fault protection and monitoring devices handle those faults in accordance to current regulations and standards.An IT-system imply that the neutral point of a transformer is completely or partially connected to earth and exposed conductive parts are bolted directly to ground.IT-coupled networks have been implemented in some mining industries to prevent long and unnecessary down time of production. This is achieved by allowing a single-line-ground fault without interfering with the operation. According to current regulations and standards a single-line-ground fault is allowed on the term that continuously monitoring the insulation of the system, alarm in presence of a fault and remedy as soon as possible.During a single-line-ground fault the artificial neutral point of the system will be displaced relative earth and different amounts depending on the resistance in the fault location. When a bolted single-line-ground fault occur, the faulty line will adopt earth-potential. Between a healthy line and earth, the potential difference reaches line-line voltage and even more than that, depending on the fault-resistance. This entails a higher requirement of the insulation level of the equipment installed in an IT-system. The fault current that emerges in an IT-system depends especially of the capacitive connection between the line conductors and earth, but it is reduced by the resistance in the fault location.In the existing electrical system of the underground mine, insulation-monitoring-devices where installed. These where setup with two alarm limits, one for alarming and the second for release of the circuit breaker feeding the main busbar, if the fault remains for longer than two hours.The insulation monitoring in the existing electrical system, where supplemented with residual-current-monitoring, setup to alarm for residual currents exceeding 60 mA. One presumption the residual-current-monitoring devices requires to be able to detect a fault, is that the upstream installed cable network is widespread enough, that the capacitive connection causes a big enough current to flow.In this report the characteristics of an IT-network were verified with calculations. Simple calculations of the minimum cable length were also made, when using residual-current-monitoring.The conclusion for the existing electrical system in the underground mine, is that the IT-system network of it, is installed in accordance with current regulations and standards in Sweden

    A sustainability analysis on Lunds municipality’s regulatory documents

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    Den hÀr uppsatsens syfte Àr att undersöka och göra en hÄllbarhetsanalys över Lunds kommuns styrdokument vad gÀller hÄllbar utveckling. Styrdokumenten utgörs av programmet för hÄllbar utveckling LundaEko, Lunds kommuns översiktsplan och den fördjupade översiktsplanen för Brunnshög. Analysen Àr av kvalitativ karaktÀr och utgörs av en fallstudie och en dokumentstudie. Uppsatsen har tagit fram en egen analysmodell baserat pÄ fyra relevanta indikatorer, de Globala mÄlen och Agenda 2030 samt hur begreppet hÄllbar utveckling definieras och anvÀnds i styrdokumenten. Undersökningen har ett större fokus pÄ social och ekologisk hÄllbarhet i syfte att göra en mer djupgÄende analys. Kommunens fysiska ÄtgÀrder och definition av begreppet hÄllbar utveckling undersöks utifrÄn styrdokumenten. Resultatet visade att Lunds kommun inte har en enhetlig bild om vad hÄllbar utveckling innefattar. Kommunen har ett stort fokus pÄ ekologisk hÄllbarhet, vilket resultatet visar bidrar till ett minskat fokus pÄ social och sÀrskilt ekonomisk hÄllbarhetsutveckling i stadsbyggnadsprojekten. De har dÀrtill en fjÀrde dimension som de tar upp i sin översiktsplan, den kulturella dimensionen. Stadsbyggnadsprojektet i Brunnshög motiveras med sociala och ekologiska innovationer men flertalet av de policys och strategierna som presenteras i styrdokumenten realiseras inte i praktiken. Det rÄder en varierande tydlighetsgrad i vad som bör ingÄ i de bÄda översiktsplanerna. Begreppet hÄllbar utveckling Àr diffust, vilket kan vara en bidragande faktor till att kommunen har utrymme att anvÀnda sig av en kulturell dimension. Möjligtvis skulle framtagandet av en nationell mall för hÄllbar utveckling innebÀra att det inte lÀmnas utrymme för egna tolkningar. Detta skulle underlÀtta för stadsbyggnadsprojekt som Brunnshög. I nulÀget slÀngs det med abstrakta strategier och policys samt nya hÄllbarhetsdimensioner, vilket leder till att fysiska ÄtgÀrder för social, ekologisk och ekonomisk hÄllbarhet krockar.The purpose of this essay is to investigate and make a sustainability analysis of Lund Municipality's governing documents regarding sustainable development. The regulatory documents consist of the program for sustainable development LundaEko, Lund Municipality's comprehensive plan and the in-depth comprehensive plan for Brunnshög. The analysis is of a qualitative nature and consists of a case study and a document study. The thesis has developed its own analysis model based on four relevant indicators, the Global Goals and Agenda 2030, as well as how the concept of sustainable development is defined and used in the governing documents. The study has a greater focus on social and ecological sustainability to make a more in-depth analysis. The municipality's physical measures and definition of the concept of sustainable development are examined based on the regulatory documents. The results showed that Lund municipality does not have a uniform picture of what sustainable development entails. The municipality has a strong focus on ecological sustainability, which the results show contributes to a reduced focus on social and especially economic sustainability development in urban development projects. They also have a fourth dimension that they address in their master plan, the cultural dimension. The urban development project in Brunnshög is motivated by social and ecological innovations, but most of the policies and strategies presented in the governing documents are not realized in practice. There is a varying degree of clarity in what should be included in the two general plans. The concept of sustainable development is diffuse, which can be a contributing factor to the municipality having space to use a cultural dimension. It is possible that the development of a national template for sustainable development would mean that there would be no room for personal interpretations. This would make it easier for urban development projects such as Brunnshög. At present, abstract strategies and policies as well as new sustainability dimensions are being thrown away, leading to physical measures for social, ecological, and economic sustainability clashing

    Transgena trÀd i fÀltförsök : Trender, beslut och instÀllningar. Var har vi varit och vart Àr vi pÄvÀg?

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    With genetic engineering desirable characteristics can be introduced or enhanced in organisms. Furthermore, transgenic trees have shown promising results in greenhouse and field trials. Results on transgenic trees in field trials have been published but international and detailed compilations of what has been carried out are limited. To get an overview of the development of genetic engineering and genetically modified trees in the field, a meta-study has been carried out with information from public databases, books, and other publications. The study focused on transgenic trees in field experiments, excluding fruit trees. Traits that have been modified have been compiled. Furthermore, trends, patterns, and deviations were analyzed for the following parameters: tree species, characteristics and the years in which field trials were conducted or permitted. The countries included in this study were the EU (European Union), USA, and Brazil. Results indicate that different species of poplar and eucalyptus were the most studied tree species while resistance, growth and wood properties were the mainly investigated traits. When comparing the number of field trials that were started and got permission until 2000 and after 2001 respectively, there was an increasing trend in all study areas. However, significant results were demonstrated only for the USA. When comparing field trials until 2010 respectively after 2011, there was an increasing trend in the EU and Brazil, but not in the USA. The difference was only significant for the EU

    Cuvette and SEC-SANS data of GLIC from ILL 8-03-959

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    Raw SANS data from GLIC collected during experiment ILL 8-03-959, with DOI: https://doi.ill.fr/10.5291/ILL-DATA.8-03-95

    A sustainability analysis on Lunds municipality’s regulatory documents

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    Den hÀr uppsatsens syfte Àr att undersöka och göra en hÄllbarhetsanalys över Lunds kommuns styrdokument vad gÀller hÄllbar utveckling. Styrdokumenten utgörs av programmet för hÄllbar utveckling LundaEko, Lunds kommuns översiktsplan och den fördjupade översiktsplanen för Brunnshög. Analysen Àr av kvalitativ karaktÀr och utgörs av en fallstudie och en dokumentstudie. Uppsatsen har tagit fram en egen analysmodell baserat pÄ fyra relevanta indikatorer, de Globala mÄlen och Agenda 2030 samt hur begreppet hÄllbar utveckling definieras och anvÀnds i styrdokumenten. Undersökningen har ett större fokus pÄ social och ekologisk hÄllbarhet i syfte att göra en mer djupgÄende analys. Kommunens fysiska ÄtgÀrder och definition av begreppet hÄllbar utveckling undersöks utifrÄn styrdokumenten. Resultatet visade att Lunds kommun inte har en enhetlig bild om vad hÄllbar utveckling innefattar. Kommunen har ett stort fokus pÄ ekologisk hÄllbarhet, vilket resultatet visar bidrar till ett minskat fokus pÄ social och sÀrskilt ekonomisk hÄllbarhetsutveckling i stadsbyggnadsprojekten. De har dÀrtill en fjÀrde dimension som de tar upp i sin översiktsplan, den kulturella dimensionen. Stadsbyggnadsprojektet i Brunnshög motiveras med sociala och ekologiska innovationer men flertalet av de policys och strategierna som presenteras i styrdokumenten realiseras inte i praktiken. Det rÄder en varierande tydlighetsgrad i vad som bör ingÄ i de bÄda översiktsplanerna. Begreppet hÄllbar utveckling Àr diffust, vilket kan vara en bidragande faktor till att kommunen har utrymme att anvÀnda sig av en kulturell dimension. Möjligtvis skulle framtagandet av en nationell mall för hÄllbar utveckling innebÀra att det inte lÀmnas utrymme för egna tolkningar. Detta skulle underlÀtta för stadsbyggnadsprojekt som Brunnshög. I nulÀget slÀngs det med abstrakta strategier och policys samt nya hÄllbarhetsdimensioner, vilket leder till att fysiska ÄtgÀrder för social, ekologisk och ekonomisk hÄllbarhet krockar.The purpose of this essay is to investigate and make a sustainability analysis of Lund Municipality's governing documents regarding sustainable development. The regulatory documents consist of the program for sustainable development LundaEko, Lund Municipality's comprehensive plan and the in-depth comprehensive plan for Brunnshög. The analysis is of a qualitative nature and consists of a case study and a document study. The thesis has developed its own analysis model based on four relevant indicators, the Global Goals and Agenda 2030, as well as how the concept of sustainable development is defined and used in the governing documents. The study has a greater focus on social and ecological sustainability to make a more in-depth analysis. The municipality's physical measures and definition of the concept of sustainable development are examined based on the regulatory documents. The results showed that Lund municipality does not have a uniform picture of what sustainable development entails. The municipality has a strong focus on ecological sustainability, which the results show contributes to a reduced focus on social and especially economic sustainability development in urban development projects. They also have a fourth dimension that they address in their master plan, the cultural dimension. The urban development project in Brunnshög is motivated by social and ecological innovations, but most of the policies and strategies presented in the governing documents are not realized in practice. There is a varying degree of clarity in what should be included in the two general plans. The concept of sustainable development is diffuse, which can be a contributing factor to the municipality having space to use a cultural dimension. It is possible that the development of a national template for sustainable development would mean that there would be no room for personal interpretations. This would make it easier for urban development projects such as Brunnshög. At present, abstract strategies and policies as well as new sustainability dimensions are being thrown away, leading to physical measures for social, ecological, and economic sustainability clashing

    Transgena trÀd i fÀltförsök : Trender, beslut och instÀllningar. Var har vi varit och vart Àr vi pÄvÀg?

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    With genetic engineering desirable characteristics can be introduced or enhanced in organisms. Furthermore, transgenic trees have shown promising results in greenhouse and field trials. Results on transgenic trees in field trials have been published but international and detailed compilations of what has been carried out are limited. To get an overview of the development of genetic engineering and genetically modified trees in the field, a meta-study has been carried out with information from public databases, books, and other publications. The study focused on transgenic trees in field experiments, excluding fruit trees. Traits that have been modified have been compiled. Furthermore, trends, patterns, and deviations were analyzed for the following parameters: tree species, characteristics and the years in which field trials were conducted or permitted. The countries included in this study were the EU (European Union), USA, and Brazil. Results indicate that different species of poplar and eucalyptus were the most studied tree species while resistance, growth and wood properties were the mainly investigated traits. When comparing the number of field trials that were started and got permission until 2000 and after 2001 respectively, there was an increasing trend in all study areas. However, significant results were demonstrated only for the USA. When comparing field trials until 2010 respectively after 2011, there was an increasing trend in the EU and Brazil, but not in the USA. The difference was only significant for the EU

    IT-kopplade AC-nÀt : Enpoliga jordfel i befintlig elanlÀggning under jord

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    In some electrical facilities for underground mining, IT-system grounding is used for processes of high priority. This report explains why such systems are used in these kinds of environments, what happens when single-line-ground faults occur and how does the fault protection and monitoring devices handle those faults in accordance to current regulations and standards.An IT-system imply that the neutral point of a transformer is completely or partially connected to earth and exposed conductive parts are bolted directly to ground.IT-coupled networks have been implemented in some mining industries to prevent long and unnecessary down time of production. This is achieved by allowing a single-line-ground fault without interfering with the operation. According to current regulations and standards a single-line-ground fault is allowed on the term that continuously monitoring the insulation of the system, alarm in presence of a fault and remedy as soon as possible.During a single-line-ground fault the artificial neutral point of the system will be displaced relative earth and different amounts depending on the resistance in the fault location. When a bolted single-line-ground fault occur, the faulty line will adopt earth-potential. Between a healthy line and earth, the potential difference reaches line-line voltage and even more than that, depending on the fault-resistance. This entails a higher requirement of the insulation level of the equipment installed in an IT-system. The fault current that emerges in an IT-system depends especially of the capacitive connection between the line conductors and earth, but it is reduced by the resistance in the fault location.In the existing electrical system of the underground mine, insulation-monitoring-devices where installed. These where setup with two alarm limits, one for alarming and the second for release of the circuit breaker feeding the main busbar, if the fault remains for longer than two hours.The insulation monitoring in the existing electrical system, where supplemented with residual-current-monitoring, setup to alarm for residual currents exceeding 60 mA. One presumption the residual-current-monitoring devices requires to be able to detect a fault, is that the upstream installed cable network is widespread enough, that the capacitive connection causes a big enough current to flow.In this report the characteristics of an IT-network were verified with calculations. Simple calculations of the minimum cable length were also made, when using residual-current-monitoring.The conclusion for the existing electrical system in the underground mine, is that the IT-system network of it, is installed in accordance with current regulations and standards in Sweden

    Combining low resolution, high resolution, functional, and simulation techniques : In the study of pentameric ligand-gated ion channels

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    Combining methods yielding different information is a powerful approach for understanding structural biology in general, and in particular systems such as pentameric ligand-gated ion channels (pLGICs). Pentameric ligand-gated ion channels are membrane proteins that sense chemical signals, which they convert to changes in membrane potential.  pLGICs constitute important drug targets in humans, for example as sites of action for general anaesthetics. There are bacterial homologs, of which some - like the Gloeobacter violaceus ligand-gated channel GLIC - are suitable model systems, while others - like DeCLIC from a Desulfofustis deltaproteobacterium - demonstrate the structural range of this protein family. This thesis presents how low resolution, high resolution, functional, and simulation techniques have been combined in the study of GLIC and DeCLIC. The methods covered are small-angle neutron scattering (low resolution structural method), cryogenic electron microscopy (high resolution structural method), electrophysiology (functional method), and molecular dynamics simulations (simulation method), with a particular focus on the scattering and simulation experiments.  In the presented work, simulations and functional experiments are combined to elucidate modulation of GLIC by general anaesthetics, the average solution structure of both GLIC and DeCLIC is described from small-angle scattering utilizing conformational sampling from simulations, and new conformations of DeCLIC are found through cryogenic electron microscopy - including an open conformation consistent with scattering under corresponding solution conditions. This work has contributed to both the understanding of complex allosteric modulation, and of the conformational range available to pentameric ligand-gated ion channels. On the methodological side, I have furthered approaches for integrating small-angle neutron scattering and molecular dynamics simulations to describe membrane protein structure in solution - which stands to increase the information gained from scattering experiments, and to promote the use of scattering as a complementary technique in structural studies
