43 research outputs found

    Kombinerte stillinger kan fremme samarbeid mellom sykepleierutdanning og praksisfelt

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    Samarbeid mellom utdanningsinstitusjon og praksisfelt er av betydning for studentens læring i praksisstudier. Denne studien er en del av et større prosjekt hvor et overordnet mål er å styrke samarbeidet mellom utdanningsinstitusjon og praksisfelt blant annet ved bruk av kombinerte stillinger. Hensikt med delstudien er å utforske erfaringene lærere og sykepleiere høstet i kombinert stilling. Data er innhentet våren 2021 ved fokusgruppeintervju og analysert ved hjelp av konvensjonell innholdsanalyse jf. Hsieh & Shannon (2005). Resultatene viser at kombinerte stillinger ga et positivt fellesskap om veiledning, basert på utvidet forståelse for hverandres roller, og fremmet samarbeidet mellom utdanningsinstitusjon og praksisfelt. Usikkerhet i begynnelsen av praksisperioden på hva rollene skulle fylles med gikk seg til underveis. Studien ble gjennomført under covid 19-pandemien, noe som påvirket samarbeidet og samarbeidsformene. Sentralt for et vellykket resultat er forankring av stillingene på alle nivå i begge organisasjoner.publishedVersio

    Sykepleierstudenters erfaringer med Respons – et nytt lærings- og vurderingsverktøy i praksisstudier

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    Vurdering av kompetanse i praksisstudier er en kjent utfordring i sykepleierutdanninger både i Norge og internasjonalt. Denne studien utforsker sykepleierstudenters erfaringer med det nye lærings- og vurderingsverktøyet Respons. Studien har en kvalitativ tilnærming med et beskrivende og utforskende design. Det var 27 sykepleierstudenter fra tre læresteder som deltok i utprøving av det nye verktøyet, 21 av disse møtte til påfølgende intervju i fokusgrupper. Dataanalysen er gjennomført i tråd med prinsipper for kvalitativ innholdsanalyse og ledet til to kategorier: Styrket eierskap og framdrift i læringsprosessen og Økt tillit til vurderingens kvalitet. Mange av informantene beskrev en mer aktiv holdning til egen læring og tettere samhandling med sine praksisveiledere. Flere var opptatt av at Respons i større grad enn tidligere vurderingsverktøy bidro til løpende vurdering. Informantene la også vekt på at Respons sikrer en felles standard for vurdering. Studien understøtter behovet for å utforske hvordan læringsutbyttestyrt pedagogikk utspiller seg i praksishverdagen. Abstract Assessment of competence in clinical studies is a well-known challenge in nursing education both in Norway and internationally. The aim of this study was to investigate nursing students' experiences with the new learning and assessment tool Response. The study has a qualitative approach with a descriptive and exploratory design. The new tool was tested by 27 nursing students. The following interviews in focus groups included 21 students. A process of content analysis identified two categories: Strengthened ownership and progress in the learning process and increased confidence in the quality of assessment. The findings revealed experiences of a more active attitude to the students’ own learning process and a closer interaction with their supervisors. Furthermore, the students reported that the new assessment tool contributed to ongoing assessment and ensured a common standard for assessment. Finally, the study supports the need to explore how learning outcome-driven policy unfolds in everyday practice

    Influence of Respiratory Tract Infections on Vocabulary Growth in Relation to Child's Sex: The STEPS Study

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    Common health issues have been less examined in studies of early language development, particularly in relation to the child's sex. Respiratory tract infections, often complicated by acute otitis media, are common in children during the first years of life, when early vocabulary development takes place. The present study, conducted in Finland, aimed to investigate whether possible associations between recurrent respiratory tract infections, background factors, and vocabulary growth differ in boys and girls aged 13 to 24 months. The participants (N = 462, 248 boys and 214 girls) were followed for respiratory tract infections and acute otitis media from 0 to 23 months of age. The parents completed daily symptom diaries of respiratory symptoms, physician visits, and diagnoses. The expressive vocabulary was measured with parental reports. We found that recurrent respiratory tract infections were not associated with slower vocabulary development in boys or girls. In fact, boys with recurrent respiratory tract infections had more vocabulary growth during the second year than boys who were less sick. We found that vocabulary growth was associated differently with respiratory tract infections and background factors as a function of the child's sex. The vocabulary growth of boys seems to be more influenced by environmental factors than that of girls.</p

    A Comparison of Four Probability-Based Online and Mixed-Mode Panels in Europe

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    Inferential statistics teach us that we need a random probability sample to infer from a sample to the general population. In online survey research, however, volunteer access panels, in which respondents self-select themselves into the sample, dominate the landscape. Such panels are attractive due to their low costs. Nevertheless, recent years have seen increasing numbers of debates about the quality, in particular about errors in the representativeness and measurement, of such panels. In this article, we describe four probability-based online and mixed-mode panels for the general population, namely, the Longitudinal Internet Studies for the Social Sciences (LISS) Panel in the Netherlands, the German Internet Panel (GIP) and the GESIS Panel in Germany, and the Longitudinal Study by Internet for the Social Sciences (ELIPSS) Panel in France. We compare them in terms of sampling strategies, offline recruitment procedures, and panel characteristics. Our aim is to provide an overview to the scientific community of the availability of such data sources to demonstrate the potential strategies for recruiting and maintaining probability-based online panels to practitioners and to direct analysts of the comparative data collected across these panels to methodological differences that may affect comparative estimates

    Living with stigma: depressed elderly persons' experiences of physical health problems

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    The aim of this paper is to deepen the understanding of depressed elderly persons’ lived experiences of physical health problems. Individual in-depth interviews were conducted with 15 depressed elderly persons who suffer from physical health problems. A hermeneutic analysis was performed, yielding one main theme, living with stigma, and three themes: longing to be taken seriously, being uncertain about whether the pain is physical or mental, and a sense of living in a war zone. The second theme comprised two subthemes, feeling like a stranger and feeling dizzy, while the third had one subtheme: afraid of being helpless and dependent on others. Stigma deprives individuals of their dignity and reinforces destructive patterns of isolation and hopelessness. Nurses should provide information in a sensitive way and try to avoid diagnostic overshadowing. Effective training programmes and procedures need to be developed with more focus on how to handle depressive ill health and physical problems in older people

    Social Capital and Depressive Ill-Health - An evaluative Approach to the Implementation of the Chronic Care Model (CCM)

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    Background: Social capital has been described as a person’s sense of belonging as a result of the number and type of relationships she/he has, in which trust and reciprocity are especially important. Aim: To illuminate older persons’ experiences of social capital and depressive ill-health after implementation of the CCM. Methods: Data were collected from nine participants resident in two districts of Norway by means of individual in-depth interviews. A qualitative hermeneutic analysis was performed. Results: Two overall themes, desire for a guardian and a wish for independence despite being dependent, and two themes emerging from the analysis. The first theme—searching for protection was based on three sub-themes overwhelmed by the emotional pain of other people, a sense of exclusion and worries about the future, while the second theme—the need for a relationship with trustworthy persons comprised two sub-themes, namely, emotional pain was not understood and powerlessness to change the situation. The result of this study highlights the need for greater understanding on the part of healthcare professionals of how older persons manage their social relationships. Healthcare professionals require more knowledge about how negative self-beliefs held by older persons suffering from emotional pain, which can lead to reduced ability to trust other people. Another consequence is that fear of being dependent on other people can result in unwillingness to admit the need for help. Conclusion: This study highlights the lack of social capital in older persons who suffer from depressive ill-health. The implementation of the CCM does not appear to improve the situation. Older persons need to be more aware of their social needs and productive interactions in order to protect themselves and obtain support from their social network

    Giving voice to people with dementia and perspectives regarding a dementia-friendly society : a synthesis of qualitative studies

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    Introduction: The World Health Organization [WHO] and governments worldwide envision the development of dementia-friendly societies that are based on a person-centered culture. A limited number of studies have described the features of dementia-friendly societies based on the viewpoints of people with dementia. Purpose: To synthesize qualitative empirical research that expands the knowledge of what people with dementia consider to be essential for daily living in a dementia-friendly society. Methods: The authors searched phrases in the databases AgeLine, CINAHL, EMBASE, MedLine, PsycINFO, PubMed, ORIA, SveMed+, and Cochrane Library. Research articles that involved people with dementia and were conducted in Western countries, written in English, published in peer-reviewed academic journals using qualitative methods, and published within the past decade were included. The research included was critically and systematically appraised using the critical appraisal skills program checklist for qualitative research, and the findings were analyzed according to Graneheim and Lundman’s method of qualitative content analysis. Results: Overall, 1122 records—561 from 2019 and 561 from 2021—were identified through the search, and nine studies were included in the final synthesis. The studies included were from the United Kingdom (five studies), Australia (three studies), and New Zealand (one study). Through the analysis process, the following main theme emerged: giving voice to people with dementia, which summarizes the essence of what people with dementia believe is essential for daily living in a dementia-friendly society. The main theme covered two themes: a sense of being valued and a sense of being safeguarded, each of which contained subthemes. Conclusion: To meet the WHO’s and the governments worldwide intention to develop dementia-friendly societies, further research should focus on the voices of people with dementia. By including those concerned, the political goals of a dementia-friendly society can be achieved. Keywords: approachable society, user involvement, decision-making, systematic review, qualitative research, person-centered cultureGiving voice to people with dementia and perspectives regarding a dementia-friendly society : a synthesis of qualitative studiespublishedVersio

    Fear of childbirth from the perspective of midwives working in hospitals in Norway: A qualitative study

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    Aim: To illuminate the perceptions of hospital‐based midwives who support women suffering from moderate to severe fear of childbirth during an expected vaginal birth. Design: A qualitative descriptive and explorative study. Methods: Focus group interviews were conducted with 18 midwives representing four different hospitals in Norway. Results: Encountering fear of childbirth evoked the desire to protect and help, al‐ though the ability to provide optimal support was dependent on several circum‐ stances, several of which were beyond the midwives̕ control. The main theme “Midwives finding their own strength when encountering the vulnerability of women with fear of childbirth” consisted of two themes: “Being present” and “Being alone.” The midwives described being present as a prerequisite for continuity of care and af‐ firmation. The emphasis on continuity of care could give rise to a sense of loneliness and guilt during and after demanding situations in the birthing room

    Kollegaveiledning i “Teacher support teams”

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    This article reports on the experiences with Teacher Support Teams (TSTs) as a means for professional qualification among teachers in professional programs for nurses and teachers in a Norwegian university. It has a qualitative and explorative design and is based on data from four focus group interviews with sixteen participants working on two different faculties. The research questions are: What challenges and themes are addressed within the TST`s? What learning outcomes do the participants report? &nbsp;The results reveal that TSTs have a strong potential to contribute to collective learning and to reduce the experience of professional isolation. The participants report positive learning outcomes, and it is interesting to note that the teams with members across the two faculties report particularly positively about their experiences. The results also reveals a possibility for TST mentoring to be a suitable method for teachers’ professional development and quality in education on university level. TSTs can be a counterbalance against an individual culture, which often characterize teachers’ work in higher education.Studien omhandler erfaringer med kollegaveiledning i «Teacher support teams» (TST) ved et norsk universitet. Hensikten var å undersøke om veiledning i slike team kan være en egnet metode for profesjonskvalifisering hos lærere i høyere utdanning. Forskningsspørsmålene er: Hvilke utfordringer og temaer blir tatt opp i teamene? Hvilket&nbsp;læringsutbytte&nbsp;rapporterer universitetslærerne fra sin deltakelse? Studien har et kvalitativt og utforskende design og bygger på fire fokusgruppeintervjuer med 16 deltakere fra to ulike fakulteter. Resultatene viser at arbeid i TST fører til kollektiv læring og mindre faglig isolasjon. Lærerne gir uttrykk for stort læringsutbytte.&nbsp; Deltakere i grupper på tvers av fakultetene er mest fornøyd. Studien konkluderer med at kollegial veiledning kan være en egnet metode for læreres profesjonskvalifisering og for kvalitetsutvikling i høyere utdanning og skape motvekt til den individuelle kulturen som ofte preger undervisningsarbeidet