42 research outputs found

    Analysis of Global Health System Readiness in Facing the Global Health Crisis: Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic and Strategies to Increase Resilience

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    The international fitness landscape has been substantially impacted with the useful resource of the emergence of exceptional challenges, with the COVID-19 pandemic serving as a paradigmatic crisis. This research seeks to behavior a whole evaluation of the readiness of the global fitness device in responding to such worldwide health crises. Drawing insights from the training observed out sooner or later of the COVID-19 pandemic, the have a study targets to come to be privy to strengths, weaknesses, and gaps inside the current international fitness infrastructure. Furthermore, the research will find out and advise strategies to decorate the resilience of the global fitness device, making sure a more effective and coordinated reaction to destiny fitness emergencies. By inspecting the intricacies of preparedness, response mechanisms, and collaborative efforts at the global degree, this observe contributes precious insights to the continuing discourse on strengthening worldwide health governance and resilience inside the face of evolving fitness annoying conditions

    Dynamics of COVID-19 Development: New Data and New Estimates from Wavelet Analysis

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    Investigation of the dynamics of diseases from viruses is a key issue in the understanding of their distribution. This is especially important when viruses are dangerous. This requires the use of various analysis tools. We used wavelet coherence. We obtained results that explain some of the dynamics of the COVID-19 pandemic. We also conducted a comparative analysis of the development of the pandemic between individual European countries

    Fuzzy Set Theory Approach as the Basis of Analysis of Financial Flows in the Economical Security System

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    The problems of formalization of the process of matching different management subjects’ functioning characteristics obtained on the financial flows analysis basis is considered. Formal generalizations for gaining economical security system knowledge bases elements are presented. One of feedback directions establishment between knowledge base of the system of economical security and financial flows database analysis is substantiated

    Procedure of Formalization of the Indices of Banks’ Stable Functioning in Comparative Estimates of Their Development

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    The advisability of analyzing the banks liquidity and profitability as the key factor when building the comparative estimate of their functioning is considered. The procedure of formal description of the bank stable functioning indices is substantiated. Fuzzy interpretation of the bank management efficiency estimation is offered. The possibility to formalize the bank functioning estimates on the basis of the corresponding fuzzy set levels hierarchy is analyzed. The comparative estimate of different bank systems functioning is given

    Modeling Deformation of Spur Gear

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    In The work considers 11 types of gears, features of their design and application. Analysis of gears designs is carried out, since shape of teeth directly affects process of teeth gearing, and this, in turn, affects load, which causes deformation of elements. 3D model of spur gear was created in ANSYS system. The work was limited by analyzing problem from point of view of gear wheels’ deformation, which were made of 40L carbon steel and carbon composite material. As a result, finite element modeling and analysis of gears using ANSYS system was carried out

    Analysis of Spatial-temporal Dynamics in the System of Economic Security of Different Subjects of Economic Management

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    The importance to solve the problem of spatial-temporal dynamics analysis in the system of economic security of different subjects of economic management is substantiated. Various methods and approaches for carrying out analysis of spatial-temporal dynamics in the system of economic security are considered. The basis of the generalized analysis of spatial-temporal dynamics in economic systems is offered

    Conceptual Foundations of Construction of the Models and Procedures for Prediction of the Avalanche-dangerous Situations Initiation

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    The conceptual foundations of the models and procedures for prediction of the avalanche-dangerous situations initiation are considered. The interpretation model for analysis of the avalanche-dangerous situations initiation based on the definition of probabilities of correspondence of studied parameters to the probabilistic distributions of avalanche-dangerous or avalanche non-dangerous situations is offered. The possibility to apply such a model to the real data is considered. The main approaches to the use of multiple representations for the avalanche dangerous situations initiation analysis are generalized

    Time Series Clustering Based on the K-Means Algorithm

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    Time series is one of the forms of data presentation that is used in many studies. It is convenient, easy and informative. Clustering is one of the tasks of data processing. Thus, the most relevant currently are methods for clustering time series. Clustering time series data aims to create clusters with high similarity within a cluster and low similarity between clusters. This work is devoted to clustering time series. Various methods of time series clustering are considered. Examples are given for real data


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    Objective: Our aim is to show the possibility of using different image processing techniques for blood smear analysis. Also our aim is to determine the sequence of image processing techniques to identify megaloblastic anemia cells. Methods: We consider blood smear image. We use a variety of image processing techniques to identify megaloblastic anemia cells. Among these methods, we distinguish the modification of the color space and the use of wavelets. Results: We developed a sequence of image processing techniques for blood smear image analysis and megaloblastic anemia cells identification. As a characteristic feature for megaloblastic anemia cells identification, we consider neutrophil image structure. We also use the morphological methods of image analysis in order to reveal the nuclear lobes in neutrophil structure. Conclusion: We can identify the megaloblastic anemia cells. To do this, we use the following sequence of blood smear image processing: color image modification, change of the image contrast, use of wavelets and morphological analysis of the cell structure

    Analysis of Basic Principles for Sensor System Design Process Mobile Robots

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    This work considers general classification of SS, which is grouped according to their functional tasks and consists of three groups of devices, as result, an analysis is carried out and features that must be taken into account when designing such sensor systems are determined. The paper proposes a general principle for design of sensor systems of mobile robots, which differs in that an initial model is proposed, which will be one of key components for further design concept. General principles of sensory systems organization are proposed: sensitivity, modality, adaptation and speed