280 research outputs found

    On the validity of the method of reduction of dimensionality: area of contact, average interfacial separation and contact stiffness

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    It has recently been suggested that many contact mechanics problems between solids can be accurately studied by mapping the problem on an effective one dimensional (1D) elastic foundation model. Using this 1D mapping we calculate the contact area and the average interfacial separation between elastic solids with nominally flat but randomly rough surfaces. We show, by comparison to exact numerical results, that the 1D mapping method fails even qualitatively. We also calculate the normal interfacial stiffness KK and compare it with the result of an analytical study. We attribute the failure of the elastic foundation model to the neglect of the long-range elastic coupling between the asperity contact regions.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, 29 reference

     Hypocrisy as a form of social behaviour represented by idioms in the English language

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    The article deals with English idioms covering the semantic area of hypocrisy. Hypocrisy is seen as a specific form of social behavior and communication. Idioms are examined as a linguistic representation of hypocrisy as well as an effective means of creating pragmatic impact and thus revealing the social attitude of English native speakers to hypocrisy as a form of behaviour. The research is carried out within the boundary of cognitive-pragmatic approach. The authors apply contextual analysis in order to define the key factors affecting social attitude to hypocrisy in various communicative situation

    Increase of ores mining safety based on combined backfilling of mining chambers space

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    Main research and practical results presented devoted to increase of ores mining safety, based on combined backfilling of mining space. An actuality of the solid stowing usage for backfilling of stoped excavation space shown, when combined with loose stowing during underground mining of deposits. A methodology of research and peculiarities of mining blocks chambers isolation presented when using loose mixture in the combined stowing

    Dynamic model of elastoplastic normal collision of spherical particles under nonlocal plasticity

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    The problem of normal collision of a spherical particle with a half-space is considered with allowance for nonlocal plastic deformation in the case where the strength limit depends on the contact radius, as well as for the strengthening effect in the deformed material. The dimensionless coefficient of normal velocity restitution has been calculated numerically as a function of the initial velocity of the spherical particle. The obtained data coincide well with experimental results available in the literature

    Linguo-pragmatic features of elliptic constructions in media discourse

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    The article is devoted to a linguistic research of the impact of social media texts on modern society. The article considers the linguistic and pragmatic features of ellipsis in mass media texts and their influence on readers. The argument of the article is illustrated through the discourse analysis of media texts. The object of the present paper is to analyze ellipsis as a particular characteristic of media text

    Класифікація теплиць із гнучким покриттям

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    The main types of modern greenhouses with a fence made of film (in one layer and double with an air layer) and polycarbonate are considered. Different methods of growing plants in natural and artificial substrates on trays, supports, and special tables are shown. The elements of galvanized constructions of complete factory readiness differ in height, span, pitch of columns, number and position of elm blocks. The structural features of such buildings and structures make it possible to create many volume-planning solutions for the implementation of various agronomic technologies when growing vegetables and flowers, as well as meeting the needs of production and sanitary and household needs of workers. Engineering and technological systems provide a comfortable micro-climate for plants at different times of the year. Passive ventilation is used (single and double butterfly type in the roof, in the side and end walls), as well as active with the possibility of air humidification The concept of energy saving allows you to store (accumulate) heat in the tanks (systems) of boiler houses, including during operation of boiler houses in the summer to obtain carbon dioxide. In greenhouses, pipes are arranged in the underground space to preserve the energy of warm air in winter and cool the air in summer. Special methods of cleaning drainage drains allow you to save and reuse nutrients during drip irrigation of various plants. The technology of building greenhouses involves the execution of works with sets of specialized machines, as well as universal machines with a set of interchangeable working bodies. For the mechanization of individual processes, special machines and mechanisms have been developed for welding of pipes, installation of foundations and elements of enclosing structures, etc.Розглянуто основні типи сучасних теплиць із огорожею із плівки (в один шар та подвійна з повітряним прошарком) та полікарбонату. Показано різні способи вирощування рослин в природних та штучних субстратах на лотках, опорах, спеціальних столах. Елементи оцинкованих конструкцій повної заводської готовності відрізняються висотою, прольотом, кроком колон, кількістю та положенням в’язевих блоків. Конструктивні особливості таких будівель та споруд дозволяють створювати безліч об’ємно - планувальних рішень для  впровадження різних агрономічних технологій при вирощування овочів та квітів, а також задоволення потреб виробництва, санітарних та побутових потреб працюючих. Інженерні та технологічні системи забезпечують комфортний мікроклімат для рослин в різні пори року. Використовується вентиляція пасивна (в покрівлі одинарна та подвійна типу «батерфляй», в бокових та торцевих стінах), а також активна з можливістю зволоження повітря. Концепція енергозбереження дозволяє зберігати (акумулювати) тепло в баках (системах) котельних, в тому числі при роботі котельних влітку для отримання вуглекислого газу. В теплицях влаштовують труби в підземному просторі збереження енергії теплого повітря взимку та охолодження повітря влітку. Спеціальні методи очищення дренажних стоків дозволяють зберігати та повторно використовувати поживні речовини при крапельному поливі різних рослин. Технологія зведення  теплиць передбачає виконання робіт комплектами спеціалізованих машин, а також універсальними машинами з набором змінних робочих органів. Для механізації окремих процесів розроблено спеціальні машини та механізми для виконання робіт по зварюванню труб, монтажу фундаментів та елементів огороджуючих конструкцій тощо

    Проблемы и перспективы подготовки специалистов для предприятий ядерно-топливного комплекса Украины

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    Abstract. Purpose: To open problematics and to propose ways of development of production, scientific and educational spheres that providing nuclear-and-fuel power industry of Ukraine. Methods: The current state of uranium, zirconium and accompanying enterprises and also preparation of workers, engineering and highly-qualified personnel according to implementation of the State target economic program “Uranium of Ukraine” is analyzed. Findings: Problematics in development of production, scientific and educational spheres on the way of creation of closed nuclear-and-fuel cycle in Ukraine is analyzed. Originality: Creation of administrative-and-pedagogic, scientific-research inter-industry collective that will be capable to successful solution of production, scientific and educational problems in structural divisions of nuclear-and-fuel cycle of Ukraine. Practical implications: The foundation of creation of corporate educational institution of power orientations in Ukraine which systemically solves priorities in production, scientific and educational spheres of nuclear-and-fuel cycle is laid