2,267 research outputs found

    Effets d’une partielle substitutionde la farine de poisson par la farine de soja sur la croissance des juvéniles de la perche du Nil (Lates niloticus, Linnaeus 1758)

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    La présente étude a été menée pour évaluer les effets de l’incorporation de la farine de soja dans le régime alimentaire des juvéniles de la perche du Nil. Ce travail est réalisé sur des juvéniles de 1g élevés dans des aquariums de 50 l. Cinq régimes alimentaires isoprotéiques (45% de protéines) contenant différents taux de farine de soja 0%, 26%, 36%, 51% et 60% noté respectivement A, B, C, D et E ont été préparés. Chaque régime a été assigné de façon aléatoire à trois groupes de poissons nourris à satiété durant 8 semaines. Les résultats obtenus montrent que les meilleures performances de croissance et d’efficacité alimentaire sont obtenues avec les régimes nourris avec la farine de poisson (A), suivis dans l’ordre des régimes B, C, D et E. Les taux de croissance spécifiques (TCS) varient entre 3,26% et 3,77% respectivement chez les poissons nourris avec les régimes A, B, C, D et E. Le coefficient d’efficacité protéique (CEP) a varié de 2,07 à 1,6. Les résultats statistiques montrent que le meilleur CEP est obtenu avec le régime A (P< 0.05) et le plus faible avec le régime E. Les résultats de la présente étude indiquent qu’il est possible d’incorporer 51% de la farine de soja dans l’alimentation des juvéniles de Lates niloticus sans compromettre leur croissance.Mots clés: Perche du Nil, Lates niloticus, farine de soja, grossissement, alimentation

    Effect Of Dietary Lipid Level On Growth, Feed Utilization And Body Composition By Nile Perch Juveniles (Lates Niloticus)

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    The present study was designed to determine the optimum dietary lipid of juveniles Nile perch for better growth performances. Four isonitrogenous (45 %) experimental diets were formulated to contain 9; 11; 13 and 15 g crude lipid 100 g-1 feed, and fed in triplicate groups of Nile perch (mean weight : 3.28 ± 0.04 g) reared in twelve 50 L tank for 8 weeks. At the end of the experimental period the group of fish fed 11 % and 9 % lipid, had a significantly higher SGR and body weight gain than the rest of experimental groups. The lowest body weight (13.28 g) was achieved by group of fish fed 15 % lipid. The FCR were significantly lower for fingerling Lates fed diet containing 11 % and 9 % lipid than the rest. The increase of the dietary lipid level in the diet affected significantly the Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER). Body moisture content decreased significantly with the increase of dietary lipid. Body lipid increased significantly with the increase of dietary lipid. Under the experimental conditions applied, the optimum dietary lipid requirement for juvenile Lates niloticus is estimated to be 9.79 %

    Determinants of physicians’ intention to collect data exhaustively in registries: an exploratory study in Bamako’s community health centres

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    Background: The incomplete collection of health datais a prevalent problem in healthcare systems around theworld, especially in developing countries. Missing datahinders progress in population health and perpetuatesinefficiencies in healthcare systems.Objective: This study aims to identify the factors that predict the intention of physicians practicing in community health centres of Bamako, Mali, to collect data exhaustively in medical registries.Design: A cross sectional studyMethod: In January and February 2011, we conducted a study with a random sample of thirty two physicians practicing in community health centres of Bamako, using a questionnaire. Data was analyzed by using descriptive statistics, correlations and linear regression.Main outcomes measures: Trained investigators administered a questionnaire measuring physicians’ sociodemographic and professional characteristics as well as constructs from the Theory of Planned Behaviour.Results: Our results showed that physicians’ intention to collect data exhaustively is influenced by subjective norms and by the physician’s number of years in practice.Conclusions: the results of this study could be used as a guide for health workers and decision makers to improve the quality of health information collected in community health centers.Keywords: Physicians’ intention, exhaustive data collection, Bamako, Community Health Centre, Missing dat

    Multifactorial Evolutionary Algorithm For Clustered Minimum Routing Cost Problem

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    Minimum Routing Cost Clustered Tree Problem (CluMRCT) is applied in various fields in both theory and application. Because the CluMRCT is NP-Hard, the approximate approaches are suitable to find the solution for this problem. Recently, Multifactorial Evolutionary Algorithm (MFEA) has emerged as one of the most efficient approximation algorithms to deal with many different kinds of problems. Therefore, this paper studies to apply MFEA for solving CluMRCT problems. In the proposed MFEA, we focus on crossover and mutation operators which create a valid solution of CluMRCT problem in two levels: first level constructs spanning trees for graphs in clusters while the second level builds a spanning tree for connecting among clusters. To reduce the consuming resources, we will also introduce a new method of calculating the cost of CluMRCT solution. The proposed algorithm is experimented on numerous types of datasets. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, partially on large instance

    Estimating the Number of Male Sex Workers with the Capture- Re-capture Technique in Nigeria

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    Estimating the size of populations most affected by HIV such as men who have sex with men (MSM) though crucial for structuring responses to the epidemic presents significant challenges, especially in a developing  society. Using capture-recapture methodology, the size of MSM-SW in  Nigeria was estimated in three major cities (Lagos, Kano and Port Harcourt) between July and December 2009. Following interviews with key informants, locations and times when MSM-SW were available to male clients were  mapped and designated as “hotspots”. Counts were conducted on two  consecutive weekends. Population estimates were computed using a  standardized Lincoln formula. Fifty-six hotspots were identified in Kano, 38 in Lagos and 42 in Port Harcourt. On a given weekend night, Port Harcourt had the largest estimated population of MSM sex workers, 723 (95%CI:  594-892) followed by Lagos state with 620 (95%CI: 517-724) and Kano  state with 353 (95%CI: 332-373). This study documents a large  population of MSM-SW in 3 Nigerian cities where higher HIV prevalence  among MSM compared to the general population has been documented. Research and programming are needed to better understand and address the health vulnerabilities that MSM-SW and their clients face. Afr J Reprod Health 2013 (Special Edition); 17[4]: 83-89).Keywords: Male sex worker, Capture-recapture, size estimation,   population estimates, Men who have sex with men, Nigeria, Lagos, Kano, Port Harcourt


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    Mang Den town, Kon Plong District, the Central Province of Kon Tum is one of the destinations of recent interest. With the advantage of the climate and unique high mountain ecosystem, eco-tourism development is one of the notable trends in Mang Den. Based on a survey of 130 domestic tourists to Mang Den, the study used SPSS software 20 to analyze domestic tourists' satisfaction with eco-tourism development in Mang Den. The findings of this research demonstrated the potential of ecotourism Mang Den Town as a destination for Vietnamese tourists seeking natural beauty, cultural experiences, and adventure activities. The positive satisfaction levels indicated that efforts have been made to provide a quality tourism experience. However, there is still room for improvement, particularly in infrastructure development and providing more interpretive and accommodation options. These results can guide tourism stakeholders in developing strategies to enhance ecotourism in Mang Den Town, as a Good Practice and ensure sustainable tourism growth in the Kon Plong District, Kon Tum Province.  Article visualizations

    DNA barcoding for identification of some fish species (Carangidae) in Vietnam coastal area

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    Carangidae family has got about 148 species belonging to 32 genera. In Vietnam, Carangidae is of high commercial value and playing an important role in the ecosystem. In the context Vietnam has received yellow card for seafood since Nov. 2017 by the EU, in which one of the main reasons was related to the restriction of traceability. In this study, DNA barcoding technique of mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene was used to classify 56 specimens of Carangidae from three coastal areas (Northern, Central and Southern) in Vietnam to evaluate the effectiveness compared to the morphological classification method. Results showed that 21 species belonging to 16 genera were determined by the COI barcode while 18 species (16 genera) were determined when using morphological method. Seriola quinqueradiata and Trachinotus anak were newly recorded in Vietnam. From 56 sequences with 660 bp of mtDNA (COI), total 27 haplotypes were detected; haplotype diversity (h) and nucleotide diversity (π) were 0.903 ± 0.00060 and 0.14%, respectively. The DNA barcodes of COI gene of 21 species in Carangidae which were developed in this study could be used as a basis for comparison and traceability of their products. In addition, the results showed the high potentiality in using COI barcode to identify Carangidae fish in Vietnam


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    Community-based tourism (CBT) has been around since the 1970s and so far, has grown in popularity in most continents. This study systematically evaluates and generalizes theoretical and practical issues on CBT based on 87 related articles published in scientific journals under the Scopus system from 2013 to 2023 through the application of content analysis methods. The results also show that research in this area has different research areas and mainly uses qualitative methods. The literature review identified a number of key themes including: (1) benefits of CBT development, (2) community and stakeholder engagement, (3) advantages and barriers in CBT development, (4) community perceptions about CBT, and (5) sustainable CBT development. The article has analyzed research trends on CBT: theory and application.  Article visualizations


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    This study surveyed 120 domestic tourists in Mang Den Town, using the convenience sampling method. The method used to analyze primary data was descriptive statistics. The research results have proposed six factors to evaluate the current situation of tourism development in Mang Den Town, Kon Plong District, Kon Tum Province, Vietnam including: (1) Quality of tourism services and tourism resources; (2) Perceived prices; (3) Human resources; (4) Security, order, and safety; (5) Quality of tourism services and tourism infrastructure; (6) and Tourism resources and perceived prices, in which "Human resources" is the factor that has the strongest impact on the current situations of tourism development in Mang Den Town. Through research results, the article has proposed some solutions to develop tourism in Mang Den Town more effectively in the future.  Article visualizations

    Assessment of the Effectiveness of Ich Tam Khang as a Supportive Therapy for Chronic Heart Failure

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    Background: Heart failure is a chronic disease needing lifelong management. Despite the advances that have been made in the treatment of the disease, both the longevity and quality of life for those with chronic heart failure remain impaired. A more effective therapeutic approach with less negative side effects is still needed. In this study, we evaluate Ich Tam Khang (ITK), the poly-ingredient herbal and nutritional preparation with multiple physiological actions, as a supportive therapy for patients with chronic heart failure.Aims of Study: To evaluate the effectiveness and safety of Ich Tam Khang as an adjunctive treatment of chronic heart failure.Methods: A total of 60 patients with chronic congestive heart failure were enrolled in this open label, cross-sectional and prospective study. All patients were treated with a conventional regimen (digoxin, diuretics, angiotensin-converting-enzyme (ACE) inhibitors or angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs), beta blockers) for at least 4 weeks before being divided into two equal groups. In the treated patients with ITK, patients received conventional therapy plus 4 tablets ITK per day added in two divided doses. In the control patients, all patients kept the same conventional regimen without ITK. All patients were followed up for 3 months for clinical and para-clinical outcomes.Result: The symptoms of heart failure (dyspnea, palpitation, peripheral edema, neck vein distention, heptojugular reflex) decreased. Heart rate and blood pressure stabilized during treatment in the treated patients with ITK. Additionally, total cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol normalized in the patients treated with ITK. Most of echocardiography parameters in the ITK treated patients were superior to the control patients. ITK is safe and it has no side effects.Conclusion: ITK as a combination of herbal and nutritional preparation is effective in reducing heart failure symptoms, improving patient's quality of life for the patients with decompensated heart failure and reducing total cholesterol and LDL-C
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