71 research outputs found

    evidence from Myanmar (fy 1990-2015)

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    Thesis(Master) --KDI School:Master of Public Policy,2017This study analyzes the impacts of the exports on the economic growth for the period 1990-2015 by using annual data of GDP, Exports, Imports and FDI in Myanmar. The main objective of this study is to determine whether the exports have positive or negative effects on the economic growth. Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) Model is mostly used to observe the relationship among exports and economic growth. This study used the ADF test to check the unit root of the time series and all variables are stationary at first differencing level (except FDI which is stationary in the level). The residual normality test, heteroskedacity and serial correlation tests are used to check diagnostic tests. This model also checked the stability by CUSUM test. The ARDL model describes a statistically significant long-run positive relationship between exports and gross domestic product in Myanmar. Moreover, this study finds that exports and FDI have positive effects on the economic growth while imports have positively insignificant in the long-run. As a policy implication, this study suggests that the government should focus on economic stability, new SMEs capabilities and openness policy within the country.1. Introduction 2. Literature Review 3. Data and Methodological issues 4. Empirical Results 5. Summary, Conclusion and RecommendationsmasterpublishedThi Lwin SANN

    Prevalence of Human Papilloma virus in women with Abnormal Cervical Smears from Sarawak, Malaysia

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    Introduction: Cervical cancer is common cancer and ranked in fourth place in both incidence and mortality worldwide. It is 3rd most common female cancer in Malaysia with a lifetime risk of 1 in 116. Infection with high-risk oncogenic human papillomavirus (HPV) is recognized as one of the substantial risk factors for the development of cervical cancers. Methods: It was a cross-sectional study conducted to determine the prevalence of HPV infection and its subtypes among women with various degrees of abnormal smears, who were seen in the colposcopy clinic of Sarawak General Hospital within six months’ period from January to June 2018. We recruited 56 participants. There were 23 each for an atypical squamous cell of undetermined significance (ASC-US) and low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LSIL) and 10 high- grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HSIL). DNA was extracted, and HPV genotypes were determined via polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using two primer pairs MY09/MY11 and GP5+/GP6+. Results: The age ranged from 23 to 56 years, with a mean age of 42.96 years. HPV was detected in 20 out of 56 (35.7%). There were 6 high-risk oncogenic HPVs (18, 51, 52, 56, 58, 68) detected in participants and the most prevalent subtypes were 18, 52, and 58 (20% each). Four low-risk HPVs detected were 6, 53, 70, and 84. There was a significant association between the severity of cervical lesions and HPV positivity (P < 0.004). HSIL had the highest positive predictive value to have HPV infection as 70% compared to 43.4% of LSIL and 9.3% of ASC-US. Conclusion: Distribution of HPV subtypes from women with abnormal smears from Sarawak indicated a high prevalence of HPV 18, 52, and 58. We also identified HPV 70, which has never been reported in West Malaysia. These findings could contribute valuable information for HPV vaccination strategies, particularly for Sarawakian women

    Studi Volume Lalu Lintas di Jalan Raya Narogong Cileungsi, Kabupaten Bogor, Periode Agustus 2011

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    Survey of traffic volume is one of the simplest methods to obtain traffic data in order to better understand optimalisation andefficiency so that it can minimize vehicle traffic congestion problems on the highway. The method used is based on descriptive andanalytical methods, which is done is to classify the vehicles in classes manually by counting the number of vehicles per time unitbased on class - class. The purpose of the volume of traffic surveys carried out in the classified Narogong Cullinan Road, Bogorregency during the period August, 2011, results that can be found is the degree of saturation of the highway is still in an acceptablelevel. Analysis of traffic flow at the study site is still under the limit congestion. It is suggested that to reduce the traffic density, thetype of heavy vehicles such as out of the factory operates around the study site between the hours of 10:00 pm to 3:00 am

    Molecular Epidemiology of Dengue Viruses Co-circulating in Upper Myanmar in 2006

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    To understand the molecular epidemiology of circulating dengue viruses (DENV) in Upper Myanmar, DENV isolation was attempted by inoculating the sera of a panel of 110 serum samples onto a C6/36 mosquito cell line. The samples were collected from dengue (DEN) patients admitted at Mandalay Children’s Hospital in 2006. Infected culture fluids were subjected to a RT-PCR to detect the DENV genome. Three DENV strains were isolated. This was the first DENV isolation performed either in Mandalay or in Upper Myanmar. One strain belonged to DENV serotype-3 (DENV-3), and two other strains belonged to DENV serotype-4 (DEN-4). The sequence data for the envelope gene of these strains were used in a phylogenetic comparison of DENV-3 and DENV-4 from various countries. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that this DENV-3 strain was clustered within genotype II, and the two DENV-4 strains were clustered within genotype I in each serotype. The Myanmar strains were closely related to strains from the neighboring countries of Thailand and Bangladesh. These results are important for elucidating the trends of recent and future DEN outbreaks in Myanmar

    Prevalence and seroprevalence of Plasmodium infection in Myanmar reveals highly heterogeneous transmission and a large hidden reservoir of infection.

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    Malaria incidence in Myanmar has significantly reduced over recent years, however, completeness and timeliness of incidence data remain a challenge. The first ever nationwide malaria infection and seroprevalence survey was conducted in Myanmar in 2015 to better understand malaria epidemiology and highlight gaps in Annual Parasite Index (API) data. The survey was a cross-sectional two-stage stratified cluster-randomised household survey conducted from July-October 2015. Blood samples were collected from household members for ultra-sensitive PCR and serology testing for P. falciparum and P. vivax. Data was gathered on demography and a priori risk factors of participants. Data was analysed nationally and within each of four domains defined by API data. Prevalence and seroprevalence of malaria were 0.74% and 16.01% nationwide, respectively. Prevalent infection was primarily asymptomatic P. vivax, while P. falciparum was predominant in serology. There was large heterogeneity between villages and by domain. At the township level, API showed moderate correlation with P. falciparum seroprevalence. Risk factors for infection included socioeconomic status, domain, and household ownership of nets. Three K13 P. falciparum mutants were found in highly prevalent villages. There results highlight high heterogeneity of both P. falciparum and P. vivax transmission between villages, accentuated by a large hidden reservoir of asymptomatic P. vivax infection not captured by incidence data, and representing challenges for malaria elimination. Village-level surveillance and stratification to guide interventions to suit local context and targeting of transmission foci with evidence of drug resistance would aid elimination efforts


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    The main objectives of the study are to examine the effect of leadership styles on job satisfaction of employees and to analyze the effect of job satisfaction on intention to stay of employees in Sae Paing Development Limited. The primary data are collected from 120 respondents of different departments with structured questionnaire. The findings from the survey research indicate that transformational and transactional leadership styles have positive effect on employee job satisfaction. Job satisfaction has a positive effect on employee intention to stay. Therefore, the study recommends that leaders should pay more attention to employees’ needs and concerns. They should mentor employees to be more initiative and creative. Moreover, leaders should set goals and rewards for employees to get more job satisfaction

    Adaptive Duplicate Detection in XML Document Based on Hash Function

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    The task of detecting duplicate records thatrepresents the same real world object in multipledata sources, commonly known as duplicatedetection and it is relevant in data cleaning anddata integration applications. Numerous approachesboth for duplicate detection in relational and XMLdata exist. As XML becomes increasingly popularfor data representation, algorithms to detectduplicates in XML documents are required.Previous domain independent solutions to thisproblem relied on standard textual similarityfunctions (e.g., edit distance, cosine metric) betweenobjects. However, such approaches result in largenumbers of false positives if we want to identifydomain-specific abbreviations and conventions.In this paper, we present a generalizedframework for duplicate detection, specialized toXML. The aim of this research is to develop anefficient algorithm for detecting duplicate incomplex XML documents and to reduce number offalse positive by using hash function algorithm

    Analysis of Query System for SQL and XQuery

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    SQL is a special-purpose programminglanguage designed for managing data held in arelational database management system. XQueryis a standardized language for combiningdocuments, databases and Web pages. Amongmany query languages for native XML databases,XQuery is the most versatile and widely used, thusto analyze and compare the use of SQL againstXQuery is considered. This paper presentsanalysis of query system for SQL and XQuery. Thequery clauses used in this proposed systemareSelect Clause, Where Clause, Join Clause andOrder By Clause. This system convert from SQLdatabase into XML documents using SQL to XMLconversion algorithm and generate queries forSQL and XQuery using proposed query generationalgorithm. The processing times for each querytype of SQL and XQuery are analyzed in thissystem. From the experimental results, XQuerygenerally has faster processing time than SQL.However, XQuery cannot process and execute allfeatures that are available in SQL. In the case ofjoin statements, SQL turned out to be faster thanXQuery, because of predefined indexing

    Providing a way for qualified XML schema design in RDB to XML conversion

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    Extensible Markup Language (XML) is the standard format for the data exchang-ing over the Web. It is also compatible for Web-based application and the volume of XML data is increasing day by day. On the other hand, most of the data are still storing in the traditional database such as relational database (RDB). As a result, most of relational data are required to convert into XML format to be applicable to Web Application. The efficient RDB to XML conversion methods are essential and XML schema codes need to be qualified in today world. This paper provides a way of qualified XML schema design in RDB to XML conver-sion method by grouping the generally common attributes in the RDB. The resulted XML schema provides more modularity, more understandability for users and reduces maintainability efforts

    Converting Relational Database into XML Schema and Document

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    Today’s world is mainly based on Internet and Web is the key medium of data exchange. Web services based on Extensible Markup Language (XML) technology. XML has emerged as the leading medium for data transfer over the World Wide Web due to its flexible nature and ease of implementation. Relational Database drives most business of any size today. A majority of data is still stored and maintained in relational database. Nevertheless, relational database cannot meet all the demands of electronic business because it processes data independently of the context. To overcome the problem of data exchanging between different platforms, converting from relational database (RDB) to XML becomes a popular field in research trends. The proposed system converts the relational database to XML by grouping the common attributes in the relational database to get the qualified XML schema. The string matching algorithms are proposed and applied to group the common attributes in RDB. The proposed system also solves the multi-parent relationship problem to avoid the data redundancy. The generated XML schema is more modular; more understand for the human readers and reduces the maintainability efforts
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