338 research outputs found
A two-level method for calculation of microstress on reinforced plates with circular hole in case of extension normal to principal direction
The stress concentration must often be examined at two levels while analyzing the stress condition of composite materials. The macroconcentration depends on the presence of holes, notches and other local areas of a construction. Typical dimensions of macroconcentration distribution areas are of the order of 0,01–0,1 m. Macroconcentration analysis is performed using the models of homogeneous material. Microstress concentration occurs in structurally inhomogeneous composites due to the structural heterogeneity of the composite. The sizes of concentration areas in regular structures are defined by the sizes of periodically recurring areas. In fibrous composites, such areas have the size of approximately 0,0001 m or less. This makes it necessary to use a two-level approach for the analysis of the stress concentration in the construction of composite materials. The aim of the present study was to compute the stress concentration in unidirectional reinforced composite plate with circular hole with respect to the volume ratio of the component materials in composite. The contour of the circular hole and its dependency on the structure of plates was calculated in order to study the behaviors of macro- and microstresses. The boundary conditions at a large distance from the hole are pressure, uniformly distributed on the plate. Also this problem is analyzed with the finite element method by package ANSYS. Macroconcentration is defined based on the solution of the plane problem of elasticity theory of the orthotropic material by the virtue of functions of a complex variable. The finite element method was used to investigate the stress distribution at microlevel. Boundary conditions that model the state of the specified twodimensional representative cell in the composite structure were established. The results demonstrated the macro- and microstresses and behavior of the orthotropic plate with a circular hole calculated for two different structures
A New Numerical Method for Calculation of Micro- Stress on Unidirectionally Reinforced Plates with Circular Hole In Case of Extension to a Principal Direction
The aim of the present study was to compute the stress concentration in reinforced composite plate with circular hole with respect to the volume ratio of the component materials in composite. The contour of the circular hole and its dependency on the structure of plates were calculated in order to study the behaviors of macro and micro-stresses. The boundary conditions at a large distance from the hole are pressure, uniformly distributed on the plate. Also this problem is analyzed with the finite element method by package ANSYS. The results demonstrated the macro and micro stress and behavior of the orthotropic plate with a circular hole calculated for two different structures
A New Numerical Procedure for Determination of Effective Elastic Constants in Unidirectional Composite Plates
In this paper a composite plate with similar unidirectional fibers is considered. Assuming orthotropic structure, theory of elasticity is used for investigating the stress concentration. Also, complex variable functions are utilized for solving the plane stress problems. Then the effective characteristics of this plate are studied numerically by using ANSYS software. In this research a volume element of fibers in square array is considered. In order to investigate the numerical finite element modeling, the modeling of a quarter unit cell is considered. For determining the elasticity coefficients, stress analysis is performed for considered volume with noting to boundary conditions. Effective elasticity and mechanical properties of composite which polymer epoxy is considered as its matrix, are determined theoretically and also by the proposed method in this paper with finite element method. Finally, the variations of mechanical properties with respect to fiber-volume fraction are studied
Phase diagrams of the diode effect in superconducting heterostructures
At present the superconducting diode effect (SDE) attracts a lot of attention due to new possibilities in the superconducting electronics. One of the possible realizations of the SDE is the implementation in superconducting hybrid structures. In this case the SDE is achieved by means of the proximity effect. However, the optimal conditions for the SDE quality factor in hybrid devices remain unclear. In this study we consider the Superconductor/Ferromagnet/Topological insulator (S/F/TI) hybrid device and investigate the diode quality factor at different parameters of the hybrid structure. Consequently, we reveal important parameters that have crucial impact on the magnitude of the SDE quality factor.</p
In the paper the principle of electromagnetic transducer with a spatially periodic magnetic field to control, electrical and geometrical parameters of cylindrical elongated metal products. Obtain the basic mathematical equations that describe the distribution of the electromagnetic field inside the product, product in-between it and the transmitter coils, as well as agents of the converter. Ref. 7, Fig. 1.В работе рассмотрен принцип построения электромагнитного преобразователя с пространственно-периодическим полем для контроля магнитных, электрических и геометрических параметров цилиндрических протяженных металлических изделий. Получены основные математические выражения, описывающие распределение напряженности электромагнитного поля внутри изделия, между изделием и обмотками преобразователя, а также за проводниками преобразователя. Библ. 7, рис. 1.У роботі розглянуто принцип побудови електромагнітного перетворювача з просторово-періодичним полем для контролю магнітних, електричних і геометричних параметрів циліндричних протяжних металевих виробів. Отримано основні математичні вирази, що описують розподіл напруженості електромагнітного поля всередині виробу, між виробом і обмотками перетворювача, а також за провідниками перетворювача. Бібл. 7, рис. 1
Modeling Kelvin wave cascades in superfluid helium
We study two different types of simplified models for Kelvin wave turbulence on quantized vortex lines in superfluids near zero temperature. Our first model is obtained from a truncated expansion of the Local Induction Approximation (Truncated-LIA) and it is shown to possess the same scalings and the essential behaviour as the full Biot-Savart model, being much simpler than the later and, therefore, more amenable to theoretical and numerical investigations. The Truncated-LIA model supports six-wave interactions and dual cascades, which are clearly demonstrated via the direct numerical simulation of this model in the present paper. In particular, our simulations confirm presence of the weak turbulence regime and the theoretically predicted spectra for the direct energy cascade and the inverse wave action cascade. The second type of model we study, the Differential Approximation Model (DAM), takes a further drastic simplification by assuming locality of interactions in k-space via using a differential closure that preserves the main scalings of the Kelvin wave dynamics. DAMs are even more amenable to study and they form a useful tool by providing simple analytical solutions in the cases when extra physical effects are present, e.g. forcing by reconnections, friction dissipation and phonon radiation. We study these models numerically and test their theoretical predictions, in particular the formation of the stationary spectra, and closeness of numerics for the higher-order DAM to the analytical predictions for the lower-order DAM
Kontaktwechselwirkung einer Rohrleitung mit der Reparaturbandage aus einem Kompositwerkstoff
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die Kontaktaufgabe über die Wechselwirkung einer langen Zylinderschale mit einer koaxialen zylindrischen Bandage aus einem Verbundwerkstoff untersucht. Der Verbundwerkstoff wird als ein homogenes orthotropes Material mit bekannten effektiven elastischen Eigenschaften modelliert. Basierend auf der klassischen Schalentheorie werden die Grundgleichungen für die Kontaktaufgabe sowie allgemeine Lösungen für die Durchbiegungen und Schnittgrößen formuliert. Die unbekannten Integrationskonstanten sowie die Kontaktfläche werden numerisch mit Hilfe des Programmpakets Maple ermittelt. Drei charakteristische Längen der Bandage, bei denen der Übergang von einemKontaktschema der Wechselwirkung zu einem anderen erfolgt, wurden ermittelt. Es wurde festgestellt, dass die Änderung des Innendrucks nicht zum Übergang von einem Kontaktschema zu einem anderen führt. Der Charakter der Kontaktwechselwirkung wird durch geometrische Parameter derVerbindung und elastische Materialeigenschaften der Schale und der Bandage bestimmt.In the present work the contact interaction of a long cylindrical shell with a coaxial cylindrical wrap made of a composite material is investigated. The composite material
is modeled as a homogeneous orthotropic medium with known effective elastic properties. Based on the classical shell theory governing equations for the contact problems and general solutions to the deflections and internal forces are formulated. The unknown integration constants and the contact surface area are determined numerically using the software package Maple. Three characteristic lengths of the
wrap, for which the transition from one contact mode to another takes place, have been determined. It was found that the change in the internal pressure does not affect the transition between the contact modes. The nature of the contact interaction is determined by the geometric parameters of the contact pair and elastic material properties of the shell and the repair wra
Nanomodified Bacteria Alcanivorax Borkumensis as an Indicator of Carbohydrates in Sea Water
The work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grant № 18-34-00778), by Program of Competitive Growth of KFU and funded by Russian presidential grant (MK-4498.2018.4)
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