20 research outputs found

    Hypervirulent Klebsiella pneumoniae serotype K1 clinical isolates form robust biofilms at the air-liquid interface

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    The prevalence of a new hypervirulent and hypermucoviscous K. pneumoniae phenotype (Hmv) is increasing worldwide, mainly linked to serotypes K1 and K2. Since capsular thickness can directly affect the capability to form biofilms, we aimed to evaluate the association between the Hmv phenotype with adhesion and biofilm formation in a collection of clinical K. pneumoniae isolates. We selected 38 Hmv clinical isolates [15 serotype K1; 9 serotype K2; 3 non-K1/K2 (rmpA+); 11 non-K1/K2 (rmpA-)] and 7 non-Hmv clinical isolates. The Hmv phenotype was assessed through the mucoviscosity test. Serum resistance was determined by bacterial viability tests in pooled human serum. Adhesion was evaluated with the Biofilm Ring Test®, and biofilm formation was identified by crystal violet staining (Solid-Liquid, SLI-biofilm) or visual examination (Air-Liquid, ALI-biofilm). This study linked for the first time the formation of robust ALI-biofilm plugs by K. pneumoniae to the capsular serotype K1, a group of hypervirulent strains which are generally highly susceptible to the antimicrobial agents. Among all the studied isolates, the capsular serotype K1 presented lower initial adhesion despite having the adhesins mrkD and fimH but higher ALI-biofilm formation than isolates with other capsular serotypes (K2 or non-K1/K2). This structure might confer increased resistance to a group of hypervirulent K. pneumoniae serotype K1

    Walking among Mammoths. Remote Sensing and Virtual Reality Supporting the Study and Dissemination of Pleistocene Archaeological Sites: The Case of Fuente Nueva 3 in Orce, Spain

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    D.B. and S.T. are grateful for support from the Spanish government Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (MICINN-FEDER) code CGL2016-80975-P, Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR) code 2017 SGR 859 and CERCA Programme/Generalitat de Catalunya. S.T. is also beneficiary of the Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano (Italy). J.M.J.-A. belongs to the Research Group HUM-607, Junta de Andalucía. The authors would like to thank the editor of this volume and the reviewers for their useful and accurate comments, which have undoubtedly improved previous versions of this paper.Remote sensing is a useful tool for the documentation of archaeological sites. The products derived from a photogrammetric project applied to archaeology such as orthophotos and three-dimensional virtual reconstruction (3DVR), allow for detailed study of the Fuente Nueva 3 site in Orce. In our study of the Fuente Nueva 3 site in Orce, we used 3DVR intensively to map out the morphometric features of mammoth tusks exposed on the surface and a geological fault affecting the site’s deposits. To do so, we used imagery captured since 2017 in order to follow the evolution of ongoing excavations during each subsequent field season. We also integrated the 3DVR model in a videogame environment, to create a virtual reality (VR) that allows a VR navigation experience around the scenario using a head mounted display like Oculus Rift. The main features of this VR experience are: (1) It is ideal for the diffusion of archaeological contents since it permits an attractive presentation mode thanks to stereo visualization and realistic immersion sensations; (2) it provides a high level of detail all along the navigation experience, without incurring any damage to the archaeological remains; (3) it allows users to observe more details than they would in an in situ visit to the site; (4) it makes it possible to convert an archaeological site into portable heritage, opening up the possibility to extend visits to vulnerable groups: specifically those with reduced mobility. Our results show that using VR should permit enhancements to a visitor’s experience and contribute to the socio-economic development of the town of Orce, one of the Spanish municipalities with the lowest income.Junta de Andalucia BC.03.032/17FEDER 2010 Operative Program Research Project A-HUM-016-UGR1

    Increase in bloodstream infection due to vancomycin-susceptible enterococcus faecium in cancer patients: risk factors, molecular epidemiology and outcomes

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    We conducted a prospective study to assess the risk factors, molecular epidemiology and outcome of bloodstream infection (BSI) due to Enterococcus faecium in hospitalized cancer patients. Between 2006 and 2012, a significant increase in vancomycin-susceptible E. faecium BSI was observed among cancer patients. Comparison of 54 episodes of BSI due to E. faecium with 38 episodes of BSI due to E. faecalis showed that previous use of carbapenems was the only independent risk factor for E. faecium acquisition (OR 10.24; 95% CI, 1.35-77.66). All E. faecium isolates were susceptible to glycopeptides, whereas 97% showed high-level resistance to ampicillin and ciprofloxacin. All 30 isolates available for genotyping belonged to the hospital-associated E. faecium lineages 17, 18 and 78. After 2009, most of the isolates belonged to ST117 (lineage 78). Patients with E. faecium BSI were more likely to receive inadequate initial empirical antibiotic therapy than patients with E. faecalis BSI, and time to adequate empirical antibiotic therapy was also longer in the former group. No significant differences were found between the two groups regarding early and overall case-fatality rates. Independent risk factors for overall case-fatality were current corticosteroids (OR 4.18; 95% CI, 1.34-13.01) and intensive care unit admission (OR 9.97; 95% CI,1.96-50.63). The emergence of E. faecium among cancer patients is a concern since there are limited treatment options and it may presage the emergence of vancomycin-resistant enterococci. A rationale approach that combines infection control with antimicrobial stewardship

    Assessment of trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole susceptibility testing methods for fastidious Haemophilus spp.

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    Objectives: To compare the determinants of trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole resistance with established susceptibility values for fastidious Haemophilus spp., to provide recommendations for optimal trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole measurement. Methods: We collected 50 strains each of Haemophilus influenzae and Haemophilus parainfluenzae at Bellvitge University Hospital. Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole susceptibility was tested by microdilution, E-test and disc diffusion using both Mueller-Hinton fastidious (MH-F) medium and Haemophilus test medium (HTM) following EUCAST and CLSI criteria, respectively. Mutations in folA, folP and additional determinants of resistance were identified in whole-genome-sequenced isolates. Results: Strains presented generally higher rates of trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole resistance when grown on HTM than on MH-F, independent of the methodology used (average MIC 2.6-fold higher in H. influenzae and 1.2-fold higher in H. parainfluenzae). The main resistance-related determinants were as follows: I95L and F154S/V in folA; 3- and 15-bp insertions and substitutions in folP; acquisition of sul genes; and FolA overproduction potentially linked to mutations in -35 and -10 promoter motifs. Of note, 2 of 19 H. influenzae strains (10.5%) and 9 of 33 H. parainfluenzae strains (27.3%) with mutations and assigned as resistant by microdilution were inaccurately considered susceptible by disc diffusion. This misinterpretation was resolved by raising the clinical resistance breakpoint of the EUCAST guidelines to ≤30 mm. Conclusions: Given the routine use of disc diffusion, a significant number of strains could potentially be miscategorized as susceptible to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole despite having resistance-related mutations. A simple modification to the current clinical resistance breakpoint given by the EUCAST guideline for MH-F ensures correct interpretation and correlation with the reference standard method of microdilution

    Not seen before. Unveiling depositional context and Mammuthus meridionalis exploitation at Fuente Nueva 3 (Orce, southern Iberia) through taphonomy and microstratigraphy

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    Meat consumption by early hominins is a hotly debated issue. A key question concerns their access to large mammal carcasses, including megafauna. Currently, the evidence of anthropic cut marks on proboscidean bones older than -or close to- 1.0 Ma are restricted to the archaeological sites of Dmanisi (Georgia), Olduvai (Tanzania), Gona (Ethiopia), Olorgesailie (Kenya) and La Boella (Spain). During an inspection of the almost complete carcass of Mammuthus meridionalis (FN3-5-MPS) from the Oldowan site of Fuente Nueva 3 (Orce, Spain, c. 1.2 Ma), a few traces compatible with human-made cut marks and carnivore tooth marks were found. From this finding and previous interpretations the following questions arise: When and under what conditions was FN3-5-MPS deposited? What is the nature of the marks found on the surface of the bones of this mammoth? To answer, we have conducted a high-resolution analysis of these remains, combining both taphonomic and microstratigraphic data. Our results, using microstratigraphic and micromorphological analyses of sediments based on thin-sections, show that this individual was deposited in a marshy environment. Subsequently, the carcass was exploited by hominins and large felids that left their marks on the surface of some of its bones. For this purpose, the identification and characterisation of both cut marks and tooth marks were performed using high-resolution 3D modelling, geometric morphometrics, and artificially intelligent algorithms. Based on the anatomical position of both the cut and tooth marks, we propose that both the hominins and the saber-toothed cats had early access to the animal. Finally, this paper shows how an interdisciplinary approach can shed detailed light on the particular story regarding the death and processing of the carcass of a female mammoth, deposited at Fuente Nueva 3.This research has been carried out thanks to projects PID 2021.125098NB.I00 funding by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/FEDER Una manera de hacer Europa and ProyExcel_00274 funding by Dirección General de Planificación de la Investigación (Consejería de Universidad, Investigación e Innovación, Junta de Andalucía). In addition, this research has been supported by the following projects of the Spanish government: PID2021-122533NB-I00, PID2021-123092NB-C21, PID2022-136832NB-I00. We also acknowledge the support provided by the PALARQ Foundation through the project Ref: PR2004_19/01

    Discourse Analysis and Terminology in Languages for Specific Purposes

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    Aquest importantíssim recull conté estudis i reflexions sobre temes rellevants en la recerca sobre LSP: anglès mèdic, el llenguatge de la publicitat i periodístic, telecomunicacions i terminologia informàtica, llenguatge comercial i jurídic... Malgrat que gran part dels treballs aplegats es refereixen a l'anglès, també hi ha que tracten l'alemany, francès i altres llengües. Conté textos en anglès, francés, portuguès i castellà

    Cursos de nivel cero para las titulaciones de primer ciclo de ciencias

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    Dentro de la política de apoyo a las iniciativas que en materia docente debe realizar la Universidad, en el ámbito de la innovación y para conseguir los niveles de calidad y excelencia necesarios para una adecuada formación y capacitación de los estudiantes, resulta muy importante ofrecer herramientas que ayuden al estudiante a completar o adquirir conceptos previos para así poder después conectarlos con la nueva información que están recibiendo o van a recibir durante su primer año de titulación. En este sentido, la elaboración de unos cursos de nivel cero de las materias básicas: Matemáticas, Física, Química, Biología y Geología que, mediante el uso de la plataforma docente SWAD (Sistema Web de Apoyo a la Docencia: https://swad.ugr.es), permitirá que, antes del comienzo del curso académico, aquellos alumnos que lo consideren necesario o imprescindible, puedan trabajar con aquellas asignaturas básicas en las que sus conocimientos sean más deficientes o consideren que necesitan revisar. Esto ayudará a reducir el número de abandonos en el primer curso de la titulación ya que su realización permite que el alumno adquiera una base suficiente para abordar los contenidos de las asignaturas, facilitándoles la asimilación y comprensión de los contenidos de las misma

    Memorias de Urkeatin. Nacer, vivir y morir en las sociedades Iberas

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    Presentación de 84 diapositivas.En este trabajo nos acercamos a las formas de vida de las sociedades iberas del I milenio antes de nuestra Era en el marco del Mediterráneo antiguo. Aunamos el relato científico y la ficción dando protagonismo a una mujer ibera, Urkeatin. Su recorrido vital nos permite asomarnos a su nacimiento, infancia, adolescencia, edad madura y muerte y vertebrar nuestro acercamiento a la vida cotidiana de estas sociedades atendiendo a las personas y actividades menos visibles en los discursos históricos.Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas; Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales (CSIC); Instituto de Historia (CSIC); Universidad de Jaén; Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Arqueología Ibérica; Fundación General CSIC - Cuenta la Ciencia; Semana de la Ciencia y la Innovación 2020; Museo Arqueológico Nacional; Red PastWomenN

    Neuroprotection strategies towards neonatal stroke

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    Motivation: Neonatal hypoxia-ischemia, a type of stroke, is a cerebrovascular insult that affects the brain at early stages of development, from birth until postnatal day 28. It is the most important cause of death and disability in the pediatric population; long-term sequelae include behavioral and learning disabilities, cerebral palsy and motor dysfunction. Since brain injury is highly associated to oxidative stress and there is currently no effective treatment, antioxidant therapy has been proposed as a novel approach to prevent and reduce brain damage. Previous preclinical in vivo studies have shown that nutraceuticals, including polyphenols, have neuroprotective properties against hypoxia-ischemia induced damage. Thus, we are interested in evaluating the neuroprotective activity of a phenolic compound present in olive leaf extract on neonatal stroke. Methods: Our group uses the Rice-Vannucci hypoxic-ischemic mouse model by ligation of the left common carotid artery and hypoxia in 7 day old pups. We inject the phenolic compound intraperitoneally 20 min before the ligation and dissect the brain a week later to analyze the neuroprotective effects by histology and immunohistochemistry. In parallel, we are obtaining brain and plasma samples to analyze the concentration of the compound at different time points by mass spectrometry. We are also developing a screening model using Drosophila melanogaster by supplementing larvae diet as a way to optimize the analysis of the neuroprotective properties of this and other phenolic compounds. Results: Our lab has developed a histological scoring system based on histology images to categorize brain damage in different cerebral structures. We are optimizing the protocols to further evaluate differences in myelinization, astrocytes and microglia activation by immunohistochemistry. Plasma and brain samples have been collected, and the phenolic compound concentration over time  will be analyzed by collaborators from University of Seville. In the Drosophila model, we are studying mortality and motility changes after hypoxia. Conclusions: The hypoxic-ischemic mouse model is appropriate to study neuroprotection as it recapitulates brain damage in neonatal stroke. Preliminary results suggest that a phenolic compound present in olive leaf extract could protect against stroke-induced brain tissue loss. If the results are satisfactory, we will then test the neuroprotective effects of supplementing mothers during pregnancy