244 research outputs found

    The Impact of Culture on IT Project Management Practices: Research in Progress

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    Rapid technological changes along with political, social and economical decisions have led the IT and Telecommunications industry to become a very dynamic and changing sector. Partnerships at the international level are everywhere and the stronger influence of IT represent high-risk potential. Statistics show that 70% of IT projects are out of time or budget or simply fail. With such perspectives, measures ought to be taken to avoid the further replication of this pattern. The risk of failure is perceived to be greater as projects rely on players with different cultural backgrounds increasing managerial complexity and supposedly requiring a unique set of skills. Efforts should be aimed to find out the management profile necessary to avoid pitfalls in the implementation of technology projects and provide practitioners with a culture-based project management practice. The research will allow the identification of project management patterns and preferences consistent with national culture

    A longitudinal resting-state functional connectivity analysis on trauma exposure and post-traumatic stress symptoms in older individuals

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    BACKGROUND: Given the present demographic shift towards an aging society, there is an increased need to investigate the brain's functional connectivity in the context of aging. Trauma exposure and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms are factors known to impact healthy aging and have been reported to be associated with functional connectivity differences. In the present study, we examined and compared differences in within-default mode network (DMN), within-salience network (SN) and between-DMN-SN functional connectivity, between trauma-exposed individuals with and without PTSD symptoms as well as non-traumatized individuals in a non-clininical older adult sample. METHODS: Resting state functional MRI and behavioral data is taken from the Longitudinal Healthy Aging Brain Database Project (LHAB). For the present analysis, participants who completed the questionnaires on trauma exposure and PTSD symptoms (N = 110 individuals of which n = 50 individuals reported previous trauma exposure and n = 25 individuals reported PTSD symptoms; mean age = 70.55 years, SD = 4.82) were included. RESULTS: The reporting of PTSD symptoms relative to no symptoms was associated with lower within-DMN connectivity, while on a trend level trauma-exposed individuals showed higher within-SN connectivity compared to non-trauma exposed individuals. Consistent with existing models of healthy aging, between-DMN-SN functional connectivity showed an increase across time in older age. CONCLUSION: Present results suggest that alterations in within-DMN and within-SN functional connectivity also occur in non-treatment seeking older adult populations with trauma exposure and in association with PTSD symptoms. These changes manifest, alongside altered between-DMN-SN functional connectivity, in older age supposedly independent of aging-related functional desegregation


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    Objetivo: descrever experiência de puérperas sobre o contato pele a pele com o recém-nascido na primeira hora após o parto. Método: pesquisa qualitativa, realizada no Alojamento Conjunto do Hospital Universitário da Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil. Foram entrevistadas 20 puérperas entre julho e dezembro de 2019. Utilizou-se a análise de conteúdo, com auxílio do software Atlas.ti 9. Resultados: foram desveladas três categorias: Surpreendendo-se com a experiência do contato pele a pele; Sentimentos ambivalentes em relação ao contato pele a pele; e Refletindo sobre ações dos profissionais quanto ao contato pele a pele. Considerações finais: a experiência foi considerada ositiva e diferente de experiências anteriores, apesar da insegurança e do acesso limitado a informações desde o pré-natal. O contato pele a pele não implica em gastos adicionais, não oferece riscos para o binômio, proporciona alta qualidade no atendimento, contribuindo para a satisfação da mulher e benefícios à saúde do recém-nascido. Descritores: Relações Mãe-Filho. Recém-Nascido. Período Pós-Parto. Parto Humanizado. Enfermagem Obstétrica

    Lost Highway Not Forgotten: Satellite Tracking of a Bowhead Whale (Balaena mysticetus) from the Critically Endangered Spitsbergen Stock

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    The Spitsbergen bowhead whale stock is critically endangered. It is believed to number in the tens. Here we report results from the first satellite transmitter ever deployed on an individual from this stock. A female whale was tagged on 3 April 2010 (at 79˚54' N, 01˚03' E), but no locations were transmitted by the tag until 30 April 2010, after which data were received continuously for 86 days. Additionally, three small clusters of locations were transmitted later in the year; the latest was received 20 December 2010 (262 days after deployment). During the 86 days of continuous tracking, the whale initially remained in the middle of the Fram Strait, between 77˚45' N, 5˚ W and 80˚10' N, 5˚ E. For a two-week period starting around 10 June 2010, the whale traveled southwest down to 73˚40' N (at least 950 km). Subsequently it remained at southern latitudes between ~70˚ and 73˚ N until the tag stopped continuous transmissions on 24 July. Movement patterns analyzed using first-passage times (FTP), fitted as functions of various environmental variables using Cox Proportional Hazards models, showed that the whale spent most of its time in waters close to the ice edge with modest ice coverage, over areas where the bottom slope was relatively steep. Winter positions (27 November – 20 December 2010) revealed that the whale was back in the North at about 80˚ N. This information, in combination with recent data from passive acoustic listening devices, suggests that the Spitsbergen bowhead stock overwinters at high-latitude locations. The north-south movements of this whale during summer are consistent with the patterns that early whalers described for bowhead whales in this region in the 16th and 17th centuries.La population de baleines boréales de Spitzberg est en danger critique d’extinction. L’on croit qu’elle se chiffrerait dans la dizaine. Ici, nous faisons état des résultats obtenus à l’aide du premier émetteur satellite à n’avoir jamais été installé sur un individu de cette population. Une baleine femelle a été marquée le 3 avril 2010 (à 79˚54' N, 01˚03' E), mais aucun signal n’a été transmis par ce marquage avant le 30 avril 2010, après quoi nous avons reçu des données continuelles pendant 86 jours. Plus tard dans le courant de l’année, nous avons également reçu trois petits blocs d’information, dont le dernier a été transmis le 20 décembre 2010 (262 jours après la date du marquage). Au cours des 86 jours d’information continuelle, la baleine restait d’abord au milieu du détroit de Fram, entre 77˚45' N, 5˚ O et 80˚10' N, 5˚ E. Pendant une période de deux semaines commençant vers le 10 juin 2010, la baleine s’est déplacée vers le sud-ouest jusqu’à 73˚40' N (au moins 950 km). Par la suite, elle est restée dans les latitudes du sud entre ~70˚ et 73˚ N jusqu’à ce que le marquage cesse les transmissions continuelles le 24 juillet. Les habitudes de déplacement analysées en recourant aux temps du premier passage (FTP), ajustées à titre de fonctions de diverses variables environnementales s’appuyant sur les modèles des hasards proportionnels de Cox, ont laissé entrevoir que la baleine passait la plus grande partie de son temps dans les eaux à proximité des lisières de glace dont la couverture était modeste par rapport aux endroits où la pente du fond était relativement abrupte. Les positions enregistrées en hiver (du 27 novembre au20 décembre 2010) ont révélé que la baleine était retournée dans le nord à environ 80˚ N. Cette information, alliée aux récentes données provenant d’appareils d’écoute acoustique, suggère que la population de baleines boréales de Spitzberg passe l’hiver à de hautes latitudes. Pendant l’été, les mouvements nord-sud de cette baleine sont conformes aux habitudes de déplacement de la baleine boréale, telles que décrites par les anciens baleiniers dans cette région au cours des XVIe et XVIIe siècles

    Early infections by Botrytis cinerea and Alternaria spp. and their relationship with postharvest rot in d’anjou pear

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    Las podredumbres en postcosecha por heridas en frutos han sido ampliamente estudiadas, pero existe escasa información sobre aquellas producidas por infecciones latentes. Botrytis cinerea y Alternaria spp. producen infecciones en etapas tempranas del desarrollo de pera cv. “d’Anjou”, ocasionando importantes pérdidas en el Alto Valle de Río Negro, Argentina. Los objetivos de la investigación incluyeron la evaluación de la susceptibilidad de los órganos florales/frutos a infecciones producidas por la inoculación artificial (ILA) de B. cinerea y A. alternata, la evaluación de la ocurrencia natural de infecciones fúngicas latentes (ILN) durante el desarrollo y crecimiento del fruto, y el estudio de la relación entre infecciones latentes tempranas (por B. cinerea y A. alternata) y la incidencia de pudriciones y mohos en el cáliz y pedúnculo del fruto, y las características fisiológicas del fruto durante la conservación frigorífica. El estudio se realizó en un monte comercial de pera cv. “d’Anjou” en las temporadas 2018/19 y 2019/20. Se evaluó la ocurrencia de ILN por ambos patógenos en plena flor (PF), caída de pétalos (CP), 30 días de plena flor (DPF), 60 DPF y 120 DPF (pre-cosecha), y la susceptibilidad de los diferentes órganos desde PF a 60 DPF. La frecuencia de ILN y ILA se determinó por disección y aislamiento in vitro. Las condiciones de la fruta, incidencia de mohos y podredumbres, e ILN se estudiaron hasta 120 días de conservación y 7 días en anaquel. A pesar de la variabilidad entre temporadas, se presentaron infecciones por los hongos estudiados en PF y CP, siendo severas en cáliz y pedúnculo 60 y 120 DPF. En postcosecha, las ILN fueron altas. Sin embargo, las podredumbres calicinales por B. cinerea no superaron el 2,5% en la temporada con precipitaciones y alta HR durante la primavera. Además, hubo 0,5% de podredumbres por Alternaria en fruta y un incremento significativo del moho en pedúnculo desde los 90 días de conservación. En este momento, se observó una reducción significativa del contenido relativo de agua y la firmeza de los frutos.Postharvest rot of fruit due to injury has been extensively studied, but there is scarce information about rot caused by latent infections. Botrytis cinerea and Alternaria spp. produce infections at early stages of fruit development of pear cv. 'd'Anjou', causing significant losses in the Alto Valle de Río Negro, Argentina. Research objectives have included evaluation of the susceptibility of floral organs/fruits to infections produced by the artificial inoculation (ALI) of B. cinerea and A. alternata, evaluation of the occurrence of natural latent fungal infections (NLI) during fruit development and growth, and study of the relationship between early latent infections by B. cinerea and Alternaria spp. on the incidence of rot and mold in the fruit calyx and stem, and the physiological characteristics of the fruit during cold storage. The study was conducted in a commercial 'd'Anjou' pear orchard during the 2018/19 and 2019/20 seasons. The occurrence of NLI was determined at full blossom (FB), petal fall (PF), 30 days after full blossom (DFB), 60 DFB and 120 DFB (pre-harvest), while susceptibility of the different organs was evaluated from FB to 60 DFB. Frequency of NLI and ALI was determined by dissection and in vitro isolation. The postharvest physiological conditions of the fruit, incidence of NLI, and incidence of mold and rot were studied up to 120 days of cold storage and after 7 days of shelf life. Despite the variability between seasons, fungal infections occurred at FB and PF, being severe in the calix and stem at 60 and 120 DFB. NLI had a high incidence at postharvest. However, calix-end rot by B. cinerea did not exceed 2.5% in the season with precipitations and high RH during spring. In addition, Alternaria rot reached 0.5%, while stem mold increased significantly after 90 days of cold storage. At this moment, fruit significantly reduced its relative water content and firmness.Fil: Basso, Carla Nahir. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Departamento de Biología Aplicada. Cátedra de Fitopatología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Confluencia. Centro de Investigaciones en Toxicología Ambiental y Agrobiotecnología del Comahue. Instituto de Biotecnología Agropecuaria del Comahue | Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Centro de Investigaciones en Toxicología Ambiental y Agrobiotecnología del Comahue. Instituto de Biotecnología Agropecuaria del Comahue; ArgentinaFil: Sosa, María Cristina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Confluencia. Centro de Investigaciones en Toxicología Ambiental y Agrobiotecnología del Comahue. Instituto de Biotecnología Agropecuaria del Comahue | Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Centro de Investigaciones en Toxicología Ambiental y Agrobiotecnología del Comahue. Instituto de Biotecnología Agropecuaria del Comahue; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Departamento de Biología Aplicada. Cátedra de Fitopatología; ArgentinaFil: Lutz, María Cecilia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Confluencia. Centro de Investigaciones en Toxicología Ambiental y Agrobiotecnología del Comahue. Instituto de Biotecnología Agropecuaria del Comahue | Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Centro de Investigaciones en Toxicología Ambiental y Agrobiotecnología del Comahue. Instituto de Biotecnología Agropecuaria del Comahue; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Departamento de Biología Aplicada. Cátedra de Fitopatología; Argentin

    Mining, visualizing and comparing multidimensional biomolecular data using the Genomics Data Miner (GMine) web-server

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    Genomics Data Miner (GMine) is a user-friendly online software that allows non-experts to mine, cluster and compare multidimensional biomolecular datasets. Various powerful visualization techniques are provided, generating high quality figures that can be directly incorporated into scientific publications. Robust and comprehensive analyses are provided via a broad range of data-mining techniques, including univariate and multivariate statistical analysis, supervised learning, correlation networks, clustering and multivariable regression. The software has a focus on multivariate techniques, which can attribute variance in the measurements to multiple explanatory variables and confounders. Various normalization methods are provided. Extensive help pages and a tutorial are available via a wiki server. Using GMine we reanalyzed proteome microarray data of host antibody response against Plasmodium falciparum. Our results support the hypothesis that immunity to malaria is a higher-order phenomenon related to a pattern of responses and not attributable to any single antigen. We also analyzed gene expression across resting and activated T cells, identifying many immune-related genes with differential expression. This highlights both the plasticity of T cells and the operation of a hardwired activation program. These application examples demonstrate that GMine facilitates an accurate and in-depth analysis of complex molecular datasets, including genomics, transcriptomics and proteomics data


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    Con el propósito de vislumbrar el comportamiento de la sarna de peral causada por Venturia pirina, y avanzar en el manejo de la enfermedad en la región (Río Negro y Neuquén), los objetivos de este estudio fueron: (i) Evaluar la liberación y captura de esporas en relación a las condiciones climáticas (CC) y presencia de síntomas de la enfermedad, en dos huertos comerciales de pera William’s con antecedentes, y (ii) comparar la degradación de hojarasca entera y triturada en combinación con urea y bioformulados i.a. Trichoderma, como estrategia de sanitización. Las CC y capturas se monitorearon durante septiembre a diciembre 2022. La captura de ascosporas se registró con eventos de rocío, precipitaciones y horas de hoja mojada, aumentado la incidencia de la enfermedad en enero, resultando los conidios el principal inóculo. La degradación de hojarasca evaluada de junio a octubre 2022 como pérdida de peso (%) a los 60, 90 y 120 días de inicio del ensayo, fue significativamente mayor con la trituración para todas las combinaciones