7,159 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dan besarnya sumbangan Pemanfaatan Perpustakaan Sekolah, Penggunaan Media Pembelajaran dan Motivasi Berprestasi Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Dasar Teknik Digital Siswa Kelas X Audio Video di SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta Tahun Ajaran 2011/2012. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa Kelas X Audio Video SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta yang berjumlah 53 siswa. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian ex-post facto. Pendekatan yang digunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Metode pengambilan data menggunakan kuesioner model skala Likert untuk semua variabel. Validitas instrumen penelitian dilakukan melalui expert judgment dan analisis butir yang dihitung dengan rumus korelasi Product moment.Reliabilitas instrumen dihitung dengan menggunakan rumus Alpha Cronbrach. Uji persyaratan analisis meliputi uji normalitas, uji linearitas dan uji multikolinearitas. Teknik analisis data yang dipakai untuk menguji hipotesis adalah dengan teknik analisis regresi sederhana dan teknik analisis regresi ganda 3 prediktor pada taraf signifikansi 5 %. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Terdapat pengaruh positif yang signifikan antara pemanfaatan perpustakaan sekolah terhadap prestasi belajar Dasar Teknik Digital. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan koefisien r hitung lebih besar dari r tabel (0,366 >0,270); (2) Tidak terdapat pengaruh positif yang signifikan antara penggunaan media pembelajaran terhadap prestasi belajar Dasar Teknik Digital. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan koefisien rhitung lebih kecil dari r tabel (0,227<0,270); 3) Terdapat pengaruh positif yang signifikan antara moticasi berprestasi terhadap prestasi belajar Dasar Teknik Digital. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan koefisien r hitung lebih besar dari rtabel (0,549<0,270); (4) Terdapat pengaruh positif yang signifikan antara pemanfaatan perpustakaan sekolah, penggunaan media pembelajaran dan motivasi berprestasi terhadap prestasi belajar Dasar Teknik Digital. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan koefisien r = 0,582, koefisien determinan (r2) sebesar 0,339 atau sebesar 33,9%, r hitung lebih besar dari r tabel (0,582<0,270) dan ditunjukan dengan persamaan Y = 64,292 + 0,172X1 + (-0,082X2) + 0,173 X3. Koefisien determinan sebesar 33,9%, dimana pemanfaatan perpustakaan sekolah memberikan sumbangan efektif sebesar 6,75%, penggunaan media pembelajaran memberikan sumbangan efektif sebesar 3,67% dan motivasi berprestasi memberikan sumbangan efektif sebesar 23,48%

    Three-dimensional Model for Cohesive Sediment Transort in Estuary of Palu River

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji dinamika transpor sedimen di Estuari Sungai Palu yang memiliki batimetri curam dan perairan yang dangkal di muara. Simulasi model hidrodinamika dan transpor sedimen dilakukan dengan menggunakan model tiga dimensi ECOMSED yang dibangun oleh HydroQual, Inc., (2002). Simulasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan gaya pembangkit debit sungai dan pasang surut. Hasil simulasi pola arus pada penampang horizontal pada setiap kondisi pasang surut dominan bergerak ke luar teluk, pada penampang vertikal, saat elevasi pasang tertinggi arus bergerak memasuki teluk pada lapisan paling bawah dengan kecepatan arus yang relatif kecil. Perhitungan elevasi permukaan dan kecepatan arus pada penampang vertikal memperlihatkan kesesuaian yang baik dengan data sekunder dan DISHIDROS dan observasi arus. Hasil simulasi transpor sedimen menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi sedimen pada penampang horizontal dan vertikal dominan dipengaruhi oleh debit sungai dibandingkan dengan pengaruh pasang surut

    Ada Structure Design Language (ASDL)

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    An artist acquires all the necessary tools before painting a scene. In the same analogy, a software engineer needs the necessary tools to provide their design with the proper means for implementation. Ada provide these tools. Yet, as an artist's painting needs a brochure to accompany it for further explanation of the scene, an Ada design also needs a document along with it to show the design in its detailed structure and hierarchical order. Ada could be self-explanatory in small programs not exceeding fifty lines of code in length. But, in a large environment, ranging from thousands of lines and above, Ada programs need to be well documented to be preserved and maintained. The language used to specify an Ada document is called Ada Structure Design Language (ASDL). This language sets some rules to help derive a well formatted Ada detailed design document. The rules are defined to meet the needs of a project manager, a maintenance team, a programmer and a systems designer. The design document templates, the document extractor, and the rules set forth by the ASDL are explained in detail


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    Nowadays the progress of computer technology is rapidly increasing, and with these technologies will allow us to obtain information about cultural heritage, one of which is Javanese letters. Many people find it difficult in learning the Javanese letters. Media literacy learning of Javanese letters existing still many do not take advantage of computer technology. The purpose of this study was to develop interactive multimedia based of media literacy learning for Javanese letters and to know the eligibility level. This study uses the development research approach (Research and Development). The study was conducted at the Focus Group Discussion on Regional Language Education Department, Yogyakarta State University in May 2011. Research subjects were members of the Focus Group Discussion, and the object of research is interactive multimedia based instructional media of Javanese letters packaged in a CD (compact disc). The methods used in data collection is by observation and interviews, and data analysis methods is by qualitative descriptive analysis techniques. From the validation results to the media expert and matter expert, obtained results that the media has been good and in accordance with the criteria of interactive multimedia-based learning media. After the learning media tested on focus group discussions, showed that the medium of learning can be declared to be viable and appropriate to the criteria of good learning media. Feasibility study of media in terms of aspects of ease of use, display, navigation, interactivity, and the range of matter. Key words: development, instructional media, interactive multimedia, Javanese letters, Macromedia Flash

    Iconic product advantage for improving marketing performance of Indonesian small and medium enterprises

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    Purpose: To examine the role of iconic product advantage to improve marketing performance. Design/Methodology/Approach: This study uses primary data obtained from interviews based on a list of questions to 103 respondents of Salted Egg SMEs in Brebes Regency, Central Java Province, Indonesia. Findings: All hypotheses are accepted, market orientation influences iconic product advantage, product innovation influences iconic product advantage, dynamic capability influences iconic product advantage, iconic product advantage influences marketing performance. Practical Implications: There is no research that examines the market orientation of marketing performance that is bridged by the iconic product advantage. This research proves that the iconic product advantage bridges the market orientation with the marketing performance of Brebes Salted Egg SMEs that is supported by product innovation and dynamic capability. Originality/Value: Iconic product advantage is novelty in this study. Iconic product advantage is the superiority of the company by making products that become icons or symbols that serve as a reminder for consumers with the symbols contained in the product.peer-reviewe

    Identifikasi Pengaruh Perubahan Fungsi Lahan Terhadap Sosial Ekonomi Masyarakat Di Pinggiran Kota (Studi Kasus: Kecamatan Palu Utara)

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    The general aim of the studi was to identify the influence of spatial and social transformation process tha had been taking place (2003) on the social prosperity of the urban fringe community. The particular aims of the study were (1) to identify the changing effects of the land function as the result of the new settlement development toward the social economic contidion of community in the urban fringe, and (2) to identify the social interaction pattern of local community.The result of the study indicated that were changing effects of the land function from cultivation land toward non-cultivation land (the harbor development) on the range of family income of the local community (social economic condition).It could be concluded that with regard to the physical change of the land, most of people who had previosly had a job in the cultivation sector moved to another job (informal sector); while the rest had never had a job. Furthermore, seen from the social economic point of view it was discovered that the research areas were expanded areas of city dwellers with their urban characteristics. factor

    Pengembangan Wilayah sebagai Konsep Kota Baru

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    Pertumbuhan dan Perkembangan kota akan senantiasa berlangsung dengan atau tanpaperencanaan sekalipun. Kota baru sebagai salah satu konsep dalam pendekatan perencanaanwilayah perkotaan yang pada dasarnya adalah upaya untuk mengoptimalkan berbagai jenisdan Peruntukan fungsi lahan menjadi hal yang penting karena hanya dengan perencanaanyang efektif (realistis dan strategis), upaya untuk menyeimbangkan sekaligus menciptakanketerpaduan antar wilayah perkotaan yang dalam pasca aktifitasnya kelak dapat menjamindan menunjang kelestarian lahan (land conservation), peningkatan ekonomi (improvment ofeconomic condition) dan kesejahteraan sosial (social walfare) masyarakat secara keseluruhandapat diwujudkan