4,470 research outputs found

    Clustering properties of rectangular Macdonald polynomials

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    The clustering properties of Jack polynomials are relevant in the theoretical study of the fractional Hall states. In this context, some factorization properties have been conjectured for the (q,t)(q,t)-deformed problem involving Macdonald polynomials. The present paper is devoted to the proof of this formula. To this aim we use four families of Jack/Macdonald polynomials: symmetric homogeneous, nonsymmetric homogeneous, shifted symmetric and shifted nonsymmetric.Comment: 43 pages, 2 figure

    Quasiperiodic graphs: structural design, scaling and entropic properties

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    A novel class of graphs, here named quasiperiodic, are constructed via application of the Horizontal Visibility algorithm to the time series generated along the quasiperiodic route to chaos. We show how the hierarchy of mode-locked regions represented by the Farey tree is inherited by their associated graphs. We are able to establish, via Renormalization Group (RG) theory, the architecture of the quasiperiodic graphs produced by irrational winding numbers with pure periodic continued fraction. And finally, we demonstrate that the RG fixed-point degree distributions are recovered via optimization of a suitably defined graph entropy

    La construcción social del espacio urbano: reflexiones sobre las migraciones vascas hacia Barcelona en el siglo XX

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    Este artículo pretende reflexionar sobre la ocupación, la construcción social y el uso de los espacios urbanos en tanto que espacios de "identidad", utilizando dos ejemplos procedentes de la investigación que he llevado a cabo durante la última década en relación con los vascos que viven en Cataluña: el fenómeno gastronómico vasco en Barcelona y la Korricursa, la Korrika vascobarcelonesa.Artikulu honek okupazioaz, gizartearen eraikuntzaz eta "nortasun" espazio diren heinean hiriespazioen erabileraz gogoeta egitea du helburu, horretarako Catalunyan bizi diren euskaldunekin zerikusirik duen azken hamarkadan zehar egindako ikerketatik eratorritako adibide bi erabiliz: Bartzelonan euskal gastronomiaren fenomenoa eta euskalkatalandar Korrika den Korricursa deritzona.Cet article tente de faire une réflexion sur l'occupation, la construction sociale et l'usage des espaces urbains en tant qu'espaces "d'identité", en utilisant deux exemples provenant de la recherche menée à bien durant la dernière décennie concernant les basques qui vivent en Catalogne: le phénomène gastronomique basque à Barcelone et la Korricursa, la Korrika basco barcelonaise.The intention of this article is to reflect on the occupation, social construction and use of urban spaces as spaces of "identity", using two examples from the research I have carried out during the last decade on Basques living in Catalonia: the Basque gastronomic phenomenon in Barcelona and the Korricursa, the Basque-Barcelonian Korrika

    Frontiers in Computational Chemistry for Drug Discovery

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    Computational methods pervade almost all aspects of drug discovery [1-3]. Computer-assisted tools contribute to the decision-making process along the entire drug discovery pipeline, including the validation of suitable targets, high-throughput screening of molecular libraries, the optimization of lead compounds, and the balance between pharmacological potency and physico-chemical and pharmacokinetic properties. This tendency will be reinforced in the next few years due to the continued increases in computer power, and the elaboration of sophisticated algorithms to capture the physico-chemical principles that underlie the activity of drugs. This effort should enable drug discovery methodology to evolve from approximate to more rigorous methods. How should computational methods evolve to ameliorate the success of drug discovery? The answer to this question is related to the identification of the current limitations faced by computational algorithms to unveil the delicate balance between factors that determine both potency and ADMET (absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion, and toxicology) properties of drug candidates
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