12 research outputs found
Fytoextrakce umělých sladidel z vodných roztoků
Umělá sladidla jsou v současné době široce využívána jako potravinová aditiva. V lidském organismu jsou jen omezeně metabolizována a vylučována jsou cestou renální exkrece. Obrovská množství těchto nebiogenních látek potom kontaminují komunální odpadní vody. Účinnost současných čistíren odpadních vod se udává např. pro cyklamat 99 % a pro sacharin 90 % a uvedené sloučeniny se považují za dobře rozložitelné, byla nalezena rezidua těchto látek v povrchových vodách i podzemních vodách. V případě acesulfamu K nedochází v čistírnách odpadních vod k eliminaci prakticky vůbec. Při dlouhodobém působení je z hlediska biologických studií možnost vzniku rakoviny, ovlivnění gastrointestinálního traktu, či paradoxně zvyšování hmotnosti. V práci byla experimentálně studována možnost fytoextrakce sacharinu a acesulfamu K v "in vitro" podmínkách s použitím kultivarů slunečnice roční (Helianthus annuus), kukuřice seté (Zea mays) a řepky olejky (Brassica napus). Experimenty byly vyhodnocovány pomocí úbytku studované substance - sacharinu a acesulfamu K v kultivačním mediu dle Murashiga a Skooga. Bylo prokázáno, že použité rostliny jsou schopny extrahovat testovaná sladidla a během pěti až sedmidenní kultivační periody bylo extrahováno 30 - 60 % přidaného acesulfamu K a 50 - 60 % sacharinu, v závislosti na použitém...The artificial sweeteners are currently worldwide used as food additives. In human organism they are only partially metabolized and then renally excreted. The big amounts of these abiogenic compounds contaminate municipal wastewaters. The efficiency of cleaning process in the sewage treatment plants (STP) is usually for cyclamate about 99 % and saccharine cca. 90 %. Acesulfame K is in STP practically not eliminated. Although most of artificial sweeteners are considered as good degradable, the residues were found in both surface waters and groundwaters. At long-term treatment can these compounds exhibited biological effect such as cancer genesis, gastrointestinal effects and/or surprisingly body mass increasing. The phytoextraction of saccharine and acesulfame K was experimentally studied by using of "in vitro" cultivated plants Helianthus annuus, Zea mays, and Brassica napus. The phytoextraction was monitored as decrease in medium concentration of tested substance in Murashige-Skoog cultivation medium. It was shown, that used species are able to extract tested substances and during 5 to 7 days 30 - 60 % of acesulfam K and 50 - 60 % of saccharine amounts disappear from cultivation medium depending of used plant species. The best extraction ability was observed at Helianthus annuus cultivars - 0.1...Katedra organické chemieDepartment of Organic ChemistryPřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc
Příprava a fytoextrakce 125-I značených farmak
Léčiva patří převážně do skupiny organických substancí a představují látky s významnou celosvětovou spotřebou v humánním i veterinárním lékařství. V organismu mohou, ale nemusí, být metabolizovány a jsou zpravidla vylučovány cestou renální exkrece ve formě původních látek nebo jejich metabolitů. Velké množství těchto látek potom dále kontaminuje komunální odpadní vody. Čistírny odpadních vod nejsou schopny odstranit tyto substance beze zbytku a tak tyto látky dále přecházejí do povrchových a podzemních vod a do půdy. Vzhledem k biologické aktivitě těchto látek hrozí při jejich dlouhodobém působení možnost vzniku bakteriální rezistence, endokrinního vlivu, poškození DNA či ledvin v necílových organismech. V práci byla experimentálně studována možnost fytoextrakce a translokace v rostlině u radioaktivně značeného léčiva diklofenaku s 125 I v in vitro podmínkách s využitím kultivarů kukuřice seté (Zea mays) a slunečnice roční (Helianthus annuus). Účinnost fytoextrakce byla vyhodnocována pomocí úbytku radioaktivity studované substance [125 I]diklofenaku z kultivačního média podle Murashiga a Skooga. Během 8 - 10- denní kultivace byla prokázána extrakční účinnost ≈ 85 % u kukuřice seté a ≈ 79 % u slunečnice roční. Lepší akumulační schopnost vykazovala slunečnice roční a to 80 mg diklofenaku na kilogram...Pharmaceuticals are group of organic substances with significant worldwide consumption in human and veterinary medicine. These compounds may be metabolized in the organism, but in some cases they remain unchanged and both are usually excreted via renal excretion in the native form or as metabolites. Large quantities of pharmaceuticals and their metabolites contaminate municipal wastewater. The wastewater treatment plants are unable to remove these substances completely, so they contaminate surface water, groundwater and soil as well. Due to the biological activity of pharmaceuticals, long - term effect may cause bacterial resistance, endocrine influence, DNA and renal damages in non-target organisms. The phytoextraction and the translocation of radiolabeled diclofenac with 125 I were experimentally studied by using of in vitro cultivated plants Helianthus annuus and Zea mays. Efficiency od phytoextraction was monitored as decrease of radioactivity of tested substance [125 I]diclofenac in Murashige-Skoog cultivation medium. Both species are able to extract tested substance during 8 to 10 days of cultivation, with efficiency approximately 85 % using Zea mays and 79 % using Helianthus annuus. Better extraction ability of diclofenac was observed at Helianthus annuus - 80 mg/ kg of dry weight compared...Department of Organic ChemistryKatedra organické chemieFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult
Preparation and phytoextraction of 125-I labelled pharmaceuticals
Pharmaceuticals are group of organic substances with significant worldwide consumption in human and veterinary medicine. These compounds may be metabolized in the organism, but in some cases they remain unchanged and both are usually excreted via renal excretion in the native form or as metabolites. Large quantities of pharmaceuticals and their metabolites contaminate municipal wastewater. The wastewater treatment plants are unable to remove these substances completely, so they contaminate surface water, groundwater and soil as well. Due to the biological activity of pharmaceuticals, long - term effect may cause bacterial resistance, endocrine influence, DNA and renal damages in non-target organisms. The phytoextraction and the translocation of radiolabeled diclofenac with 125 I were experimentally studied by using of in vitro cultivated plants Helianthus annuus and Zea mays. Efficiency od phytoextraction was monitored as decrease of radioactivity of tested substance [125 I]diclofenac in Murashige-Skoog cultivation medium. Both species are able to extract tested substance during 8 to 10 days of cultivation, with efficiency approximately 85 % using Zea mays and 79 % using Helianthus annuus. Better extraction ability of diclofenac was observed at Helianthus annuus - 80 mg/ kg of dry weight compared..
Phytoextraction of Artificial Sweeteners from Aqueous Solutions
The artificial sweeteners are currently worldwide used as food additives. In human organism they are only partially metabolized and then renally excreted. The big amounts of these abiogenic compounds contaminate municipal wastewaters. The efficiency of cleaning process in the sewage treatment plants (STP) is usually for cyclamate about 99 % and saccharine cca. 90 %. Acesulfame K is in STP practically not eliminated. Although most of artificial sweeteners are considered as good degradable, the residues were found in both surface waters and groundwaters. At long-term treatment can these compounds exhibited biological effect such as cancer genesis, gastrointestinal effects and/or surprisingly body mass increasing. The phytoextraction of saccharine and acesulfame K was experimentally studied by using of "in vitro" cultivated plants Helianthus annuus, Zea mays, and Brassica napus. The phytoextraction was monitored as decrease in medium concentration of tested substance in Murashige-Skoog cultivation medium. It was shown, that used species are able to extract tested substances and during 5 to 7 days 30 - 60 % of acesulfam K and 50 - 60 % of saccharine amounts disappear from cultivation medium depending of used plant species. The best extraction ability was observed at Helianthus annuus cultivars - 0.1..
Neuropharmacokinetic visualization of regional and subregional unbound antipsychotic drug transport across the blood-brain barrier.
Comprehensive determination of the extent of drug transport across the region-specific blood-brain barrier (BBB) is a major challenge in preclinical studies. Multiple approaches are needed to determine the regional free (unbound) drug concentration at which a drug engages with its therapeutic target. We present an approach that merges in vivo and in vitro neuropharmacokinetic investigations with mass spectrometry imaging to quantify and visualize both the extent of unbound drug BBB transport and the post-BBB cerebral distribution of drugs at regional and subregional levels. Direct imaging of the antipsychotic drugs risperidone, clozapine, and olanzapine using this approach enabled differentiation of regional and subregional BBB transport characteristics at 20-µm resolution in small brain regions, which could not be achieved by other means. Our approach allows investigation of heterogeneity in BBB transport and presents new possibilities for molecular psychiatrists by facilitating interpretation of regional target-site exposure results and decision-making
Spatial lipidomics reveals brain region-specific changes of sulfatides in an experimental MPTP Parkinson’s disease primate model
Abstract Metabolism of MPTP (1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine) to the neurotoxin MPP+ in the brain causes permanent Parkinson’s disease-like symptoms by destroying dopaminergic neurons in the pars compacta of the substantia nigra in humans and non-human primates. However, the complete molecular pathology underlying MPTP-induced parkinsonism remains poorly understood. We used dual polarity matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry imaging to thoroughly image numerous glycerophospholipids and sphingolipids in coronal brain tissue sections of MPTP-lesioned and control non-human primate brains (Macaca mulatta). The results revealed specific distributions of several sulfatide lipid molecules based on chain-length, number of double bonds, and importantly, hydroxylation stage. More specifically, certain long-chain hydroxylated sulfatides with polyunsaturated chains in the molecular structure were depleted within motor-related brain regions in the MPTP-lesioned animals, e.g., external and internal segments of globus pallidus and substantia nigra pars reticulata. In contrast, certain long-chain non-hydroxylated sulfatides were found to be elevated within the same brain regions. These findings demonstrate region-specific dysregulation of sulfatide metabolism within the MPTP-lesioned macaque brain. The depletion of long-chain hydroxylated sulfatides in the MPTP-induced pathology indicates oxidative stress and oligodendrocyte/myelin damage within the pathologically relevant brain regions. Hence, the presented findings improve our current understanding of the molecular pathology of MPTP-induced parkinsonism within primate brains, and provide a basis for further research regarding the role of dysregulated sulfatide metabolism in PD
Synthesis of the Hydroxamate Siderophore Nα-Methylcoprogen B in Scedosporium apiospermum Is Mediated by sidD Ortholog and Is Required for Virulence
International audienc
The Deciphering of Growth-Dependent Strategies for Quorum-Sensing Networks in <i>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</i>
Pseudomonas aeruginosa is recognized as a significant cause of morbidity and mortality among nosocomial pathogens. In respiratory infections, P. aeruginosa acts not only as a single player but also collaborates with the opportunistic fungal pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus. This study introduced a QS molecule portfolio as a potential new biomarker that affects the secretion of virulence factors and biofilm formation. The quantitative levels of QS molecules, including 3-o-C12-HSL, 3-o-C8-HSL, C4-HSL, C6-HSL, HHQ, PQS, and PYO, measured using mass spectrometry in a monoculture, indicated metabolic changes during the transition from planktonic to sessile cells. In the co-cultures with A. fumigatus, the profile of abundant QS molecules was reduced to 3-o-C12-HSL, C4-HSL, PQS, and PYO. A decrease in C4-HSL by 50% to 170.6 ± 11.8 ng/mL and an increase 3-o-C12-HSL by 30% up to 784.4 ± 0.6 ng/mL were detected at the stage of the coverage of the hyphae with bacteria. Using scanning electron microscopy, we showed the morphological stages of the P. aeruginosa biofilm, such as cell aggregates, maturated biofilm, and cell dispersion. qPCR quantification of the genome equivalents of both microorganisms suggested that they exhibited an interplay strategy rather than antagonism. This is the first study demonstrating the quantitative growth-dependent appearance of QS molecule secretion in a monoculture of P. aeruginosa and a co-culture with A. fumigatus.</i