277 research outputs found

    A Freshman Takes Charge: Judge John J. Parker of the United States Court of Appeals, 1925-1930

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    Syftet med denna studie har varit tvådelat. För det första var syftet att beskriva och förstå sex gymnasielärares uppfattningar om störande beteende hos elever i den gymnasiala klassrumsmiljön. För det andra handlade det om att beskriva och förstå gymnasielärarnas åtgärder och korrigeringar gentemot störande beteende. Studien har genomförts med en kvalitativ ansats där semistrukturerade intervjuer har tillämpats som metod för inhämtande av data. Resultatet visar att gymnasielärarna som deltog i studien uppfattar störande elevbeteenden som något som förskjuter fokus från det som är avsett att göras. Elevbeteenden uppfattas störande först när de påverkar andra elever alternativt läraren själv. Då beteendet påverkar andra elever uppfattas det störande från en lärare med elevperspektiv. När beteendet påverkar läraren uppfattas det störande ur ett lärarperspektiv. Resultatet visar även att det finns ett samband mellan mest störande och mest förekommande störande beteenden. I denna studie uppfattar de deltagande lärarna Otillåtet prat samt Otillåten mobiltelefon-/datoranvändning som mest störande och mest förekommande störande elevbeteenden. Åtgärder och korrigeringar av störande elevbeteenden förekommer på tre olika nivåer: Organisations-, Grupp- och Individnivå. Exempel på åtgärder och korrigeringar som gymnasielärarna använder sig av är Ordningsregler, Elevavtal, Relationer, Tillsägelser, Samtal samt Avvisning. En slutsats som kan dras är att Relationer är en faktor som flera av lärarna betonar som den viktigaste delen för att förebygga störande elevbeteenden. Lärarna menar att goda Relationer på lång sikt ger en bättre effekt vid korrigeringar av störande elevbeteende. En annan slutsats är att Otillåten mobiltelefon-/datoranvändning är ett störande elevbeteende som i tidigare forskning inte har uppmärksammats, en ny kunskap inom området

    Development of a CBM based service indicator for UFD replacements - An introductory study

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    Dialysis is a life-sustaining treatment for many people around the world. In or- der to meet the high demands on the dialysis machines, replaceable parts must be exchanged in proper time. Condition based maintenance (CBM) bases its service decisions on the actual health status of the component. The goal of this master’s thesis was to develop an algorithm based on machine learning, constituting the first step of a CBM based service indicator monitoring the dialysis ultra filter (UFD) of Baxter’s AK 98 dialysis machine. Real treatment data retrieved from ten dialysis machines have been an- alyzed. Signals believed to be relevant to the UFD status were preprocessed and analyzed. From them different features were extracted whereof some were found in CBM related literature. Two different feature selection methods were used to select 10 out of the 178 available features. Different labeling meth- ods were tested and evaluated together with other relevant parameters in the algorithm. The final algorithm used a k-nearest neighbors (kNN) classifier with k = 12. The classification accuracy was approximately twice as good as a ran- dom guess. The main reason for not achieving a better result was that only six features appeared to contain relevant information regarding the UFD status. Furthermore, these features were derived from the same signal and closely related. Despite this, the developed algorithm did show promising result in detecting the UFD degradation level but further development will be needed. The main focus should be to improve the signal quality and/or find more relevant signals and/or features.Utveckling av algoritm som avgör filterstatusen hos dialysmaskiner Många människor världen över dör för att de inte har råd med dialysbehandling. För att minska kostnaderna har det i detta exjobb utvecklats en algoritm som kan användas i en framtida serviceindikator för filter i dialysmaskiner. Resultaten ser lovande ut. Kronisk njursjukdom beskriver ett tillstånd av progressivt förlorad njurfunktion. När detta utvecklats tillräckligt långt krävs behandling, till exempel i form av dialys. Man räknar med att runt två miljoner människor världen över är i behov av regelbunden dialysbehandling för att överleva. Dock är mörkertalet stort vilket medför att siffran troligtvis är tio gånger så stor. Det dåliga allmäntillståndet hos dialyspatienter ställer stora krav på behandlingen. Inte minst i form av att se till att dialysvätskan är helt fri från bakterier och andra smittämnen vilket annars kan få katastrofala konsekvenser. Som en del i försvaret mot detta finns ett specifikt filter i vissa dialysmaskiner. De nuvarande rekommendationerna är att byta ut detta filter efter en viss tid alternativt efter att ett visst antal desinfektioner har utförts. Därmed tas ingen hänsyn till den faktiska statusen på filtret. För att inte riskera att filterna byts ut för sent är gränserna väl tilltagna. Tänk om det fanns ett sätt att optimera användandet av varje enskilt filter. Det skulle dels minska belastningen på miljön men framför allt leda till minskade kostnader för sjukvården. I slutändan skulle detta kunna leda till att dialysbehandlingen skulle kunna nå ut till fler drabbade personer även i den fattiga delen av världen och rädda liv. Ett sätt att optimera filteranvändningen skulle vara att utveckla en serviceindikator liknande den som finns i bilar som säger till när det är dags för service. Som ett första steg i att ta fram en sådan serviceindikator har vi i detta examensarbete utvecklat en algoritm som försöker avgöra statusen på filtret. Resultatet indikerar att möjligheterna att utveckla den önskade serviceindikatorn är mycket lovande, men det krävs fortsatta studier. Algoritmen var ungefär dubbelt så bra som en slumpmässig gissning på att avgöra filtrets status. Speciellt en signal som analyserades visade sig ha en väldigt nära koppling med tillståndet hos filtret. När denna signal studeras närmare gjordes en häpnadsväckande upptäckt. Den ursprungliga tanken var att filtret skulle sättas igen ju mer det användes och därmed få svårare att släppa igenom dialysvätskan. Vad resultatet däremot påvisade var motsatsen, nämligen att det blev lättare för dialysvätskan att passera filtret. Orsaken till detta var svår att finna då det inte fanns möjlighet att undersöka de studerade filterna. Dock fanns misstankar om att det kunde finnas ett samband med användandet av en viss typ av desinfektionsprogram

    Antiandrogenic activity and bioavailability of magnolol analogs – A potential for prostate cancer therapeutics

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    Background: Prostate cancer is the second most common form of cancer in men worldwide and there is a great need for novel treatment strategies, especially for castrate-resistant prostate cancers where the proliferation of the cancer cells is stimulated by androgens produced in the adrenal cortex and the cancer cells. Purpose: In this study, we have investigated the antiandrogenic properties of magnolol and ten synthetic analogs in vitro. Study design and methods: The compounds were evaluated for cytotoxicity, antiandrogenic receptor activity, binding to the androgen receptor, effects on the production of Prostate-specific antigen (PSA), and potential to pass over a tight layer of Caco-2 cells mimicking gastrointestinal absorption. Results: We found that almost all investigated compounds were antiandrogenic in an androgen receptor reporter gene assay, with IC50 values ranging from 7 to 86 µM. Magnolol itself had the highest antiandrogenic potency. Five of the compounds were then evaluated for their binding to the androgen receptor and three of these compounds were found to bind to the receptor. These five compounds were also evaluated for their effect on the PSA production and four were found to decrease PSA production at non-cytotoxic concentrations. The antiandrogenic activity after passage through a layer of Caco-2 cells, mimicking gastrointestinal absorption, was also evaluated for three of the compounds. All three compounds were found to have the capacity to be transported from the apical to the basolateral side of the Caco-2 cell layer and exert antiandrogenic effects after the transport. Conclusion: In conclusion, this study shows that magnolol and analogs have antiandrogenic effects in vitro and that selected analogs can pass over a tight layer of Caco-2 cells, indicating a potential for good bioavailability after oral administration. These magnolol analogs thereby constitute an interesting group of compounds worthy of further evaluation as potential anti-prostate cancer therapeutics

    Vitamin D receptor antagonist activity in wastewater effluents-potential for endocrine disruption

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    Background Endocrine disrupting chemicals have been identified for a number of human endocrine systems, but there are no reports on vitamin D-antagonistic activities in environmental samples.Objectives We have investigated if there are compounds present in the environment that can act as Vitamin D receptor (VDR) antagonists.Methods Water samples were collected of the influent and effluent water from five Swedish wastewater treatment facilities and concentrated with solid phase extraction. VDR antagonistic properties of the samples were tested with a cell-based in vitro assay responsive to vitamin D signaling. Cytotoxicity was monitored by three different assays.Results We observed a dose-dependent decrease in the VDR signaling in most studied samples, although the effect was overlapping with cytotoxicity for the influent samples. For effluent samples, we observed clear VDR antagonistic effects also in non-cytotoxic concentrations. The observed effects could not be explained by presence of natural organic matter or cadmium in the water.Discussion The vitamin D endocrine system regulates a broad range of physiological processes, and disruption of this system could be associated with serious health consequences. In this study, we report environmental presence of compounds with VDR antagonistic properties, compounds which constitute a new group of potential endocrine disruptors. The VDR antagonism was observed in wastewater treatment facility effluent waters, which are discharged into water systems used as raw water for drinking water production. The findings reported in this study may indicate a potential hazard to human health and aquatic life. Future research is needed to investigate the presence of VDR antagonists in the environment, identification of the causative compounds, and studies of exposure of humans and aquatic organisms to these compounds

    “Advice and Consent” in Historical Perspective

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    In recent years, commentators have complained about what they regard as an increasingly dysfunctional confirmation process for judges and high-ranking executive officials, and the proper role for the Senate in the confirmation process has been much debated. This Article suggests that confirmations have been contentious throughout American history, and that the focus on ideological issues in today’s confirmation proceedings is not anomalous. Indeed, historically, both Republicans and Democrats have used the confirmation process to delay or oppose nominations when the President hails from a different political party, and, sometimes, even when the President comes from the same party but there are ideological objections to the nominee. That the appointments process has, at times, been difficult and contentious should come as no great surprise. The Framers of the United States Constitution intentionally created a governmental structure that was more prone to obstructionism than other comparable systems. Relying on concepts like “separation of powers,” and “checks and balances,” the Framers sought to constrain the federal government in ways that would limit the possibilities for governmental abuse. The appointments power reflects this approach. Like many other constitutional powers, it is a shared power. Although the President has the power to nominate Article III judges, as well as ambassadors and “officers,” nominees can only be confirmed with the “advice and consent” of the Senate. By placing the power to appoint in two politically elected entities, the Constitution establishes a system whereby political influences will sometimes have a major impact on the confirmation process. Although contentiousness can arise during any type of nomination, some Supreme Court nominations have been particularly bitter. Both the Senate and the American public have increasingly become aware that the courts make law and that the political and judicial attitudes of nominees matter. Under such circumstances, the Senate’s inquiry quite naturally goes beyond the simple question of whether a nominee is qualified or unqualified. However, the confirmation process is more difficult today, even for nonjudicial nominees, because of the bitter partisanship that has infected the U.S. political system

    Evaluation of in vitro bioassays as a screening tool to monitor chemical hazards in cow’s milk

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    Studies on cow’s milk have mainly focused on analyzing specific chemical groups and natural components. Therefore, in this study, we evaluated if effect-based in vitro methods could be used as a screening tool to monitor chemical hazards in milk. In total, 32 milk samples were collected from a Swedish dairy company throughout one year. These samples included conventional and organic semi-skimmed as well as raw milk. The milk samples were tested in five in vitro methods covering eight endpoints. These endpoints included cytotoxicity, endocrine disruption (estrogen/androgen induction/inhibition), aryl hydrocarbon receptor activity, oxidative stress and DNA damage. Estrogen and androgen receptor inhibition, in addition to aryl hydrocarbon receptor activity, were the most responsive endpoints, where 10 to 13 out of the 32 milk samples were bioactive. Organic and conventional milk showed no major differences. Overall, no or only low activities were observed in milk samples in the remaining in vitro assays, which is a promising result with regard to applying effect-based methods as a screening tool. Concerning the most responsive assays, more research is needed to understand the normal background variations before they can be used as a screening tool for chemical hazards in milk

    Impact of sample acidification and extract storage on hormone receptor-mediated and oxidative stress activities in wastewater

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    An underemphasized aspect of sampling strategies in effect-based in vitro testing is to determine suitable collection and preparation techniques. In the current study, the impact of sample acidification on bioactivities was assessed using in vitro bioassays for hormone receptor-mediated effects (estrogen receptor [ER] and androgen receptor [AR]) and the oxidative stress response (Nrf2 activity). Sampling was conducted at a recently upgraded Swedish wastewater treatment plant. Future plans for the treated wastewater include reuse for irrigation or as a drinking water source. In the AR and Nrf2 assays, acidification decreased bioactivities in the wastewater influent sample extracts, whereas acidification increased bioactivities following further treatment (disc filtration). In the ER assay, acidification had no impact on the observed bioactivities in the sample extracts. A secondary objective of the study was to assess the stability of the sample extracts over time. Lower activities were detected in the ER and AR assays in all extracts after storage for approximately 1 year. Nrf2 activities did not decrease over time, but rather increased in some of the acidified sample extracts. Overall, the findings suggest that sampling strategies involving acidification may need to be tailored depending on the selected bioassay(s) and the type of wastewater treatments being assessed

    Processen bakom kursutvärderingssystem - en studie på LTH

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    Högskoleförordningen ställer krav på universitet och högskolor att utvärdera kurser. Ett verktyg för att utvärdera kurser är Course Experience Questionnaire (CEQ), vilket Lunds Tekniska Högskola (LTH) använder. För att genomföra dessa utvärderingar har de skapat en process som innehåller ett flertal aktiviteter, och ett IT-baserat system för att stödja denna process. Utifrån detta har vi studerat hur väl detta system stödjer LTHs kursutvärderingsprocess genom att göra en kvalitativ studie där vi identiferat olika intressenters krav på kursutvärderingssystemet. Syftet är att se om de funktioner användare av sådana system kräver existerar och hur sådana system kan förbättras. Vi har utifrån detta dragit tre slutsatser: 1) att för att användarna ska vara nöjda med processen och systemet krävs det att de delar de mål som processen har, 2) att systemet väl stödjer den process som existerar, förutom aktiviteten att hålla kursmöten, och slutligen 3) att systemet kan förbättras genom att även stödja aktiviteter som sker utanför kursutvärderingsprocessen

    Застосування КМСОНП в системі дистанційного навчання ATutor на основі модуля електронного журналу

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    Low vitamin D levels during pregnancy may have negative consequences for the health of both the mother and child. Cross-sectional studies in childbearing women suggest that vitamin D levels are low during pregnancy, but few studies have followed the same women during pregnancy and postpartum. The aims of this study were to longitudinally assess vitamin D status during pregnancy and postpartum and identify the factors associated with vitamin D status in pregnant women in northern Sweden. Between September 2006 and March 2009, 184 women were consecutively recruited at five antenatal primary care clinics. Blood was sampled, and dietary intake was estimated using a food frequency questionnaire with 66 food items/food aggregates and questions on the intake of vitamin supplements at gestational weeks 12, 21, and 35, as well as at 12 and 29 weeks after birth. Plasma 25(OH) vitamin D levels were analyzed using liquid chromatography tandem-mass spectrometry. At least one-third of the women had 25(OH) vitamin D levels <50 nmol/L on at least one sampling occasion. Plasma levels increased slightly over the gestation period and peaked in late pregnancy. The levels reverted to the baseline levels after birth. Multivariate analysis showed that gestational and postpartum week, season, dietary intake of vitamin D, and vitamin supplementation were significantly related to plasma levels. There was also an influence of season on the longitudinal concentration patterns. In conclusion, more than one-third of the women studied had low 25(OH) vitamin D levels, and gestational and postpartum week was related to 25(OH) vitamin D levels after adjustment for season and vitamin D intake

    An in vitro-based hazard assessment of liquid smoke food flavourings

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    Liquid smoke products are widely used as a food additive to create a desired smoke flavour. These products may contain hazardous chemicals generated during the wood-burning process. However, the toxic effects of these types of hazardous chemicals constituting in the commercially available products are largely unknown. Therefore, a test battery of cell-based in vitro methods, covering different modes of actions of high relevance to human health, was applied to study liquid smoke products. Ten liquid smoke flavourings were tested as non-extracted and extracted. To assess the potential drivers of toxicity, we used two different solvents. The battery of in vitro methods covered estrogenicity, androgenicity, oxidative stress, aryl hydrocarbon receptor activity and genotoxicity. The non-extracted samples were tested at concentrations 0.002 to 1 mu L liquid smoke flavouring/mL culture medium, while extracted samples were tested from 0.003 to 200 mu L/mL. Genotoxicity was observed for nearly all non-extracted and all hexane-extracted samples, in which the former had higher potency. No genotoxicity was observed for ethyl acetate-extracted samples. Oxidative stress was activated by almost all extracted and non-extracted samples, while approximately half of the samples had aryl hydrocarbon receptor and estrogen receptor activities. This study used effect-based methods to evaluate the complex mixtures of liquid smoke flavourings. The increased bioactivities seen upon extractions indicate that non-polar chemicals are driving the genotoxicity, while polar substances are increasing oxidative stress and cytotoxic responses. The differences in responses indicate that non-extracted products contain chemicals that are able to antagonize toxic effects, and upon extraction, the protective substances are lost