103 research outputs found

    Partitioning pollination services to faba bean (Vicia faba L.) between managed honeybees and wild bees

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    Animal pollination of crops is an important ecosystem service provided especially by managed honeybees and wild bees, but the relative importance of these taxa for crop pollination remains debated. Faba bean (Vicia faba L.) is a grain legume crop grown worldwide for food and feed which is partially dependent on insects for pollination. I determined the relative contribu-tion of honeybees and wild bees to faba bean pollination. Visitation rates and foraging behaviours of pollinators were measured in a total of 20 faba bean fields over two years (10 fields per year) in Sweden, and the bean mass per flower visit for different pollinator taxa was quantified in a field experiment which was repeated over two years in a single site. By combining informa-tion on visitation rates, foraging behaviours and gains in bean mass from single visits to flowers, I estimate that 47% of insect pollination services to faba bean is delivered by honeybees, 40% by short-tongued bumblebees, 6% by long-tongued bumble-bees and 8% by solitary bees. I conclude that both managed honeybees and wild bees, especially short-tongued bumblebees, contribute substantially to faba bean pollination in Sweden, and I recommend faba bean farmers to manage for both these polli-nator taxa.& COPY; 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier GmbH on behalf of Gesellschaft for okologie. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

    Neonikotinoiders pÄverkan pÄ nyttodjur

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    Neonikotinoider Àr en omdebatterad grupp av insektsmedel som bÄde hÀvdats vara oumbÀrliga för vÀxtskyddet och utgöra ett allvarligt hot mot bin och andra nyttoinsekter. Forskare vid SLU har bidragit till att klarlÀgga kunskapslÀget

    Fakta och rÄd om biostimulanter

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    Den internationella marknaden för biostimulanter har vĂ€xt de senaste Ă„ren och intresset för och anvĂ€ndningen av produkterna har ökat Ă€ven i Sverige. Samtidigt finns det inte mycket forskning om hur grödor pĂ„verkas av anvĂ€ndning av biostimulanter under svenska fĂ€ltförhĂ„llanden. Detta faktablad ger – utifrĂ„n tvĂ„ stora internationella studier och nĂ„gra svenska fĂ€ltförsök med biostimulanter som genomförts de senaste Ă„ren – korta fakta och rĂ„d om anvĂ€ndning av biostimulanter i svensk jordbruks- och trĂ€dgĂ„rdsodling

    Ekologiskt, regenerativt, agroekologi
 – vad Ă€r skillnaden?

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    Under senare Är har flera termer för olika odlingssystem ökat i popularitet inom lantbruket, i media och i livsmedelsföretags marknadsföring. HÀr presenteras kort ekologiskt lantbruk, agroekologi, bevarandejordbruk, permakultur, regenerativt lantbruk och skogsjordbruk samt hur de olika odlingsformerna hÀnger ihop och liknar eller skiljer sig frÄn varandra. Texten nedan Àr ett utdrag frÄn ekofakta.se

    Insect pest damage increases faba bean (Vicia faba) yield components but only in the absence of insect pollination

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    Identifying and quantifying crop stressors interactions in agroecosystems is necessary to guide sustainable crop management strategies. Over the last 50 years, faba bean cropping area has been declining, partly due to yield instabilities associated with uneven insect pollination and herbivory. Yet, the effect of interactions between pollinators and a key pest, the broad bean beetle Bruchus rufimanus (florivorous and seed predating herbivore) on faba bean yield has not been investigated. Using a factorial cage experiment in the field, we investigated how interactions between two hypothesized stressors, lack of insect pollination by bumblebees and herbivory by the broad bean beetle, affect faba bean yield. Lack of bumblebee pollination reduced bean weight per plant by 15%. Effects of the broad bean beetle differed between the individual plant and the plant-stand level (i.e., when averaging individual plant level responses at the cage level), likely due to high variation in the level of herbivory among individual plants. At the individual plant level, herbivory increased several yield components but only in the absence of pollinators, possibly due to plant overcompensation and/or pollination by the broad bean beetle. At the plant-stand level, we found no effect of the broad bean beetle on yield. However, there was a tendency for heavier individual bean weight with bumblebee pollination, but only in the absence of broad bean beetle herbivory, possibly due to a negative effect of the broad bean beetle on the proportion of legitimate flower visits by bumblebees. This is the first experimental evidence of interactive effects between bumblebees and the broad bean beetle on faba bean yield. Our preliminary findings of negative and indirect associations between the broad bean beetle and individual bean weight call for a better acknowledgment of these interactions in the field in order to understand drivers of crop yield variability in faba bean

    Landscape complexity benefits bumble bee visitation in faba bean (Vicia faba minor L.) but crop productivity is not pollinator-dependent

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    Faba bean (Vicia faba minor L.) is partially dependent on insects for pollination, but the degree of pollinatordependency and whether crop productivity is limited by insufficient insect pollination remain unknown. We monitored insect pollinators and their foraging behaviors (i. e., legitimate flower visitation, nectar robbing and extra-floral nectary visitation) in a total of 20 faba bean fields of a single cultivar (Tiffany) 2018?2019. Focal fields were situated along a gradient of landscape complexity. In each field, a pollination experiment was established, where plants were either bagged to exclude pollination by insects or remained open for pollinator visits. In addition, all flowers on half of the bagged and open-pollinated plants were pollinated by hand to measure the degree of pollen limitation. We found that bumble bee abundance was higher, and legitimate flower visitor abundance tended to be higher, in complex landscapes with more semi-natural habitat, indicating that the faba bean pollination potential is higher in complex landscapes. The pollination experiment showed that the number of beans per pod was lower in bagged plants compared with other treatments in one of the years, but the lower number of beans per pod was compensated for by a higher individual bean weight, such that there was no pollinator-dependency or effect of hand pollination on total bean mass per plant. We conclude that to be able to characterize the value of insect pollination services in faba bean we need an improved understanding of how pollinator-dependency varies across modern cultivars, and how environmental conditions can increase or, as in our case, cancel this pollinator-dependency

    Odlingssystem med hÄllbart vÀxtskydd

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    I ett odlingssystem med hĂ„llbart vĂ€xtskydd tas hĂ€nsyn till ekologiska, ekonomiska och sociala konsekvenser av de vĂ€xtskyddsstrategier som anvĂ€nds. Det innebĂ€r bland annat att man efterstrĂ€var minimerade skördeförluster pĂ„ grund av skadegörare och ogrĂ€s, en sĂ„ liten negativ pĂ„verkan av insatserna som möjligt pĂ„ mĂ€nniskor, djur och miljö, och en produktion som Ă€r konkurrenskraftig, lönsam och sĂ€ker ur ett arbetsmiljöperspektiv. I den hĂ€r rapporten sammanstĂ€lls information om hĂ„llbara odlingssystem avseende vĂ€xtskydd, med det övergripande syftet att ge en ökad insikt i var vi befinner oss idag vad gĂ€ller odlingssystem med hĂ„llbart vĂ€xtskydd, och vilka Ă„tgĂ€rder och insatser som behövs för att ta fler steg mot ökad hĂ„llbarhet. Rapporten fokuserar pĂ„ svensk vĂ€xtproduktion inom jordbruk och i viss mĂ„n trĂ€dgĂ„rdsodling, men inte skogsbruk, prydnadsvĂ€xter eller fritidsodling. MĂ„nga rapporter och studier om hĂ„llbart vĂ€xtskydd har fokuserat pĂ„ ekonomisk och ekologisk hĂ„llbarhet, men de som Ă€ven inkluderar social hĂ„llbarhet har ökat pĂ„ senare Ă„r. De exakta definitionerna och vad som inkluderas skiljer sig Ă„t mellan olika studier och rapporter vilket pĂ„verkar slutsatserna. Vi har inte funnit studier som skattar vĂ€xtskyddets hĂ„llbarhet i Sverige jĂ€mfört med andra lĂ€nder. DĂ€remot finns det jĂ€mförelser för enstaka grödor eller enskilda aspekter av vĂ€xtskydd, och sammanstĂ€llningar av hur vĂ€xtskyddsmedel anvĂ€nds i olika lĂ€nder. Indikatorer för att skatta hĂ„llbarheten Ă€r ett viktigt verktyg i arbetet för en ökad hĂ„llbarhet. De indikatorer som för nĂ€rvarande anvĂ€nds inom vĂ€xtskyddsomrĂ„det Ă€r framför allt kopplade till anvĂ€ndningen av och risker med vĂ€xtskyddsmedel. Vi bedömer att en mer komplett skattning av hĂ„llbart vĂ€xtskydd behövs, och föreslĂ„r att utvecklingen av följande nya indikatorer prioriteras: * Indikatorer för skadegörare, skördebortfall och evolutionĂ€r hĂ„llbarhet * Indikatorer för Ă„kermarkens biologiska mĂ„ngfald * Indikatorer för vĂ€xtskyddets sociala hĂ„llbarhet, sĂ„som kunskapsnivĂ„ och förtroende. I rapporten presenterar vi förslag pĂ„ förĂ€ndringar i odlingssystemet för att stĂ€rka hĂ„llbarheten: förebyggande Ă„tgĂ€rder pĂ„ landskapsnivĂ„ och fĂ€ltnivĂ„, direkta Ă„tgĂ€rder samt Ă„tgĂ€rder som rör rĂ„dgivning, utbildning och samverkan. Vi lyfter sĂ€rskilt följande fyra mer generella slutsatser: * Diversifiering i form av en ökad odlad mĂ„ngfald stĂ€rker vĂ€xtskyddets hĂ„llbarhet. Vi föreslĂ„r att diversifiering stöds ekonomiskt och att det utreds ytterligare hur sĂ„dana stöd ska utformas i praktiken. * HĂ„llbart vĂ€xtskydd stĂ€rks med kunskapsförmedling och samverkan. Vi föreslĂ„r dĂ€rför att kunskapsvĂ€garna och samverkan om vĂ€xtskydd i Sverige kartlĂ€ggs systematiskt. Vi föreslĂ„r ocksĂ„ en ökad satsning pĂ„ forskning och samverkan inom vĂ€xtskydd. * Ingen enskild Ă„tgĂ€rd kommer göra vĂ€xtskyddet hĂ„llbart. Ett mer integrerat vĂ€xtskydd kommer krĂ€va forskningssamarbete över Ă€mnesgrĂ€nser. Speciellt behövs det forskning som inte enbart ser till specifika skadegörare eller ogrĂ€s i enskilda grödor utan istĂ€llet fokuserar pĂ„ att utveckla hĂ„llbara strategier för vĂ€xtskydd i hela odlingssystem som ocksĂ„ Ă€r lĂ„ngsiktigt hĂ„llbara utifrĂ„n andra aspekter Ă€n vĂ€xtskydd. * Innovationskraft för nya vĂ€xtskyddsstrategier. I en framtid med minskad tillgĂ„ng pĂ„ kemiska vĂ€xtskyddsmedel behövs alternativa riktade Ă„tgĂ€rder mot sĂ€rskilt problematiska ogrĂ€s och skadegörare. Även innovationer pĂ„ gĂ„rdsnivĂ„ Ă€r av stort vĂ€rde och bör stimuleras. Det kan ske sĂ„vĂ€l genom direkta stimulansmedel som genom en vĂ€l genomtĂ€nkt utformning av regler och stöd. Dagens och framtidens jordbruk ska leverera livsmedel och andra förnödenheter till en vĂ€xande och mer vĂ€lmĂ„ende befolkning i ett förĂ€ndrat klimat och med en förvĂ€ntat fortsatt minskad tillgĂ„ng till kemiska vĂ€xtskyddsmedel, utan bestĂ„ende negativa miljökonsekvenser. Det Ă€r en stor och viktig uppgift som kommer att göra satsningar pĂ„ hĂ„llbart vĂ€xtskydd nödvĂ€ndiga

    Spatiotemporal isolation of oilseed rape fields reduces insect pest pressure and crop damage

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    1. Pest management is essential to maintain agricultural production, but recent shifts in policies and the development of insecticide resistance have restricted the availability of insecticides for pest suppression. Identifying the landscape-level resource requirements of pests to complete their life cycles might unveil new sustainable solutions to regulate their populations and prevent crop damage.2. We assessed the effects of landscape composition and configuration at different spatial scales on flea beetle densities and crop damage in 56 spring oilseed rape fields sampled over 5 years in Sweden. We considered the cover of non- crop habitats as an aspect of landscape composition and the distances to the host crop and an alternative host crop in the previous year, edge density and crop diversity as aspects of landscape configuration.3. The distance from spring oilseed rape in the previous year reduced flea beetle densities and crop damage across most species and spatial scales. Edge density reduced the densities of two flea beetle species, predominantly at the 500 m ra- dius landscape scale. The cover of forests and permanent pastures as well as crop diversity in the previous year increased the densities of different species at several, mostly larger (1000- 2000 m) spatial scales. Increasing permanent pasture cover at the 500 m scale also increased crop damage.4. Synthesis and applications: We find that there is no one fits all approach in designing landscapes for flea beetle regulation as habitat use and scales of effect are species-specific for these pests. However, increasing the spatiotemporal isolation of host crop fields is a promising and potentially more general means of disrupting pest populations and reducing crop damage. Considering the ecological traits of the pest species is a possible next step to optimise landscape -based pest management
