12 research outputs found

    PETE Doctoral Institutions: Programs, Faculty and Students

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    Purpose: The present study of doctoral physical education teacher education (D-PETE) programs was part of a longitudinal study that provided an extensive description of demographics including: (a) doctoral program characteristics, (b) faculty, and (c) doctoral students/graduates. Method: This trend study incorporated 3 data sets (2005–2006, 2008–2009, and 2011–2012) that described the characteristics of D-PETE programs. Academic heads of D-PETE programs provided demographic information on their doctoral students, faculty, and institutional characteristics for the 2005–2006, 2008–2009, and 2011–2012 academic years and selected summary data from 1996–1997 through 2011–2012. Results/Conclusion: As a result of this longitudinal data collection, the following trends were revealed. First, there was a decrease in the number of D-PETE programs and an increase of nontenured and part-time pedagogy faculty. Second, initial teacher licensure programs remained in existence at the vast majority of D-PETE programs. Third, funding for doctoral students at D-PETE programs was decreasing. Fourth, racial composition of doctoral graduates and current doctoral students remained largely skewed toward Caucasians. Fifth, there was a slight decline in the percentage of doctoral graduates entering higher education, but employment rates were exceptionally high. Sixth, non-U.S. doctoral students and ABDs were marketable in the United States

    AIESEP Position Statement on Physical Education Assessment

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    Why a position statement on Assessment in Physical Education? The purpose of this AIESEP Position Statement on Assessment in Physical Education (PE) is fourfold: • To advocate internationally for the importance of assessment practices as central to providing meaningful, relevant and worthwhile physical education; • To advise the field of PE about assessment-related concepts informed by research and contemporary practice; • To identify pressing research questions and avenues for new research in the area of PE assessment; • To provide a supporting rationale for colleagues who wish to apply for research funds to address questions about PE assessment or who have opportunities to work with or influence policy makers. The main target groups for this position statement are PE teachers, PE pre-service teachers, PE curriculum officers, PE teacher educators, PE researchers, PE administrators and PE policy makers. How was this position statement created? The AIESEP specialist seminar ‘Future Directions in PE Assessment’ was held from October 18-20 2018, at Fontys University of Applied Sciences in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. The seminar aimed to bring together leading scholars in the field to present and discuss ‘evidence-informed’ views on various topics around PE assessment. It brought together 71 experts from 20 countries (see appendix 2) to share research on PE assessment via keynote lectures and research presentations and to discuss assessment-related issues in interactive sessions. Input from this meeting informed a first draft version of the statement. This first draft was sent to all participants of the specialist seminar for feedback, from which a second draft was created. This draft was presented at the AIESEP International Conference 2019 in Garden City, New York, after which further feedback was collected from participants both on site and through an online survey. The main contributors to the writing of the position statement are mentioned in appendix 1. Approval was granted by the AIESEP Board on May 7th, 2020. Largely in keeping with the main themes of the AIESEP specialist seminar ‘Future Directions in PE Assessment’, this Position Statement is divided into the following sections: Assessment Literacy; Accountability & Policy; Instructional Alignment; Assessment for Learning; Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE) and Continuing Professional Development; Digital Technology in PE Assessment. These sections are preceded by a brief overview of research data on PE. The statement concludes with directions for future research

    AIESEP Standpunt over beoordelen bij lichamelijke opvoeding

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    Waarom een AIESEP Standpunt over Beoordeling bij Lichamelijke Opvoeding? Het doel van dit AIESEP Standpunt is viervoudig: • Om internationaal te pleiten voor de centrale positie van beoordeling bij de realisatie van een betekenisvolle, relevante, waardevolle lichamelijke opvoeding (LO)*; • Om het vakgebied LO op basis van inzichten uit onderzoek en eigentijdse praktijken te adviseren over beoordelings-gerelateerde zaken; • Om dringende onderzoeksvragen en -richtingen te signaleren, op het gebied van beoordeling binnen de LO; • Om onderbouwing te leveren voor collega’s die onderzoeksfinanciering willen aanvragen op het gebied van beoordelen binnen de LO, of die in de positie zijn om met beleidsmakers samen te werken of deze te beïnvloeden. De belangrijkste doelgroepen voor dit AIESEP Standpunt zijn leraren LO, studenten LO, ALOdocenten, LO-leerplanontwerpers, LO-onderzoekers, en leidinggevenden en beleidsmakers binnen de vakwereld. Hoe werd dit AIESEP Standpunt ontwikkeld? Het AIESEP-symposium ‘Future Directions in PE Assessment’ vond plaats van 18 t/m 20 oktober 2018 in Eindhoven, georganiseerd door Fontys Sporthogeschool. Het doel was om onderzoekers met inhoudelijke expertise op het gebied van beoordelen bij LO samen te brengen, om te presenteren en discussiëren over dit onderwerp op basis van wetenschappelijke inzichten. Er namen 71 specialisten uit 20 verschillende landen deel (zie bijlage 2) via lezingen, onderzoekspresentaties, en verschillende vormen van interactieve discussiesessies. Op basis hiervan werd een eerste versie geschreven van het AIESEP Standpunt. Deze werd gestuurd naar alle deelnemers voor feedback, waarna een tweede versie werd gepresenteerd op de AIESEP International Conference 2019 in Garden City, New York. Deelnemers aan deze sessie gaven hun input zowel ter plekke als achteraf via een online bevraging. De primaire opstellers van het Standpunt staan vermeld in Bijlage 1. Het bestuur van AIESEP gaf goedkeuring aan het Standpunt op 7 mei 2020. In lijn met de hoofdthema’s van het AIESEP-symposium ‘Future Directions in PE Assessment’ is het Standpunt opgedeeld in de volgende paragrafen: Beoordelingscompetentie, Beleid & Verantwoording, Constructive Alignment, Formatieve Beoordeling, Opleiding van Leraren LO & Professionele Ontwikkeling, Digitale Technologie. Deze paragrafen worden voorafgegaan door een kort overzicht van relevant onderzoek, en er wordt afgesloten met aanbevelingen voor toekomstig onderzoek