46 research outputs found

    Teaching traffic signs with didactic games

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    Students come into contact with road signalisation every day. Often they would misread them and take wrong actions. One of the goals of teaching is making the students understand road signalisation they encounter in the role of pedestrians and cyclists. The teacher’s assignment is to provide the students with appropriate activities that do so. The method of didactic games can be used for this, because it is close to the students’ sympathies and makes it possible for them to actively acquire knowledge. In the theoretical part of this thesis we more accurately defined traffic education, touched on the topic of children in road accidents and listed the characteristics of a child’s development between years 6 and 11 from the viewpoint of road safety. We then defined traffic education through the aspect of the dividing of responsibilities among the parents and the school, described the rules a child must abide by as a pedestrian, a cyclist and a passenger and focused on the visibility in traffic. We put special attention on road signalisation and didactic games. Especially for this research we designed special didactic games on the topic of road signalisation. The purpose of the research was to examine the level of efficiency of didactic games as a tool for discussing road signalisation for pedestrians and cyclists in the 3rd, 4th and 5th grade of elementary school. We are interested to see if the method of didactic games helps to a better familiarity and understanding of road signalisation, important for the behaviour of pedestrians and cyclists. Sixty 3rd, 4th and 5th year students from a chosen elementary school from the Dolenjska region were included in the research. First the prior knowledge of students was examined using a pre-test, then the examination via the method of didactic games for road signalisation for pedestrians and cyclists followed, and finally the students’ knowledge was re-examined using an after-test. The pre-test and the after-test were structurally similar and did not differentiate for students of different grades. The results of the research showed the method of didactic games is useful for the familiarity and understanding of road signalisation for pedestrians and cyclists from the 3rd to the 5th grade. In every grade the students achieved on average higher scores on the after-test compared to the pre-test. The 3rd grade students averaged an 8.8 score on the pre-test and 11.6 on the after-test. The 4th grade students achieved an average of 12.4 on the pre-test and 15.3 on the after-test. The 5th grade students averaged a 12.1 score on the pre-test and 16.7 on the after-test. The average across all three grades amounted to 10.8 for the pre-test and 14.2 for the after-test. On average the students improved for 3.4 points. The data acquired is helpful for teachers of lower classes in elementary school and the fields of didacticism and humanities. It adds quality to traffic education

    Etnopharmacological research of plant and fungi usage in Karst and Dolenjska region with examples of phytochemical characterisation

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    Etnofarmakologija proučuje ljudsko (lokalno) in tradicionalno uporabo rastlin, živali, gliv, mikroorganizmov in mineralov za preprečevanje ali zdravljenje bolezni ljudi in živali. Etnofarmakološke raziskave se začnejo s terenskimi raziskavami v lokalni skupnosti, kjer raziskovalci dokumentirajo uporabo lokalnih oz. tradicionalnih zdravil. Nato sledi fitokemijsko, farmakološko in toksikološko vrednotenje terapevtske uporabe zdravil s ciljem prispevati k njihovi boljši in varnejši uporabi. Kras in Gorjanci (Dolenjska) sta pretežno podeželska slovenska predela, ki sta med seboj oddaljena približno 120 km. Kras leži blizu italijanske meje, Gorjanci pa mejijo na Hrvaško. Podnebje Krasa ima sredozemske in celinske vplive, Gorjanci pa imajo zmerno celinsko podnebje. Prebivalci obeh območij so se v preteklosti ukvarjali s kmetijstvom, danes pa aktivna populacija večinoma dela v bližnjih industrijskih središčih. Kljub temu so prebivalci obeh območij še vedno povezani z naravo in znanje o rastlinah je pomembno, saj si ljudje na vrtovih in poljih pridelujejo svojo hrano, nekateri pa se tudi ukvarjajo s kmetijstvom. Veliko prebivalcev Slovenije je še vedno takšnih, ki sami nabirajo zdravilne rastline, kljub temu pa je na območjih Krasa in Gorjancev uporaba zdravilnih rastlin le malo dokumentirana. V terenski etnofarmakološki raziskavi smo med oktobrom 2013 in septembrom 2014 na Krasu in Gorjancih intervjuvali 25 ljudi na vsakem območju. Osrednje vprašanje je bilo: »Katere rastline nabirate ali ste jih nabirali v naravi in jih uporabljate?1«. Osredotočili smo se na rastline, ki jih uporabljamo v zdravilne, prehranske, veterinarske in kozmetične namene. Informatorji2 na Krasu so poročali o uporabi 77 različnih rastlin, na območju Gorjancev pa o 81 različnih rastlinah, od tega je bilo 64 rastlin skupnih obema območjema. Približno 64 % rastlin na vsakem območju je omenilo le nekaj informatorjev (manj kot 7). Ostale rastline smo smatrali kot pomembne in velika večina je bila skupna obema območjema. Le nekaj rastlin je bilo značilnih le za eno območje. Razlike so nastale zaradi različne razširjenosti divjih rastlin in primernih pogojev rasti kultiviranih rastlin, ki so se razlikovali med obema območjema. Informatorji so rastline večinoma uporabljali v zdravilne in prehranske namene, med obema uporabama pa obstaja zvezen prehod. Informatorji so za približno 50 % rastlin poročali o uporabi v zdravilne in prehranske namene. Pogosto so poročali o lastnostih rastline, ki krepijo zdravje, npr. visoka vsebnost vitamina C, čeprav jih niso (nujno) uporabljali s tem namenom. Največ rastlin so uporabljali za zdravljenje gastrointestinalnih bolezni, bolezni respiratornega sistema in bolezni kože. Med rastlinami, ki jih ljudje pogosto nabirajo, smo opazili nekatere razlike v namenu uporabe rastlin med Krasom in Gorjanci. Te razlike bi bile lahko posledica kulturnih razlik, ki so morda nastale zaradi vplivov sosednjih območij. Ustni viri so bili za informatorje pomemben vir znanja o rastlinah. Čeprav so bile to starejše osebe s povprečno starostjo 61 let na Krasu in 69 let na Gorjancih, so na njihovo znanje o zdravilnih rastlinah vplivali mediji, najbolj pogosto poljudne knjige o zdravilnih rastlinah, ki so izšle v 20. stoletju. Na območju Krasa in Gorjancev smo raziskali tudi tradicionalno uporabo rdeče mušnice (Amanita muscaria) za lovljenje muh. V ta namen so rdečo mušnico uporabljali že stoletja, kljub temu pa so pripravki slabo dokumentirani in raziskani. Kolikor je znano, je na področju Slovenije najstarejši zapis o uporabi rdeče mušnice za lovljenje muh v knjigi Flora carniolica (1760) Antonija Scopolija. Na območju Krasa so pripravke rdeče mušnice za lovljenje muh opisale tri informatorke, ki so bile po rodu iz drugih delov Slovenije in so se uporabe spomnile od doma. Na območju Gorjancev pa je pripravke opisalo 13 informatorjev. Rezultati kažejo, da je bila tradicija uporabe rdeče mušnice za lovljenje muh prisotna na Gorjancih in ne na Krasu. Tradicionalno znanje je še prisotno, vendar se bo verjetno v prihodnjih letih izgubilo, saj o trenutni uporabi rdeče mušnice ni poročal nihče. Informatorji so skupno navedli devet različnih metod za pripravo rdeče mušnice za lovljenje muh. Enostavne metode so vključevale namakanje mušnice v mleku ali vodi, nekateri informatorji pa so poročali, da so mušnico le pokapljali z mlekom. Kompleksne metode so vključevale kombinacijo toplotne ali mehanske obdelave in namakanja v mleku ali vodi. Po tradicionalnih metodah smo pripravili osem pripravkov in merili sproščanje ibotenske kisline in muscimola iz glivnega tkiva v petih časovnih točkah (in sicer po 0,5, 1, 2, 3 in 24 urah) z metodo HPLC. Ugotovili smo, da je sproščanje ibotenske kisline časovno odvisno in da količina sproščene ibotenske kisline narašča s časom. Sproščanje ibotenske kisline in muscimola ni bilo odvisno od topila, čeprav so informatorji večkrat omenili mleko kot vodo. Če smo mušnico samo namakali v mleku ali vodi, se je v vsaki časovni točki iz nje sprostila najmanjša količina ibotenske kisline in muscimola. Dodatna toplotna in mehanska obdelava je pospešila sproščanje ibotenske kisline in muscimola. V tretjem delu doktorskega dela smo proučevali uporabo preobjed (Aconitum spp.) na Solčavskem3. Preobjede so strupene rastline, ki so bile del uradne in ljudske medicine v slovenskem prostoru v 19. stoletju. Zaradi toksičnosti je preobjeda prenehala biti uradno zdravilo v 20. stoletju. Rezultati terenske etnofarmakološke raziskave na Solčavskem kažejo, da je ljudsko znanje o uporabi preobjede v zdravilne namene še prisotno, čeprav jo uporabljajo bistveno manj pogosto kot v preteklosti. Informatorji so poročali o uporabi etanolnega ekstrakta, ki so ga pridobili z maceracijo korenin preobjede v domačem žganju. Najverjetneje so nabirali korenine turske preobjede (Aconitum tauricum) in repičaste preobjede (Aconitum napellus). Informatorji niso poročali o uporabi zeli preobjede. V uradni medicini so korenine preobjede začeli uporabljati šele v drugi polovici 19. stoletja, prej pa zel. Sedanja uporaba etanolnega ekstrakta iz korenin preobjede na Solčavskem tako kaže na možen vpliv uradne medicine na ljudsko uporabo te rastline na tem območju. Etanolni ekstrakt so uporabljali notranje in zunanje za zdravljenje različnih bolezni pri ljudeh in živalih. Štirje informatorji so imeli etanolni ekstrakt doma in dva sta bila pripravljena nedavno (leta 1998 in 2015). S fitokemijsko analizo smo potrdili prisotnost akonitina v dveh vzorcih od treh, četrtega nismo analizirali. Za odmerjanje ekstrakta ni bilo splošnega pravila, saj je vsak informator navedel drugačno število kapljic. Čeprav so se recepture za pripravo ekstrakta in odmerjanje med informatorji močno razlikovali, ni bilo poročil o zastrupitvah zaradi uporabe ekstrakta v zdravilne namene. Ljudska uporaba rastlin se je v preteklosti ves čas spreminjala, saj je tudi znanje o njihovi uporabi neprenehoma nastajalo, se spreminjalo, prenašalo in izginjalo. Tehnološki napredek danes omogoča hitrejše nastajanje novih spoznanj in tudi hitrejše širjenje novega in starega znanja o zdravilnih rastlinah. To posledično povzroča še hitrejše spremembe in verjetno tudi poenotenje lokalne uporabe zdravilnih rastlin. Z raziskovalnim delom v okviru doktorske disertacije smo prispevali k boljšemu poznavanju in razumevanju današnje ljudske uporabe rastlin in rdeče mušnice na območju Krasa in Gorjancev ter uporabe preobjede na Solčavskem. Rezultati in ugotovitve raziskav so posnetek sedanjega ljudskega znanja in uporabe rastlin, ki imajo svoje korenine v preteklosti in bodo vplivale tudi na prihodnost.Ethnopharmacology is the study of folk (local) and traditional use of plants, animals, fungi, microorganisms and minerals for prevention and treatment of diseases in humans and animals. Ethnopharmacological research usually begins with a field research in a local community, in which researchers document the use of folk (local) or traditional medicines. Field research is followed by a phytochemical, pharmacological and toxicological evaluation of medicines with the aim of contributing to their better and safer use. Karst and Gorjanci (Dolenjska) are two predominantly rural Slovenian areas that are approximately 120 km apart. Karst is located near the Italian border and Gorjanci near the Croatian border. Karst has a climate with Mediterranean and continental influences, and Gorjanci has a moderate continental climate. In the past, the inhabitants of both regions were farmers. Today, however, the active population works in the nearby industrial centres. Nevertheless, people are still connected to nature and knowledge about plants is important in their lives because they produce their own food in gardens or fields and some are still farmers. 25 informants4 were interviewed between October 2013 and September 2014 in the ethnopharmacological field research in Karst and Gorjanci, respectively. The main question was: "Which plants do or did you collect from nature and use?5" Plants for medicinal, nutritive, veterinary or cosmetic use were considered. Informants reported 77 different plants in Karst and 81 in Gorjanci64 plants were reported in both regions. Approximately 64% of the plants in each region were distinctive for only a few informants (fewer than 7). The remaining plants were considered important, and the majority was mutual to both regions. Few reported plants were typical for just one region. These differences were mostly due to the ecological distribution of wild plants and suitable growing conditions of cultivated plants, which differed between both regions. The most frequently reported uses of plants were medicinal and nutritive, and between both uses, a continuous passage was present. For aproximately 50% of plants, medicinal and nutritive uses were reported. The informants also frequently mentioned properties that promote health, e.g. a high content of vitamin C, although the plants were not (necessarily) used for medicinal purposes. The highest number of plants was used for the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders, respiratory system disorders and skin diseases. Differences in the reported medicinal purpose of use for some frequently collected plants were observed between Karst and Gorjanci. These regional differences could be explained by cultural differences, which were possibly due to to the influences from the neighboring areas. Oral sources were also important providers of botanical knowledge to the informants. The informants were mostly elderly people with a mean age of 61 years in Karst and 69 years in Gorjanci. However, their knowledge about plants seemed to be influenced by media, most often popular books about medicinal plants that were published in the 20th century. Traditional use of fly agaric (Amanita muscaria) for catching flies was also investigated in Karst and Gorjanci. Fly agaric has been used for this purpose for centuries. Nevertheless, such preparations are poorly documented and researched. To the best of our knowledge, the oldest record of the use of fly agaric for catching flies is in the book Flora carniolica (1760) written by Antonio Scopoli. In Karst, only three informants reported the use of fly agaric for catching flies and provided a detailed description of the preparations used. These three informants were originally from other parts of Slovenia and remembered the use from their home. In Gorjanci, 13 informants provided a detailed description of fly agaric preparations. Results suggest that the tradition of preparing fly agaric for catching flies was present in Gorjanci but not in Karst. Traditional knowledge, which is still present, will likely disappear in the coming years due to the lack of reports about current use. Infromants reported a total of nine different methods for preparing fly agaric for catching flies. Some methods were simple and included soaking in milk or water or dripping a little milk onto the mushroom. Others were more complex and included a combination of heat or mechanical processing and soaking in milk or water. Eight preparations were prepared according to the traditional methods, and the release of ibotenic acid and muscimol from the fungal material was determined by HPLC in five different time points (0.5, 1, 2, 3 and 24 h). For all preparations, the release of ibotenic acid was time-dependent, with the extracted amount increasing over time. Although milk was used more often than water in traditional recipes, the release of both substances was not dependent on the solvent used. Fungal material that was exclusively soaked in water or milk released the smallest amount of ibotenic acid and muscimol at each time point. Additional heat and mechanical processing led to faster release of ibotenic acid and muscimol from the fungal material. In the third part of the doctoral work, we studied the use of aconite (Aconitum spp.) in Solčavsko region6. Aconitum species are poisonous plants that were part of official and folk medicine in the Slovenian territory in the 19th century. Due to its toxicity, the plant stopped being used as official medicine in the 20th century. Results of the ethnopharmacological field investigation indicate that folk knowledge of the medicinal use of Aconitum spp. is still present in Solčavsko, although the plant is used much less frequently than in the past. The informants reported the preparation of ethanolic extract made from homemade spirits and aconite roots, most likely from the species Aconitum tauricum and Aconitum napellus. The infomants did not report about the use of aconite herb. The official medicine begun to use the aconite roots in the second half of the 19th century but until than, only aconite herb was used. The present use of ethanolic extract made from aconite roots in Solčavsko indicates a possible influence of official medicine on the folk use of this plant in this area. The extract was used internally and externally for various indicationsuse in animals was also reported. Four informants kept the extract at hometwo extracts were prepared recently (1998 and 2015). By phytochemical analysis, we confirmed the presence of aconitine in two out of three home-made extractsthe fourth was not analysed. There was no general rule for dosing of the extract, since each informant reported a different number of administered drops. Although the recipes for the extract and the reported dosages differed greatly among the informants, no poisonings due to the medicinal use of the extract were reported. In the past, the folk use of plants was in constant change because the knowledge of their use was continually being built, changed, transmitted and lost. Advancement in technology today enables us to find new knowledge about plants faster than ever before, as well as transmission of new and old knowledge about medicinal plants to a broader public. This in turn leads to even more rapid changes and possibly unification of the local use of medicinal plants. With this research, we contributed towards greater knowledge of the present folk use of plants and fungi, specifically fly agaric, in Karst and Gorjanci, and the use of aconite in Solčavsko. The findings of this research are a snapshot of the current folk knowledge about plants, which originates in our history, affects our society today and will affect us in the future

    Online teaching of the gifted 4th and 5th grade mathematics students

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    The 2019/2020 and 2020/2021 school years were marked by the COVID-19 epidemic. As a result of the epidemic, lessons in the school year 2019/2020 from March to May and in the school year 2020/21 from October to the end of January were transferred online. Thus, teachers were forced to take a completely different approach than they were used to. Teaching moved from classrooms to the web and desks were replaced by computers. In this master’s thesis we focused on the motivation of talented pupils while teaching remotely. The theoretical part of the master's work consists of three sets. In the first set we presented the characteristics of mathematics lessons. In the second part we introduced talented students in maths class. Just as students with deficits in specific areas need special attention from the teacher, complementary instruction and tailored tasks to progress in substance, talented students need additional incentives, problem tasks, and additional instruction to fully develop their potential. In the last, third part, we focused on distance teaching. We touched on the use of ICT in education, briefly described the history of distance education, and we paid special attention to distance mathematics teaching. In the empirical work we explored how the math lessons took place in the 4th and 5th classes during distance teaching and how teachers adapted math lessons for gifted pupils. The study consisted of two parts. In the first part we used a quantitative approach. The surveys examined the opinion of teachers and teachers on the effectiveness of distance teaching. We wanted to know whether remote lessons influenced the way teachers work with talented students in maths lessons. However, we wanted to check whether there are differences in teachers in grade 4 and 5 in terms of their competence to adapt to remote training for talented pupils in March 2020 and today, and whether there are differences in teachers in grade 4 and 5 in terms of their ability to adapt distance lessons for talented pupils in classrooms and at a distance. In the second part, we tried to obtain examples of good practice for teaching talented pupils at a distance through interviews. The results showed that distance learning had an impact on the work of teachers with gifted pupils in maths lessons. The proportion of teachers adapting maths lessons for gifted pupils at a distance was lower than the proportion of teachers adapting to maths classes for gifted pupils in the classroom. In addition, there were differences between the ways of adaptation itself. Teachers mainly use supplementary lessons and peer support when adapting maths lessons in the classroom, but mostly they did not use these two methods of adaptation during distance learning. In analysing the questions from the interview, we received examples of good practice in how to adapt math lessons for gifted pupils at a distance. We have presented some of these

    Spoznavanje lesa v vrtcu

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    Online teaching of the gifted 4th and 5th grade mathematics students

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    Šolski leti 2019/2020 ter 2020/2021 sta bili zaznamovani z epidemijo COVID-19. Zaradi ukrepov za zajezitev epidemije je pouk v šolskem letu 2019/2020 od marca do maja ter v šolskem letu 2020/21 od oktobra do konca januarja potekal na daljavo. Tako so bili učitelji primorani uporabiti popolnoma drugačen pristop, kot so ga bili vajeni. Poučevanje se je iz učilnic prestavilo na splet, klopi pa so zamenjali računalniki. V magistrskem delu smo se osredotočili na motivacijo nadarjenih učencev med poučevanjem na daljavo. Teoretični del magistrskega dela je sestavljen iz treh sklopov. V prvem sklopu smo predstavili značilnosti pouka matematike. V drugem delu smo predstavili nadarjene učence pri pouku matematike. Tako kot učenci s primanjkljaji na posameznih področjih potrebujejo posebno pozornost učitelja, dopolnilni pouk in prilagojene naloge, da lahko napredujejo pri snovi, pa nadarjeni učenci potrebujejo dodatne spodbude, problemske naloge, dodatni pouk, da v celoti razvijejo svoje potencialne. V zadnjem, tretjem delu, smo se osredinili na poučevanje na daljavo. Dotaknili smo se uporabe IKT v izobraževanju, na kratko opisali zgodovino izobraževanja na daljavo, posebno pozornost pa smo namenili tudi poučevanju matematike na daljavo. V empiričnem delu smo raziskovali, na kakšen način je potekal pouk matematike v 4. in 5. razredih osnovnih šol pri poučevanju na daljavo ter na kakšen način so učitelji prilagajali pouk matematike nadarjenim učencem. Raziskava je bila sestavljena iz dveh delov. V prvem delu smo uporabili kvantitativni pristop. Z anketami smo preverili mnenje učiteljic in učiteljev glede učinkovitosti poučevanja na daljavo. Zanimalo nas je, ali je pouk na daljavo vplival na način dela učiteljev z nadarjenimi učenci pri pouku matematike. Prav tako smo želeli preveriti, ali obstajajo razlike pri učiteljih 4. in 5. razreda glede mnenja o njihovi usposobljenosti za prilagajanje pouka na daljavo nadarjenim učencem marca 2020 in danes ter ali obstajajo razlike pri učiteljih 4. in 5. razreda glede mnenja o njihovi usposobljenosti za prilagajanje pouka na daljavo nadarjenim v razredu in na daljavo. V drugem delu smo z intervjuji skušali dobiti primere dobre prakse za poučevanje nadarjenih učencev na daljavo pri pouku matematike. Rezultati so pokazali, da je pouk na daljavo vplival na delo učiteljev z nadarjenimi učenci pri pouku matematike. Delež učiteljev, ki je prilagajal pouk matematike nadarjenim učencem na daljavo je bil namreč manjši kot delež učiteljev, ki prilagajajo pouk matematike nadarjenim učencem v razredu. Pokazale pa so se tudi razlike med samim načinom prilagajanja. Učitelji namreč pri prilagajanju pouka matematike v razredu uporabljajo predvsem dodatni pouk in vrstniško pomoč, pri delu na daljavo pa se teh dveh načinov prilagajanja v večini niso posluževali. Pri analizi vprašanj iz intervjuja smo dobili tudi primere dobre prakse, na kakšne načine prilagajati pouk matematike nadarjenim učencem na daljavo. Nekatere od teh smo tudi predstavili.The 2019/2020 and 2020/2021 school years were marked by the COVID-19 epidemic. As a result of the epidemic, lessons in the school year 2019/2020 from March to May and in the school year 2020/21 from October to the end of January were transferred online. Thus, teachers were forced to take a completely different approach than they were used to. Teaching moved from classrooms to the web and desks were replaced by computers. In this master’s thesis we focused on the motivation of talented pupils while teaching remotely. The theoretical part of the master\u27s work consists of three sets. In the first set we presented the characteristics of mathematics lessons. In the second part we introduced talented students in maths class. Just as students with deficits in specific areas need special attention from the teacher, complementary instruction and tailored tasks to progress in substance, talented students need additional incentives, problem tasks, and additional instruction to fully develop their potential. In the last, third part, we focused on distance teaching. We touched on the use of ICT in education, briefly described the history of distance education, and we paid special attention to distance mathematics teaching. In the empirical work we explored how the math lessons took place in the 4th and 5th classes during distance teaching and how teachers adapted math lessons for gifted pupils. The study consisted of two parts. In the first part we used a quantitative approach. The surveys examined the opinion of teachers and teachers on the effectiveness of distance teaching. We wanted to know whether remote lessons influenced the way teachers work with talented students in maths lessons. However, we wanted to check whether there are differences in teachers in grade 4 and 5 in terms of their competence to adapt to remote training for talented pupils in March 2020 and today, and whether there are differences in teachers in grade 4 and 5 in terms of their ability to adapt distance lessons for talented pupils in classrooms and at a distance. In the second part, we tried to obtain examples of good practice for teaching talented pupils at a distance through interviews. The results showed that distance learning had an impact on the work of teachers with gifted pupils in maths lessons. The proportion of teachers adapting maths lessons for gifted pupils at a distance was lower than the proportion of teachers adapting to maths classes for gifted pupils in the classroom. In addition, there were differences between the ways of adaptation itself. Teachers mainly use supplementary lessons and peer support when adapting maths lessons in the classroom, but mostly they did not use these two methods of adaptation during distance learning. In analysing the questions from the interview, we received examples of good practice in how to adapt math lessons for gifted pupils at a distance. We have presented some of these

    Suretyship in a commercial contract

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    V magistrskem diplomskem delu predstavim instituta poroštva in gospodarske pogodbe, poleg tega obravnavam tudi posebnosti v primeru, ko gre za poroštvo pri gospodarski pogodbi. Ko govorimo o gospodarski pogodbi, govorimo o pogodbi, ki jo med seboj sklepajo gospodarski subjekti. Pri tem pa je potrebno biti pozoren na dejstvo, da je opredelitev gospodarskega subjekta v obligacijskem pravu drugačna kot v statusnem pravu oziroma drugih pravnih področjih. Poroštvo je eden izmed najstarejših, vendar še vedno eno najbolj tipičnih oblik zavarovanja obveznosti, pri kateri se poleg primarnega dolžnika k izpolnitvi obveznost zaveže tudi tretja oseba – porok, zatorej spada med osebna (personalna) zavarovanja. Poleg predstavitve posameznih značilnosti poroštva slednje primerjam tudi z določenimi drugimi instituti zavarovanja obveznosti. Dejstvo, da gre za poroštvo pri gospodarski pogodbi, pa pomeni, da za takšno poroštvo obstajajo določene posebnosti, ki jih sicer ni veliko (domneva solidarnosti, posebnosti glede obličnosti). V okviru poslovanja gospodarskih subjektov se postavlja pomembno vprašanje glede posledic začetka stečajnega postopka na poroštvo, zato se tudi s tem vprašanjem ukvarjam v okviru te naloge.In this thesis I present the institutes of suretyship and commercial contract, furthermore I also discuss the specifics in the case of suretyship in a commercial contract. When we discuss commercial contract, we are talking about contracts concluded between economic entities. Regarding that, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the meaning of the term economic entity is different in the law of obligation, compared to the meaning in status law or in other legal areas. Suretyship is one of the oldest, but still one of the most typical form of securing claims, where in addition to the primary debtor, a third party – the surety (guarantor), also undertakes to fulfil the obligation, therefore it is a personal form of securing claims. In addition to the presentation of individual characteristics of the suretyship, I also compare it with some other forms of securing claims. In the case of suretyship in a commercial contract there are certain, but not many, special features (like presumption of solidarity and special features regarding the form of such agreement). An important question arises in business practice of economic entities regarding the consequences for the suretyship agreement after the initiation of bankruptcy proceedings, therefore I discuss this issue in the context of this thesis

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