275 research outputs found

    Integrating Scientific Research: Theory and Design of Discovering Similar Constructs

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    Assessing the similarity of proposed theoretical constructs to each other and those previously known and studied is imperative in theoretical research. In this paper we turn to theories of similarity judgement from cognitive psychology for the understanding of the process of establishing similarity between one or more constructs. Then, guided by these theories, we develop an integrated method for automatic detection of similar constructs. We apply the method to constructs from leading IS journals, a major journal in psychology, and the interdisciplinary overlap between the IS and psychology constructs. Our paper contributes to methodology of research, design science research, behavioral IS research, text mining and information retrieval theory and practice, IS research on ontology alignment and schema matching as well as cognitive theories of similarity in psycholog

    Hansa in the Context of Regeneration of the Upper Castle in Polotsk

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    Секция I : Архитектура и градостроительство в современных условияхПредставлен анализ истории создания Ганзейского союза в средние века, его торговые связи с Полоцком. Даны проектные предложения по регенерации Восточного (ганзейского) склона на Верхнем Замке города, как важного исторического объекта, который привлечет большее количество туристов и увеличит его экспозиционные возможности.=This article presents an analysis of the history of the Hanseatic League in the middle ages, its trade relations with Polotsk. Project proposals are given for the regeneration of the Eastern (Hanseatic) slope on the Upper Castle of the city, as an important historical site that will attract more tourists and increase its exhibition opportunities

    Architectural and Historical Appearance of Polotsk in the Context of the “New Hansa”

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    Секция II ИСТОРИЯ АРХИТЕКТУРЫ, ГРАДОСТРОИТЕЛЬСТВА И ИСКУССТВАРассмотрен исторический период развития архитектуры Полоцка со средних веков, когда там присутствовала контора Ганзейского союза и до наших дней. На основании изучения различных исторических документов, литературных источников и результатов проведенных археологических раскопок, установлено, что в Полоцке находилась торговая контора Ганзы, которая создавала условия для совершения сделок, следила за соблюдением законов и ганзейских привилегий, обеспечивала без-опасность купцов, предоставляла им кров и выполняла многие другие функции. Однако, русско-литовские войны в начале XVI столетия нанесли сильный удар городу Полоцку и привели к разрушению торговых связей с Ганзейским союзом. Только принятие Полоцка в 2009 году в «Новую Ганзу» дало новый импульс росту престижа Полоцка в европейском пространстве и налаживанию международных связей как в сфере туризма, так и в бизнесе.=The historical period of development of architecture of Polotsk from the Middle Ages, when there was an office of the Hanseatic League and to the present day is considered. Based on the study of various historical documents, literary sources and the results of archaeologi-cal excavations, it was established that in Polotsk there was a Hansa trading office, which created conditions for making transactions, monitored compliance with laws and Hanseatic privileges, ensured the safety of merchants, provided them with shelter and performed many other functions. However, the Russian-Lithuanian wars at the beginning of the XVI century dealt a strong blow to the city of Polotsk and led to the destruction of trade relations with the Hanseatic League. Only the admission of Рolotsk to the "New Hansa" in 2009 gave a new impetus to the growth of Polotsk's prestige in the European space and the establishment of international relations both in the field of tourism and in business

    Hansa in the Context of Regeneration of the Upper Castle in Polotsk

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    Секция I : Архитектура и градостроительство в современных условияхПредставлен анализ истории создания Ганзейского союза в средние века, его торговые связи с Полоцком. Даны проектные предложения по регенерации Восточного (ганзейского) склона на Верхнем Замке города, как важного исторического объекта, который привлечет большее количество туристов и увеличит его экспозиционные возможности.=This article presents an analysis of the history of the Hanseatic League in the middle ages, its trade relations with Polotsk. Project proposals are given for the regeneration of the Eastern (Hanseatic) slope on the Upper Castle of the city, as an important historical site that will attract more tourists and increase its exhibition opportunities

    Subcellular heterogeneity of ryanodine receptor properties in ventricular myocytes with low T-tubule density

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    Rationale: In ventricular myocytes of large mammals, not all ryanodine receptor (RyR) clusters are associated with T-tubules (TTs); this fraction increases with cellular remodeling after myocardial infarction (MI). Objective: To characterize RyR functional properties in relation to TT proximity, at baseline and after MI. Methods: Myocytes were isolated from left ventricle of healthy pigs (CTRL) or from the area adjacent to a myocardial infarction (MI). Ca2+ transients were measured under whole-cell voltage clamp during confocal linescan imaging (fluo-3) and segmented according to proximity of TTs (sites of early Ca2+ release, F>F50 within 20 ms) or their absence (delayed areas). Spontaneous Ca2+ release events during diastole, Ca2+ sparks, reflecting RyR activity and properties, were subsequently assigned to either category. Results: In CTRL, spark frequency was higher in proximity of TTs, but spark duration was significantly shorter. Block of Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCX) prolonged spark duration selectively near TTs, while block of Ca2+ influx via Ca2+ channels did not affect sparks properties. In MI, total spark mass was increased in line with higher SR Ca2+ content. Extremely long sparks (>47.6 ms) occurred more frequently. The fraction of near-TT sparks was reduced; frequency increased mainly in delayed sites. Increased duration was seen in near-TT sparks only; Ca2+ removal by NCX at the membrane was significantly lower in MI. Conclusion: TT proximity modulates RyR cluster properties resulting in intracellular heterogeneity of diastolic spark activity. Remodeling in the area adjacent to MI differentially affects these RyR subpopulations. Reduction of the number of sparks near TTs and reduced local NCX removal limit cellular Ca2+ loss and raise SR Ca2+ content, but may promote Ca2+ waves

    Determining the Veracity of Rumours on Twitter

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    While social networks can provide an ideal platform for up-to-date information from individuals across the world, it has also proved to be a place where rumours fester and accidental or deliberate mis- information often emerges. In this article, we aim to support the task of making sense from social media data, and specifically, seek to build an autonomous message-classifier that filters relevant and trustworthy information from Twitter. For our work, we collected about 100 million public tweets, including users’ past tweets, from which we identified 72 rumours (41 true, 31 false). We considered over 80 trustworthiness measures including the authors’ profile and past behaviour, the social network connections (graphs), and the content of tweets themselves. We ran modern machine-learning classifiers over those measures to produce trustworthiness scores at various time windows from the outbreak of the rumour. Such time-windows were key as they allowed useful insight into the progression of the rumours. From our findings, we identified that our model was significantly more accurate than similar studies in the literature. We also identified critical attributes of the data that give rise to the trustworthiness scores assigned. Finally we developed a software demonstration that provides a visual user interface to allow the user to examine the analysis

    Diffusion Restrictions Surrounding Mitochondria: A Mathematical Model of Heart Muscle Fibers

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    Several experiments on permeabilized heart muscle fibers suggest the existence of diffusion restrictions grouping mitochondria and surrounding ATPases. The specific causes of these restrictions are not known, but intracellular structures are speculated to act as diffusion barriers. In this work, we assume that diffusion restrictions are induced by sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR), cytoskeleton proteins localized near SR, and crowding of cytosolic proteins. The aim of this work was to test whether such localization of diffusion restrictions would be consistent with the available experimental data and evaluate the extent of the restrictions. For that, a three-dimensional finite-element model was composed with the geometry based on mitochondrial and SR structural organization. Diffusion restrictions induced by SR and cytoskeleton proteins were varied with other model parameters to fit the set of experimental data obtained on permeabilized rat heart muscle fibers. There are many sets of model parameters that were able to reproduce all experiments considered in this work. However, in all the sets, <5–6% of the surface formed by SR and associated cytoskeleton proteins is permeable to metabolites. Such a low level of permeability indicates that the proteins should play a dominant part in formation of the diffusion restrictions

    Developing a dynamic digital twin at a building level: Using Cambridge campus as case study

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    A Digital Twin (DT) refers to a digital replica of physical assets, processes and systems. DTs integrate artificial intelligence, machine learning and data analytics to create dynamic digital models that are able to learn and update the status of the physical counterpart from multiple sources. A DT, if equipped with appropriate algorithms will represent and predict future condition and performance of their physical counterparts. Current developments related to DTs are still at an early stage with respect to buildings and other infrastructure assets. Most of these developments focus on the architectural and engineering/construction point of view. Less attention has been paid to the operation & maintenance (O&M) phase, where the value potential is immense. A systematic and clear architecture verified with practical use cases for constructing a DT is the foremost step for effective operation and maintenance of assets. This paper presents a system architecture for developing dynamic DTs in building levels for integrating heterogeneous data sources, support intelligent data query, and provide smarter decision-making processes. This will further bridge the gaps between human relationships with buildings/regions via a more intelligent, visual and sustainable channels. This architecture is brought to life through the development of a dynamic DT demonstrator of the West Cambridge site of the University of Cambridge. Specifically, this demonstrator integrates an as-is multi-layered IFC Building Information Model (BIM), building management system data, space management data, real-time Internet of Things (IoT)-based sensor data, asset registry data, and an asset tagging platform. The demonstrator also includes two applications: (1) improving asset maintenance and asset tracking using Augmented Reality (AR); and (2) equipment failure prediction. The long-term goals of this demonstrator are also discussed in this paper

    Obtaining a dry extract of fenugreek seeds and the creation of a biologically active food supplement based on it

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    The article discusses the possibility of obtaining a biologically active food supplement based on dry extract of fenugreek seeds obtained by microwave drying. As a result of the study, optimal filler and granulating liquid for this object were selected.В статье рассмотрена возможность получения биологически активной добавке к пище на основе сухого экстракта семян пажитника сенного полученного методом СВЧ сушки. В результате исследования были подобраны оптимальные наполнитель и гранулирующая жидкость для данного объекта