1,224 research outputs found

    Revisiting the distinctive features of the information society’s technological structure

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    The paper dwells upon the distinctive features of the information society’s technological structure, with the main focus being put on a comprehensive analysis of this structure as it considered within the framework of the modern social and philosophical discourse. The specific of techno and technological structure’s impact on human nature is also under consideration as well as the specific of information society as a continuous conception refinement process

    Poverty traps in Markov models of the evolution of wealth

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    Poverty trap models are dynamical systems with more than one attractor. Similar dynamical systems arise in optimal growth and macroeconomic models. These systems are often studied empirically by ad hoc methods relying on intuition from deterministic systems, such as looking for multiple peaks in the stationary distribution of states. We develop Markov wealth processes in which parents' investments in children stochastically determine children's wealth, and consequently their own investment choices. We show that, relative to a zero-shock process, some of the multiple attractors are less fragile than are others, and that their presence dominates the stationary behavior of the wealth distribution. Typically, mass accumulates around attractors. An only slightly stochastically perturbed deterministic system will have an invariant distribution which puts close to probability 1 on a single steady state rather than having significant mass distributed among several attractors. We also examine how policy effects the shape of the invariant distribution

    Social dimentions of labour robotization in post-industrial society: Issues and solutions

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    This article discusses social consequences of labour robotization and the specifics of employment in the post-industrial society in the information age. This topic is of immediate interest, for it leads to a comprehensive analysis of social and technological reality of the last decades. The authors of this paper discuss the following issues: What effect industry robotization will have on employment? What will the robots' place and status be like in the structure of the post-industrial industry? What are possible ways to neutralize negative social consequences related to employment, resulting from robotization of labour? Our approach is interdisciplinary and we propose a comprehensive examination of multiple modes of interaction between humans and technology within metaphysical, anthropological, sociological and natural scientific frameworks. Our study is based on theoretical works by N. Berdyaev, O. Spengler, L. Mumford, A. Giddens, G. Standing, N. Wiener. The present article examines the specifics of the post-industrial society related to nature of work and employment in the context of robotization of industry and of the service sector. The notion of social robotics and limitations in using social robots in emotional labour are the object of analysis. We claim that robotization of industry has significantly altered the established social order. This refers to robots replacing humans in various economic sectors and a rise in unemployment in developed countries. Precarization of work is examined as an example of marginalization of certain social groups having problems with employment as a result of robotization of industry

    Development of Industry, Culture and Education during the Second World War

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    Статья содержит результаты исследования развития промышленности, культуры и образования в условиях Второй мировой войны, которая стала крупнейшим вооруженным конфликтом в истории человечества и повлияла на все сферы жизни человечества. Рассматривается развитие тех же аспектов в СССР.The article contains the results of research on the development of industry, culture and education in the conditions of the Second world war, which became the largest armed conflict in the history of mankind and affected all spheres of human life. The development of the same aspects in the USSR is considered

    X-ray galaxies selected from HyperLEDA database

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    We cross-matched the 4XMM-DR10 catalog with the HyperLEDA database and obtained a new sample of galaxies that contain X-ray sources. Excluding duplicate observations and false matches, we present a total of 7759 galaxies with X-ray sources. In the current work, we present general properties of the sample: namely the distribution in equatorial coordinates, radial velocity distribution, morphological type, and X-ray fluxes. The sample includes morphological classification for 5241 galaxies with X-ray emission, almost half of which, 42% are elliptical (E, E-S0). Most galaxies in the sample have nuclear X-ray emission (6313 or 81%), and the remaining 1443 (19%) present X-ray emission from the host galaxy. This sample can be used for future deep studies of multi-wavelengths properties of the galaxies with X-ray emission

    Pregnancy outcome in women with Gaucher disease type 1 who had unplanned pregnancies during eliglustat clinical trials

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    Gaucher disease type 1 (GD1) is an inherited lysosomal storage disorder caused by deficient enzymatic activity of acid β-glucosidase, resulting in accumulation of its substrate glucosylceramide, leading to debilitating visceral, hematologic, and skeletal manifestations. Women with GD1 are at increased risk for complications during pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum. Treatment with enzyme replacement therapy is generally recommended before and during pregnancy to reduce risks. Eliglustat, an oral substrate-reduction therapy, is a first-line treatment for adults with GD1 adults who have extensive, intermediate, or poor CYP2D6-metabolizer phenotypes (>90% of patients). We report on pregnancy outcomes among women in eliglustat trials who had unplanned pregnancies and female partners of men in the trials. In four phase 2 and 3 eliglustat trials of 393 adults with GD1, women of childbearing potential were required to use contraception, have monthly pregnancy tests, and discontinue eliglustat promptly if pregnant. In phase 2 and 3 trials, 18 women had 19 pregnancies, resulting in 14 healthy infants from 13 pregnancies (one set of twins), three elective terminations, one ectopic pregnancy, one spontaneous abortion, and one in utero death. Median estimated eliglustat exposure duration during pregnancy was 38 days. In phase 1 trials (non-GD1 subjects), one woman had a spontaneous abortion. Partners of 16 eliglustat-treated men with GD1 had 18 pregnancies, all resulting in healthy infants. Eliglustat is not approved during pregnancy due to limited data. Guidelines for clinicians and patients with GD that address use of eliglustat in women of childbearing potential are needed

    The Safety of Nicorandil Therapy and the Relationship with Treatment Adherence in Patients with Stable Angina Pectoris (According to the NIKEA Observational Study)

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    The working group of the NIKEA study: Reznik I.I. (Ekaterinburg), Akulina E.N. (Ekaterinburg), Ezhov A.V. (Izhevsk), Shinkareva S.I. (Izhevsk), Grebnev S.A. (Izhevsk), Skibitsky V.V. (Krasnodar), Kudryashov E.A. (Krasnodar), Fendrikova A.V. (Krasnodar), Skibitsky A.V. (Krasnodar), Matyushin G.V. (Krasnoyarsk), Nemik D.B. (Krasnoyarsk), Pitaev R.R. (Krasnoyarsk), Altaev V.D. (Krasnoyarsk), Samokhvalov E.V. (Krasnoyarsk), Stolbikov Y.Y.. (Krasnoyarsk), Voronina V.P. (Moscow), Lerman O.V. (Moscow), Gaisenok O.V. (Moscow), Dmitrieva N.A. (Moscow), Zagrebelny A.V. (Moscow), Zakharova A.V. (Moscow), Balashov I.S. (Moscow), Leonov A.S. (Moscow), Sladkova T.A. (Moscow), Zelenova T.I. (Moscow), Shestakova G.N. (Moscow), Kolganova E.V. (Moscow), Maksimova M.A. (Moscow), Kuimov A.D. (Novosibirsk), Moskalenko I.V. (Novosibirsk), Shurkevich A.A. (Novosibirsk), Nechaeva G.I. (Omsk), Loginova E.N. (Omsk), Gudilin V.A. (Omsk), Mitroshina T.N. (Orel), Zhuravleva L.L. (Orel), Lobanova G.N. (Orel), Luneva M.M. (Orel), Libis R.A. (Orenburg), Kondratenko V.Yu. (Orenburg), Chesnikova A.I. (Rostov-on-Don), Kalacheva N.M. (Rostov-on-Don), Kolomatskaya O.O. (Rostov-on-Don), Dubishcheva N.F. (Rostov-on-Don), Romadina G.V. (Rostov-on-Don), Chugunova I.B. (Rostov-on-Don), Skarzhinskaya N.S. (Rostov-on-Don), Dobrynina N.V. (Ryazan), Yakushin S.S. (Ryazan), Bulanov A.V. (Ryazan), Trofimova Ya.M. (Ryazan), Nikolaeva A.S. (Ryazan), Sokolova L.A. (St. Petersburg), Savinova E.B. (St. Petersburg), Ievskaya E.V. (St. Petersburg), Vasilyeva L.B. (St. Petersburg), Gomova T.A. (Tula), Zubareva L.A. (Tula), Berberfish L.D. (Tula), Gorina G.I. (Tula), Nadezhkina K.N. (Tula), Yunusova K.N. (Tula), Nikitina V.F. (Tula), Dabizha V.G. (Tula), Renko I.E. (Tula), Soin I.A. (Tula)Aim. To analyze the adverse events (AEs) of nicorandil therapy based on the results of an observational study of NIKEA, to assess the relationship between the occurrence of AEs treatment and adherence to it in patients with stable angina pectoris.Material and methods. The study included 590 people who had nicorandil added to the basic therapy of coronary artery disease (CAD). The followup period averaged 21 months. There were two visits of 1 and 3 months of follow-up (V1 and V3), and after 21 months, by telephone contact (PhC21), it was possible to obtain information about 524 patients (89% response), 509 of whom were alive. Information about the treatment adherence and AEs of nicorandil was collected during V1, V3 and at PhC21.Results. Out of 590 people, 402 (68.1%) patients started treatment with nicorandil. During 21 months of follow-up, 35 AEs were registered in 34 patients. There were no serious AEs associated with taking medications in the study. The most frequent AEs of treatment with nicorandil were hypotension and headache, which led to non-adherence to therapy in 94% and 42% of cases, respectively. The majority of AEs (24 out of 35) occurred during the first three months of nicorandil treatment. Both any AEs of drug therapy and AEs of nicorandil therapy, on average, increase the chance of non-adherence to the recommended treatment by 3 times (p=0.004).Conclusion. The results of the NIKEA study confirmed the good safety of nicorandil in patients with stable angina pectoris, the absence of serious adverse events associated with taking this antianginal drug. The most frequent nicorandil AEs were hypotension and headache. Any AEs of therapy increase the chance of patients' non-adherence by 3 times

    Naked barley: taxonomy, breeding, and prospects of utilization

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    This review surveys the current state of taxonomy, origin, and utilization prospects for naked barley. The cultivated barley Hordeum vulgare L. incorporates the covered and naked barley groups. Naked barleys are divided into six-row naked barley (convar. сoeleste (L.) A. Trof.) and two-row naked barley (convar. nudum (L.) A. Trof.). The groups include botanical varieties differing in the structural features of spikes, awns, floret and spikelet glumes, and the color of kernels. The centers of morphogenesis for naked barley are scrutinized employing archeological and paleoethnobotanical data, and the diversity of its forms. Hypotheses on the centers of its origin are discussed using DNA marker data. The main areas of its cultivation are shown, along with possible reasons for such a predominating or exclusive distribution of naked barley in highland areas. Inheritance of nakedness and mechanisms of its manifestation are considered in the context of new data in genetics. The biochemical composition of barley grain in protein, some essential and nonessential amino acids, β-glucans, vitamins, and antioxidants is described. Naked barley is shown to be a valuable source of unique combinations of soluble and insoluble dietary fibers and polysaccharides. The parameters limiting wider distribution of naked barley over the world are emphasized, and breeding efforts that could mitigate them are proposed. Pathogen-resistant naked barley accessions are identified to serve as promising sources for increasing grain yield and quality. Main stages and trends of naked barley breeding are considered and the importance of the VIR global germplasm collection as the richest repository of genetic material for the development of breeding is shown

    Adaptive morphophysiological features of neottia ovata (Orchidaceae) contributing to its natural colonization on fly ash deposits

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    In previous decades, some species of the Orchidaceae family have been found growing in man-made habitats. Neottia ovata is one of the most widespread orchids in Europe, however it is quite rare in Russia and is included in several regional Red Data Books. The purpose of this study was to compare the chemical composition and morphophysiological parameters of N. ovata from two forest communities of the Middle Urals, Russia: natural and transformed (fly ash dump of Verkhnetagil’skaya Thermal Power Station) for determining orchid adaptive features. The content of most of the studied metals in the underground parts (rhizome + roots) of N. ovata was considerably higher than in the leaves, which diminished the harmful effect of toxic metals on the aboveground organs. The adaptive changes in the leaf mesostructure of N. ovata such as an increase in epidermis thickness, the number of chloroplasts in the cell, and the internal assimilating surface were found for the first time. The orchids from the fly ash deposits were characterized by a higher content of chlorophyll b and carotenoids than plants from the natural forest community that evidenced the compensatory response on the decrease in chlorophyll a. The ability of N. ovata from the transformed habitat to maintain a relatively favorable water balance and stable assimilation indexes further contribute to its high viability. The study of orchid adaptive responses to unfavorable factors is necessary for their successful naturalization and introduction into a new environment. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.The reported study was partly funded by RFBR and the Government of Sverdlovsk region, project number 20-44-660011 and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation as part of state task of the Ural Federal University, FEUZ-2020-0057