1,255 research outputs found


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    The article deals with the essence and structure of the concept of  “emotional empathy”. The components of “emotional empathy” in the psychological and pedagogical literature are analyzed. The greater focus is placed on the importance of emotional empathy formation in the context of the professional competence of the nurse.У статті розглянуто сутність та структуру поняття «емоційний інтелект». Опрацьовані складові поняття «емоційний інтелект» у психолого-педагогічній літературі. Акцентовано увагу на важливості формування емоційного інтелекту в контексті професійної компетентності медичної сестри

    Pregnancy outcome in women with Gaucher disease type 1 who had unplanned pregnancies during eliglustat clinical trials

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    Gaucher disease type 1 (GD1) is an inherited lysosomal storage disorder caused by deficient enzymatic activity of acid β-glucosidase, resulting in accumulation of its substrate glucosylceramide, leading to debilitating visceral, hematologic, and skeletal manifestations. Women with GD1 are at increased risk for complications during pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum. Treatment with enzyme replacement therapy is generally recommended before and during pregnancy to reduce risks. Eliglustat, an oral substrate-reduction therapy, is a first-line treatment for adults with GD1 adults who have extensive, intermediate, or poor CYP2D6-metabolizer phenotypes (>90% of patients). We report on pregnancy outcomes among women in eliglustat trials who had unplanned pregnancies and female partners of men in the trials. In four phase 2 and 3 eliglustat trials of 393 adults with GD1, women of childbearing potential were required to use contraception, have monthly pregnancy tests, and discontinue eliglustat promptly if pregnant. In phase 2 and 3 trials, 18 women had 19 pregnancies, resulting in 14 healthy infants from 13 pregnancies (one set of twins), three elective terminations, one ectopic pregnancy, one spontaneous abortion, and one in utero death. Median estimated eliglustat exposure duration during pregnancy was 38 days. In phase 1 trials (non-GD1 subjects), one woman had a spontaneous abortion. Partners of 16 eliglustat-treated men with GD1 had 18 pregnancies, all resulting in healthy infants. Eliglustat is not approved during pregnancy due to limited data. Guidelines for clinicians and patients with GD that address use of eliglustat in women of childbearing potential are needed

    Optimization models in the SCM-system: progressive supply chain management

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    Transformations in socio-economic space affect functioning of entrepreneurial activity, leading to a change in the configuration of business processes. In the context of increasing complexity of external environment and digitalization, subjects must ensure the activities effectiveness based on supply chains optimization. Entities are required to use progressive methods of supply chain management. The purpose of the study is to analyze main optimization models in supply chain management (SCM) to determine progressive ways to improve them. The issues of SCM have been worked out, models of their optimization considered and suggestions for their improvement made. Theoretical analysis and generalization of information that allow to substantiate the SCM optimization models’ apparatus (SCOR, DCOR, CCOR) act as a methodological basis. As a result, it is proposed to focus on possibilities of progressive supply chain management, which make it possible to use information technologies to work through a large array of data and continuously obtain values for indicators, contributing to the development of models for optimizing logistics operations and processes in the SCM. The developments obtained are planned to be used for the development of practical models for optimizing enterprises’ supply chains

    Naked barley: taxonomy, breeding, and prospects of utilization

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    This review surveys the current state of taxonomy, origin, and utilization prospects for naked barley. The cultivated barley Hordeum vulgare L. incorporates the covered and naked barley groups. Naked barleys are divided into six-row naked barley (convar. сoeleste (L.) A. Trof.) and two-row naked barley (convar. nudum (L.) A. Trof.). The groups include botanical varieties differing in the structural features of spikes, awns, floret and spikelet glumes, and the color of kernels. The centers of morphogenesis for naked barley are scrutinized employing archeological and paleoethnobotanical data, and the diversity of its forms. Hypotheses on the centers of its origin are discussed using DNA marker data. The main areas of its cultivation are shown, along with possible reasons for such a predominating or exclusive distribution of naked barley in highland areas. Inheritance of nakedness and mechanisms of its manifestation are considered in the context of new data in genetics. The biochemical composition of barley grain in protein, some essential and nonessential amino acids, β-glucans, vitamins, and antioxidants is described. Naked barley is shown to be a valuable source of unique combinations of soluble and insoluble dietary fibers and polysaccharides. The parameters limiting wider distribution of naked barley over the world are emphasized, and breeding efforts that could mitigate them are proposed. Pathogen-resistant naked barley accessions are identified to serve as promising sources for increasing grain yield and quality. Main stages and trends of naked barley breeding are considered and the importance of the VIR global germplasm collection as the richest repository of genetic material for the development of breeding is shown

    Presenting signs and patient co-variables in Gaucher disease : outcome of the Gaucher Earlier Diagnosis Consensus (GED-C) Delphi initiative

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    © 2018 The Authors. Internal Medicine Journal by Wiley Publishing Asia Pty Ltd on behalf of Royal Australasian College of Physicians.Background: Gaucher disease (GD) presents with a range of signs and symptoms. Physicians can fail to recognise the early stages of GD owing to a lack of disease awareness, which can lead to significant diagnostic delays and sometimes irreversible but avoidable morbidities. Aim: The Gaucher Earlier Diagnosis Consensus (GED-C) initiative aimed to identify signs and co-variables considered most indicative of early type 1 and type 3 GD, to help non-specialists identify ‘at-risk’ patients who may benefit from diagnostic testing. Methods: An anonymous, three-round Delphi consensus process was deployed among a global panel of 22 specialists in GD (median experience 17.5 years, collectively managing almost 3000 patients). The rounds entailed data gathering, then importance ranking and establishment of consensus, using 5-point Likert scales and scoring thresholds defined a priori. Results: For type 1 disease, seven major signs (splenomegaly, thrombocytopenia, bone-related manifestations, anaemia, hyperferritinaemia, hepatomegaly and gammopathy) and two major co-variables (family history of GD and Ashkenazi-Jewish ancestry) were identified. For type 3 disease, nine major signs (splenomegaly, oculomotor disturbances, thrombocytopenia, epilepsy, anaemia, hepatomegaly, bone pain, motor disturbances and kyphosis) and one major co-variable (family history of GD) were identified. Lack of disease awareness, overlooking mild early signs and failure to consider GD as a diagnostic differential were considered major barriers to early diagnosis. Conclusion: The signs and co-variables identified in the GED-C initiative as potentially indicative of early GD will help to guide non-specialists and raise their index of suspicion in identifying patients potentially suitable for diagnostic testing for GD.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Anthocyanin content in grains of barley and oat accessions from the VIR collection

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    Background. Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and oat (Avena sativa L.) are grain crops belonging to one of the main sources of food and forage in the Russian Federation. They contain proteins, various groups of vitamins, fats, carbohydrates, β-glucans, minerals and different bioloactive compounds, including anthocyanins. Recently, much attention has been given to anthocyanins due to their various valuable properties. Therefore, the grain of barley and oat is a potentially promising economic product and a component of functional nutrition. The aim of this work was to estimate the content of anthocyanins in barley and oat accessions with different pigmentation of kernels and lemma. Materials and methods. 32 barley and 11 oat accessions were studied by spectrophotometry. Anthocyanins were extracted from barley and oat kernels with a 1% HCl solution in methanol. Results and discussion. As a result of the study, accessions and varieties with the highest content of anthocyanins were identified: for barley these are k-15904 (China), k-19906 (Mongolia), k-18709 (Japan), k-18723, k-18729 (Canada), k-17725 (Turkey) belonging to var. violaceum; k-29568 (Japan) – var. densoviolaceum; k-8690 (Ethiopia) – var. griseinigrum; k-28205 (Germany) – var. nudidubium; and for oat these are k-15527 (A. ayssinica Hochst. var. braunii Koern., Ethiopia) and k-15245 (A. strigosa Schreb. subsp. brevis var. tephera Mordv. ex Sold. et Rod., Poland). Conclusion. The obtained results demonstrated that the VIR collection includes accessions with potential value for the development of varieties with an increased anthocyanin content, which can be used as functional food products

    The Role of CYP1A1 Gene Polymorphism in Patients with Erysipelas

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    © 2017, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC. The research aims are to study the role of CYP1A1 gene polymorphism in predisposition to erysipelas and reveal connections with the clinical course of the disease. We used the standard techniques of molecular genetic analysis. The DNA samples used in genotyping were extracted from leukocytes of venous blood by deproteinization with a phenol-chloroform mixture. Genotyping was performed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Statistical data relating to the investigated polymorphic markers were estimated at a 95% confidence level (CL). Genotype frequencies were compared using either the standard Pearson’s chi-squared test or the two-sided Fisher’s exact test. This study presents a comparative analysis of the distribution of gene polymorphisms of cytochrome P450 CYP1A1 (Ile462Val, rs1048943) of phase I detoxification (microsomal oxidation) in the experimental group of 71 patients with erysipelas and a control group of 71 healthy individuals. We also analyzed these relationships of CYP1A1 (Ile462Val) gene polymorphisms with the sex of the patients, the severity and multiplicity of the disease, and the nature of the local process in patients with erysipelas. The results of the investigation indicate the presence of a relationship between cytochrome P450 CYP1A1 (Ile462Val, rs1048943) gene polymorphism and the development of erysipelas. Analysis of these relationships of CYP1A1 (Ile462Val) gene polymorphism with the sex of the patients, the severity and multiplicity of the disease, and the nature of the process in the examined group of patients with erysipelas did not reveal any statistically significant differences

    A comparative study of Epipactis atrorubens in two different forest communities of the Middle Urals, Russia

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    The objective of this study was to compare eco-physiological and morphological parameters of a regionally endangered orchid species, Epipactis atrorubens (Hoffm. ex Bernh.) Bess., growing in two forest communities (on serpentine and granite outcrops) of the Middle Urals, Russia. Biodiversity, dominance, and phytocoenosis studies showed the colonization of a wide range of plant species on both sites. The physicochemical properties of the soil, chemical composition and morphological features of E. atrorubens, growing under technogenic conditions (asbestos deposits), on serpentine outcrops and in the natural environment of the granite massif were studied for the first time. The serpentine substrate differed from the granite one by its greater stoniness, circumneutral pH and lower contents of available nitrogen and phosphorus. Extremely high concentrations of magnesium were found in the serpentine soil, some 79 times higher than in the granite substrate. High concentrations of nickel (94 times), chromium (59 times), cobalt (17 times), and iron (4 times) were found in the serpentine substrate, higher than in the granite substrate. The differences between the sites for available metal contents and for root and shoot metal contents were significantly less. Concentrations of most of the metals in the roots were higher than in the shoots. Despite higher metal concentrations and lower nitrogen and phosphorus levels in serpentine soils, E. atrorubens had a larger population and greater viability compared to those growing on granite. Plants on serpentine outcrops were characterized by the formation of a larger number of fruits, greater root lengths and thicker leaf blades, compared to plants on granites. The well-developed orchid mycorrhizae contributed to the survival of this species under unfavorable serpentine conditions. Hence, serpentine outcrops formed due to the mining of asbestos could be a suitable substrate for the light-demanding E. atrorubens due to its capacity to adapt to dry, rocky, nutrient-depleted soils and limited competition from other plants. © 2019, The Author(s).The work was supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation in the framework of the State Task of UrFU No. 6.7696.2017

    Reclamation of fly ash dump diminishes the metal accumulation and improves the photosynthetic function of orchid Listera ovata

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    The results of studying the metal accumulation and photosynthetic function in the orchid Listera ovata (L.) R. Br., growing on the fly ash dump of the Verkhnetagilskaya Thermal Power Station (VTTPS, Middle Urals, Russia) are presented. A comparative analysis of two L. ovata populations from the non-reclaimed and partly reclaimed fly ash dumpsites was carried out. It was shown that the partial reclamation of the fly ash dump by applying clay soil increased heavy metal total content in the substrate. At the same time, the proportion of mobile forms and the metal accumulation by plants in most cases were decreased under the influence of reclamation measures. Moreover, the content of photosynthetic pigments and the assimilation of carbon dioxide increased in plants from the reclaimed site, which indicates the activation of the photosynthetic function, which plays a significant role in the adaptation of the orchid to the adverse conditions of the disturbed habitat. © 2021 Author(s).Government of the Sverdlovsk Region, (ʋ 20-44-660011)Russian Foundation for Basic Research, РФФИGovernment Council on Grants, Russian FederationThe reported study was funded by RFBR and the Government of the Sverdlovsk Region, Project ʋ 20-44-660011, and the Government of the Russian Federation, Act 211, Contract ʋ 02.A03.21.0006