790 research outputs found

    Magnetic Monopole Noise

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    Magnetic monopoles are hypothetical elementary particles exhibiting quantized magnetic charge m0=±(h/μ0e)m_0=\pm(h/\mu_0e) and quantized magnetic flux Φ0=±h/e\Phi_0=\pm h/e. A classic proposal for detecting such magnetic charges is to measure the quantized jump in magnetic flux Φ\Phi threading the loop of a superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) when a monopole passes through it. Naturally, with the theoretical discovery that a plasma of emergent magnetic charges should exist in several lanthanide-pyrochlore magnetic insulators, including Dy2_2Ti2_2O7_7, this SQUID technique was proposed for their direct detection. Experimentally, this has proven extremely challenging because of the high number density, and the generation-recombination (GR) fluctuations, of the monopole plasma. Recently, however, theoretical advances have allowed the spectral density of magnetic-flux noise SΦ(ω,T)S_{\Phi}(\omega,T) due to GR fluctuations of ±m\pm m_* magnetic charge pairs to be determined. These theories present a sequence of strikingly clear predictions for the magnetic-flux noise signature of emergent magnetic monopoles. Here we report development of a high-sensitivity, SQUID based flux-noise spectrometer, and consequent measurements of the frequency and temperature dependence of SΦ(ω,T)S_{\Phi}(\omega,T) for Dy2_2Ti2_2O7_7 samples. Virtually all the elements of SΦ(ω,T)S_{\Phi}(\omega,T) predicted for a magnetic monopole plasma, including the existence of intense magnetization noise and its characteristic frequency and temperature dependence, are detected directly. Moreover, comparisons of simulated and measured correlation functions CΦ(t)C_{\Phi}(t) of the magnetic-flux noise Φ(t)\Phi(t) imply that the motion of magnetic charges is strongly correlated because traversal of the same trajectory by two magnetic charges of same sign is forbidden

    Cooperative Roles of CTLA-4 and Regulatory T Cells in Tolerance to an Islet Cell Antigen

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    Adoptive transfer of ovalbumin (OVA)-specific T cells from the DO.11 TCR transgenic mouse on a Rag−/− background into mice expressing OVA in pancreatic islet cells induces acute insulitis and diabetes only if endogenous lymphocytes, including regulatory T cells, are removed. When wild-type OVA-specific/Rag−/− T cells, which are all CD25−, are transferred into islet antigen–expressing mice, peripheral immunization with OVA in adjuvant is needed to induce diabetes. In contrast, naive CTLA-4−/−/Rag−/− OVA-specific T cells (also CD25−) develop into Th1 effectors and induce disease upon recognition of the self-antigen alone. These results suggest that CTLA-4 functions to increase the activation threshold of autoreactive T cells, because in its absence self-antigen is sufficient to trigger autoimmunity without peripheral immunization. Further, CTLA-4 and regulatory T cells act cooperatively to maintain tolerance, indicating that the function of CTLA-4 is independent of regulatory cells, and deficiency of both is required to induce pathologic immune responses against the islet self-antigen

    Symbiosis limits establishment of legumes outside their native range at a global scale

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    Microbial symbiosis is integral to plant growth and reproduction, but its contribution to global patterns of plant distribution is unknown. Legumes (Fabaceae) are a diverse and widely distributed plant family largely dependent on symbiosis with nitrogen-fixing rhizobia, which are acquired from soil after germination. This dependency is predicted to limit establishment in new geographic areas, owing to a disruption of compatible host-symbiont associations. Here we compare non-native establishment patterns of symbiotic and non-symbiotic legumes across over 3,500 species, covering multiple independent gains and losses of rhizobial symbiosis. We find that symbiotic legume species have spread to fewer non-native regions compared to non-symbiotic legumes, providing strong support for the hypothesis that lack of suitable symbionts or environmental conditions required for effective nitrogen-fixation are driving these global introduction patterns. These results highlight the importance of mutualisms in predicting non-native species establishment and the potential impacts of microbial biogeography on global plant distribution

    Resistance to natural and synthetic gene drive systems

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    Scientists are rapidly developing synthetic gene drive elements intended for release into natural populations. These are intended to control or eradicate disease vectors and pests, or to spread useful traits through wild populations for disease control or conservation purposes. However, a crucial problem for gene drives is the evolution of resistance against them, preventing their spread. Understanding the mechanisms by which populations might evolve resistance is essential for engineering effective gene drive systems. This review summarizes our current knowledge of drive resistance in both natural and synthetic gene drives. We explore how insights from naturally occurring and synthetic drive systems can be integrated to improve the design of gene drives, better predict the outcome of releases and understand genomic conflict in general

    Qualitative differences in the spatiotemporal brain states supporting configural face processing emerge in adolescence in autism

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    BACKGROUND Studying the neural processing of faces can illuminate the mechanisms of compromised social expertise in autism. To resolve a longstanding debate, we examined whether differences in configural face processing in autism are underpinned by quantitative differences in the activation of typical face processing pathways, or the recruitment of non-typical neural systems. METHODS We investigated spatial and temporal characteristics of event-related EEG responses to upright and inverted faces in a large sample of children, adolescents, and adults with and without autism. We examined topographic analyses of variance and global field power to identify group differences in the spatial and temporal response to face inversion. We then examined how quasi-stable spatiotemporal profiles - microstates - are modulated by face orientation and diagnostic group. RESULTS Upright and inverted faces produced distinct profiles of topography and strength in the topographical analyses. These topographical profiles differed between diagnostic groups in adolescents, but not in children or adults. In the microstate analysis, the autistic group showed differences in the activation strength of normative microstates during early-stage processing at all ages, suggesting consistent quantitative differences in the operation of typical processing pathways; qualitative differences in microstate topographies during late-stage processing became prominent in adults, suggesting the increasing involvement of non-typical neural systems with processing time and over development. CONCLUSIONS These findings suggest that early difficulties with configural face processing may trigger later compensatory processes in autism that emerge in later development

    The T-box transcription factor Eomesodermin governs haemogenic competence of yolk sac mesodermal progenitors.

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    Extra-embryonic mesoderm (ExM)-composed of the earliest cells that traverse the primitive streak-gives rise to the endothelium as well as haematopoietic progenitors in the developing yolk sac. How a specific subset of ExM becomes committed to a haematopoietic fate remains unclear. Here we demonstrate using an embryonic stem cell model that transient expression of the T-box transcription factor Eomesodermin (Eomes) governs haemogenic competency of ExM. Eomes regulates the accessibility of enhancers that the transcription factor stem cell leukaemia (SCL) normally utilizes to specify primitive erythrocytes and is essential for the normal development of Runx1+ haemogenic endothelium. Single-cell RNA sequencing suggests that Eomes loss of function profoundly blocks the formation of blood progenitors but not specification of Flk-1+ haematoendothelial progenitors. Our findings place Eomes at the top of the transcriptional hierarchy regulating early blood formation and suggest that haemogenic competence is endowed earlier during embryonic development than was previously appreciated.We would like to acknowledge Michal Maj and Line Ericsen, and Kevin Clark in the flow cytometry facilities at the Dunn School and WIMM respectively for providing cell sorting services. The WIMM facility is supported by the MRC HIU; MRC MHU (MC_UU_12009); NIHR Oxford BRC and John Fell Fund (131/030 and 101/517), the EPA fund (CF182 and CF170) and by the WIMM Strategic Alliance awards G0902418 and MC_UU_12025. We thank Neil Ashley for his help on 10x sample preparation and sequencing. The WIMM Single Cell Core Facility was supported by the MRC MHU (MC_UU_12009), the Oxford Single Cell Biology Consortium (MR/M00919X/1) and the WT ISSF (097813/Z/11/B#) funding. The facility was supported by WIMM Strategic Alliance awards G0902418 and MC_UU_12025. We also thank the High-Throughput Genomics Group (Wellcome Trust (WT) Centre for Human Genetics, funded by WT 090532/Z/09/Z), for generating sequencing data. We thank Valerie Kouskoff for providing the iRunx1 ES cell line, Supat Thongjuea and Guanlin Wang for advice with the scRNA-Seq analysis, Joey Riepsaame for advice with CRISP-R experiments, and Doug Higgs, Hedia Chagraoui, Dominic Owens, Andrew Nelson and Arne Mould for helpful discussions. M.D.B and C.P are supported by programmes in the MRC Molecular Hematology Unit Core award (Grant number: MC_UU_12009/2 M.D.B. and MC_UU_12009/9 C.P.). L.G. was supported by a Clarendon PhD studentship and the MRC Molecular Haematology Unit. The work was supported by grants from the Wellcome Trust (214175/Z/18/Z E.J.R, 10281/Z/13/Z L.T.G.H). L.T.G.H was supported by a Clarendon Fund Scholarship and Trinity College Titley Scholarship. E.J.R. is a Wellcome Trust Principal Fellow

    Decision regret in men living with and beyond nonmetastatic prostate cancer in the United Kingdom: A population‐based patient‐reported outcome study

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    Objective: Clinical options for managing nonmetastatic prostate cancer (PCa) vary. Each option has side effects associated with it, leading to difficulty in decision‐making. This study aimed to assess the relationship between patient involvement in treatment decision‐making and subsequent decision regret (DR), and quantify the impact of health‐related quality of life (HRQL) outcomes on DR. Methods: Men living in the United Kingdom, 18 to 42 months after diagnosis of PCa, were identified from cancer registration data and sent a questionnaire. Measures included the Decision Regret Scale (DRS), Expanded Prostate cancer Index Composite short form (EPIC‐26), EQ‐5D‐5L, and an item on involvement in treatment decision‐making. Multivariable ordinal regression was utilized, with DR categorized as none, mild, or moderate/severe regret. Results: A total of 17 193 men with stage I‐III PCa completed the DRS: 36.6% reported no regret, 43.3% mild regret, and 20.0% moderate/severe regret. The odds of reporting DR were greater if men indicated their views were not taken into account odds ratio ([OR] = 6.42, 95% CI: 5.39‐7.64) or were involved “to some extent” in decision‐making (OR = 4.63, 95% CI: 4.27‐5.02), compared with men who were “definitely” involved. After adjustment, including for involvement, men reporting moderate/big problems with urinary, bowel, or sexual function were more likely to experience regret compared with men with no/small problems. Better HRQL scores were associated with lower levels of DR. Conclusions: This large‐scale study demonstrates the benefit of patient involvement in treatment decision‐making for nonmetastatic PCa. However, men experiencing side effects and poorer HRQL report greater DR. Promoting engagement in clinical decision‐making represents good practice and may reduce the risk of subsequent regret

    Thyroid carcinomas that occur in familial adenomatous polyposis patients recurrently harbor somatic variants in APC, BRAF, and KTM2D

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    Background: Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) is a condition typically caused by pathogenic germline mutations in the APC gene. In addition to colon polyps, individuals with FAP have a substantially increased risk of developing papillary thyroid cancer (PTC). Little is known about the events underlying this association, and the prevalence of somatic "second-hit" mutations in APC is controversial. Methods: Whole-genome sequencing was performed on paired thyroid tumor and normal DNA from 12 FAP patients who developed PTC. Somatic mutation profiles were compared with clinical characteristics and previously sequenced sporadic PTC cases. Germline variant profiling was performed to assess the prevalence of variants in genes previously shown to have a role in PTC predisposition. Results: All 12 patients harbored germline mutations in APC, consistent with FAP. Seven patients also had somatic mutations in APC, and seven patients harbored somatic mutations in KMT2D, which encodes a lysine methyl transferase. Mutation of these genes is extremely rare in sporadic PTCs. Notably, only two of the tumors harbored the somatic BRAF p.V600E mutation, which is the most common driver mutation found in sporadic PTCs. Six tumors displayed a cribriform-morular variant of PTC (PTC-CMV) histology, and all six had somatic mutations in APC. Additionally, nine FAP-PTC patients had rare germline variants in genes that were previously associated with thyroid carcinoma. Conclusions: Our data indicate that FAP-associated PTCs typically have distinct mutations compared with sporadic PTCs. Roughly half of the thyroid cancers that arise in FAP patients have somatic "second-hits" in APC, which is associated with PTC-CMV histology. Somatic BRAF p.V600E variants also occur in some FAP patients, a novel finding. We speculate that in carriers of heterozygous pathogenic mutations of tumor suppressor genes such as APC, a cooperating second-hit somatic variant may occur in a different gene such as KTM2D or BRAF, leading to differences in phenotypes. The role of germline variance in genes other than APC (9 of the 12 patients in this series) needs further research.Peer reviewe

    Interactions between Neuropsychiatric Symptoms and Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Biomarkers in Predicting Longitudinal Cognitive Decline

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    OBJECTIVE: To examine interactions between Neuropsychiatric symptoms (NPS) with Pittsburgh Compound B (PiB) and fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) in predicting cognitive trajectories. METHODS: We conducted a longitudinal study in the setting of the population-based Mayo Clinic Study of Aging in Olmsted County, MN, involving 1581 cognitively unimpaired (CU) persons aged ≥50 years (median age 71.83 years, 54.0% males, 27.5% APOE ɛ4 carriers). NPS at baseline were assessed using the Neuropsychiatric Inventory Questionnaire (NPI-Q). Brain glucose hypometabolism was defined as a SUVR ≤ 1.47 (measured by FDG-PET) in regions typically affected in Alzheimer\u27s disease. Abnormal cortical amyloid deposition was measured using PiB-PET (SUVR ≥ 1.48). Neuropsychological testing was done approximately every 15 months, and we calculated global and domain-specific (memory, language, attention, and visuospatial skills) cognitive z-scores. We ran linear mixed-effect models to examine the associations and interactions between NPS at baseline and z-scored PiB- and FDG-PET SUVRs in predicting cognitive z-scores adjusted for age, sex, education, and previous cognitive testing. RESULTS: Individuals at the average PiB and without NPS at baseline declined over time on cognitive z-scores. Those with increased PiB at baseline declined faster (two-way interaction), and those with increased PiB and NPS declined even faster (three-way interaction). We observed interactions between time, increased PiB and anxiety or irritability indicating accelerated decline on global z-scores, and between time, increased PiB and several NPS (e.g., agitation) showing faster domain-specific decline, especially on the attention domain. CONCLUSIONS: NPS and increased brain amyloid deposition synergistically interact in accelerating global and domain-specific cognitive decline among CU persons at baseline