216 research outputs found


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    The purpose of the article is to conduct a culturological reflection of the creative phenomenon of M.M. Sinelnikov in the dimension of the game conception of J. Huizinga. The methodology of research is based on the use of a set of general scientific and specific scientific methods in accordance with the cultural discourse. The historical method is used to illuminate the problems to cover and analyze the constituent components of the investigated problems. The hermeneutic method was used to study and interpret the theoretical provisions of the studied problems. To conceptualize the main points and factors investigated the problems, used the method of generalization. The scientific novelty is to address the little-studied problems of the creative phenomenon of the prominent artistic figure-reformer of the late 19th – early 20th centuries M.M. Sinelnikov and his analytical dimension through the prism of the game conception of  J. Huizinga. Conclusions.  An appeal to the creative phenomenon of M.M. Sinelnikov through the prism of the playful conception of culture by J. Huizinga made it possible to carry out a more extensive and in-depth analytical dimension of the investigated problems. As a result of the research, the correspondence of M.M. Sinelnikov`s artistic essence to the concept of a Homo Ludens is established. The basic factors of  influence of the creative phenomenon of M.M. Sinelnikov on the process of transformation of the socio-cultural space  of Ukraine in the late 19th  –  early 20th centuries are determined.  Generalizing, we note that the analytical dimension of the creative phenomenon of M.M. Sinelnikov in the coordinates of the game conception of culture J. Huizinga significantly deepened the idea of the importance of artistic activity and its cultural activities in the formation of socio-cultural space of Ukraine in the late 19th – early 20th centuries. In addition, in our opinion, M.M. Sinelnikov`s unique artistic experience is worthy of a return to cultural circulation in order to integrate it into the realities of contemporary artistic progress.Мета статті – культурологічна рефлексія творчого феномену М. М. Синельникова у вимірі ігрової концепції культури Й. Хейзінги. Методологія дослідження базується на використанні комплексу загальнонаукових і конкретно наукових методів у відповідності із культурологічним дискурсом. Історичний метод застосований з метою висвітлення досліджуваної проблеми у історичній послідовності. Використання системно-аналітичного методу ставить за мету висвітлення і аналіз складових компонентів досліджуваної проблеми. Герменевтичний метод використано з метою вивчення й інтерпретації теоретичних положень досліджуваної проблеми. Задля концептуалізації основних положень і чинників досліджуваної проблеми використано метод узагальнення. Наукова новизна полягає у зверненні до маловивченої проблеми творчого феномену видатного мистецького діяча-реформатора кінця ХІХ – початку ХХ століття М. М. Синельникова, його культурологічний вимір крізь призму ігрової концепції культури Й. Хейзінги. Висновки. Звернення до творчого феномену М. М. Синельникова крізь призму ігрової концепції культури Й. Хейзінги надало можливість здійснити більш розширено і поглиблено культурологічний вимір досліджуваної проблеми. В результаті проведеного дослідження встановлено відповідність мистецької сутності М. М. Синельникова концепту «Людина граюча». Визначено основоположні чинники впливу творчого феномену М.М. Синельникова – Людини граючої – на процес трансформації соціокультурного простору України кінця ХІХ – початку ХХ століття. Культурологічна рефлексія творчого феномену М.М. Синельникова у координатах ігрової концепції Й. Хейзінги значно поглибила уявлення про вагомість і значення мистецької особистості та її культуротворчої діяльності у формуванні соціокультурного простору України кінця ХІХ – початку ХХ століття. Зауважено, що унікальний мистецький досвід М. М. Синельникова вартий повернення у культурний обіг задля інтегрування у реалії сучасного мистецького поступу

    Effects of Amino Acid Side-Chain Length and Chemical Structure on Anionic Polyglutamic and Polyaspartic Acid Cellulose-Based Polyelectrolyte Brushes.

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    We used atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to study polyelectrolyte brushes based on anionic α,L-glutamic acid and α,L-aspartic acid grafted on cellulose in the presence of divalent CaCl2 salt at different concentrations. The motivation is to search for ways to control properties such as sorption capacity and the structural response of the brush to multivalent salts. For this detailed understanding of the role of side-chain length, the chemical structure and their interplay are required. It was found that in the case of glutamic acid oligomers, the longer side chains facilitate attractive interactions with the cellulose surface, which forces the grafted chains to lie down on the surface. The additional methylene group in the side chain enables side-chain rotation, enhancing this effect. On the other hand, the shorter and more restricted side chains of aspartic acid oligomers prevent attractive interactions to a large degree and push the grafted chains away from the surface. The difference in side-chain length also leads to differences in other properties of the brush in divalent salt solutions. At a low grafting density, the longer side chains of glutamic acid allow the adsorbed cations to be spatially distributed inside the brush resulting in a charge inversion. With an increase in grafting density, the difference in the total charge of the aspartic and glutamine brushes disappears, but new structural features appear. The longer sides allow for ion bridging between the grafted chains and the cellulose surface without a significant change in main-chain conformation. This leads to the brush structure being less sensitive to changes in salt concentration

    Process approach as the basis of management decision making

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    Рассматриваются преимущества использования процессного подхода в деятельности образовательной организации, в том числе при проведении мониторингаThis article reviews benefits of the process approach in the activity of an educational institution including process of its monitorin

    influence of specific intermolecular interactions on the thermal and dielectric properties of bulk polymers atomistic molecular dynamics simulations of nylon 6

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    Specific intermolecular interactions, in particular H-bonding, have a strong influence on the structural, thermal and relaxation characteristics of polymers. We report here the results of molecular dynamics simulations of Nylon 6 which provides an excellent example for the investigation of such an influence. To demonstrate the effect of proper accounting for H-bonding on bulk polymer properties, the AMBER99sb force field is used with two different parametrization approaches leading to two different sets of partial atomic charges. The simulations allowed the study of the thermal and dielectric properties in a wide range of temperatures and cooling rates. The feasibility of the use of the three methods for the estimation of the glass transition temperature not only from the temperature dependence of structural characteristics such as density, but also by using the electrostatic energy and dielectric constant is demonstrated. The values of glass transition temperatures obtained at different cooling rates are practically the same for the three methods. By proper accounting for partial charges in the simulations, a reasonable agreement between the results of our simulations and experimental data for the density, thermal expansion coefficient, static dielectric constant and activation energy of γ and β relaxations is obtained demonstrating the validity of the modeling approach reported

    Правове закріплення вимог до працівників та їх юридичне значення

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    Лукашева Н. М. Правове закріплення вимог до працівників та їх юридичне значення / Н. М. Лукашева // Актуальні проблеми держави і права : зб. наук. пр. / редкол.: С. В. Ківалов (голов. ред.), Ю. М. Оборотов (заст. голов. ред.), Л. Р. Біла (відп. секр.) [та ін.] ; ОНЮА. – Одеса : Юрид. л-ра, 2005. – Вип. 25. – С. 351-355

    Comprehensive Signaling Profiles Reveal Unsuspected Functional Selectivity of δ-Opioid Receptor Agonists and Allow the Identification of Ligands with the Greatest Potential for Inducing Cyclase Superactivation

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    Prolonged exposure to opioid receptor agonists triggers adaptations in the adenylyl cyclase (AC) pathway that lead to enhanced production of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) upon withdrawal. This cellular phenomenon contributes to withdrawal symptoms, hyperalgesia and analgesic tolerance that interfere with clinical management of chronic pain syndromes. Since δ-opioid receptors (DOPrs) are a promising target for chronic pain management, we were interested in finding out if cell-based signaling profiles as generated for drug discovery purposes could inform us of the ligand potential to induce sensitization of the cyclase path. For this purpose, signaling of DOPr agonists was monitored at multiple effectors. The resulting signaling profiles revealed marked functional selectivity, particularly for Met-enkephalin (Met-ENK) whose signaling bias profile differed from those of synthetic ligands like SNC-80 and ARM390. Signaling diversity among ligands was systematized by clustering agonists according to similarities in Emax and Log(τ) values for the different responses. The classification process revealed that the similarity in Gα/Gβγ, but not in β-arrestin (βarr), responses was correlated with the potential of Met-ENK, deltorphin II, (d-penicillamine2,5)-enkephalin (DPDPE), ARM390, and SNC-80 to enhance cAMP production, all of which required Ca2+ mobilization to produce this response. Moreover, superactivation by Met-ENK, which was the most-effective Ca2+ mobilizing agonist, required Gαi/o activation, availability of Gβγsubunits at the membrane, and activation of Ca2+ effectors such as calmodulin and protein kinase C (PKC). In contrast, superactivation by (N-(l-tyrosyl)-(3S)-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline-3-carbonyl)-l-phenylalanyl-l-phenylalanine (TIPP), which was set in a distinct category through clustering, required activation of Gαi/o subunits but was independent of the Gβγdimer and Ca2+ mobilization, relying instead on Src and Raf-1 to induce this cellular adaptation

    Glycation of Plant Proteins under Environmental Stress — Methodological Approaches, Potential Mechanisms and Biological Role

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    Environmental stress is one of the major factors reducing crop productivity. Due to the oncoming climate changes, the effects of drought and high light on plants play an increasing role in modern agriculture. These changes are accompanied with a progressing contamination of soils with heavy metals. Independent of their nature, environmental alterations result in development of oxidative stress, i.e. increase of reactive oxygen species (ROS) contents, and metabolic adjustment, i.e. accumulation of soluble primary metabolites (amino acids and sugars). However, a simultaneous increase of ROS and sugar concentrations ultimately results in protein glycation, i.e. non-enzymatic interaction of reducing sugars or their degradation products (α-dicarbonyls) with proteins. The eventually resulting advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) are known to be toxic and pro-inflammatory in mammals. Recently, their presence was unambiguously demonstrated in vivo in stressed Arabidopsis thaliana plants. Currently, information on protein targets, modification sites therein, mediators and mechanisms of plant glycation are being intensively studied. In this chapter, we comprehensively review the methodological approaches for plant glycation research and discuss potential mechanisms of AGE formation under stress conditions. On the basis of these patterns and additional in vitro experiments, the pathways and mechanisms of plant glycation can be proposed

    Exploring use of unsupervised clustering to associate signaling profiles of GPCR ligands to clinical response.

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    Signaling diversity of G protein-coupled (GPCR) ligands provides novel opportunities to develop more effective, better-tolerated therapeutics. Taking advantage of these opportunities requires identifying which effectors should be specifically activated or avoided so as to promote desired clinical responses and avoid side effects. However, identifying signaling profiles that support desired clinical outcomes remains challenging. This study describes signaling diversity of mu opioid receptor (MOR) ligands in terms of logistic and operational parameters for ten different in vitro readouts. It then uses unsupervised clustering of curve parameters to: classify MOR ligands according to similarities in type and magnitude of response, associate resulting ligand categories with frequency of undesired events reported to the pharmacovigilance program of the Food and Drug Administration and associate signals to side effects. The ability of the classification method to associate specific in vitro signaling profiles to clinically relevant responses was corroborated using β2-adrenergic receptor ligands.This research was supported by a research contract from Pfizer Inc. and grants from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (Grant 311997 to G.P.) and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research MOP 324876 (to G.P.), MOP 102630 (to M.B. and O.L.) and Foundation grant (FDN-148431) to MB. MB holds a Canada Research Chair in Signal Transduction and Molecular Pharmacology. Dr Lichtarge’s research was supported by National Institutes of Health (NIH 2R01 GM066099; NIH 5R01 GM079656). B.B. was supported by a studentship from Fonds de Recherche en Santé du Québec. P.D. was supported by a MITACS fellowship