21 research outputs found

    Reactive astrogliosis in the era of single-cell transcriptomics

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    Reactive astrogliosis is a reaction of astrocytes to disturbed homeostasis in the central nervous system (CNS), accompanied by changes in astrocyte numbers, morphology, and function. Reactive astrocytes are important in the onset and progression of many neuropathologies, such as neurotrauma, stroke, and neurodegenerative diseases. Single-cell transcriptomics has revealed remarkable heterogeneity of reactive astrocytes, indicating their multifaceted functions in a whole spectrum of neuropathologies, with important temporal and spatial resolution, both in the brain and in the spinal cord. Interestingly, transcriptomic signatures of reactive astrocytes partially overlap between neurological diseases, suggesting shared and unique gene expression patterns in response to individual neuropathologies. In the era of single-cell transcriptomics, the number of new datasets steeply increases, and they often benefit from comparisons and integration with previously published work. Here, we provide an overview of reactive astrocyte populations defined by single-cell or single-nucleus transcriptomics across multiple neuropathologies, attempting to facilitate the search for relevant reference points and to improve the interpretability of new datasets containing cells with signatures of reactive astrocytes

    A view of the genetic and proteomic profile of extracellular matrix molecules in aging and stroke

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    IntroductionModification of the extracellular matrix (ECM) is one of the major processes in the pathology of brain damage following an ischemic stroke. However, our understanding of how age-related ECM alterations may affect stroke pathophysiology and its outcome is still very limited.MethodsWe conducted an ECM-targeted re-analysis of our previously obtained RNA-Seq dataset of aging, ischemic stroke and their interactions in young adult (3-month-old) and aged (18-month-old) mice. The permanent middle cerebral artery occlusion (pMCAo) in rodents was used as a model of ischemic stroke. Altogether 56 genes of interest were chosen for this study.ResultsWe identified an increased activation of the genes encoding proteins related to ECM degradation, such as matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), proteases of a disintegrin and metalloproteinase with the thrombospondin motifs (ADAMTS) family and molecules that regulate their activity, tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs). Moreover, significant upregulation was also detected in the mRNA of other ECM molecules, such as proteoglycans, syndecans and link proteins. Notably, we identified 8 genes where this upregulation was enhanced in aged mice in comparison with the young ones. Ischemia evoked a significant downregulation in only 6 of our genes of interest, including those encoding proteins associated with the protective function of ECM molecules (e.g., brevican, Hapln4, Sparcl1); downregulation in brevican was more prominent in aged mice. The study was expanded by proteome analysis, where we observed an ischemia-induced overexpression in three proteins, which are associated with neuroinflammation (fibronectin and vitronectin) and neurodegeneration (link protein Hapln2). In fibronectin and Hapln2, this overexpression was more pronounced in aged post-ischemic animals.ConclusionBased on these results, we can conclude that the ratio between the protecting and degrading mechanisms in the aged brain is shifted toward degradation and contributes to the aged tissues’ increased sensitivity to ischemic insults. Altogether, our data provide fresh perspectives on the processes underlying ischemic injury in the aging brain and serve as a freely accessible resource for upcoming research

    Reactive astrogliosis in the era of single-cell transcriptomics

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    Reactive astrogliosis is a reaction of astrocytes to disturbed homeostasis in the central nervous system (CNS), accompanied by changes in astrocyte numbers, morphology, and function. Reactive astrocytes are important in the onset and progression of many neuropathologies, such as neurotrauma, stroke, and neurodegenerative diseases. Single-cell transcriptomics has revealed remarkable heterogeneity of reactive astrocytes, indicating their multifaceted functions in a whole spectrum of neuropathologies, with important temporal and spatial resolution, both in the brain and in the spinal cord. Interestingly, transcriptomic signatures of reactive astrocytes partially overlap between neurological diseases, suggesting shared and unique gene expression patterns in response to individual neuropathologies. In the era of single-cell transcriptomics, the number of new datasets steeply increases, and they often benefit from comparisons and integration with previously published work. Here, we provide an overview of reactive astrocyte populations defined by single-cell or single-nucleus transcriptomics across multiple neuropathologies, attempting to facilitate the search for relevant reference points and to improve the interpretability of new datasets containing cells with signatures of reactive astrocytes

    Platforms for Single-Cell Collection and Analysis

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    Single-cell analysis has become an established method to study cell heterogeneity and for rare cell characterization. Despite the high cost and technical constraints, applications are increasing every year in all fields of biology. Following the trend, there is a tremendous development of tools for single-cell analysis, especially in the RNA sequencing field. Every improvement increases sensitivity and throughput. Collecting a large amount of data also stimulates the development of new approaches for bioinformatic analysis and interpretation. However, the essential requirement for any analysis is the collection of single cells of high quality. The single-cell isolation must be fast, effective, and gentle to maintain the native expression profiles. Classical methods for single-cell isolation are micromanipulation, microdissection, and fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS). In the last decade several new and highly efficient approaches have been developed, which not just supplement but may fully replace the traditional ones. These new techniques are based on microfluidic chips, droplets, micro-well plates, and automatic collection of cells using capillaries, magnets, an electric field, or a punching probe. In this review we summarize the current methods and developments in this field. We discuss the advantages of the different commercially available platforms and their applicability, and also provide remarks on future developments

    Small RNA-Sequencing: Approaches and Considerations for miRNA Analysis

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of small RNA molecules that have an important regulatory role in multiple physiological and pathological processes. Their disease-specific profiles and presence in biofluids are properties that enable miRNAs to be employed as non-invasive biomarkers. In the past decades, several methods have been developed for miRNA analysis, including small RNA sequencing (RNA-seq). Small RNA-seq enables genome-wide profiling and analysis of known, as well as novel, miRNA variants. Moreover, its high sensitivity allows for profiling of low input samples such as liquid biopsies, which have now found applications in diagnostics and prognostics. Still, due to technical bias and the limited ability to capture the true miRNA representation, its potential remains unfulfilled. The introduction of many new small RNA-seq approaches that tried to minimize this bias, has led to the existence of the many small RNA-seq protocols seen today. Here, we review all current approaches to cDNA library construction used during the small RNA-seq workflow, with particular focus on their implementation in commercially available protocols. We provide an overview of each protocol and discuss their applicability. We also review recent benchmarking studies comparing each protocol’s performance and summarize the major conclusions that can be gathered from their usage. The result documents variable performance of the protocols and highlights their different applications in miRNA research. Taken together, our review provides a comprehensive overview of all the current small RNA-seq approaches, summarizes their strengths and weaknesses, and provides guidelines for their applications in miRNA research

    Obesity Affects the Proliferative Potential of Equine Endometrial Progenitor Cells and Modulates Their Molecular Phenotype Associated with Mitochondrial Metabolism

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    The study aimed to investigate the influence of obesity on cellular features of equine endometrial progenitor cells (Eca EPCs), including viability, proliferation capacity, mitochondrial metabolism, and oxidative homeostasis. Eca EPCs derived from non-obese (non-OB) and obese (OB) mares were characterized by cellular phenotype and multipotency. Obesity-induced changes in the activity of Eca EPCs include the decline of their proliferative activity, clonogenic potential, mitochondrial metabolism, and enhanced oxidative stress. Eca EPCs isolated from obese mares were characterized by an increased occurrence of early apoptosis, loss of mitochondrial dynamics, and senescence-associated phenotype. Attenuated metabolism of Eca EPCs OB was related to increased expression of pro-apoptotic markers (CASP9, BAX, P53, P21), enhanced expression of OPN, PI3K, and AKT, simultaneously with decreased signaling stabilizing cellular homeostasis (including mitofusin, SIRT1, FOXP3). Obesity alters functional features and the self-renewal potential of endometrial progenitor cells. The impaired cytophysiology of progenitor cells from obese endometrium predicts lower regenerative capacity if used as autologous transplants

    Table_1_Reactive astrogliosis in the era of single-cell transcriptomics.pdf

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    Reactive astrogliosis is a reaction of astrocytes to disturbed homeostasis in the central nervous system (CNS), accompanied by changes in astrocyte numbers, morphology, and function. Reactive astrocytes are important in the onset and progression of many neuropathologies, such as neurotrauma, stroke, and neurodegenerative diseases. Single-cell transcriptomics has revealed remarkable heterogeneity of reactive astrocytes, indicating their multifaceted functions in a whole spectrum of neuropathologies, with important temporal and spatial resolution, both in the brain and in the spinal cord. Interestingly, transcriptomic signatures of reactive astrocytes partially overlap between neurological diseases, suggesting shared and unique gene expression patterns in response to individual neuropathologies. In the era of single-cell transcriptomics, the number of new datasets steeply increases, and they often benefit from comparisons and integration with previously published work. Here, we provide an overview of reactive astrocyte populations defined by single-cell or single-nucleus transcriptomics across multiple neuropathologies, attempting to facilitate the search for relevant reference points and to improve the interpretability of new datasets containing cells with signatures of reactive astrocytes.</p