3,008 research outputs found

    On the representative elementary volumes of clay rocks at the mesoscale

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    Mit Nudging zu mehr Spenden auf Webseiten anregen. Können Soziale-Norm-Nudges die Bereitschaft fĂŒr Onlinespenden auf Schweizer Webseiten von Nonprofitorganisationen erhöhen?

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    In der Schweiz wurden im Jahr 2017 rund 1,85 Mrd. CHF an Nonprofitorganisationen (NPO) gespendet. Der Spendenmarkt ist gesĂ€ttigt und durch die wachsende Anzahl an Stiftungen und Vereinen wĂ€chst der Wettbewerb weiter. Die NPOs mĂŒssen innovativ bleiben und das Fundraising weiterentwickeln, um langfristig ĂŒberleben zu können. Eine Möglichkeit sind Onlinespenden, um Kosten zu sparen und eine grĂ¶ĂŸere Reichweite gegenĂŒber herkömmlichen Medien zu erzielen. Um das Potenzial von Onlinespenden zu nutzen, werden in dieser Studie Soziale-Norm-Nudges zur Erhöhung der Spendenbereitschaft und Konversion auf Webseiten von NPO untersucht. Eine User-Gruppe bekam einen Nudge eingeblendet, eine Kontrollgruppe nicht. Anhand von Messwebapplikationen wie Google Analytics und Hotjar wurde das unterschiedliche Verhalten der beiden Gruppen aufgezeichnet. Statistisch wurde kein Einfluss der Nudges auf die Spendenbereitschaft oder Konversion festgestellt. Jedoch zeigten Heatmaps, wie das Klickverhalten und die Mausbewegungen der Webseitenbesucher waren. Daraus lĂ€sst sich ableiten, dass es durchaus Potenzial fĂŒr Weiterentwicklungen gibt

    Inbreeding in reintroduced populations: the effects of early reintroduction history and contemporary processes

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    Maintaining genetic variation and minimizing inbreeding are central goals of conservation genetics. It is therefore crucial to understand the important population parameters that affect inbreeding, particularly in reintroduction programs. Using data from 41 reintroduced Alpine ibex (Capra ibex ibex) populations we estimated inbreeding since the beginning of reintroductions using population-specific Fst, and inbreeding over the last few generations with contemporary effective population sizes. Total levels of inbreeding since reintroduction of ibex were, on average, close to that from one generation of half-sib mating. Contemporary effective population sizes did not reflect total inbreeding since reintroduction, but 16% of variation in contemporary effective population sizes among populations was due to variation in current population sizes. Substantial variation in inbreeding levels among populations was explained by founder group sizes and the harmonic mean population sizes since founding. This study emphasizes that, in addition to founder group sizes, early population growth rates are important parameters determining inbreeding levels in reintroduced population

    Finite symmetries of quantum character stacks

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    For a finite group DD, we study categorical factorisation homology on oriented surfaces equipped with principal DD-bundles, which `integrates' a (linear) balanced braided category A\mathcal{A} with DD-action over those surfaces. For surfaces with at least one boundary component, we identify the value of factorisation homology with the category of modules over an explicit algebra in A\mathcal{A}, extending the work of Ben-Zvi, Brochier and Jordan to surfaces with DD-bundles. Furthermore, we show that the value of factorisation homology on annuli, boundary conditions, and point defects can be described in terms of equivariant representation theory. Our main example comes from an action of Dynkin diagram automorphisms on representation categories of quantum groups. We show that in this case factorisation homology gives rise to a quantisation of the moduli space of flat twisted bundles.Comment: 38 pages, 14 figures, comments welcom

    Phase Transitions of YbBr2

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    Structural and metamorphic evolution of the Camughera - Moncucco, Antrona and Monte Rosa units southwest of the Simplon line,Western Alps

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    Abstract.: This structural and petrological study examines relationships between Alpine deformation and metamorphism in the Camughera-Moncucco, Antrona and northeastern Monte Rosa units, and it correlates major late stage deformation structures, such as the Vanzone antiform and Simplon normal fault. D1/D2 deformation and related top-N or top-NW thrusting started under high-pressure conditions (12.5-16kbar) at relatively high temperatures (c. 620-700°C). Petrological and structural data, together with published radiometric data, suggest that top-SE shearing within the structural top of the high-pressure units in the upper Penninic Alps is coeval with top-N or top-NW thrusting at their structural base. This suggests differential ascent of high-pressure units relative to the surrounding units during nappe stacking and associated crustal shortening. Barrovian metamorphism in the upper Penninic Alps is related to a first phase of backfolding, active between c. 35Ma and c. 29-26Ma ago (D3). D3 involves dextral shearing, combined with top-WSW shearing and orogen-parallel extension. Unroofing by orogen-parallel extension delays cooling during decompression and leads to isothermal decompression after the high-pressure stage. Towards deeper structural levels in the east, D3 deformation becomes progressively younger and prevailed at increasingly higher temperatures. Hence, compared to the higher structural levels further west, the brittle-ductile transition occurs later in the Ossola valley. Masera synform and Brevettola antiform form an open fold pair and represent the eastern continuation of the major Vanzone antiform (D4). Normal faulting across the Simplon line overlaps in time with the formation of these major D4 backfolds. Displacement along the Simplon normal fault decreases to insignificant values towards the southeast. Contemporaneous dextral shearing, however, occurs within the southern limbs of the Vanzone and Brevettola antiform

    Sustainability’s Coming Home: Preliminary Design Principles for the Sustainable Smart District

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    Consumer trends like local consumption, sharing of property, and environmental awareness change our habits and thereby our surroundings. These trends have their origin in our direct environment, in the districts of our city or community, where we live and socialize. Cities and districts are changing to “smart cities” and “smart districts” as a part of the ongoing digitalization. These changes offer the possibility to entrench the idea of sustainability and build a platform-based ecosystem for a sustainable smart district. This research aims to identify guidelines in form of preliminary design principles for sustainable smart districts. To achieve this, we conduct a structured literature review. On this basis, we derive and develop preliminary design principles with the help of semistructured interviews and a non-representative sample of the German population. The resulting nine preliminary design principles describe a first insight into the design of sustainable smart districts
