5 research outputs found

    High Na+ Environments Impair Phagocyte Oxidase-Dependent Antibacterial Activity of Neutrophils

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    Infection and inflammation can augment local Na+ abundance. These increases in local Na+ levels boost proinflammatory and antimicrobial macrophage activity and can favor polarization of T cells towards a proinflammatory Th17 phenotype. Although neutrophils play an important role in fighting intruding invaders, the impact of increased Na+ on the antimicrobial activity of neutrophils remains elusive. Here we show that, in neutrophils, increases in Na+ (high salt, HS) impair the ability of human and murine neutrophils to eliminate Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. High salt caused reduced spontaneous movement, degranulation and impaired production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) while leaving neutrophil viability unchanged. High salt enhanced the activity of the p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (p38/MAPK) and increased the interleukin (IL)-8 release in a p38/MAPK-dependent manner. Whereas inhibition of p38/MAPK did not result in improved neutrophil defense, pharmacological blockade of the phagocyte oxidase (PHOX) or its genetic ablation mimicked the impaired antimicrobial activity detected under high salt conditions. Stimulation of neutrophils with phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA) overcame high salt-induced impairment in ROS production and restored antimicrobial activity of neutrophils. Hence, we conclude that high salt-impaired PHOX activity results in diminished antimicrobial activity. Our findings suggest that increases in local Na+ represent an ionic checkpoint that prevents excessive ROS production of neutrophils, which decreases their antimicrobial potential and could potentially curtail ROS-mediated tissue damage

    NCX1 represents an ionic Na+ sensing mechanism in macrophages

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    Inflammation and infection can trigger local tissue Na(+)accumulation. This Na+-rich environment boosts proinflammatory activation of monocyte/macrophage-like cells (M phi s) and their antimicrobial activity. Enhanced Na+-driven M phi function requires the osmoprotective transcription factor nuclear factor of activated T cells 5 (NFAT5), which augments nitric oxide (NO) production and contributes to increased autophagy. However, the mechanism of Na(+)sensing in M phi s remained unclear. High extracellular Na(+)levels (high salt [HS]) trigger a substantial Na(+)influx and Ca(2+)loss. Here, we show that the Na+/Ca(2+)exchanger 1 (NCX1, also known as solute carrier family 8 member A1 [SLC8A1]) plays a critical role in HS-triggered Na(+)influx, concomitant Ca(2+)efflux, and subsequent augmented NFAT5 accumulation. Moreover, interfering with NCX1 activity impairs HS-boosted inflammatory signaling, infection-triggered autolysosome formation, and subsequent antibacterial activity. Taken together, this demonstrates that NCX1 is able to sense Na(+)and is required for amplifying inflammatory and antimicrobial M phi responses upon HS exposure. Manipulating NCX1 offers a new strategy to regulate M phi function

    MMP9 mRNA is a potential diagnostic and treatment monitoring marker for PTSD: Evidence from mice and humans

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    Although matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP9) has been found associated with various psychiatric disorders and with threat memories in humans, its role in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and related animal models is understudied. Thus, we analyzed MMP9 mRNA expression kinetics during two different stress experiments, i.e., the Trier Social Stress Test and the dexamethasone suppression test (DST), in whole blood of two independent cohorts of PTSD patients vs. non-traumatized healthy controls (HC) and, moreover, in a mouse model of PTSD and in dexamethasone-treated mice. Besides MMP9, we quantified mRNA levels of four of its regulators, i.e., interleukin (IL)-1 receptor 1 and 2 (IL1R1, IL1R2), IL-6 receptor and tumor necrosis factor receptor 1 (TNFR1) in 10 patients exposed to the DST before vs. after successful PTSD psychotherapy vs. 13 HC and, except from Il6r, also in different brain regions of the PTSD mouse model. We are the first to show that blood MMP9 mRNA concentrations were elevated after acute dexamethasone in PTSD patients, improved upon partial remission of PTSD and were, furthermore, also elevated, together with its regulator Tnfr1, in the prefrontal cortex of PTSDlike mice. In contrast, blood TNFR1 and IL1R2 were markedly underexpressed in PTSD patients. In conclusion, we found translational evidence supporting that, I, TNFR1 and MMP9 mRNA expression might be involved in PTSD pathobiology, II, might constitute potential diagnostic blood biomarkers for PTSD and, importantly, III, post-dexamethasone blood MMP9 hyperexpression, which speculatively results from post-dexamethasone underexpression of IL1R2, might serve also as potential treatment monitoring biomarker for PTSD. (c) 2021 Elsevier B.V. and ECNP. All rights reserved

    MMP9 mRNA is a potential diagnostic and treatment monitoring marker for PTSD : Evidence from mice and humans

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    Although matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP9) has been found associated with various psychiatric disorders and with threat memories in humans, its role in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and related animal models is understudied. Thus, we analyzed MMP9 mRNA expression kinetics during two different stress experiments, i.e., the Trier Social Stress Test and the dexamethasone suppression test (DST), in whole blood of two independent cohorts of PTSD patients vs. non-traumatized healthy controls (HC) and, moreover, in a mouse model of PTSD and in dexamethasone-treated mice. Besides MMP9, we quantified mRNA levels of four of its regulators, i.e., interleukin (IL)-1 receptor 1 and 2 (IL1R1, IL1R2), IL-6 receptor and tumor necrosis factor receptor 1 (TNFR1) in 10 patients exposed to the DST before vs. after successful PTSD psychotherapy vs. 13 HC and, except from Il6r, also in different brain regions of the PTSD mouse model. We are the first to show that blood MMP9 mRNA concentrations were elevated after acute dexamethasone in PTSD patients, improved upon partial remission of PTSD and were, furthermore, also elevated, together with its regulator Tnfr1, in the prefrontal cortex of PTSDlike mice. In contrast, blood TNFR1 and IL1R2 were markedly underexpressed in PTSD patients. In conclusion, we found translational evidence supporting that, I, TNFR1 and MMP9 mRNA expression might be involved in PTSD pathobiology, II, might constitute potential diagnostic blood biomarkers for PTSD and, importantly, III, post-dexamethasone blood MMP9 hyperexpression, which speculatively results from post-dexamethasone underexpression of IL1R2, might serve also as potential treatment monitoring biomarker for PTSD. (c) 2021 Elsevier B.V. and ECNP. All rights reserved

    Salt Transiently Inhibits Mitochondrial Energetics in Mononuclear Phagocytes

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    BACKGROUND: Dietary high salt (HS) is a leading risk factor for mortality and morbidity. Serum sodium transiently increases postprandially but can also accumulate at sites of inflammation affecting differentiation and function of innate and adaptive immune cells. Here, we focus on how changes in extracellular sodium, mimicking alterations in the circulation and tissues, affect the early metabolic, transcriptional, and functional adaption of human and murine mononuclear phagocytes. METHODS: Using Seahorse technology, pulsed stable isotope-resolved metabolomics, and enzyme activity assays, we characterize the central carbon metabolism and mitochondrial function of human and murine mononuclear phagocytes under HS in vitro. HS as well as pharmacological uncoupling of the electron transport chain under normal salt is used to analyze mitochondrial function on immune cell activation and function (as determined by Escherichia coli killing and CD4(+) T cell migration capacity). In 2 independent clinical studies, we analyze the effect of a HS diet during 2 weeks (URL: http://www.clinicaltrials.gov.Unique identifier: NCT02509962) and short-term salt challenge by a single meal (URL: http://www.clinicaltrials.gov.Unique identifier: NCT04175249) on mitochondrial function of human monocytes in vivo. RESULTS: Extracellular sodium was taken up into the intracellular compartment, followed by the inhibition of mitochondrial respiration in murine and human macrophages. Mechanistically, HS reduces mitochondrial membrane potential, electron transport chain complex II activity, oxygen consumption, and ATP production independently of the polarization status of macrophages. Subsequently, cell activation is altered with improved bactericidal function in HS-treated M1-like macrophages and diminished CD4(+) T cell migration in HS-treated M2-like macrophages. Pharmacological uncoupling of the electron transport chain under normal salt phenocopies HS-induced transcriptional changes and bactericidal function of human and murine mononuclear phagocytes. Clinically, also in vivo, rise in plasma sodium concentration within the physiological range reversibly reduces mitochondrial function in human monocytes. In both a 14-day and single meal HS challenge, healthy volunteers displayed a plasma sodium increase of (x) over tilde = 2mM and (x) over tilde = 2.3mM, respectively, that correlated with decreased monocytic mitochondrial oxygen consumption. CONCLUSIONS: Our data identify the disturbance of mitochondrial respiration as the initial step by which HS mechanistically influences immune cell function. Although these functional changes might help to resolve bacterial infections, a shift toward proinflammation could accelerate inflammatory cardiovascular disease