9 research outputs found

    Sastav i prostorna raspodjela fitoplanktona u sjeveroistočnom kanalu Jadranskog mora u jesen 2008. godine

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    The Velebit and Pag Channels form a 40 km long and 4-14 km wide system running parallel to the northeastern Adriatic coast. The aim of this study was to investigate phytoplankton abundance, composition and distribution along the system in the autumn period. Sampling was carried out at 8 stations in November 2008. The spatial distribution of physico-chemical parameters indicated the existence of a pronounced horizontal thermohaline and trophic gradient. From the inner part of the Velebit Channel, which is an extension of the karstic Zrmanja River estuary, to the outer end of the Pag Channel, which communicates with the open sea, the temperature and salinity ranged from 11.0 to 16.0 Ā°C and from 23.4 to 38.2, respectively. Nutrient concentrations ranged from 0.001 to 0.1 Āµmol L-1 for orthophosphates, from 0.85 to 7.0 Āµmol L-1 for total inorganic nitrogen and from 0.3 to 15.4 Āµmol L-1 for silicates. Total abundance of phytoplankton decreased from 5.5 x 105 cells L-1 to 8.5 x 104 cells L-1 along the trophic gradient. Diatoms dominated the phytoplankton with maximum abundances from 7.3 x 104 cells L-1 (85% of total phytoplankton) at the most oligotrophic stations up to 9.6 x 105 cells L-1 (96% of total phytoplankton) at the nutrient enriched stations. Statistical analysis on the basis of environmental and biological parameters clustered the stations in three main groups. The first group represented the southern Velebit Channel with higher nutrient levels and phytoplankton dominated by Thalassionema nitzschioides. The second group included stations from the middle Velebit Channel with significantly lower levels of nutrients, and phytoplankton mostly dominated by Bacteriastrum sp. with a contribution by various diatom species. The third group represented the stations from the Pag Channel, and associated with the exclusive domination of Bacteriastrum sp. and a greater contribution of coccolithophorids. This paper also gives the first checklist of species present in the extremely oligotrophic area of the Velebit and Pag Channels. 148 taxa were identified: 91 diatoms, 47 dinoflagellates and 10 other flagellate morphotypes. Detailed electron microscopy analysis revealed three potentially toxic diatoms of Pseudo-nitzschia genus: P. calliantha, P. pseudodelicatissima and P. manii. The results of this work represent a valuable contribution to the knowledge of phytoplankton species composition and distribution relative to prevailing physico-chemical conditions in this poorly investigated transition zone.Velebitski i PaÅ”ki kanal čine 40 km dug i 4-14 km Å”irok sustav koji se proteže usporedno sa sjeveroistočnom obalom Jadranskog mora. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio istražiti abundanciju, sastav i raspodjelu fitoplanktona duž sustava u jesenskom razdoblju. Uzorkovanje je obavljeno na 8 postaja u studenom 2008. Prostorna raspodjela fizikalno kemijskih parametara upućivala je na postojanje izrazitog horizontalnog termohalinog i trofičkog gradijenta. Od unutraÅ”njeg dijela Velebitskog kanala, koji je produžetak estuarija krÅ”ke rijeke Zrmanje do vanjskog dijela PaÅ”kog kanala koji se spaja s otvorenim morem, raspon povrÅ”inske temperature mora iznosio je 11.0 do 16.0 Ā°C, a saliniteta 23.4 do 38.2. Koncentracije nutrijenata kretale su se u rasponu 0.001 - 0.1 Ī¼mol L-1 za fosfate, 0.85 - 7.0 Ī¼mol L-1 za otopljeni anorganski duÅ”ik i 0.3 - 15.4 Ī¼mol L-1 za silikate. Dijatomeje su prevladavale u fitoplanktonu s maksimalnom abundancijom u rasponu od 7.3 x 104 stanica L-1 (85% ukupnog fitoplanktona) na najviÅ”e oligotrofnim do 9.6 x 105 stanica L-1 (96% ukupnog fitoplanktona) na postajama s većom koncentracijom nutrijenata. Statistička analiza na osnovi bioloÅ”kih i fizikalno kemijskih parametara podijelila je postaje u tri glavne grupe. Prva grupa predstavljala je južni dio Velebitskog kanala s većom koncentracijom nutrijenata i prevladavajućom vrstom Thalassionema nitzschioides. Druga grupa uključila je postaje iz srediÅ”njeg dijela Velebitskog kanala s nižim razinama nutrijenata i s prevladavajućom dijatomejom Bacteriastrum sp.. Treća grupa uključila je postaje u PaÅ”kom kanalu u kojima gotovo isključivo prevladava Bacteriastrum mannii sp. i prisutan je veći udio kokolitoforida. Ovaj rad također donosi prvi popis vrsta fitoplanktona prisutnih u ekstremno oligotrofnom području Velebitskog i PaÅ”kog kanala. Identificirano je 148 taksona od čega 91 dijatomeja, 47 dinoflagelata i 10 taksona raznih flagelata. Detaljna analiza pomoću elektronskog mikroskopa otkrila je tri vrste iz potencijalno toksičnog dijatomejskog roda Pseudo-nitzschia: P-n. calliantha, P-n. pseudodelicatissima i P-n. mannii. Rezultati ovog rada predstavljaju značajan doprinos poznavanju sastava i raspodjele fitoplanktona u odnosu na prevladavajuće fizikalno kemijske uvjete u ovom slabo istraženom tranzitnom području

    Cryptophyte bloom in a Mediterranean estuary: High abundance of Plagioselmis cf. prolonga in the Krka River estuary (eastern Adriatic Sea)

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    During the June 2010 survey of phytoplankton and physicochemical parameters in the Krka River estuary (eastern Adriatic Sea), a cryptophyte bloom was observed. High abundance of cryptophytes (maximum 7.9Ɨ106 cells lā€“1) and high concentrations of the class-specific biomarker pigment alloxanthine (maximum 2312 ng lā€“1) were detected in the surface layer and at the halocline in the lower reach of the estuary. Taxonomical analysis revealed that the blooming species was Plagioselmis cf. prolonga. Analysis of the environmental parameters in the estuary suggested that the bloom was supported by the slower river flow as well as the increased orthophosphate and ammonium concentrations. The first record of a cryptophyte bloom in the Krka River estuary may indicate that large-scale changes are taking place in the phytoplankton community. Such changes could have a major impact on the natural ecosystem dynamics and the mariculture production in the area

    Biomarker Pigment Divinyl Chlorophyll a as a Tracer of Water Masses?

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    The ecological preferences of different Phytoplankton types drive their temporal and spatial distributions, reflecting their dependence on certain temperature ranges, light levels, nutrient availability and other environmental gradients. Hence, some phytoplankton taxa can be used as water mass tracers (biotracers)

    The Miocene ā€œPteropod eventā€ in the SW part of the Central Paratethys (Medvednica Mt., northern Croatia)

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    Deep marine Miocene deposits exposed sporadically in the Medvednica Mt. (northern Croatia) comprise pelagic organisms such as coccolithophores, planktic foraminifera and pteropods. The pteropod fauna from yellow marls at the Vejalnica locality (central part of Medvednica Mt.) encompasses abundant specimens of Vaginella austriaca Kittl, 1886, accompanied with scarce Clio fallauxi (Kittl, 1886). Calcareous nannoplankton points to the presence of NN5 nannozone at this locality. Highly fossiliferous grey marls at the Marija Bistrica locality (north-eastern area of Medvednica Mt.) comprise limacinid pteropods: Limacina valvatina (Reuss, 1867), L. gramensis (Rasmussen, 1968) and Limacina sp. Late Badenian (NN5 to NN6 nannozone) age of these marls is presumed on the basis of coccolithophores. Most of the determined pteropods on species level, except V. austriaca have been found and described from this region for the first time. New pteropod records from Croatia point to two pteropod horizons coinciding with the Badenian marine transgressions in Central Paratethys. These pteropod assemblages confirm the existence of Wā€“E marine connection (ā€œTranstethyan Trench Corridorā€) during the Badenian NN5 nannozone. Limacinids point to the possible immigration of the ā€œNorth Sea faunaā€ through a northern European marine passage during the Late Badenian (end of NN5-beginning of NN6 zone), as previously presumed by some other authors

    Phytoplankton diversity and chemotaxonomy in contrasting North Pacific ecosystems

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    Background: Phytoplankton is the base of majority of ocean ecosystems. It is respon-sible for half of the global primary production, and different phytoplankton taxa have a unique role in global biogeochemical cycles. In addition, phytoplankton abundance and diversity are highly susceptible to climate induced changes, hence monitoring of phytoplankton and its diversity is important and necessary. Methods: Water samples for phytoplankton and photosynthetic pigment analyses were collected in boreal winter 2017, along transect in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre (NPSG) and the California Current System (CCS). Phytoplankton community was analyzed using light and scanning electron microscopy and photosynthetic pigments by high-performance liquid chromatography. To describe distinct ecosystems, monthly average satellite data of MODIS Aqua Sea Surface temperature and Chlorophyll a concentration, as well as Apparent Visible Wavelength were used. Results: A total of 207 taxa have been determined, mostly comprised of coccol-ithophores (35.5%), diatoms (25.2%) and dinoflagellates (19.5%) while cryptophytes, phytoflagellates and silicoflagellates were included in the group "others" (19.8%). Phytoplankton spatial distribution was distinct, indicating variable planktonic dispersal rates and specific adaptation to ecosystems. Dinoflagellates, and nano-scale coccol-ithophores dominated NPSG, while micro-scale diatoms, and cryptophytes prevailed in CCS. A clear split between CCS and NPSG is evident in dendogram visualising LINK -TREE constrained binary divisive clustering analysis done on phytoplankton counts and pigment concentrations. Of all pigments determined, alloxanthin, zeaxanthin, divinyl chlorophyll b and lutein have highest correlation to phytoplankton counts. Conclusion: Combining chemotaxonomy and microscopy is an optimal method to determine phytoplankton diversity on a large-scale transect. Distinct communities between the two contrasting ecosystems of North Pacific reveal phytoplankton groups specific adaptations to trophic state, and support the hypothesis of shift from micro -to nano-scale taxa due to sea surface temperatures rising, favoring stratification and oligotrophic conditions

    Phytoplankton diversity and chemotaxonomy in contrasting North Pacific ecosystems

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    Background Phytoplankton is the base of majority of ocean ecosystems. It is responsible for half of the global primary production, and different phytoplankton taxa have a unique role in global biogeochemical cycles. In addition, phytoplankton abundance and diversity are highly susceptible to climate induced changes, hence monitoring of phytoplankton and its diversity is important and necessary. Methods Water samples for phytoplankton and photosynthetic pigment analyses were collected in boreal winter 2017, along transect in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre (NPSG) and the California Current System (CCS). Phytoplankton community was analyzed using light and scanning electron microscopy and photosynthetic pigments by high-performance liquid chromatography. To describe distinct ecosystems, monthly average satellite data of MODIS Aqua Sea Surface temperature and Chlorophyll a concentration, as well as Apparent Visible Wavelength were used. Results A total of 207 taxa have been determined, mostly comprised of coccolithophores (35.5%), diatoms (25.2%) and dinoflagellates (19.5%) while cryptophytes, phytoflagellates and silicoflagellates were included in the group ā€œothersā€ (19.8%). Phytoplankton spatial distribution was distinct, indicating variable planktonic dispersal rates and specific adaptation to ecosystems. Dinoflagellates, and nano-scale coccolithophores dominated NPSG, while micro-scale diatoms, and cryptophytes prevailed in CCS. A clear split between CCS and NPSG is evident in dendogram visualising LINKTREE constrained binary divisive clustering analysis done on phytoplankton counts and pigment concentrations. Of all pigments determined, alloxanthin, zeaxanthin, divinyl chlorophyll b and lutein have highest correlation to phytoplankton counts. Conclusion Combining chemotaxonomy and microscopy is an optimal method to determine phytoplankton diversity on a large-scale transect. Distinct communities between the two contrasting ecosystems of North Pacific reveal phytoplankton groups specific adaptations to trophic state, and support the hypothesis of shift from micro- to nano-scale taxa due to sea surface temperatures rising, favoring stratification and oligotrophic conditions