11 research outputs found

    Precise Audio Amplifier for Quality Listening

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    Obsahem této bakalářské práce je návrh a konstrukce precizního audio předzesilovače určeného pro věrnou kvalitu hudebního přednesu. Typologie celkového návrhu klade důraz na velmi důležité přenosové vlastnosti, nízké zkreslení, velký odstup signálu od šumu, nízké přeslechy aj. Součástí je symetrický vstup, relátkový přepínač vstupů, 5 pásmový ekvalizér s možností překlenutí a symetrický výstup s aktivním budičem linek.This bachelor thesis deals with a design of quality audio preamplifier designed for high quality production. The typology of whole design emphasizes very important transmission properties, i.e. high signal-to-noise ratio, high separation of channel, low distortion, The content of the semestral thesis is an symetrical input, relay input switch, 5 band equalizer with bypass and symetrical output with active line driver.

    New records and noteworthy data of plants, algae and fungi in SE Europe and adjacent regions, 11

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    This paper presents new records and noteworthy data on the following taxa in SE Europe and adjacent regions: red algae Sheathia confusa, parasitic fungus Anthracoidea caryophylleae, mycorrhizal fugus Hydnellum caeruleum, bryoparasitic fungus Octospora erzbergeri, liverwort Cephaloziella baumgartneri, mosses Hamatocaulis vernicosus, Streblotrichum convolutum var. commutatum and Ulota crispula, monocots Ophrys bertolonii subsp. bertolonii, Ophrys scolopax subsp. cornuta and Spiranthes spiralis and dicots Androsace hedraeantha, Hieracium mrazii, Ramonda nathaliae and Triglochin palustris are given within SE Europe and adjacent regions

    Sexual system of the ascomycetes from order Pezizales

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    Sexual reproduction is essential part of life for numerous ascomycetes. Based on their requirement for opposite partner to produce fruiting bodies with ascospores, fungi can be in general divided into two mating systems - homothallism and heterothallism. However, several recent studies suggest that this division is clearly simplified and homothallism is an umbrella term for diverse sexual behaviours. First part of this thesis is focused on the reproduction, mating systems and their evolution in division Ascomycota. The main part summarizes present knowledge about the mating systems of the fungi from order Pezizales. Observations about the members of individual families are discussed, summed up and reviewed in the light of phylogeny and ecology

    Design of controllable heating of the spinning head and reheating of fibers with controlled air flow for devices for centrifugal spinning of nanofibers

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    This Master thesis deals with the design and implementation of the spinning head heating for the fibers manufacturing. The first part of this thesis compares the problems of spinning head heating by means of radiant heat and electromagnetic induction. The next part of the thesis deals with the design and implementation of the selected induction heating of the spinning head together with its partial peripherals. The thesis continues with the design of a controlled air flow through the chambre and design of reheating fibers. In the following part of the thesis, functionality tests and partial measurements are performed on the device. At the end, the measurement results are evaluated and compared

    Evolution of ascospore morphology and their dispersal in bryophilous Pezizales

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    Bryophilous Pezizales represent a species-rich group of fungi closely associated with bryophytes. Their ascospore morphology is highly variable and they strongly differ also in the genome size and ecology. They could thus represent an interesting model system for the research of evolution of ascospore morphology and their dispersal. The aims of my thesis were to test whether their genome size, number of nuclei in ascospores and ecology of host bryophyte influence their ascospore morphology and to experimentally test the effect of ascospore morphology on their active dispersal. I studied 52 species of bryophilous Pezizales. I reconstructed their phylogeny based on the sequences of three DNA regions, which I then used for the testing of relationships between individual variables using the phylogenetic generalized least squares. For the majority of species, I obtained measurements from morphometric analysis, genome size measurements using flow cytometry, and determined the number of nuclei in their ascospores using the fluorescent microscopy. I localised the infection apparatus and included also the ecological characteristics of the host bryophytes into the analyses. Using the experiments with horizontal ascospore discharge, I measured the distance of active ascospore ejection and recorded whether..

    Evoluce morfologie askospor a jejich šíření u bryofilních zástupců řádu Pezizales

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    Bryophilous Pezizales represent a species-rich group of fungi closely associated with bryophytes. Their ascospore morphology is highly variable and they strongly differ also in the genome size and ecology. They could thus represent an interesting model system for the research of evolution of ascospore morphology and their dispersal. The aims of my thesis were to test whether their genome size, number of nuclei in ascospores and ecology of host bryophyte influence their ascospore morphology and to experimentally test the effect of ascospore morphology on their active dispersal. I studied 52 species of bryophilous Pezizales. I reconstructed their phylogeny based on the sequences of three DNA regions, which I then used for the testing of relationships between individual variables using the phylogenetic generalized least squares. For the majority of species, I obtained measurements from morphometric analysis, genome size measurements using flow cytometry, and determined the number of nuclei in their ascospores using the fluorescent microscopy. I localised the infection apparatus and included also the ecological characteristics of the host bryophytes into the analyses. Using the experiments with horizontal ascospore discharge, I measured the distance of active ascospore ejection and recorded whether...Bryofilní zástupci řádu Pezizales představují druhově bohatou skupinu hub úzce vázanou na mechorosty. Vyznačují se velmi rozmanitou morfologií askospor, širokým rozsahem velikosti genomu a různorodou ekologií. Jsou proto zajímavým modelovým systémem pro výzkum evoluce morfologie askospor a jejich šíření. Cílem mojí práce bylo zjistit, zda morfologie askospor závisí na velikosti genomu, počtu jader v askosporách, ekologii hostitelských mechorostů a experimentálně též otestovat, jak morfologie askospor ovlivňuje jejich aktivní vystřelování. Sledoval jsem 52 druhů bryofilních Pezizales. Na základě sekvencí tří úseků DNA jsem zrekonstruoval fylogenezi sledovaných druhů, kterou jsem využil při testování vztahů mezi jednotlivými proměnnými pomocí metody fylogenetických generalizovaných nejmenších čtverců. Většinu druhů jsem úspěšně podrobil morfometrické analýze a měření velikosti genomu průtokovou cytometrií, fluorescenční mikroskopií jsem u nich stanovil počet jader. Určil jsem místo připojení infekčního aparátu a do analýz jsem zahrnul i ekologické charakteristiky hostitelských mechorostů. Pomocí experimentů s horizontálním vystřelováním askospor jsem sledoval, do jaké vzdálenosti jsou askospory aktivně vystřelené a zda jsou vystřelené samostatně, nebo tvoří klastry několika askospor. Velikost genomu...Katedra botanikyDepartment of BotanyFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Pohlavní systém vřeckovýtrusých hub řádu Pezizales

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    Sexual reproduction is essential part of life for numerous ascomycetes. Based on their requirement for opposite partner to produce fruiting bodies with ascospores, fungi can be in general divided into two mating systems - homothallism and heterothallism. However, several recent studies suggest that this division is clearly simplified and homothallism is an umbrella term for diverse sexual behaviours. First part of this thesis is focused on the reproduction, mating systems and their evolution in division Ascomycota. The main part summarizes present knowledge about the mating systems of the fungi from order Pezizales. Observations about the members of individual families are discussed, summed up and reviewed in the light of phylogeny and ecology.Pohlavní rozmnožování je nezbytnou součástí života mnoha vřeckovýtrusých hub (Ascomycota). Na základě toho, jestli tvorba plodnic s askosporami vyžaduje dva opačně laděné partnery, se jednotlivé druhy obvykle dělí na homothalické a heterothalické. Z recentních studií je však zřejmé, že toto rozdělení pohlavních systémů je výrazně zjednodušené a pod homothalizmem se skrývá větší množství rozmanitých mechanismů. První část bakalářské práce se věnuje rozmnožování, pohlavním systémům a jejich evoluci u vřeckovýtrusých hub. Jádrem práce je následně souhrn dosavadních poznatků o pohlavních systémech hub z řádu Pezizales. Postupně jsou diskutovány známé údaje o zástupcích jednotlivých čeledí, které jsou pak i shrnuty a zhodnoceny ve světle jejich fylogeneze a ekologie.Department of BotanyKatedra botanikyFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Design of controllable heating of the spinning head and reheating of fibers with controlled air flow for devices for centrifugal spinning of nanofibers

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    This Master thesis deals with the design and implementation of the spinning head heating for the fibers manufacturing. The first part of this thesis compares the problems of spinning head heating by means of radiant heat and electromagnetic induction. The next part of the thesis deals with the design and implementation of the selected induction heating of the spinning head together with its partial peripherals. The thesis continues with the design of a controlled air flow through the chambre and design of reheating fibers. In the following part of the thesis, functionality tests and partial measurements are performed on the device. At the end, the measurement results are evaluated and compared

    Sexual system of the ascomycetes from order Pezizales

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    Sexual reproduction is essential part of life for numerous ascomycetes. Based on their requirement for opposite partner to produce fruiting bodies with ascospores, fungi can be in general divided into two mating systems - homothallism and heterothallism. However, several recent studies suggest that this division is clearly simplified and homothallism is an umbrella term for diverse sexual behaviours. First part of this thesis is focused on the reproduction, mating systems and their evolution in division Ascomycota. The main part summarizes present knowledge about the mating systems of the fungi from order Pezizales. Observations about the members of individual families are discussed, summed up and reviewed in the light of phylogeny and ecology