325 research outputs found

    FlatCrew: Pagos en grupo

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    Treball Final de Grau en Grau en Enginyeria Informàtica. Codi: EI1054. Curs: 2013/2014El potente cambio en los h abitos de consumo de la sociedad y el r apido surgimiento y crecimiento de aplicaciones de pago m ovil y comercio electr onico, lleva a algunas empresas del sector inform atico a tomar ventaja de estas tendencias y generar ideas para abarcar nuevos huecos de mercado. Una de estas ideas es FlatCrew, una aplicaci on de pago en grupo y gesti on de tareas derivadas de la convivencia, enfocada a un sector joven de la sociedad, que integra con otras pasarelas de pago seguras. En este documento se describen los procesos de an alisis, plani caci on y dise~no que se han llevado a cabo para poner en marcha dicha idea, desarrollando un servicio REST que dota de funcionalidad a una aplicaci on m ovil para dispositivos Android, a cargo de otro equipo de desarrolladores, como parte cliente. Debido al fuerte car acter nanciero de la aplicaci on y al manejo de datos sensibles, se han de tener en cuenta algunos aspectos de seguridad, estudiandose el funcionamiento del protocolo OAuth 2.0 y de qu e forma puede integrarse con el servicio implementado. Adicionalmente, se adoptan una serie de tecnolog as y herramientas a lo largo del proceso de desarrollo del producto. Entre ellas, se encuentran Git, Jenkins y Gerrit, para control de versiones, integraci on continua y revisi on de c odigo, que se incorporan en la rutina de trabajo para asegurar una buena coordinaci on entre los miembros del equipo y as mejorar la productividad

    Embedding Multi-Task Address-Event- Representation Computation

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    Address-Event-Representation, AER, is a communication protocol that is intended to transfer neuronal spikes between bioinspired chips. There are several AER tools to help to develop and test AER based systems, which may consist of a hierarchical structure with several chips that transmit spikes among them in real-time, while performing some processing. Although these tools reach very high bandwidth at the AER communication level, they require the use of a personal computer to allow the higher level processing of the event information. We propose the use of an embedded platform based on a multi-task operating system to allow both, the AER communication and processing without the requirement of either a laptop or a computer. In this paper, we present and study the performance of an embedded multi-task AER tool, connecting and programming it for processing Address-Event information from a spiking generator.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TEC2006-11730-C03-0

    Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) and S-Escape Mutants: From the Beginning until Now

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    Despite of the progress made in vaccine and antiviral therapy development, hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection remains a major health care problem. More than 240 million people are chronically infected worldwide showing differences in the severity of liver disease, clinical outcome and response to immune- and antiviral-therapy. Parameters associated with the host immune system (HBV specific T- and/or B-cell repertoires, defective antigen presentation and diminished Th1/Th2 response ratio) and viral factors such as the HBV genotypes and their evolving variants/mutants, have largely contributed to explaining such differences. The unique genomic structure and replication cycle of HBV provide much opportunity for mutations to occur in any of its genes undergoing selection pressures, such as those associated with the host immune system, the hepatitis B vaccine and/or hepatitis B immune globulin and the antiviral therapy with nucleos(t)ide analogues. Firstly, this review describes the current prevalence of S-escape mutants worldwide. Secondly, the clinical implications of such surface gene variants and the impact of universal hepatitis B vaccination on HBV mutations and genotypes are discussed. Finally, the fact that the immune escape process also extends well beyond HBV is addressed.Fil: Perazzo, Priscila. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Investigaciones en Microbiología y Parasitología Médica. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Instituto de Investigaciones en Microbiología y Parasitología Médica; ArgentinaFil: Eguibar, Nair. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Investigaciones en Microbiología y Parasitología Médica. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Instituto de Investigaciones en Microbiología y Parasitología Médica; ArgentinaFil: Gonzalez, Rodrigo Horacio. Universidad de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Nusblat, Alejandro David. Universidad de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Cuestas, María Luján. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Investigaciones en Microbiología y Parasitología Médica. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Instituto de Investigaciones en Microbiología y Parasitología Médica; Argentin

    Publishing a Scorecard for Evaluating the Use of Open-Access Journals Using Linked Data Technologies

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    Open access journals collect, preserve and publish scientific information in digital form, but it is still difficult not only for users but also for digital libraries to evaluate the usage and impact of this kind of publications. This problem can be tackled by introducing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), allowing us to objectively measure the performance of the journals related to the objectives pursued. In addition, Linked Data technologies constitute an opportunity to enrich the information provided by KPIs, connecting them to relevant datasets across the web. This paper describes a process to develop and publish a scorecard on the semantic web based on the ISO 2789:2013 standard using Linked Data technologies in such a way that it can be linked to related datasets. Furthermore, methodological guidelines are presented with activities. The proposed process was applied to the open journal system of a university, including the definition of the KPIs linked to the institutional strategies, the extraction, cleaning and loading of data from the data sources into a data mart, the transforming of data into RDF (Resource Description Framework), and the publication of data by means of a SPARQL endpoint using the OpenLink Virtuoso application. Additionally, the RDF data cube vocabulary has been used to publish the multidimensional data on the web. The visualization was made using CubeViz a faceted browser to present the KPIs in interactive charts.This work has been partially supported by the Prometeo Project by SENESCYT, Ecuadorian Government

    Data Model for Storage and Retrieval of Legislative Documents in Digital Libraries Using Linked Data

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    Many countries have provided online access to some types of legislative documents by subject, keywords or date. Nevertheless, the possibility of querying historical versions of the documents is usually an uncommon feature. The dispersion of laws and other legislative documents and their continuous changes make difficult the generation and querying of valid legislative information at a given date. Furthermore, the ripple effect of modifications such as updates, insertions or derogations affecting the entire body of a law or part of it is not always visible for the citizens who are looking for legislative information. Some issues related to change management of legislative documents can be identified: how to apply the history of changes to a version of a legislative document to obtain a new version, and what type of data model might be better to satisfy temporal queries, to store new versions of documents or to obtain them dynamically. The access to all versions of a document and its fragments is important in legislative queries to be sure which law was in force to apply when a case happened. Law documents are produced and stored in information systems with different data models to access and retrieve information about them in a large-scale manner, but most of them do not have law change management functions. Web standards, such as XML, XSLT and RDF, facilitate the separation between content, presentation and metadata, thus contributing to a better annotation and exploitation of information from these documents and their fragments to improve the historical queries and the version generation of legislative documents. This paper presents a proposal of a data model for storage and retrieval of different versions of legislative documents using Linked Data, a method of publishing structured interlinked data, for managing relations between legislative documents and its changes. Document structures, changes to legislation, metadata, requirements of historical queries are analyzed in this work. Furthermore, the proposed model facilitates historical querying of legislative documents and consolidation procedures, allowing update relationships between documents and fragments without changes on the original documents. The model has been tested with Ecuadorian laws, but it could be used for law systems of other countries because the model is independent of the legislative framework.This work has been partially supported by the Prometeo Project by SENESCYT, Ecuadorian Government

    Aplicación móvil de reconocimiento y combinación de colores en ropa

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    [ES] En este proyecto se ha llevado a cabo el desarrollo de una aplicación para Android capaz de almacenar y gestionar las prendas de un armario de los usuarios. Mediante un armario virtual, el usuario puede ordenar sus prendas, así como realizar conjuntos a partir de estas. También puede obtener el color de las prendas que añada, así como asignar conjuntos en un calendario, para llevar una mejor organización en su día a día. Por otro lado, esta aplicación contribuye a una economía social, puesto que permitir acceder a una aplicación de venta de segunda mano para poder vender prendas del armario virtual que no se usen. Es una aplicación que puede servir de apoyo para aquellas personas que tienen dificultades visuales, pero está enfocada para todos los públicos, ya que cualquier persona puede beneficiarse de ella y tener una mejor gestión del armario de su casa.[EN] This project involved the development of an Android application capable of storing and managing the garments in a user's wardrobe. By means of a virtual wardrobe, the user can order their clothes, as well as create outfits from them. They can also obtain the colour of the garments they add, as well as assign outfits in a calendar, to better organise their day-to-day life. On the other hand, this application contributes to a social economy, as it allows you to access a second-hand sales application to sell unused clothes from your virtual wardrobe. It is an application that can serve as a support for people with visual difficulties, but it is aimed at everyone, as anyone can benefit from it and have a better management of their home wardrobe.[CA] En aquest projecte s'ha dut a terme el desenvolupament d'una aplicació per a Android capaç d'emmagatzemar i gestionar les peces d'un armari dels usuaris. Mitjançant un armari virtual, l'usuari pot ordenar les seues peces, així com realitzar conjunts a partir d'aquestes. També pot obtenir el color de les peces que anyada, així com assignar conjunts en un calendari, per portar una millor organització en el seu dia a dia. D'altra banda, aquesta aplicació contribueix a una economia social, ja que permetre accedir a una aplicació de venda de segona mà per a poder vendre peces de l'armari virtual que no s'usen. És una aplicació que pot servir de suport per a aquelles persones que tenen dificultats visuals, però està enfocada per a tots els públics, ja que qualsevol persona pot beneficiar-se d'ella i tenir una millor gestió de l'armari de la seua casa.Muñoz Luján, A. (2021). Aplicación móvil de reconocimiento y combinación de colores en ropa. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/165381TFG

    Caracterización molecular de la resistencia antimicrobiana en cepas de E. coli aisladas de broilers y huevos de distintos orígenes y estudio de su transferencia a microorganismos intestinales

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    [ES] El uso de antimicrobianos de amplio espectro propicia la selección de cepas multirresistentes difíciles de tratar. Las bacterias resistentes pueden estar presentes en los alimentos que se consumen y si estos no se procesan adecuadamente, pueden originar infecciones graves. Diversos estudios han demostrado la existencia de transmisión de resistencias antimicrobianas entre animales, alimentos y humanos, demostrando que la transferencia de genes de resistencia entre bacterias es posible. Además, se ha confirmado la existencia de la transferencia de resistencias entre cepas bacterianas presentes en pollos a cepas humanas en diferentes estudios. Si los alimentos están contaminados con E. coli productores de ESBLs y no se procesan adecuadamente, las personas pueden ingerir las cepas resistentes y podría darse la transferencia de dichas resistencias hacia cepas endógenas. Para ello se realizará un ensayo de determinación de genes de resistencia antimicrobiana a betalactámicos y tetraciclínas con cepas de E. coli aisladas tanto en intestinos de broilers y en cáscara de huevo de diversos orígenes. Se realizará una búsqueda bibliográfica previa para determinar qué genes de resistencia entre los betalactámicos y tetraciclínas se encuentran más frecuentemente y seleccionar los primers y condiciones de PCR más adecuados a nuestro estudio. A partir de los datos obtenidos se estudiará la prevalencia de éstos genes tanto en huevos como en broilers y su relación con los distintos orígenes. Se realizarán también ensayos de conjugación para demostrar la posibilidad de transferencia genética horizontal entre cepas resistentes (donadoras) y sensibles (receptoras).[EN] The usage of extended-spectrum antimicrobials generates the selection of multiresistant strains that are hard to treat. Resistant bacteria may be present in ingested aliments and if these are not processed properly, they can originate severe infections. Different studies have proved the existence of resistance transmission between animals, food and humans, showing that the transference of resistance genes between bacteria is possible. Besides, it has been confirmed the existence of resistance transference between bacterial strains present in chickens towards human strains in diverse studies. If food is contaminated with ESBLs producing E. coli and it is not processed adequately, people can ingest these resistant strains and could produce the transfer of said resistance unto endogenous strains. For this, it will be developed an essay of determination of antimicrobial resistance genes to beta-lactams and tetracycline with isolated E. coli strains from broiler's gut and egg shell from different origins. It will be performed a previous bibliographic research to determine which resistance genes among the beta-lactams and tetracycline are the most frequent and select the most suitable primers and PCR conditions for this study. With the result obtained it will be studied the prevalence of those genes both eggs and broiler's gut and the association with its origin. It also will be made conjugation essays to prove the possibility of horizontal genetic transference between resistant strains (donor) and sensitive (recipient).Prats Lujan, A. (2015). Caracterización molecular de la resistencia antimicrobiana en cepas de E. coli aisladas de broilers y huevos de distintos orígenes y estudio de su transferencia a microorganismos intestinales. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/54373.TFG

    Current state of Linked Data in digital libraries

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    The Semantic Web encourages institutions, including libraries, to collect, link and share their data across the Web in order to ease its processing by machines to get better queries and results. Linked Data technologies enable us to connect related data on the Web using the principles outlined by Tim Berners-Lee in 2006. Digital libraries have great potential to exchange and disseminate data linked to external resources using Linked Data. In this paper, a study about the current uses of Linked Data in digital libraries, including the most important implementations around the world, is presented. The study focuses on selected vocabularies and ontologies, benefits and problems encountered in implementing Linked Data in digital libraries. In addition, it also identifies and discusses specific challenges that digital libraries face, offering suggestions for ways in which libraries can contribute to the Semantic Web. The study uses an adapted methodology for literature review, to find data available to answer research questions. It is based on the information found in the library websites recommended by W3C Library Linked Data Incubator Group in 2011, and scientific publications from Google Scholar, Scopus, ACM and Springer from the last 5 years. The selected libraries for the study are the National Library of France, the Europeana Library, the Library of Congress of the USA, the British Library and the National Library of Spain. In this paper, we outline the best practices found in each experience and identify gaps and future trends.This work was supported by the Prometeo Project from the Secretary of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (SENESCYT) of the Ecuadorian Government and by the project GEODAS-BI (TIN2012-37493-C03-03) supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain (MINECO). Alejandro Mate´ was funded by the Generalitat Valenciana (APOSTD/2014/064)

    Multi-task Implementation for Image Reconstruction of an AER Communication

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    Address-Event-Representation (AER) is a communication protocol for transferring spikes between bio-inspired chips. Such systems may consist of a hierarchical structure with several chips that transmit spikes among them in real time, while performing some processing. There exist several AER tools to help in developing and testing AER based systems. These tools require the use of a computer to allow the processing of the event information, reaching very high bandwidth at the AER communication level. We propose to use an embedded platform based on multi-task operating system to allow both, the AER communication and the AER processing without a laptop or a computer. We have connected and programmed a Gumstix computer to process Address- Event information and measured the performance referred to the previous AER tools solutions. In this paper, we present and study the performance of a new philosophy of a frame-grabber AER tool based on a multi-task environment, composed by the Intel XScale processor governed by an embedded GNU/Linux system.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TEC2006-11730-C03-0

    Importancia de la autoinmunidad inducida por SARS-CoV-2 y desarrollo de enfermedades autoinmunes post-vacunación

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    El SARS-CoV-2, un virus perteneciente a la gran familia de los coronavirus despertó gran interés después del brote de la nueva cepa reportada en 2019, en Wuhan, China. Las manifestaciones clínicas son variables: desde enfermedad con curación espontánea hasta síndrome de dificultad respiratoria aguda, con alteraciones clínicas sistémicas (COVID-19), donde el sistema inmunitario tiene participación importante en la fisiopatología de la enfermedad y su gravedad. Diversos estudios demuestran la prevalencia de algunos marcadores autoinmunes, lo que sugiere que pueden conducir a estados de autoinmunidad. La estrategia más importante a nivel mundial para proteger a la población fue el desarrollo de vacunas para inducir inmunidad frente al COVID-19 grave; sin embargo, se ha demostrado que tienen la capacidad de producir estados autoinmunitarios en un pequeño porcentaje de la población; no obstante, siguen siendo la mejor estrategia de tratamiento. El objetivo de esta revisión es mostrar el panorama actual de los mecanismos de autoinmunidad inducidos por SARS-CoV-2 y la post-vacunación, para una mejor comprensión e identificación en la población. Se revisaron las publicaciones de 2019 a 2022 en PubMed como fuente principal de búsqueda