12 research outputs found

    Larvicidal efficiency of the fungus Amanita muscaria (Agaricales, Amanitaceae) against Musca domestica (Diptera, Muscidae)

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    This work reports the larvicidal action of two formulations of Amanita muscaria against Musca domestica. Two methods of extraction were tested: an aqueous extract from dried, powdered basidiomes (DPB); and an extract from fresh basidiomes liquefied in water (FLB). The mortality caused by the DPB extract varied from 14.67% to 100%. The efficiency of the FLB extract varied from 10.67% to 89.33%. The mean lethal concentration (LC50) of the DPB extract was approximately 1,931.02 ppm, whereas the LC50 for the FLB extract was about 30%. The extracted substances from these methods did not interfere with the development period of immatures and did not influence pupal weight. These results show the potential of A. muscaria extracts for controlling M. domestica

    Larvicidal efficiency of the mushroom Amanitamuscaria (Agaricales, Amanitaceae) against the mosquito Culexquinquefasciatus (Diptera, Culicidae)

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    Abstract: INTRODUCTION: We report the larvicidal activity of two formulations from Amanita muscariaagainst Culex quinquefasciatus, as well as the viability of the aqueous extract after storage. METHODS The larvicidal activity of aqueous extract and powder from A. muscaria, and the viability of the aqueous extract after storage, were evaluated. RESULTS The aqueous extract caused larval deaths, which varied from 16.4% to 88.4%. The efficiency of the powder varied from 29.2% to 82.8%. Storage did not interfere with the larvicidal efficiency of the aqueous extract of A. muscaria. CONCLUSIONS These results show the potential of A. muscariato control C. quinquefasciatus

    Short Communication Larvicidal effi ciency of the mushroom Amanita muscaria ( Agaricales, Amanitaceae) against the mosquito Culex quinquefasciatus (Diptera, Culicidae)

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    ABSTRACT Introduction: We report the larvicidal activity of two formulations from Amanita muscaria against Culex quinquefasciatus, as well as the viability of the aqueous extract after storage. Methods: The larvicidal activity of aqueous extract and powder from A. muscaria, and the viability of the aqueous extract after storage, were evaluated. Results: The aqueous extract caused larval deaths, which varied from 16.4% to 88.4%. The effi ciency of the powder varied from 29.2% to 82.8%. Storage did not interfere with the larvicidal effi ciency of the aqueous extract of A. muscaria. Conclusions: These results show the potential of A. muscaria to control C. quinquefasciatus. Keywords: Bioinsecticide. Fly agaric. Filariasis vector. The mosquito Culex quinquefasciatus Say, 1823 (Diptera, Culicidae), is the main vector of the human parasitic roundworm, Wuchereria bancrofti (Cobbold, 1877) (Spirurida, Onchocercidae) on the American continent This species is usually controlled by the use of synthetic chemical insecticides. The use of these products can cause problems, such as human and environmental contamination, as well as the development of resistance in insect populations Plant-based products are the most recently researched alternatives, showing great results in mosquito control (4) (5) . However, although there are few studies that investigate the use of fungi as a control measure, some fungal species have shown promising results against insects (6) (7) . Among the fungal substances known to be toxic to insects, ibotenic acid and muscimol are both found in the ectomycorrhizal fungus Amanita muscaria (Linnaeus, 1758) (Agaricales, Amanitaceae) (9) . Although A. muscaria possesses substances that are toxic to insects, there are no studies regarding the impact of this fungal species against culicids. Thus, this work aims to report the toxicity of two formulations, an aqueous extract, and a powder, from A. muscaria against C. quinquefasciatus larvae, as well as to evaluate the ability to store the aqueous extract of this fungal species. The larvae of C. quinquefasciatus used in this study were obtained from a laboratory colony, and raised according to the methodology proposed by Gerber Amanita muscaria specimens were collected in July in a grove of Pinus elliottii Engelmann, 1880 ( Pinales, Pinaceae) in Capão do Leão, Brazil ( 31°48′08.7″S, 52°24′51.2″W). Basid iomata were collected when their rings were completely opened, and were subsequently put in an incubator at 45°C for 96h. After dehydration, basidiomata were milled in an electric mill with a mesh of 0.5mm. Crude extract was obtained from the fungal powder and added to sterile dist illed water at a concentration of 1:10 (w/v). The resulting mixture was put in a shaker (120rpm) at 50°C for 48h. Subsequently, the product was centrifuged for 10 min at 3,000rpm and the supernatant was fi ltrated using a paper fi lter. A portion of the extract was used immediately and the remainder was either stored in refrigerator (3°C ± 2°C) or freezer (-20°C) for six months. The experiment to detect larvicidal activity was performed following the standard protocol from the World Health Organization After six months of chilling or freezing, the larvicidal activity of stored extracts were evaluated against C. quinquefasciatus larvae using a fi nal concentration of 232.0ppm. For each group, fi ve replicates were created using 50ml of extract and 50 thirdinstar larvae. Two treatments served as control conditions: a negative control (water only plus larvae) and a positive control (aqueous extract that had not been stored plus larvae). The evaluation of larvicidal activity was performed as previously described. Mortality was evaluated using an analysis of variance (ANOVA) (p = 0.05), in which means were compared using Tukey's test (p = 0.05). The median lethal concentration (LC 50 ) and 90% lethal concentration (LC 90 ) of each formulation were analyzed using probit analysis. All analyses were performed using SPSS v ersion 22.0 for Windows (IBM, Armonk, NY, USA) The aqueous extract of Amanita muscaria caused signifi cant mortality in C. quinquefasciatus larvae (F = 156.11; DF = 5; p < 0.001). The mean mortalities caused by extracts varied from 16.4% to 88.4%, while in control groups, the mean mortality was approximately 3.2% The powder of Amanita muscaria caused significant mortality of C. quinquefasciatus larvae (F = 101.01; DF = 5; p < 0.001). The mean mortalities caused by the powder preparation varied from 29.2% to 82.8%, whereas, in the control group, the mean mortality was approximately 3.2% The mean lethal concentration (LC 50 ) of the aqueous extract of A. muscaria was approximately 51.46ppm and the The mortalities of C. quinquefasciatus larvae caused by different methods of storing the aqueous extract of A. muscaria did not show signifi cant differences between groups (F = 0.9; DF = 2; p = 0.43), which varied from 83% to 86.8%. The mortalities observed were signifi cantly higher than those observed 97 ACKNOWLEDGMENT


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    <p>In this case report, methods to accomplish differential diagnosis for Cervical Stenotic Myelopathy with other diseases with similar symptomatology are described. Cervical Stenotic Myelopathy is an affection characterized by the narrowing of the cervical vertebrae canal, causing a spinal cord compression. This abnormality usually results of a cervical vertebral malformation during the development of the animal. Nutritional imbalances are straightly related to the development of this syndrome. Genetic influence is also described as an etiologic factor. In spite of being an orthopedic disease, it appears through nervous symptomatology, as a result of the spinal cord compression. Thus, the accomplishment of differential diagnosis is necessary for traumatic lesions, Equine Protozoal Mieloencephalitis, Equine Herpesvirus Mieloencephalitis and Equine Degenerative Mieloencephalitis. In this study diagnosis methods, like radiography and myelogram, were used to detect Cervical Stenotic Myelopathy in 7 Thoroughbred horses. The simple radiological examination showed disorders at the bone conformation, while the myelogram was important in the recognition of the site of spinal cord compression. The histopathological examination was conclusive on the detection of spinal cord compressive lesions.<br /><br />KEY WORDS: Cervical stenosis, equine, myelopathy, spinal cord, Wobbler.</p><p><strong><span>Keywords: </span></strong><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: 'Times New Roman';">Equine, Spinal Cord, Myelopathy, Cervical Stenosis, Wobbler</span></p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify">Neste relato são descritos métodos para a realização do diagnóstico diferencial de mielopatia cervical estenótica com outras doenças que cursam com sinais clínicos semelhantes. A mielopatia cervical estenótica é uma afecção caracterizada pelo estreitamento do canal medular das vértebras cervicais, causando compressão na medula espinhal. Essa alteração resulta geralmente de má formação das vértebras cervicais durante o desenvolvimento do animal. Distúrbios nutricionais estão diretamente relacionados com o desenvolvimento da síndrome. A influência de fatores genéticos também é descrita como fator etiológico. Apesar de ser uma doença ortopédica, ela se manifesta por meio de sinais nervosos, resultantes da compressão da medula. Dessa forma é necessária a realização do diagnóstico diferencial com lesões traumáticas, mieloencefalite equina por protozoário, mieloencefalite equina por herpes-vírus e mieloencefalite degenerativa equina. Neste estudo foram utilizados métodos de diagnóstico, como radiografia e mielografia, para a detecção de mielopatia cervical estenótica em sete equinos da raça Puro Sangue Inglês. O exame radiológico simples demonstrou as alterações na conformação óssea, enquanto a mielografia foi importante no reconhecimento do local de compressão na medula. O exame histopatológico foi conclusivo na detecção de lesões compressivas da medula.<br /><br />PALAVRAS-CHAVES: Equino, estenose cervical, medula espinhal, mielopatia, Wobbler.</p><p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-family: Times New Roman;"><strong><span style="font-size: 10pt; line-height: 100%">Palavras-Chave: </span></strong><span style="font-size: 10pt; line-height: 100%">Eqüino, Medula Espinhal, Mielopatia, Estenose Cervical, Wobbler</span></span></p><p> </p&gt

    Larvicidal efficiency of the fungus Amanita muscaria (Agaricales, Amanitaceae) against Musca domestica (Diptera, Muscidae)

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    This work reports the larvicidal action of two formulations of Amanita muscaria against Musca domestica. Two methods of extraction were tested: an aqueous extract from dried, powdered basidiomes (DPB); and an extract from fresh basidiomes liquefied in water (FLB). The mortality caused by the DPB extract varied from 14.67% to 100%. The efficiency of the FLB extract varied from 10.67% to 89.33%. The mean lethal concentration (LC50) of the DPB extract was approximately 1,931.02 ppm, whereas the LC50 for the FLB extract was about 30%. The extracted substances from these methods did not interfere with the development period of immatures and did not influence pupal weight. These results show the potential of A. muscaria extracts for controlling M. domestica.Foi relatada a ação larvicida de duas formulações de Amanita muscaria em Musca domestica. Dois métodos de extração foram testados: extrato aquoso de basidioma desidratado e triturado (BDT), e extrato de basidioma fresco liquefeito em água (BFL). A mortalidade causada pelo extrato BDT variou de 14,67% a 100%. A eficácia do extrato BFL variou de 10,67 a 89,33%. A concentração letal média (CL50) do extrato BDT foi de, aproximadamente, 1.931,02 ppm, enquanto que a CL50 do extrato BFL foi em torno de 30%. As substâncias extraídas por esses métodos de extração não interferiram no período de desenvolvimento dos imaturos e não influenciaram no peso pupal dos indivíduos. Esses resultados mostram o potencial de extratos de A. muscaria para o controle de M. domestica

    Influence of electroacupuncture on the points BP6 and E36 regarding gastric motility in Wistar rats

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    O estudo objetivou avaliar através de exame radiográfico, a ação da eletroacupuntura na motilidade gástrica de animais experimentais. Foram utilizados 24 ratos Wistar, três meses de idade, que receberam cinco esferas metálicas via sonda orogástrica (SO) com 2mL de contraste baritado, seguido dos tratamentos: eletroacupuntura nos pontos BP6 e E36 (T1); eletroacupuntura em pontos falsos (T2); água destilada estéril SO (T3); metoclopramida SO (T4). Após os tratamentos, foram feitas radiografias seriadas, de hora em hora, para acompanhar o tempo de esvaziamento gástrico das esferas nos ratos. Ao analisar o momento de saída das primeiras esferas, os animais do grupo T1 apresentaram uma média de 3h30min; no T2 a média foi maior que 6h, no T3 foi de 5h18min e no T4 de 4h36min. A ação da eletroacupuntura foi comparável à ação da metoclopramida, que sabidamente aumenta o peristaltismo, enquanto que a resposta do grupo Shan (T2) aproximou-se do grupo controle negativo. Diante dos resultados conclui-se que a eletroacupuntura nos pontos pré-determinados aumenta significativamente o peristaltismo gástrico, diminuindo assim o tempo de esvaziamento gástrico em ratos, podendo ser uma opção para o tratamento de distúrbios da motilidade.The study aimed to evaluate by radiographic examination the action of electroacupuncture on gastric motility in experimental animals. We used 24 Wistar rats, three months old, that received five metallic spheres, via orogastric tube (OT), with 2mL of barium contrast, followed by treatments: electroacupuncture points E36 and BP6 (T1); electroacupuncture in stitches (T2); sterile distilled water OT (T3); metoclopramide OT (T4). After treatment, serial radiographs, hourly, were made to follow the gastric emptying time of the spheres in rats. By analyzing the time of exit of the first sphere, animals in the group T1 had an average of 3h30min; at T2 the average was higher 6 hours; in T3 was 5h18min, and T4 showed an average of 4h36min. The action of electroacupuncture was comparable to the action of metoclopramide, which is know to increase peristalsis, whereas the response of the Shan group (T2) was close to the negative control group. Considering the results it was concluded that electroacupuncture at points predetermined significantly increases gastric peristalsis, reducing gastric emptying time in rats, may be an option for the treatment of motility disorders

    Radiological determination of gastric motility in experimental model treated with Rosmarinus officinalis Linn. (Lamiaceae) extracts

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    708-714Among the biological properties of Rosmarinus officinalis Linn. (rosemary), the infusions and ethanolic extracts are popularly used to treat gastrointestinal disorders. However, the effects of these extracts on the gastric motility are unknown. Here, we evaluated influence of the rosemary extracts on gastric motility and its chemical composition. Forty-eight female Wistar rats with food restriction for 12 h were made into eight experimental groups (n=6, each) and given oral treatments (1 mL) of ethanolic and aqueous extracts at the doses of 125, 250 and 500 mg/kg, and distilled water (control) and metoclopramide (2 mg/kg, intramuscular). After one hour, five metal spheres (1 mm) were administered with barium contrast. A series of radiographs were taken every hour for six hours. Significant differences were shown in the gastric emptying of the metal spheres within three hours among the extracts and the control groups. By high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), both extracts presented kaempferol, carnosic acid and rosmarinic acid as major compounds, which would influence in the higher time for emptying. This study showed that the rosemary extracts increased the gastric emptying time in healthy rats, suppressing the gastric motility, and may be useful in treating digestive disorders, like diarrhea

    Cutaneos and osseous sporotrichosis in dog

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    Submitted by Cristina Damasceno ([email protected]) on 2012-10-19T01:46:51Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Esporotricose óssea e cutânea em canino.pdf: 660533 bytes, checksum: 983270bd5a3bcb1ecc8117e60cf977f6 (MD5)Approved for entry into archive by Gabriela Silva da Rosa([email protected]) on 2012-11-29T16:47:40Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Esporotricose óssea e cutânea em canino.pdf: 660533 bytes, checksum: 983270bd5a3bcb1ecc8117e60cf977f6 (MD5)Made available in DSpace on 2012-11-29T16:47:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Esporotricose óssea e cutânea em canino.pdf: 660533 bytes, checksum: 983270bd5a3bcb1ecc8117e60cf977f6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007A esporotricose é uma micose subcutânea causada pelo fungo dimórfico Sporothrix schenckii. Este artigo descreve o primeiro caso de esporotricose óssea e cutânea, em canino, na cidade de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul. O animal apresentava lesões ulceradas e crostosas, há aproximadamente três anos no plano nasal e membro torácico direito, dispnéia e apatia. Para confirmação do diagnóstico, foram realizados exames micológico, histopatológico, radiológico e hematológico. O animal foi tratado durante três meses com 10mg/kg de itraconazol, por via oral, obtendo-se a cura das lesões. Este estudo alerta clínicos de pequenos animais para a ocorrência desta micose em caninos na região de Pelotas, RS.The sporotrichosis is a subcutaneous mycosis caused by dimorphic fungus Sporothrix schenckii. This article describes the first cutaneous and osseous sporotrichosis case in canine in the Pelotas city, Rio Grande do Sul. The animal presented crusts and ulcerated lesions, approximately the three years in the nasal plan and right hind-foot, dispneic and apathy. Mycological, histopathological, radiological and hematological diagnosis was realized. The animal was treated by three months with itraconazole, administered orally at a dosage of 10mg/ kg, until lesions disappeared. This study alert small animals clinicians for the occurrence of this mycosis in dogs in the region of Pelotas, RS

    Esporotricose óssea e cutânea em canino

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    A esporotricose é uma micose subcutânea causada pelo fungo dimórfico Sporothrix schenckii. Este artigo descreve o primeiro caso de esporotricose óssea e cutânea, em canino, na cidade de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul. O animal apresentava lesões ulceradas e crostosas, há aproximadamente três anos no plano nasal e membro torácico direito, dispnéia e apatia. Para confirmação do diagnóstico, foram realizados exames micológico, histopatológico, radiológico e hematológico. O animal foi tratado durante três meses com 10mg/kg de itraconazol, por via oral, obtendo-se a cura das lesões. Este estudo alerta clínicos de pequenos animais para a ocorrência desta micose em caninos na região de Pelotas, RS.The sporotrichosis is a subcutaneous mycosis caused by dimorphic fungus Sporothrix schenckii. This article describes the first cutaneous and osseous sporotrichosis case in canine in the Pelotas city, Rio Grande do Sul. The animal presented crusts and ulcerated lesions, approximately the three years in the nasal plan and right hind-foot, dispneic and apathy. Mycological, histopathological, radiological and hematological diagnosis was realized. The animal was treated by three months with itraconazole, administered orally at a dosage of 10mg/ kg, until lesions disappeared. This study alert small animals clinicians for the occurrence of this mycosis in dogs in the region of Pelotas, RS