821 research outputs found


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    Organizations faced different development paths over the centuries, caused by changes in the competitive environment and the ability to respond to these changes. Such changes and choices can be analyzed from the perspective of innovation waves, responsible for changing the current competition structure and present a new competitive format for organizations. By observing the existing five waves of innovation, we can see a significant jump in development for companies that well understood the context of the new wave and competitive problems for other companies, even leaders in their market were “swept” off the competitive landscape. There are indications that a sixth wave of innovation is coming and who is guided by the sustainability, since the depletion of resources can cause many companies and countries conquer higher competitive performance to seek innovative solutions to the problem and those that fail to do so may have a loss of competitiveness. Given the aforementioned context, this theoretical essay aims to discuss sustainability as the sixth wave of innovation and how it can affect organizations. It is expected that the article raises a reflection about this phenomenon and serve as a starting point for future discussions

    Supply Networks and Value Creation in High Innovation and Strong Network Externalities Industry

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    The rapid developing product and service markets and developments in information technologies have accelerated growth in outsourcing of peripheral activities and critical business as well, enhancing the importance of network supply chain management. This paper analyzes the dynamics of supply chain management and the creation of value in an industry with strong network effects and constantly introduction of disruptive technologies, the videogame industry. This industry evolves at a high velocity, with a lifecycle of five to six years for consoles, which features a new generation of consoles, where new companies and technologies appear and disappear at each generation

    Organizational Risk Management – A Case Study in Companies that Have Won the Brazilian Quatity Award Prize

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    Supply chain optimization, company interdependency and the establishment of global operating networks have all made companies more susceptible to uncertainty and risk. Literature on the subject lacks analysis of how companies have implemented these systems and what the results have been. This paper describes the implementation of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) in three Brazilian world-class companies and evaluates the hindrances and facilitating factors. It also considers the results achieved in performance and company culture. Finally, we propose a model associating the benefits of risk management to the level of organizational transformation

    Casos para Ensino: Desafios no Desenvolvimento de um Serviço Publicitário baseado em Big Data

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    Este caso de ensino visa entender os desafios no desenvolvimento de um novo serviço publicitário com base em Big Data. O software Jamworks da Casa Vaticano oferece aos clientes a possibilidade de mensurar o resultado de uma campanha publicitária, traçar o perfil dos seus consumidores e disponibilizar anúncios personalizados de um produto nos meios digitais. Como a Casa Vaticano não é uma empresa de TI, várias competências técnicas surgiram como necessidade no processo de desenvolvimento. Dessa forma, é necessário analisar quais escolhas podem ser feitas durante a aquisição de novas competências. Os objetivos pedagógicos deste caso visam analisar o processo de desenvolvimento de um serviço, discutir quais as principais dificuldades de se posicionar uma inovação tanto no mercado, quanto na obtenção de novas competências. Assim, este caso de ensino pode ser usado em cursos técnicos, de graduação, de pós-graduação stricto e lato sensu, além de poder estar presente na educação profissional, com temas ligados a inovações, gestão de serviços, empreendedorismo, produção publicitária e desenvolvimento de competências estratégicas

    Microcrédito e impacto sobre a geração de renda: o caso do Banco Real

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    Este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar o impacto de um programa de microcrédito produtivo orientado de uma instituição de microcrédito, ligada a um banco comercial, a partir de uma amostra de 20.628 clientes. Os casos de sucesso de programas de microcrédito estudados na literatura apontam a existência de características específicas, tais como: (a) o uso de grupo solidário, também chamando de aval solidário; (b) forte participação feminina; (c) foco em regiões pobres, e (d) presença de um agente de crédito. Identificou-se que a variável gênero feminino está associada ao aumento de renda do indivíduo participante do programa. O valor médio das vendas das mulheres cresceu cerca de 10% a cada tomada de crédito

    Public policies on innovation and small businesses in a swinging economy

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the adequacy of public policies that support innovation in small businesses in a swinging economy, particularly in Brazil.1 In order to make our case for more adequate public policies on innovation, we develop five propositions based on the assumption that innovation policies focused on fostering socioeconomic development should meet. We adopted a documentary research design, as we examined the policies produced by governmental bodies and agencies at the three governmental levels in Brazil - federation, states, and cities. Also, qualitative content analysis was performed in order to organize, codify and interpret the messages delivered by current innovation policies in the country. We found that most public policies on innovation and small businesses are short-sighted and generalist, borrowing metrics and evaluation criteria from the big enterprise context in an one-size-fits-all manner that, ultimately, cannot be applied to most small businesses and local contexts. As a contribution to theory, our five propositions could be used as starting points for future policy and administration research. On a practical level, we propose recommendations to policy-makers and offer insights on how an adequate policy affects a country’s competitiveness and socioeconomic development


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    O objetivo dessa pesquisa é utilizar conceitos e modelos da literatura acadêmica de Logística e gestão de operações para analisar três casos da indústria automobilística no Brasil, e traçar um paralelo entre os conceitos apresentados na literatura acadêmica e a realidade operacional de uma empresa ampliada, abordando a identificação dos processos relevantes na SCM e o papel da Tecnologia da Informação neste processo de integração da cadeia. Os principais resultados indicam que a indústria automobilística seguiu a tendência de maior integração na gestão da cadeia de suprimentos. Os processos de negócios da cadeia de suprimentos são viabilizados pela tecnologia de informação amplamente utilizada nos três modelos produtivos apresentados, principalmente quanto aos processos de gestão da demanda e a sincronização do fluxo de informações.The objective of the research is to use concepts and models of logistics and operation management found in the academic literature to analyze three models utilized in the automobile industry in Brazil. A contrast is made between the presented concepts and the operational reality of a company, approaching the identification of the excellent processes in the SCM and the role of information technology in the production chain integration. The main results indicate that the automobile industry followed the trend of a greater integration in the suppliment chain management. The business-oriented processes are made possible by the information technology the three presented productive models, mainly in the processes demand management and the synchronization of the flow of information

    Strategic Outsourcing? The Philips Case in the LCD TV Market

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    This work seeks to assess the outsourcing process adopted by Philips for producing LCD televisions. The authors used the Resource-based Theory and the Transaction Cost Theory for analyzing the case. Based on industry data and interviews with ten of the company’s senior executives, this study sought to understand how the decision making process was carried out and how it affected the company's activities in the field of LCD televisions. Philips has lost its competitiveness in the Brazilian market – it went from being the leader in 2006 to fourth place in 2009, both as far as regards its sales volume and value. The executives pointed out that the LCD panel is an important resource and that its supply by third parties represented a high transaction cost. The results illustrate the complementarity that exists between the RBT and TCT theories in a competitive environment that has few players

    Verticalização e competitividade na cadeia de suprimentos do setor de aparelhos celulares no Brasil: um estudo comparativo entre Motorola e Gradiente

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    The dynamics of cellular phones chain have been modified in recent years, with formations of structures increasingly more verticals disintegration. This phenomenon might change the whole value chain in the near future, encouraging the entry of new players, in the same time that put new challenges for traditional industry participants. This study aims to identify causal relationships between vertical integration and competitiveness for the cellular phones chain in Brazil. For this were analyzed two contrasting cases: the case of Motorola, with the traditional model - vertical, and the case of Gradient, with innovative design in its conception of the value chain – vertical disintegration. The data collection was extensive, including interviews with key representatives from industry, structured questionnaires, documentary analysis and participant observation. Were found some evidences: (1) a continuous modularization of product architectures; (2) low asset specificity; (3) the possibility of purchasing third-party scale; (4) decreasing costs of coordination; (5) the emergence of niche players; (6) the commoditization of many of the segments market; (7) low barriers to entry for new competitors; and (8) the buyers who have strong interest in developing new suppliers.A dinâmica da cadeia de telefones celulares tem se modificado nos últimos anos, no sentido de formação de estruturas cada vez mais desverticalizadas. Tal fenômeno pode vir a mudar toda cadeia de valor num futuro próximo, favorecendo a entrada de novas empresas, ao mesmo tempo em que coloca novos desafios aos tradicionais participantes do setor. Este trabalho procura identificar as relações causais entre verticalização e competitividade para a cadeia de aparelhos celulares no Brasil. Para tanto, foram analisados dois casos contrastantes: o caso da Motorola, com modelo tradicional - verticalizado; e o caso da Gradiente, com modelo inovador em sua concepção da cadeia de valor - desverticalizado. A coleta de dados foi extensa, incluindo entrevistas com representantes-chave da indústria, questionários estruturados, análise documental e observação participante. Algumas das evidências encontradas foram à contínua modularização das arquiteturas de produto, a baixa especificidade dos ativos, as possibilidades de compra de escala de terceiros, a diminuição dos custos de coordenação, o surgimento de players de nicho, a stagnização de uma grande parte dos segmentos de mercado, as baixas barreiras de entrada para novos competidores e os poderosos compradores que têm interesse no fomento de novos fornecedores

    Research, development and transfer of environmentally sound technologies in Brazil

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    Purpose – Most research and development (R&D) activities in Brazil are performed by science and technology institutions (STIs). The purpose of this research was to determine whether environmentally sound technologies (ESTs) developed by these organizations were transferred to companies, either through cooperation during research or through mechanisms such as licensing agreements or spin-offs. Design/methodology/approach – In total, 1,939 research groups and 702 patent registers, identified from the same set of words related to ESTs, using semantic search in open-access databases, covering a period from 2005 to 2014, were examined. The two data sets (patents and research groups) were overlaid, and it was possible to associate inventors’ names with researchers’ names. Findings – The results showed that only six patents could be related to the 1,939 identified research groups. Of the six patents, only one was the object of a licensing agreement, and no spin-off was identified. Practical implications – This study evidenced that it is necessary to expand the mechanisms of knowledge transfer, directed not only from STIs to companies but also in the opposite direction, given that companies recognize potential market opportunities. Originality/value – This study shows that improvements in the Brazilian National Innovation System are necessary, as ESTs research groups demonstrated a weak association with technologies transferred to companies, with only one case of technology transfer in the form of a licensing agreemen