3,736 research outputs found

    Diversity and Worldliness at the Compass School

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    This paper demonstrates how the application of International Education principles and practices to curricula at the Compass School of Westminster, Vermont would augment worldliness and diversity as well as improve the overall quality of education offered at this secondary school. This research identifies deficiencies in areas pertaining to internationalization and diversity and provides recommendations to remedy these deficiencies. The realization of these recommendations would help to increase students’ preparedness for participation in a globalized society and would provide an enhanced educational experience for all. This research is intended to support faculty and staff at the Compass School by providing an analysis of opportunities and challenges as well as a set of clear recommendations and frameworks for further program and curricular development. Keywords: preparedness; worldliness, internationalization, diversity, globalized societ


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    TCC (Graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - Centro de Desportos - Educação Física - Licenciatura.O método biográfico, progressivo-regressivo, na perspectiva empreendida por Sartre busca elucidar o indivíduo, com suas peculiaridades, seu projeto de ser, inserido no contexto de sua época, cultura e determinações socioeconômicos, estabelecendo o vai e vem entre a objetividade e a subjetividade. Este estudo exploratório estabelece uma fina camada da linha do tempo sobre a vida de um educador popular, um mestre de capoeira, Mestre Pinóquio. Apontando suas maiores referências no seu processo de formação como homem, capoeirista e educador. Desde a mediação familiar de seu pai, que proporcionou os primeiros passos sobre ter valores incutidos em suas atitudes; vivendo intensamente o Educandário 25 de Novembro em sua infância e adolescência; onde foi apresentado ao Mestre Pop, que proporcionou um encontro decisivo com a capoeira. Este percurso constitui-se num projeto e desejo de ser Mestre de Capoeira. Por se tratar de uma pesquisa introdutória, os momentos da sua linha do tempo não foram profundamente analisados, mas já existe uma pretensão de continuar esse estudo em um futuro próximo, a fim de precisar conceitos e categorias que emergem das mais diversas experiências que marcaram o mestre, situado em um contexto social e cultural local, nacional e internacional


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    O objetivo geral deste trabalho foi determinar os riscos inerentes à utilização de recursos do PRONAF, com a proposta da associação de um Programa de Garantia de Renda, na oferta, nos preços e na renda auferida pelos produtores de arroz e feijão entre os anos 1998 a 2005. A metodologia utilizada foi a de Newbery & Stiglitz, que considera o caráter de aversão ao risco e apresenta as vantagens de ser adaptada à análise que envolve contratações de operações financeiras de crédito e fornece o prêmio de risco. Os resultados indicam que os agricultores familiares obteriam ganhos de renda, em média, 40,58% e 146,29%, aumento médio nos preços recebidos de 24,66% e 71,78%e aumento médio na produção de 9,79% e 27,28%, enquanto os consumidores seriam beneficiados pela redução média nos preços de 36,26% e 80,22%, com relação aos produtos arroz e feijão, respectivamente. Quanto aos custos da PGR,verificou-se que, no último período analisado (2005), o custo total era de R4.608milho~es,enquantoocustosocialeradeR 4.608 milhões, enquanto o custo social era de R 517,349 milhões, representando, em termos percentuais, 11,2% do custo total da política de garantia de renda.-------------------------------------------In this study we evaluate potential impacts of an income guaranty program that could be established as alternative use for funds from Brazil’s National Family Agriculture Strengthening Program (PRONAF). Using Newbery and Stiglitz methodology, we analyze the effect of PGR upon the incomes of rice and bean producers between of 1998 to 2005 and on the supplies and prices of these commodities. This methodology is well adapted to our study, as we include an analysis of risk-aversion and credit financed capital investment. Our results show that family farmers producing rice and beans would obtain income gains on average of 40% and 146%, for their respective crops. The income gains arise from an increase in the average prices received of 24% and 71%, and an increase in the average production of 9% and 27%. The results also show that consumers would be benefited by a resultant reduction in these commodities average prices: 36% less for rice and 80% less for beans. It is found that over the last analyzed year, 2005, the total cost of PGR would have been R4,608millionwhilethesocialcostwouldhavebeenR 4,608 million while the social cost would have been R 517.349 million, or 11.2% of the total Income Guaranty Program’s total cost.crédito rural, política de garantia de renda e agricultores familiares, Rural credit, Income Guaranty Program, Family Farmers, Agricultural Finance,

    Reforma da Educação Superior Brasileira: Uma Contribuição ao Debate

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    Um dos grandes desafios da universidade, hoje, é estar em sintonia com os novos tempos. As tendências de futuro devem ser consideradas, para que a universidade seja capaz de responder às novas demandas, criando novos cursos, inventando novos processos pedagógicos e gerando conhecimentos. A vocação original da universidade, sua característica com uma das mais respeitáveis instituições sociais da sociedade moderna, bem como a trajetória institucional das reformas da educação superior no Brasil são fatores relevantes e indispensáveis para melhor compreensão da atual Reforma da Educação Superior proposta pelo Governo Federal e, ainda em processo de discussão com a comunidade universitária brasileira. Por último, a luz dos resultados de uma pesquisa mais ampla que envolveu dirigentes de uma instituição publica estadual de ensino superior, destila-se as principais recomendações oferecidas por esses informantes-chaves, visando suscitar o debate sobre os rumos da Educação Superior no Brasil

    Dialogues of an Urban Population with the Presence of Solid Waste thrown in the Open Air

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    Solid waste treatment is an everyday complex and challenging issue For this reason it becomes a permanent research theme and generates a specific vocabulary This study aims to clarify how an urban community deals with the domestic organic and non-organic waste and other undesirable or unpleasant materials in landfills sidewalks and streets The research is of analytical bibliographical and field type with data collected through structured and semi-structured questions asked to people living around vacant land with large garbage dumps The analyses are based on principles of environmental education It becomes evident that the population copes with the phenomenon although not adequately understanding the cycle of waste materials their treatment and their effects on the health The lack of solution uses to be associated to the lack of punishment On the other hand the cultural habit of throwing garbage in the vicinity of the houses is rooted in childhood It can be inferred that people look but do not see because of an automatic and embedded view of the landscape This automation needs to be shaken for higher consciousness towards solution A vocabulary with the potential of improving perception is generate

    Adipose Tissue Remodeling during Cancer Cachexia

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    Cancer-induced cachexia (CC), characterized by systemic inflammation, body weight loss, adipose tissue (AT) remodeling, and muscle wasting, is a malignant metabolic syndrome with an undefined etiology. There is a consensus that multiple factors contribute to cancer-induced AT remodeling, and longitudinal studies show that patients lose AT before they start losing muscle mass. In CC, AT remodeling occurs predominantly through adipocyte atrophy, impairment of fatty acid turnover, inflammation, rearrangement of extracellular matrix (ECM), and browning of AT. More recently, some studies have shown that AT is affected early in the course of cachexia. Additionally, studies using experimental models have consistently indicated that the alterations in adipocyte metabolism begin quite early, followed by the downregulation of adipogenic and thermogenic genes. These sets of changes, in addition to metabolites derived from this process, maybe the initial (sterile) trigger of the sequence of events that result in the remodeling and dysfunction of AT in cachexia. Therefore, the present chapter aims to describe state of the art related to the subject of interest by analyzing the primary studies that have addressed the possible interface between inflammation and morphofunctional alterations of AT, in addition to the possible repercussions of this process during the development of CC

    Morphogravimetric Characterization of the Eastern and Southern Regions of the Brazilian Continental Shelf

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    The use of satellites in the acquisition of geophysical variables has allowed the advancement of joint analysis of bathymetry and gravimetry fields in marine regions where these data are scarce or insufficient, which allows a detailed description of the geomorphology and mass distribution of different provinces of a continental margin. In Brazil, although there is a great effort in the execution of marine geophysical surveys by ships, there is a great difficulty in filling some gaps, due to the size of its continental margin. Therefore, this article aims to analyse the joint spatial data of the bathymetric and gravimetric fields (Free-air and Bouguer) of the eastern and southeastern Brazilian marine region from the TOPEX database, using the tools developed in Python computer language. The results obtained were integrated gravimetric and bathymetric profiles, maps correlating such geophysical fields and diagrams that allowed the combined application of quantitative and qualitative statistical methods on the Bathymetric and gravimetric data. Anomalies of 100 mGal were observed along the Brazilian continental margin, with the largest variations recorded along the Vitoria-Trinity Ridge in the order of 200 mGal, and the remarkable correlation between free-air gravity and bathymetry profiles could also be observed.El uso de satélites en la adquisición de variables geofísicas ha permitido avanzar en el análisis conjunto de campos de batimetría y gravimetría en regiones marinas, en las que estos datos son escasos o insuficientes, lo que permite una descripción detallada de la geomorfología y la distribución de masas de diferentes provincias de un margen continental. En Brasil, aunque los buques hacen un gran esfuerzo en la ejecución de levantamientos geofísicos marinos, existe una gran dificultad para llenar algunos vacíos, debido al tamaño de su margen continental. Por lo tanto, este artículo tiene por objeto analizar los datos espaciales conjuntos de los campos batimétricos y gravimétricos (Aire libre y Bouguer) de la región marina del Brasil oriental y sudoriental a partir de la base de datos TOPEX, utilizando las herramientas desarrolladas en el lenguaje informático Python. Los resultados obtenidos son perfiles gravimétricos y batimétricos integrados, mapas que correlacionan esos campos geofísicos y diagramas, que han permitido la aplicación combinada de métodos estadísticos cuantitativos y cualitativos sobre los datos batimétricos y gravimétricos. Se observaron anomalías de 100 mGal a lo largo del margen continental de Brasil, registrándose las mayores variaciones a lo largo de la cresta Vitoria-Trinity del orden de 200 mGal, y también se pudo observar la notable correlación entre la gravedad al aire libre y los perfiles batimétricos.L'utilisation des satellites dans l'acquisition de variables géophysiques a permis de faire progresser l'analyse conjointe des champs bathymétriques et gravimétriques dans les zones maritimes où ces données sont rares ou insuffisantes, ce qui permet une description détaillée de la géomorphologie et de la répartition des masses des différentes provinces d'une marge continentale. Au Brésil, bien que de nombreux efforts soient déployés pour l'exécution de levés géophysiques maritimes par les bâtiments, il est très difficile de combler certaines lacunes, en raison de la taille de la marge continentale du pays. Cet article vise donc à analyser les données spatiales communes des champs bathymétriques et gravimétriques (Free-air et Bouguer) de la zone maritime de l'est et du sud-est du Brésil provenant de la base de données TOPEX, en utilisant les outils développés en langage informatique Python. Les résultats obtenus ont été des profils gravimétriques et bathymétriques intégrés, des cartes corrélant ces champs géophysiques et des diagrammes qui ont permis l'application combinée de méthodes statistiques quantitatives et qualitatives sur les données bathymétriques et gravimétriques. Des anomalies de 100 mGal ont été observées le long de la marge continentale brésilienne, les variations les plus importantes étant enregistrées le long de la dorsale Vitoria-Trinité, de l'ordre de 200 mGal, et la corrélation remarquable entre la gravité à l'air libre et les profils bathymétriques a également pu être observée

    Geometries, reactivity and binding energy of urea on Mg9O9

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    In this paper we present global and local reactivity results of the urea gas phase molecule and gas phase (MgO)18 agglomerated for understand charge distribution and binding energy (MgO)-UREA. We analyze the quantum chemical descriptors, ionization potential (I), electron affinity (A), chemical hardness (ɳ), chemical potential (μ) and Global Philicity Index (ω) and site reactivity or site selectivity condensed Fukui function analysis of the distribution of atomic charges investigated with  methods of Mulliken, Merz-Kolman and Natural Atomic Charges. For instance, the binding energies of MgO-Urea systems are

    Contemporary issues and mobile application development learning: where is the connection?

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    As a result of discussions about the studies on Science, Technology, and Society (STS) we identified the need to understand how to promote discussions about those subjects on mobile programming learning. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how to introduce subjects that are relevant to society’s problems in a discipline with a high technical focus. Therefore, the present work contains an informative approach and becomes a possible subsidy to aid teachers who wish to establish, in their mobile programming classes, STS discussions. The suggestions here documented characterize themselves as resources for a probable improvement of the critical thinking, civil conduct of the students and also raise discussions and reflections among students and future professionals about the current reality, leading to imminent educational changes