93 research outputs found

    Is There Rent Sharing In Developing Countries? Matched-Panel Evidence from Brazil

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    We provide evidence about the determinants of the wage structures of developing countries by examining the case of Brazil. Our specific question is whether Brazil’s dramatic income and wage differentials can be explained by the division of rents between firms and their employees, unlike in competitive labour markets. Using detailed individual-level matched panel data, covering a large share of manufacturing firms and more than 30 million workers between 1997 and 2002, we consider the endogeneity of profits, by adopting different measures of profits and different instruments and by controlling for spell fixed effects. Our results, robust to different specifications and tests, indicate no evidence of rent sharing. This conclusion contrasts with findings for most developed countries, even those with flexible labour markets. Possible explanations for the lack of rent sharing include the weakness of labour-market institutions, the high levels of worker turnover and the macroeconomic instability faced by the country.Wage Bargaining; Instrumental Variables, Matched Employer-Employee Data, Developing Countries

    O papel da produção de conhecimento tecnológico na internacionalização das empresas industriais brasileiras

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    The aim of this paper is to estimate the effect of manufacturing Brazilian firms® knowledge production on their conditional probability of internationalization. In this way, an empirical study using (i) microdata from World Bank Investment Climate, Brazil 2003 and (ii) nonlinear instrumental variables regression method is provided. Our finding suggests that manufacturing firms® conditional probability of starting to export can be increased from 23 until 70 percent points, depending from firms’ capacity to innovate.innovation; internationalization; probit; instrumental variables

    Incompatibilidade Escolaridade-Ocupação e SalĂĄrios: EvidĂȘncias de uma Empresa Industrial Brasileira

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    Job-Schooling mismatch and wages has received too much attention from developed countries researchers. The last two decades has provided a lot of empirical evidences on the incidence of over and under-education across developed countries in different periods, and returns on ORU (over-education, required education, and under-education). A recent wave of empirical works has focused on deeper questions: (i) Are ORU returns a firm wage effect? (ii) Do ORU returns remain significant after controlling for unobserved workers heterogeneity? (iii) Is over-education a deliberate investment decision of workers in their careers? The goal of this paper is to provide evidence for these questions by using personnel records of a large Brazilian manufacturing plant.education, wages, over-education

    Knowledge production and firm growth in Brazil

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    The aim of this study is to gauge the impact of the production of knowledge on the accumulation of fixed capital in Brazil. The hypothesis is that investment in R&D causes investment in fixed capital in Brazilian industrial firms. The empirical estimates rest on an IPEA database for information on firms and the workers linked to these firms during the period 1996-2003 and on the National Innovation Survey (PINTEC) for information on technological development. In the article, various estimates are made using three empirical procedures. First, the firms that grew most and invested most are described. Second, econometric models relating R&D expenditures, technological innovation and the accumulation of fixed capital are estimated. A model having five equations and a structure similar to that of CDM models is estimated. The system employs instrumental variables to correct for endogeneity and solves the selection problem by including a firm-survival equation. Third, the causal relations between R&D and investment in fixed capital are sought through contrafactual analysis and a difference model. The results support the initial hypothesis, indicating that investments in R&D lead to an average 17% increase in investments in fixed capital among Brazilian firms.firm growth, knowledge production, R&D, innovation, simultaneous equation models

    SalĂĄrios e risco de acidentes de trabalho: evidĂȘncias de diferenciais compensatĂłrios para a indĂșstria manufatureira

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    O objetivo deste trabalho Ă© fornecer evidĂȘncias empĂ­ricas para a hipĂłtese de diferenciais compensatĂłrios de salĂĄrios para a indĂșstria brasileira de transformação. O argumento bĂĄsico Ă© o de que indĂșstrias que expĂ”em seus trabalhadores a maiores riscos de acidentes de trabalho deveriam compensĂĄ-los com maiores salĂĄrios. Os resultados obtidos neste trabalho corroboram os fatos estilizados da literatura, ou seja, a ausĂȘncia do controle da heterogeneidade nĂŁo observada dos trabalhadores subestima fortemente os valores dos prĂȘmios compensatĂłrios e, apĂłs tal controle, a hipĂłtese de diferenciais compensatĂłrios Ă© amplamente corroborada.The aim of this paper is to provide empirical evidences of compensating wage differentials for Brazilian manufacturing firms. This theory states that higher injury risk industries would pay higher wages in order to attract workers - it implies a tradeoff between wages and job amenities. The empirical evidences of this paper are similar to stylized facts of the literature: omitted variables bias provides underestimated values for the injury risks coefficient, but after controlling the unobserved heterogeneity of workers the coefficient becomes positive and significant


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    Este trabalho procura analisar duas perspectivas muito conhecidas na teoria econÎmica: a primeira corresponde à teoria dos preços de produção desenvolvida por Sraffa, junto com a noção de longo período desenvolvida pela escola Neo-Ricardiana; a segunda corresponde às teorias de formação de preços em oligopólio (preços de mark-up), de crescimento econÎmico e da distribuição da renda desenvolvidas pela escola Pós-Keynesiana. Os objetivos deste trabalho consistem na anålise dos esforços de conciliação destas abordagens distintas (com o objetivo de fornecer uma teoria geral para o princípio da demanda efetiva), sublinhando algumas críticas, assim como certas incompatibilidades deste procedimento.This paper aims to analyze two well-know views of economic theory: the first one refers to the theory of the prices of production as developed by Sraifa combined with the notion of long-run developed by the Neo-Ricardian school; the second one refers to the price formation in oligopoly (mark-up prices), as well as to the theory of economic growth and income distribution developed by the Post-Keynesian school. We analyze in this paper some efforts made to conciliate these two approaches (in order to developed a general theory for the principle of effective demand), highlighting some criticism and some intellectual incompatibilities in this pursuit

    O perfil das empresas inovadoras do ParanĂĄ

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    O objetivo dessa nota é analisar as características das empresas industriais inovadoras do Paranå. O trabalho também apresenta uma anålise comparativa dessas empresas com o conjunto de empresas industriais inovadoras brasileiras. Para este fim, são utilizados os dados da Pesquisa do Ambiente de Investimentos, Brasil 2002, conduzida pelo Banco Mundial

    Criação, destruição e realocação de empregos em países selecionados: uma meta-anålise

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    This paper uses meta-analysis to investigate job creation, job destruction, and job reallocation among 62 studies for 35 countries for the period 1963-2007. The analysis aimed to clarify some stylized facts from the literature about the topic such as the differences among industrial and service sectors, differences among developing and developed countries, the relationship among economic growth, opening of the economy, and job flow. The main results found were: 1) the industrial sector destroys more jobs and creates fewer jobs than the rest of the economy; 2) the labor markets became less flexible over time, with larger job flows after every decade; 3) the Civil Law countries have rate of job creation and net job variation larger than those Common Law countries, whose rate of job destruction is larger; 4) the emerging countries presented larger rates for all flows analyzed when compared to the OECD countries and to the transition economies; 5) the developing countries showed larger rate of job creation than the developed ones; and 6) the larger the economic growth and market opening, the larger is the net rate of job creation, since the job destruction is smaller.employment; job flows; meta-analysis

    Ensaio sobre os efeitos da minirreforma tributĂĄria sobre o emprego industrial paranense

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    Em dezembro de 2008, tramitava na Assembléia Legislativa do Estado do Paranå um projeto de lei que propunha redução na alíquota do Imposto sobre Circulação de Mercadorias e Serviços (ICMS) de cerca de 95 mil itens de consumo, ao mesmo tempo em que sugeria o aumento do percentual do imposto a incidir sobre a gasolina, energia elétrica, telefonia, bebidas alcoólicas e fumo. Este artigo apresenta os primeiros passos em direção à determinação das consequencias que a aprovação do projeto poderå apresentar ao emprego industrial formal paranense
