33 research outputs found

    Remanent Magnetic Measurements on Perpendicular Recording Materials with Compensation for Demagnetizing Fields

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    Existing techniques for characterization of longitudinal recording media using remanence measurements are extended to perpendicular media, in particular to Alumite, and correction for demagnetizing fields is taken into account. It is found that these techniques have limited value because of the sensitivity of the analysis to the correction factor used. Measurement of the recoil lines is investigated as an alternative method of probing the reversal processes

    Developing a manufacturing process to deliver a cost effective and stable liquid human rotavirus vaccine

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    Despite solid evidence of the success of rotavirus vaccines in saving children from fatal gastroenteritis, more than 82 million infants worldwide still lack access to a rotavirus vaccine. The main barriers to global rotavirus vaccine coverage include cost, manufacturing capacity and suboptimal efficacy in low- and lower-middle income countries. One vaccine candidate with the potential to address the latter is based on the novel, naturally attenuated RV3 strain of rotavirus, RV3-BB vaccine administered in a birth dose strategy had a vaccine efficacy against severe rotavirus gastroenteritis of 94% at 12 months of age in infants in Indonesia. To further develop this vaccine candidate, a well-documented and low-cost manufacturing process is required. A target fully loaded cost of goods (COGs) of ≤3.50percourseofthreedoseswassetbasedonpredictedmarketrequirements.COGsmodellingwasleveragedtodevelopaprocessusingVerocellsincellfactoriesreachinghightiters,reducingorreplacingexpensivereagentsandshorteningprocesstimetomaximiseoutput.Stablecandidateliquidformulationsweredevelopedallowingtwoyearstorageat28°C.Inaddition,theformulationpotentiallyrendersneedlessthepretreatmentofvaccineeswithantacidtoensureadequategastricacidneutralizationforroutineoralvaccination.Asaresult,theformulationallowssmallvolumedosingandreductionofsupplychaincosts.AdoserangingstudyiscurrentlyunderwayinMalawithatwillinformthefinalclinicaldoserequired.Ataclinicaldoseof6.3log10FFU,theCOGstargetof3.50 per course of three doses was set based on predicted market requirements. COGs modelling was leveraged to develop a process using Vero cells in cell factories reaching high titers, reducing or replacing expensive reagents and shortening process time to maximise output. Stable candidate liquid formulations were developed allowing two-year storage at 2–8 °C. In addition, the formulation potentially renders needless the pretreatment of vaccinees with antacid to ensure adequate gastric acid neutralization for routine oral vaccination. As a result, the formulation allows small volume dosing and reduction of supply chain costs. A dose ranging study is currently underway in Malawi that will inform the final clinical dose required. At a clinical dose of ≤6.3 log10 FFU, the COGs target of ≤3.50 per three dose course was met. At a clinical dose of 6.5 log10 FFU, the final manufacturing process resulted in a COGs that is substantially lower than the current average market price, 2.44 USD per dose. The manufacturing and formulation processes were transferred to BioFarma in Indonesia to enable future RV3-BB vaccine production

    SPE-44 Implements Sperm Cell Fate

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    The sperm/oocyte decision in the hermaphrodite germline of Caenorhabditis elegans provides a powerful model for the characterization of stem cell fate specification and differentiation. The germline sex determination program that governs gamete fate has been well studied, but direct mediators of cell-type-specific transcription are largely unknown. We report the identification of spe-44 as a critical regulator of sperm gene expression. Deletion of spe-44 causes sperm-specific defects in cytokinesis, cell cycle progression, and organelle assembly resulting in sterility. Expression of spe-44 correlates precisely with spermatogenesis and is regulated by the germline sex determination pathway. spe-44 is required for the appropriate expression of several hundred sperm-enriched genes. The SPE-44 protein is restricted to the sperm-producing germline, where it localizes to the autosomes (which contain sperm genes) but is excluded from the transcriptionally silent X chromosome (which does not). The orthologous gene in other Caenorhabditis species is similarly expressed in a sex-biased manner, and the protein likewise exhibits autosome-specific localization in developing sperm, strongly suggestive of an evolutionarily conserved role in sperm gene expression. Our analysis represents the first identification of a transcriptional regulator whose primary function is the control of gamete-type-specific transcription in this system

    Effects of sub-lethal single, simultaneous, and sequential abiotic stresses on phenotypic traits of Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Plant responses to abiotic stresses are complex and dynamic, and involve changes in different traits, either as the direct consequence of the stress, or as an active acclimatory response. Abiotic stresses frequently occur simultaneously or in succession, rather than in isolation. Despite this, most studies have focused on a single stress and single or few plant traits. To address this gap, our study comprehensively and categorically quantified the individual and combined effects of three major abiotic stresses associated with climate change (flooding, progressive drought and high temperature) on 12 phenotypic traits related to morphology, development, growth and fitness, at different developmental stages in four Arabidopsis thaliana accessions. Combined sub-lethal stresses were applied either simultaneously (high temperature and drought) or sequentially (flooding followed by drought). In total, we analyzed the phenotypic responses of 1782 individuals across these stresses and different developmental stages. Overall, abiotic stresses and their combinations resulted in distinct patterns of effects across the traits analyzed, with both quantitative and qualitative differences across accessions. Stress combinations had additive effects on some traits, whereas clear positive and negative interactions were observed for other traits: 9 out of 12 traits for high temperature and drought, 6 out of 12 traits for post-submergence and drought showed significant interactions. In many cases where the stresses interacted, the strength of interactions varied across accessions. Hence, our results indicated a general pattern of response in most phenotypic traits to the different stresses and stress combinations, but it also indicated a natural genetic variation in the strength of these responses. Overall, our study provides a rich characterization of trait responses of Arabidopsis plants to sub-lethal abiotic stresses at the phenotypic level and can serve as starting point for further in-depth physiological research and plant modelling efforts

    Spinning in control: Design exploration of a cross-device remote

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    You buy a new TV and get a new remote, you buy a DVD player and you get another remote, you buy a sound system and guess what⋯ Almost every digital media product comes with its own designated remote control (RC). What would happen if one remote adapts to the owner's activities and is able to have cross-device control? In this paper we describe a design exploration conducted to create new ways to interact with digital media products. The main ingredients are: fit for a social setting, portable, and including physical interaction. The result is an exploration of a button less single-hand remote control concept. © 2011 ACM