58 research outputs found

    Effect of long-term Sodium Hypochlorite Cleaning on Silicon Carbide Ultrafiltration Membranes Prepared by Low-Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition

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    Sodium hypochlorite (NaClO) is widely used for the chemical cleaning of fouled ultrafiltration (UF) membranes. Various studies performed on polymeric membranes demonstrate that long-term (&gt;100 h) exposure to NaClO deteriorates the physicochemical properties of the membranes, leading to reduced performance and service life. However, the effect of NaClO cleaning on ceramic membranes, particularly the number of cleaning cycles they can undergo to alleviate irreversible fouling, remains poorly understood. Silicon carbide (SiC) membranes have garnered widespread attention for water and wastewater treatment, but their chemical stability in NaClO has not been studied. Low-pressure chemical vapor deposition (LP-CVD) provides a simple and economical route to prepare/modify ceramic membranes. As such, LP-CVD facilitates the preparation of SiC membranes: (a) in a single step; and (b) at much lower temperatures (700–900 °C) in comparison with sol-gel methods (ca. 2000 °C). In this work, SiC ultrafiltration (UF) membranes were prepared via LP-CVD at two different deposition temperatures and pressures. Subsequently, their chemical stability in NaClO was investigated over 200 h of aging. Afterward, the properties and performance of as-prepared SiC UF membranes were evaluated before and after aging to determine the optimal deposition conditions. Our results indicate that the SiC UF membrane prepared via LP-CVD at 860 °C and 100 mTorr exhibited excellent resistance to NaClO aging, while the membrane prepared at 750 °C and 600 mTorr significantly deteriorated. These findings not only highlight a novel preparation route for SiC membranes in a single step via LP-CVD, but also provide new insights about the careful selection of LP-CVD conditions for SiC membranes to ensure their long-term performance and robustness under harsh chemical cleaning conditions.</div

    Atmospheric-pressure atomic layer deposition:recent applications and new emerging applications in high-porosity/3D materials

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    Atomic layer deposition (ALD) is a widely recognized technique for depositing ultrathin conformal films with excellent thickness control at Ångström or (sub)monolayer level. Atmospheric-pressure ALD is an upcoming ALD process with a potentially lower ownership cost of the reactor. In this review, we provide a comprehensive overview of the recent applications and development of ALD approaches emphasizing those based on operation at atmospheric pressure. Each application determines its own specific reactor design. Spatial ALD (s-ALD) has been recently introduced for the commercial production of large-area 2D displays, the surface passivation and encapsulation of solar cells and organic light-emitting diode (OLED) displays. Atmospheric temporal ALD (t-ALD) has opened up new emerging applications such as high-porosity particle coatings, functionalization of capillary columns for gas chromatography, and membrane modification in water treatment and gas purification. The challenges and opportunities for highly conformal coating on porous substrates by atmospheric ALD have been identified. We discuss in particular the pros and cons of both s-ALD and t-ALD in combination with their reactor designs in relation to the coating of 3D and high-porosity materials.</p

    Synthesis of Porous Inorganic Hollow Fibers without Harmful Solvents

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    A route for the fabrication of porous inorganic hollow fibers with high surface-area-to-volume ratio that avoids harmful solvents is presented. The approach is based on bio-ionic gelation of an aqueous mixture of inorganic particles and sodium alginate during wet spinning. In a subsequent thermal treatment, the bio-organic material is removed and the inorganic particles are sintered. The method is applicable to the fabrication of various inorganic fibers, including metals and ceramics. The route completely avoids the use of organic solvents, such as N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone, and additives associated with the currently used fiber fabrication methods. In addition, it inherently avoids the manifestation of so-called macro voids and allows the facile incorporation of additional metal oxides in the inorganic hollow fibers

    A controlled sintering process for more permeable ceramic hollow fibre membranes

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    In this study, a new controlled sintering process has been proposed to improve the water permeation of asymmetric alumina hollow fibre membranes. In this process, polymer binder (PESf) in precursor fibres is purposely pre-treated in static air at selected temperatures (400-600. °C) to have it partially removed, prior to be converted into carbon in a second sintering step (1450. °C) under an oxygen free environment. During the second sintering step, proper bounding between ceramic particles takes place, while the growth of ceramic grains is effectively suppressed due to the presence of carbon. The carbon in the voids formed by particle packing also acts as a pore structure "stabilizer" and can be removed easily via subsequent thermal treatment in static air at 800. °C. Compared to the membranes with the same asymmetric structure and sintered in static air only (i.e. normal sintering), the membranes sintered using the new controlled sintering process shows water permeation flux is approximately 13 times higher, together with comparable mechanical strength. Moreover, this original concept of using the polymer binder to design the pore structure of ceramic membranes can be transferred to other inorganic materials


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    Визначено структуру ідентифікації потреб робочих дільниць по видобутку вугілля. Приведено результати пріоритетності потреб робітників. Досліджено рейтинг і ранжування груп потреб.; Structure of authentication of miner's necessities is determined. The results of miner's priority of necessities are resulted. Rating and ranking of groups of necessities are investigated

    The mechanical strength of a ceramic porous hollow fiber

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    The mechanical strength of inorganic porous hollow fibers is a critical constraint that limits their wide scale application. Various methods, including 3-point bending, 4-point bending, and diametrical compression are used for the quantification of the mechanical strength. Here, we show that these methods cannot be used in an interchangeable manner. For large sets of alumina hollow fibers, the parameters describing the cumulative probability of failure functions depend on the type of measurement, i.e., 3 or 4-point, the span size, and the measurement geometry. This implies that reporting data on mechanical properties of inorganic hollow fibers requires that extensive information about the experimental details is provided, and that a direct quantitative comparison between datasets is unjustifiable. The mechanical strength of the alumina hollow fibers tends to follow a normal distribution, or log-normal distribution, instead of the often used Weibull distribution. Monte Carlo simulations demonstrate that, especially at small sample set sizes, it is difficult to accurately determine the shape of the probability distribution. However, detailed knowledge of the type and the shape of this distribution function is essential when mechanical strength values are to be used in further design