3,347 research outputs found

    A meta-analytical approach for evaluating the effect of arginine supplementation on the productive performance of sows during gestation

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    Arginine (Arg) supplementation for gestating and lactating sows seems to play a primary role in litter development by promoting placental vascularization and improving colostrum and milk quality. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of the supplementation of dietary standardized ileal digestible Arg (SID Arg) on the productive performance of gestating sows using a meta-analytical approach. A total of 19 studies conducted between 2007 and 2020 which tested the effect of additional SID Arg supplementation in diets for sows were chosen using a systematic literature search. Data regarding backfat thickness, number of piglets born and live born, litter birthweight and weaning weight were extrapolated from each experimental group and expressed as a percentage of the value of the control group within the studies. The SID Arg supplementation was expressed as the percentage of SID Arg in the treated group compared to the control group (Additional SID Arg). Linear and quadratic models were built using a mixed procedure utilizing Minitab® software including Additional SID Arg, parity and feed intake classes and the period of SID Arg supplementation as fixed factors, and the study as the random factor. The SID Arg in control groups was higher than the doses suggested by the National Research Council (NRC; 2012) (4.20–8.90 g/kg of feed vs 3.2–7.9 g/kg, respectively). A quadratic response of Additional SID Arg was observed for placental efficiency (PE; P = 0.003; a=0.0019), the number of total piglets born (P = 0.027; a=−0.0003), the number of live born piglets (P = 0.005; a=−0.0006) and backfat thickness loss (P = 0.057; a=0.0029). A linear increase in the plasma concentration of Pro (P = 0.004; b=0.120), Orn (P = 0.002; b=0.284) and Arg (P = 0.001; b=0.425), and a decrease in the concentration of urea (P = 0.037; b=−0.063) was observed with an increasing level of SID Arg. There was no effect on placenta weight, live litter birthweight, individual piglet weight at birth and weaning, litter size and weight at weaning, and average daily gain during lactation. The estimated requirements of SID Arg for improving PE, reducing backfat thickness loss, increasing the number of piglets born and live born were 11.17 g/kg, 13.03 g/kg, 14.83 g/kg and 15.71 g/kg of feed, respectively. This meta-analysis highlighted the importance of redefining the Arg requirements of gestating sows and suggested a dosage ranging from 11.17 to 15.71 g/kg of feed to improve reproductive performance

    Was macht „gute“ Biologielehrkräfte aus?:Befragungen von Lehrenden in der Didaktik der Biologie und Biologie-Lehramtsstudierenden an deutschen Hochschulen

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    Im Projekt „Optimierung der Biologie-Lehramtsausbildung in gemeinsamer Anstrengung (OBLigAt)“ kommen Vorstellungen und Standpunkte von Biologie-Fachleitern, Biologiedidaktik-Dozenten an den Hochschulen, Biologie-Lehramtsstudierenden und -Referendaren zur Verbesserung der Ausbildung zum Ausdruck. Es werden die Ergebnisse von 79 Hochschuldozenten in der Didaktik der Biologie und von 442 Biologie-Lehramtsstudenten vorgestellt. Nach ihrer Meinung werden in den fachdidaktischen Studienanteilen viele Aspekte, die zu gutem Unterricht führen sollen, gut bis befriedigend behandelt. Grundsätzlich werden hierbei die Bedeutung der Berücksichtigung von Schülervorstellungen erkannt sowie personale und diagnostische Kompetenzen ausgebildet. Diskrepanzen zwischen der Schwerpunktsetzung der Dozenten und den Vorstellungen der Studierenden liegen in der Forderung der Studierenden nach mehr praktischen Aspekten, die sich unmittelbar für den Unterricht umsetzen lassen. Eine theoretische Fundierung als Basis der Unterrichtsgestaltung rückt eher für Dozenten in den Vordergrund. Insgesamt ist die Kooperation zwischen Fachwissenschaft, Didaktik und Pädagogik zu optimieren. Die Ergebnisse bieten Ansatzpunkte, die Ausbildung im Sinne des Projekts OBLigAt zu verbessern

    Low delta-V near-Earth asteroids: A survey of suitable targets for space missions

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    In the last decades Near-Earth Objects (NEOs) have become very important targets to study, since they can give us clues to the formation, evolution and composition of the Solar System. In addition, they may represent either a threat to humankind, or a repository of extraterrestrial resources for suitable space-borne missions. Within this framework, the choice of next-generation mission targets and the characterisation of a potential threat to our planet deserve special attention. To date, only a small part of the 11,000 discovered NEOs have been physically characterised. From ground and space-based observations one can determine some basic physical properties of these objects using visible and infrared spectroscopy. We present data for 13 objects observed with different telescopes around the world (NASA-IRTF, ESO-NTT, TNG) in the 0.4 - 2.5 um spectral range, within the NEOSURFACE survey (http://www.oa-roma.inaf.it/planet/NEOSurface.html). Objects are chosen from among the more accessible for a rendez-vous mission. All of them are characterised by a delta-V (the change in velocity needed for transferring a spacecraft from low-Earth orbit to rendez-vous with NEOs) lower than 10.5 km/s, well below the Solar System escape velocity (12.3 km/s). We taxonomically classify 9 of these objects for the first time. 11 objects belong to the S-complex taxonomy; the other 2 belong to the C-complex. We constrain the surface composition of these objects by comparing their spectra with meteorites from the RELAB database. We also compute olivine and pyroxene mineralogy for asteroids with a clear evidence of pyroxene bands. Mineralogy confirms the similarity with the already found H, L or LL ordinary chondrite analogues.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, to be published in A&A Minor changes by language edito

    Investigation of early supplementation of nucleotides on the intestinal maturation of weaned piglets

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    Nucleotides are essential for the development of the gastrointestinal tract and immune function, but their intake with milk by piglets could be insufficient. The effect of nucleotides on growth and health was tested on 98 piglets divided into two groups: NU, orally administrated with 4 mL of a nucleotide-based product (SwineMOD® ) at 10, 15, 18, 21, 27 days, or not (CO). Blood and feces were sampled at weaning (26 d, T1), and at 38 d (T2). Per each group and time-point, eight piglets were slaughtered and jejunal Peyer’s patches (JPPs) were collected. NU increased hemoglobin content and hematocrit, but not growth. At weaning, the NU fecal microbiota was characterized by the abundance of Campylobacteraceae, more typical of the growing phase, compared to CO, with a greater abundance of Streptococcaceae. For the blood transcriptome, an initial greater inflammatory activation was seen in CO, while at T2, NU enriched gene sets related to erythropoiesis. The activation of gene groups ranging from epigenetic response to transcriptional regulation evidenced an intense proliferative activity in NU JPPs. NU supplementation did not influence the growth performance of piglets but could have expressed a positive effect on pig microbiota anticipating its maturation at weaning. This immunostimulant activity in the JPPs could moderate the inflammation in the immediate pre-weaning

    Variations in porcine colostrum oligosaccharide composition between breeds and in association with sow maternal performance

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    Background: Oligosaccharides (OS) are indigestible carbohydrates naturally found in milk. The composition of porcine colostrum OS may influence the growth and the health of the neonate and consuming optimal concentrations of OS may reduce piglet susceptibility to illness. In this manner, targeted supplementation of animal feed with OS is being explored as a health management tool in the livestock industry. The variation in OS composition between different breeds of pig and its association with the litter performance is currently unknown. The aim of this study was to characterize the colostrum OS composition from sows of different breed and parity and correlate this data with sow maternal traits. Methods: Eighty-three colostrum samples from parities 1 to 8 were gathered from 3 different breeds of sow: 44 Large White sows, 27 Landrace sows and 12 Duroc sows. Samples were taken between the birth of the first and the last piglet from sows that were not pharmacologically induced to farrow. OS were purified from the samples and analysed by MALDI-ToF mass spectrometry (21 OS compositions detected). The farrowing season and the maternal data were recorded for each sow, including the number of live piglets and the litter body weight at birth, at day (d) 3 and at weaning. Results: Five OS compositions, including isomers of the bifidogenic Sialyllactose, Lacto-N-Tetraose and Lacto-N-Hexaose series, were detected in all the samples. Twelve other OS were identified in at least 50% of samples, and their abundances were affected by breed (P < 0.05; 6 of 12), marginally affected by season (P < 0.10; 3 of 12) and never by parity number. The abundances of each OS component were standardized by Z-score scaling (\u3bc = 0 and SD = 1), transformed by principal component analysis, and four similarity clusters were generated. Cluster membership was associated with litter weight gain within 3 days (P = 0.063) and at weaning (P < 0.05), but not with piglet mortality within 3 days. Conclusions: OS composition of colostrum may partially explain the variability in maternal performance within and between different breeds of sow. The obtained OS data can provide useful information for the development of novel prebiotic food supplements for suckling and weaning pigs

    Meta-analysis to evaluate the impact of the reduction of dietary crude protein on the gut health of post-weaning pigs

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    Weaning transition is often associated with the occurrence of the post-weaning diarrhoea syndrome (PWDS). The reduction of dietary crude protein (CP) has been intensively used as a strategy for controlling PWDS. The aim of the present meta-analysis was to report the effect of the reduction of dietary CP on the intestinal parameters related to the gut health, growth and diarrhoea of post-weaning piglets. A literature review of the articles published from 2006 to 2019 produced 48 articles and, of these 26 were selected. Parameters (bacterial metabolites, pH, microbiota diversity, intestinal morphology, inflammation markers, growth, faecal score) were extracted, expressed as a percentage of the control diet and analysed using a general linear model which included the study, reduction in points of dietary CP, and the ratio of digestible Lysine and dietary CP (dLys/CP) as factors. The reduction of dietary CP decreased ammonia (p <.0001), pH (p =.039), total short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) (p =.027), biogenic amines including cadaverine (p =.034) and putrescine (p =.030) and the expression of TLR4 (p <.0001) in the intestine and also reduced the faecal score (p =.002). The dLys/CP ratio increased the level of Lactobacilli and the expression of TLR4 (p <.05), and tended to increase acetic acid (p <.1). Crypt depth, villus height, microbiota diversity and growth remained unchanged. In conclusion, this study confirmed that a reduction of dietary CP could reduce bacterial protein fermentation and the production of potentially toxic metabolites. In turn, this could result in lower intestinal inflammation and a decreased risk of diarrhoea in weaning piglets.Highlights Reducing the dietary crude protein can decrease the fermentation of undigested dietary protein, especially in the large intestine. Lowering undigested dietary protein results in a reduction of the intestinal pH and potentially toxic metabolites, including ammonia and amines. Diets with lower crude protein reduce inflammation of the intestinal mucosa and the post-weaning diarrhoea of piglets without compromising performance

    Bacillus spp. Probiotic Strains as a Potential Tool for Limiting the Use of Antibiotics, and Improving the Growth and Health of Pigs and Chickens

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    The pressure to increasingly optimize the breeding of livestock monogastric animals resulted in antimicrobials often being misused in an attempt to improve growth performance and counteract diseases in these animals, leading to an increase in the problem of antibiotic resistance. To tackle this problem, the use of probiotics, also known as direct in-feed microbials (DFM), seems to be one of the most promising strategies. Among probiotics, the interest in Bacillus strains has been intensively increased in recent decades in pigs and poultry. The aim of the present review was to evaluate the effectiveness of Bacillus strains as probiotics and as a potential strategy for reducing the misuse of antibiotics in monogastric animals. Thus, the potential modes of action, and the effects on the performance and health of pigs (weaning pigs, lactation and gestation sows) and broilers are discussed. These searches yielded 131 articles (published before January 2021). The present review showed that Bacillus strains could favor growth in terms of the average daily gain (ADG) of post-weaning piglets and broilers, and reduce the incidence of post-weaning diarrhea in pigs by 30% and mortality in broilers by 6–8%. The benefits of Bacillus strains on these parameters showed results comparable to the benefit obtained by the use of antibiotics. Furthermore, the use of Bacillus strains gives promising results in enhancing the local adaptative immune response and in reducing the oxidative stress of broilers. Fewer data were available regarding the effect on sows. Discordant effects have been reported regarding the effect on body weight (BW) and feed intake while a number of studies have supported the hypothesis that feeding probiotics to sows could benefit their reproductive performance, namely the BW and ADG of the litters. Taken all the above-mentioned facts together, this review confirmed the effectiveness of Bacillus strains as probiotics in young pigs and broilers, favoring their health and contributing to a reduction in the misuse of direct in-feed antibiotics. The continuous development and research regarding probiotics will support a decrease in the misuse of antibiotics in livestock production in order to endorse a more sustainable rearing system in the near future

    The effect of a single, early-life administration of a probiotic on piglet growth performance and faecal microbiota until weaning

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    The establishment and maintenance of a balanced gut microbiota in early life play a pivotal role in pigs. This study aims to evaluate the effect of the administration of a single early-life probiotic on piglet faecal microbiota and growth performance until weaning. Forty-eight hours after birth (d0), 820 piglets were allocated into 4 groups (205 piglets/16 litters/group) and orally inoculated as follows: 1) Control (CO: 4 mL of pure water); 2) Saccharomyces (SA: 4 mL containing a total of 1 × 1010 CFU of Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. boulardii CNCM-1079; 3) Enterococcus (EF: 4 mL containing a total of 1 × 1010 CFU of Enterococcus faecium lactiferm WS200); 4) a mix of the two probiotics at the same doses (SAEF). At d7 and d18, the piglets were weighed, and faeces from the piglets (18 piglets/group from 6 sows/group) and their mothers were analysed for a microbial profile by sequencing the v3-v4 regions of the 16S rRNA gene. Data were arranged in a 2x2 factorial design. The probiotic supplement improved piglet ADG in the periods d7-d18 (p <.0001) and d0-d18 (p <.05). From d7 to d18, the SA group tended to have lower mortality than the CO group (p =.08). The probiotic supplement significantly affected the microbial beta diversity at d7 (p <.05). The SA probiotic favoured the colonisation of Erysipelatoclostridium and Christensenella, and the EF probiotic the colonisation of Lachnospiraceae. These results highlighted that the administration of a single early-life probiotic supplement could improve piglet performance and shape the faecal microbial profile.Highlights A single dose of E. faecium or S. cerevisiae improved piglet performance in the pre-weaning period. The early administration of probiotics shaped the faecal microbial profile of the piglets and contributed to improved growth performance

    A transparent distributed ledger-based certificate revocation scheme for VANETs

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    The widespread adoption of Cooperative, Connected, and Automated Mobility (CCAM) applications requires the implementation of stringent security mechanisms to minimize the surface of cyber attacks. Authentication is an effective process for validating user identity in vehicular networks. However, authentication alone is not enough to prevent dangerous attack situations. Existing security mechanisms are not able to promptly revoke the credentials of misbehaving vehicles, thus tolerate malicious actors to remain trusted in the system for a long time. The resulting vulnerability window allows the implementation of complex attacks, thus posing a substantial impairment to the security of the vehicular ecosystem. In this paper we propose a Distributed Ledger-based Vehicular Revocation Scheme that improves the state of the art by providing a vulnerability window lower than 1 s, reducing well-behaved vehicles exposure to sophisticated and potentially dangerous attacks. The proposed scheme harnesses the advantages of the underlying Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) to implement a privacy-aware revocation process while being fully transparent to all participating entities. Furthermore, it meets the critical message processing times defined by EU and US standards, thus closing a critical gap in the current international standards. Theoretical analysis and experimental validation demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed scheme, where DLT streamlines the revocation operation overhead and delivers an economically viable yet scalable solution against cyber attacks on vehicular systems
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