17 research outputs found

    Neurofascin-155 IgM autoantibodies in patients with inflammatory neuropathies

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    Objectives Recently, IgG autoantibodies against different paranodal proteins have been detected and this has led to important advances in the management of inflammatory neuropathies. In contrast, not much is known on IgM autoantibodies against paranodal proteins. Methods In the present study, we screened a large cohort of patients (n=140) with inflammatory neuropathies for IgM autoantibodies against neurofascin-155, neurofascin-186 or contactin-1. Results IgM autoantibodies against neurofascin-155 were detected by ELISA in five patients, four with inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (CIDP) and one with Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS), and were confirmed by ELISA-based preabsorption experiments and Western blot. Titres ranged from 1:100 to 1:400. We did not detect IgM anti-neurofascin-186 or anti-contactin-1 antibodies in this cohort. All patients presented with distally accentuated tetraparesis and hypesthesia. Remarkably, tremor was present in three of the patients with CIDP and occurred in the patients with GBS after the acute phase of disease. Nerve conduction studies revealed prolonged distal motor latencies and F wave latencies. Nerve biopsies showed signs of secondary axonal damage in three of the patients, demyelinating features in one patient. Teased fibre preparations did not demonstrate paranodal damage. Conclusion In summary, IgM neurofascin-155 autoantibodies may be worth testing in patients with inflammatory neuropathies. Their pathogenic role needs to be determined in future experiments

    Guillain-Barre syndrome after SARS-CoV-2 infection in an international prospective cohort study

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    In the wake of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic, an increasing number of patients with neurological disorders, including Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS), have been reported following this infection. It remains unclear, however, if these cases are coincidental or not, as most publications were case reports or small regional retrospective cohort studies. The International GBS Outcome Study is an ongoing prospective observational cohort study enrolling patients with GBS within 2 weeks from onset of weakness. Data from patients included in this study, between 30 January 2020 and 30 May 2020, were used to investigate clinical and laboratory signs of a preceding or concurrent SARS-CoV-2 infection and to describe the associated clinical phenotype and disease course. Patients were classified according to the SARS-CoV-2 case definitions of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control and laboratory recommendations of the World Health Organization. Forty-nine patients with GBS were included, of whom eight (16%) had a confirmed and three (6%) a probable SARS-CoV-2 infection. Nine of these 11 patients had no serological evidence of other recent preceding infections associated with GBS, whereas two had serological evidence of a recent Campylobacter jejuni infection. Patients with a confirmed or probable SARS-CoV-2 infection frequently had a sensorimotor variant 8/11 (73%) and facial palsy 7/11 (64%). The eight patients who underwent electrophysiological examination all had a demyelinating subtype, which was more prevalent than the other patients included in the same time window [14/30 (47%), P = 0.012] as well as historical region and age-matched control subjects included in the International GBS Outcome Study before the pandemic [23/44 (52%), P = 0.016]. The median time from the onset of infection to neurological symptoms was 16 days (interquartile range 12-22). Patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection shared uniform neurological features, similar to those previously described in other post-viral GBS patients. The frequency (22%) of a preceding SARS-CoV-2 infection in our study population was higher than estimates of the contemporaneous background prevalence of SARS-CoV-2, which may be a result of recruitment bias during the pandemic, but could also indicate that GBS may rarely follow a recent SARS-CoV-2 infection. Consistent with previous studies, we found no increase in patient recruitment during the pandemic for our ongoing International GBS Outcome Study compared to previous years, making a strong relationship of GBS with SARS-CoV-2 unlikely. A case-control study is required to determine if there is a causative link or not

    Contactin-1 and Neurofascin-155/-186 Are Not Targets of Auto-Antibodies in Multifocal Motor Neuropathy

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    Multifocal motor neuropathy is an immune mediated disease presenting with multifocal muscle weakness and conduction block. IgM auto-antibodies against the ganglioside GM1 are detectable in about 50% of the patients. Auto-antibodies against the paranodal proteins contactin-1 and neurofascin-155 and the nodal protein neurofascin-186 have been detected in subgroups of patients with chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy. Recently, auto-antibodies against neurofascin-186 and gliomedin were described in more than 60% of patients with multifocal motor neuropathy. In the current study, we aimed to validate this finding, using a combination of different assays for auto-antibody detection. In addition we intended to detect further auto-antibodies against paranodal proteins, specifically contactin-1 and neurofascin-155 in multifocal motor neuropathy patients’ sera. We analyzed sera of 33 patients with well-characterized multifocal motor neuropathy for IgM or IgG anti-contactin-1, anti-neurofascin-155 or -186 antibodies using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, binding assays with transfected human embryonic kidney 293 cells and murine teased fibers. We did not detect any IgM or IgG auto-antibodies against contactin-1, neurofascin-155 or -186 in any of our multifocal motor neuropathy patients. We conclude that auto-antibodies against contactin-1, neurofascin-155 and -186 do not play a relevant role in the pathogenesis in this cohort with multifocal motor neuropathy

    Detection and characterization of auto-antibodies against paranodal proteins in patients with inflammatory polyneuropathy

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    Kürzlich wurden bei immunvermittelten Neuropathien Autoantikörper gegen Proteine des paranodalen axoglialen Komplexes beschrieben. Deren Charakteristika, Prävalenzen, pathophysiologische Relevanz sowie Bedeutung für Diagnostik und Therapie sind jedoch noch nicht abschließend erforscht. In dieser Studie wurden daher Seren und Plasmapheresematerial (PE-Material) von 150 Patienten mit inflammatorischen Neuropathien, nämlich 105 mit chronisch inflammatorischer demyelinisierender Polyneuropathie (CIDP), 21 mit Guillain- Barré-Syndrom (GBS) und 24 mit multifokaler motorischer Neuropathie (MMN), welche etablierte diagnostische Kriterien der jeweiligen Krankheit erfüllen, sowie 74 Kontrollen mittels immunhistochemischen Färbungen an murinen Zupfnervenpräparaten und/oder ELISA (Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay) auf Autoantikörper gegen die paranodalen Proteine Caspr, Contactin-1 und Neurofascin- 155 untersucht. Bei positivem Ergebnis wurde deren Spezifität mittels immunhistochemischen Färbungen an transfizierten HEK (Human embryonic kidney)- 293-Zellen und Präinkubationsversuchen bestätigt. Es wurden die IgG-Subklassen und die Antikörpertiter bestimmt und das Komplementbindungsverhalten unter Zugabe von intravenösen Immunglobulinen (IVIG) mit zellbasierten und ELISA-basierten Methoden analysiert. Klinische Merkmale und das Therapieansprechen Antikörper-positiver Patienten wurden ermittelt und mit den experimentellen Ergebnissen in Zusammenhang gesetzt. IgG-Autoantikörper gegen Contactin-1 konnten bei vier Patienten mit CIDP nachgewiesen werden, IgG-Autoantikörper gegen Caspr bei einem Patienten mit CIDP und einer Patientin mit GBS. Es konnten keine weiteren Autoantikörper bei CIDP-Patienten, GBS-Patienten, MMN-Patienten oder bei den Kontrollen detektiert werden. Die Prävalenz von Autoantikörpern gegen axogliale paranodale Proteine liegt somit in dieser Studie bei jeweils 4,76% bei CIDP und GBS und 0% bei MMN. Die Antikörper gehörten bei Patienten in der akuten Erkrankungsphase (zwei der CIDP-Patienten mit Anti-Contactin-1-Autoantikörpern und eine GBS-Patientin mit Anti-Caspr-Autoantikörpern) hauptsächlich den Subklassen IgG1 und IgG3 an, bei Patienten in der chronischen Phase (zwei der CIDP-Patienten mit Anti-Contactin-1-Autoantikörpern, ein CIDP-Patient mit Anti-Caspr-Autoantikörpern) überwog die Subklasse IgG4. Experimentell kam es zur Komplementbindung und -aktivierung abhängig vom Gehalt der Subklassen IgG1-3, nicht aber IgG4; diese konnte durch die Zugabe von IVIG dosisabhängig gemindert werden. Alle Autoantikörper-positiven CIDP-Patienten zeigten einen GBS-artigen Beginn mit einer schweren motorischen Beteiligung. Anti-Contactin-1-positive Patienten kennzeichnete klinisch zusätzlich das Vorkommen einer Ataxie und eines Tremors, Anti-Caspr-positive Patienten das Vorkommen starker neuropathischer Schmerzen. Elektrophysiologisch standen neben Hinweisen auf eine Leitungsstörung Zeichen einer axonalen Schädigung im Vordergrund. Als histopathologisches Korrelat lagen eine nodale Architekturstörung und ein Axonverlust vor. Die Patienten zeigten nur in der Anfangsphase der Erkrankung ein Ansprechen auf IVIG. Bei drei CIDP-Patienten mit IgG4-Autoantikörpern (zwei Patienten mit Anti-Contactin-1-Antikörpern und ein Patient mit Anti-Caspr-Antikörpern) wurde eine Therapie mit Rituximab durchgeführt. Diese führte zu einer Titerreduktion und zur zeitgleichen klinischen und elektrophysiologischen Befundbesserung bei zwei Patienten. Die in dieser Arbeit angewandten Screeningmethoden führten zum erfolgreichen Nachweis von Autoantikörpern gegen paranodale axogliale Proteine. Die Patienten mit positivem Autoantikörpernachweis definieren eine kleine Untergruppe mit ähnlichen klinischen Merkmalen im Kollektiv der Patienten mit inflammatorischen Polyneuropathien. Histopathologische Merkmale sowie das Therapieansprechen auf antikörperdepletierende Therapie sprechen in Kombination mit den Ergebnissen weiterer Studien zu paranodalen Autoantikörpern für eine pathogenetische Relevanz der Autoantikörper. Mit einem charakteristischen, am Schnürring ansetzenden Pathomechanismus könnten Neuropathien mit Nachweis von paranodalen Autoantikörpern der kürzlich eingeführten Entität der Nodo-Paranodopathien angehören. Die Komplementaktivierung und das Therapieansprechen der Patienten auf IVIG stehen möglicherweise in Zusammenhang mit der prädominanten IgG-Subklasse. Diese könnte auch in Bezug auf die Chronifizierung eine Rolle spielen. Der Nachweis von Autoantikörpern gegen paranodale Proteine hat wohlmöglich in Zukunft direkte Konsequenzen auf das diagnostische und therapeutische Prozedere bei Patienten mit CIDP und GBS; weitere klinische und experimentelle Daten aus größeren, prospektiven Studien sind jedoch zum weiteren Verständnis und zur Charakterisierung dieser Entität notwendig.Autoantibodies against proteins of the paranodal axoglial complex have been described in recent studies on immune-mediated neuropathies. Nevertheless, their characteristics, prevalences, pathophysiological relevance and impact on diagnostics and therapy have not been fully investigated. Therefore, sera and plasmapheresis material (PE-material) of 150 patients with inflammatory neuropathy, including 105 patients with chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP), 21 patients with Guillain-Barré-Syndrome (GBS) and 24 patients with multifocal motor neuropathy (MMN), fulfilling established diagnostic criteria for the respective disease, as well as 74 controls were screened for autoantibodies against the paranodal proteins caspr, contactin-1 and neurofascin-155 via immunohistochemic staining of murine teased fiber preparations and/or ELISA (Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay). In the event of a positive result, their specificity was confirmed via immunohistochemic staining on transfected HEK (human embryonic kidney)-293-cells and preincubation experiments. IgG subclasses and antibody titers in human material were analysed and complement binding to the autoantibodies, also under the influence of therapeutic immunoglobulins (IVIG), was investigated in cell based assays and ELISA based assays. Clinical features and therapy response in antibody-positive patients were evaluated and compared to the experimental results. IgG-autoantibodies against contactin-1 were found in four patients with CIDP, IgG-autoantibodies against caspr were found in one patient with CIDP and one with GBS. No further autoantibodies were detected neither in patients with CIDP, GBS and MMN nor in the controls. The prevalences of autoantibodies against axoglial paranodal proteins in this study therefore are at 4,76% in CIDP and GBS and 0% in MMN. In the acute phase of the disease, autoantibodies of the IgG1 and IgG3 subclass could be detected (in two CIDP patients with anti-contactin-1 antibodies and one GBS patient with anti-caspr antibodies), whereas patients in the chronic phase of the disease showed IgG4-autoantibodies (two CIDP patients with anti-contactin-1 antibodies and one CIDP patient with anti-caspr antibodies). Complement binding and activation in vitro depended on the amount of the IgG subclasses IgG1-IgG3, but not IgG4. Complement binding could be reduced by IVIG dose-dependently. All CIDP-patients with autoantibodies showed a GBSlike onset with severe motor involvement. Additional features of anti-contactin-1 positive neuropathy were ataxia and tremor, of anti-caspr positive disease neuropathic pain. Electrophysiological studies revealed signs of conduction failure accompanied by striking signs of axonal damage. As a histopathologic correlate, a disruption of the nodal architecture and axonal loss were found. Patients only responded well to IVIG in the beginning of the disease. Three patients with autoantibodies of the IgG4 subclass (two patients with anti-contactin-1 and one patient with anti-caspr) were treated with rituximab, leading to a titer reduction accompanied by clinical and electrophysiological improvement in two patients. The screening methods used in this study are suitable for the detection of autoantibodies against paranodal proteins. Antibody-positive patients define a small subgroup of patients with inflammatory polyneuropathy that is characterized by distinct clinical features. Histopathological findings and therapy response to antibody- depleting treatment in this study as well as findings of further studies argue in favour of a pathogenetic relevance of the autoantibodies. Neuropathies associated with paranodal autoantibodies could belong to the new entity of nodo-paranodopathies, sharing a characteristic pathomechanism with the node of Ranvier being the site of attack. Complement binding and activation as well as response to IVIG could be related to the predominant IgG subclass of the autoantibodies. It could also influence the course and chronification of the disease. Therefore, detection of autoantibodies against paranodal proteins might have a direct impact on diagnostic and therapeutic strategies in patients with CIDP and GBS in the future. Nevertheless, further clinical and experimental data, including data from bigger and prospective studies are needed to understand and fully characterize this novel entity

    Anti-CNTN1 IgG3 induces acute conduction block and motor deficits in a passive transfer rat model

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    Abstract Background Autoantibodies against the paranodal protein contactin-1 have recently been described in patients with severe acute-onset autoimmune neuropathies and mainly belong to the IgG4 subclass that does not activate complement. IgG3 anti-contactin-1 autoantibodies are rare, but have been detected during the acute onset of disease in some cases. There is evidence that anti-contactin-1 prevents adhesive interaction, and chronic exposure to anti-contactin-1 IgG4 leads to structural changes at the nodes accompanied by neuropathic symptoms. However, the pathomechanism of acute onset of disease and the pathogenic role of IgG3 anti-contactin-1 is largely unknown. Methods In the present study, we aimed to model acute autoantibody exposure by intraneural injection of IgG of patients with anti-contacin-1 autoantibodies to Lewis rats. Patient IgG obtained during acute onset of disease (IgG3 predominant) and IgG from the chronic phase of disease (IgG4 predominant) were studied in comparison. Results Conduction blocks were measured in rats injected with the “acute” IgG more often than after injection of “chronic” IgG (83.3% versus 35%) and proved to be reversible within a week after injection. Impaired nerve conduction was accompanied by motor deficits in rats after injection of the “acute” IgG but only minor structural changes of the nodes. Paranodal complement deposition was detected after injection of the “acute IgG”. We did not detect any inflammatory infiltrates, arguing against an inflammatory cascade as cause of damage to the nerve. We also did not observe dispersion of paranodal proteins or sodium channels to the juxtaparanodes as seen in patients after chronic exposure to anti-contactin-1. Conclusions Our data suggest that anti-contactin-1 IgG3 induces an acute conduction block that is most probably mediated by autoantibody binding and subsequent complement deposition and may account for acute onset of disease in these patients. This supports the notion of anti-contactin-1-associated neuropathy as a paranodopathy with the nodes of Ranvier as the site of pathogenesis

    Super-resolution imaging pinpoints the periodic ultrastructure at the human node of Ranvier and its disruption in patients with polyneuropathy

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    The node of Ranvier is the key element in saltatory conduction along myelinated axons, but its specific protein organization remains elusive in the human species. To shed light on nanoscale anatomy of the human node of Ranvier in health and disease, we assessed human nerve biopsies of patients with polyneuropathy by super-resolution fluorescence microscopy. We applied direct stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (dSTORM) and supported our data by high-content confocal imaging combined with deep learning-based analysis. As a result, we revealed a ∼ 190 nm periodic protein arrangement of cytoskeletal proteins and axoglial cell adhesion molecules in human peripheral nerves. In patients with polyneuropathy, periodic distances increased at the paranodal region of the node of Ranvier, both at the axonal cytoskeleton and at the axoglial junction. In-depth image analysis revealed a partial loss of proteins of the axoglial complex (Caspr-1, neurofascin-155) in combination with detachment from the cytoskeletal anchor protein ß2-spectrin. High content analysis showed that such paranodal disorganization occurred especially in acute and severe axonal neuropathy with ongoing Wallerian degeneration and related cytoskeletal damage. We provide nanoscale and protein-specific evidence for the prominent, but vulnerable role of the node of Ranvier for axonal integrity. Furthermore, we show that super-resolution imaging can identify, quantify and map elongated periodic protein distances and protein interaction in histopathological tissue samples. We thus introduce a promising tool for further translational applications of super resolution microscopy

    Antiparanodal antibodies and IgG subclasses in acute autoimmune neuropathy

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    Objective To determine whether IgG subclasses of antiparanodal autoantibodies are related to disease course and treatment response in acute- to subacute-onset neuropathies, we retrospectively screened 161 baseline serum/CSF samples and 66 follow-up serum/CSF samples. Methods We used ELISA and immunofluorescence assays to detect antiparanodal IgG and their subclasses and titers in serum/CSF of patients with Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS), recurrent GBS (R-GBS), Miller-Fisher syndrome, and acute- to subacute-onset chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (A-CIDP). We evaluated clinical data retrospectively. Results We detected antiparanodal autoantibodies with a prevalence of 4.3% (7/161), more often in A-CIDP (4/23, 17.4%) compared with GBS (3/114, 2.6%). Longitudinal subclass analysis in the patients with GBS revealed IgG2/3 autoantibodies against Caspr-1 and against anti-contactin-1/Caspr-1, which disappeared at remission. At disease onset, patients with A-CIDP had IgG2/3 anti-Caspr-1 and anti-contactin-1/Caspr-1 or IgG4 anti-contactin-1 antibodies, IgG3 being associated with good response to IV immunoglobulins (IVIg). In the chronic phase of disease, IgG subclass of one patient with A-CIDP switched from IgG3 to IgG4. Conclusion Our data (1) confirm and extend previous observations that antiparanodal IgG2/3 but not IgG4 antibodies can occur in acute-onset neuropathies manifesting as monophasic GBS, (2) suggest association of IgG3 to a favorable response to IVIg, and (3) lend support to the hypothesis that in some patients, an IgG subclass switch from IgG3 to IgG4 may be the correlate of a secondary progressive or relapsing course following a GBS-like onset

    Per comprendere la complessità di ciò che resta. Il Campo di Fossoli: costruzione, evoluzione, status quo

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    So as to understand the complexity of what remains. The Fossoli camp: construction, evolution, status quo. STRATIFIED MATTER. 1942-1943: building of the camp. In 1942, an area suitable for building POW camp no.73 (PG 73) is identified in Fossoli. Known from then on as Campo Vecchio (the ‘old camp’) or Camp no.1, the complex featured four sectors that contained 93 huts. The requirements of a quick and cheap construction phase resulted in simple buildings: rectangular, one-storey units with masonry walls and wooden trusses. However, the arrival of its prisoners before construction work had been completed imposed the creation of a second detention centre, which initially consisted of tents and only later was built in masonry. Known as Campo Nuovo (‘the new camp’) or Camp no.2, it was divided into three sectors, within which a whole series of buildings were constructed, only slightly different from those of the adjacent area. 1943-1945: the war years. From 1943 to 1945, the Polizei und Durchgangslager (Dulag 152), the General Bevollmachtigte Fur Den Arbeitseinsatz (or ‘Gathering and Sorting Centre for Forced Labour’), the Fascist concentration camp and the Foreign Refugee Centre were all based at the camp. The simplicity of the buildings and the alternating and dishonourable uses to which the camp was put made preservation of both complexes difficult. At the end of the war, the old camp was demolished (1945) and the new camp was abandoned (1946). 1947-1952: Nomadelfia. In 1947, thanks to the work of a parish priest, Fr. Zeno Saltini, the Opera Piccoli Apostoli di San Giacomo in Roncole was granted a transfer to Fossoli. The new settlement, known as the Community of Nomadelfia, inaugurated a profound rebirth: the symbols of oppression were removed and renovation work was carried out on both the buildings – roofs were repaired, walls were cut and replastered, windows and doors replaced, new fixtures and fittings added – and the open spaces, with the redesign of the outdoor layout and a planting programme. In 1952, the Nomadelfia period came to an end for a variety of reasons. 1954-1970: Villaggio San Marco. In 1954, the Julian-Dalmatian refugee assistance organisation of Rome transferred a hundred or so families from Istria to the camp at Fossoli: this marked the beginning of Villaggio San Marco. This new purpose required the creation of new divisions and new decor – mostly stencilled – inside dwellings and the conversion of hut no.9 into a church. In 1970, the camp was almost entirely abandoned. 1970-2004: Dereliction. Many decades followed, during which the precarious state of the buildings rendered them unable to resist the signs of neglect. WORN-OUT MATTER. In the years that followed the Villaggio San Marco period, the camp rapidly became derelict. The commendable work of the Fondazione ex Campo di Fossoli (the Fossoli Foundation), founded in 1996, only managed to halt part of the deterioration and collapse, which worsened in 2012 due to earthquakes and heavy snowfall. To date, apart from hut 14.1, which was reconstructed in keeping with its original state in 2004, the camp can be grouped according to three different states of conservation: one where huts still have a proportion of their walls and limited sections of roof, a similar group with remains of roofs and a third group with only fragments of wall. The analysis and comprehension of the surviving remains is the conditio sine qua non for their hoped-for survival

    ELISA plates.

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    <p>Pictures of the ELISA plates with assays for neurofascin-155, neurofascin-186 and contactin-1. Controls show high optical density in contrast to sera.</p