108 research outputs found

    Celiac Disease Prevention

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    Celiac disease (CD) is a common autoimmune disorder induced by ingestion of gluten in genetically susceptible individuals. Despite the prerequisite for a genetic predisposition, only a minority of the 40% of the Caucasian population that has this genetic predisposition develops the disease. Thus, environmental and/or lifestyle factors play a causal role in the development of CD. The incidence of CD has increased over the last half-century, resulting in rising interest in identifying risk factors for CD to enable primary prevention. Early infant feeding practices have been suggested as one of the factors influencing the risk of CD in genetically susceptible individuals. However, recent large prospective studies have shown that neither the timing of gluten introduction nor the duration or maintenance of breastfeeding influence the risk of CD. Also, other environmental influences have been investigated as potential risk factors, but have not led to primary prevention strategies. Secondary prevention is possible through early diagnosis and treatment. Since CD is significantly underdiagnosed and a large proportion of CD patients are asymptomatic at the time of diagnosis, secondary prevention will not identify all CD patients, as long as mass screening has not been introduced. As following a gluten-free diet is a major challenge, tertiary prevention strategies are discussed as well

    Single-Cell RNA Sequencing of Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells From Pediatric Coeliac Disease Patients Suggests Potential Pre-Seroconversion Markers

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    Celiac Disease (CeD) is a complex immune disorder involving villous atrophy in the small intestine that is triggered by gluten intake. Current CeD diagnosis is based on late-stage pathophysiological parameters such as detection of specific antibodies in blood and histochemical detection of villus atrophy and lymphocyte infiltration in intestinal biopsies. To date, no early onset biomarkers are available that would help prevent widespread villous atrophy and severe symptoms and co-morbidities. To search for novel CeD biomarkers, we used single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNAseq) to investigate PBMC samples from 11 children before and after seroconversion for CeD and 10 control individuals matched for age, sex and HLA-genotype. We generated scRNAseq profiles of 9559 cells and identified the expected major cellular lineages. Cell proportions remained stable across the different timepoints and health conditions, but we observed differences in gene expression profiles in specific cell types when comparing patient samples before and after disease development and comparing patients with controls. Based on the time when transcripts were differentially expressed, we could classify the deregulated genes as biomarkers for active CeD or as potential pre-diagnostic markers. Pathway analysis showed that active CeD biomarkers display a transcriptional profile associated with antigen activation in CD4+ T cells, whereas NK cells express a subset of biomarker genes even before CeD diagnosis. Intersection of biomarker genes with CeD-associated genetic risk loci pinpointed genetic factors that might play a role in CeD onset. Investigation of potential cellular interaction pathways of PBMC cell subpopulations highlighted the importance of TNF pathways in CeD. Altogether, our results pinpoint genes and pathways that are altered prior to and during CeD onset, thereby identifying novel potential biomarkers for CeD diagnosis in blood

    Specificity of Tissue Transglutaminase Explains Cereal Toxicity in Celiac Disease

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    Celiac disease is caused by a selective lack of T cell tolerance for gluten. It is known that the enzyme tissue transglutaminase (tTG) is involved in the generation of T cell stimulatory gluten peptides through deamidation of glutamine, the most abundant amino acid in gluten. Only particular glutamine residues, however, are modified by tTG. Here we provide evidence that the spacing between glutamine and proline, the second most abundant amino acid in gluten, plays an essential role in the specificity of deamidation. On the basis of this, algorithms were designed and used to successfully predict novel T cell stimulatory peptides in gluten. Strikingly, these algorithms identified many similar peptides in the gluten-like hordeins from barley and secalins from rye but not in the avenins from oats. The avenins contain significantly lower percentages of proline residues, which offers a likely explanation for the lack of toxicity of oats. Thus, the unique amino acid composition of gluten and related proteins in barley and rye favors the generation of toxic T cell stimulatory gluten peptides by tTG. This provides a rationale for the observation that celiac disease patients are intolerant to these cereal proteins but not to other common food proteins

    Longitudinal variation of amino acid levels in human milk and their associations with infant gender

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    It is discussed that specific amino acids (AAs) have functional roles in early life. Understanding the AA composition in human milk (HM) during lactation assists in specifying these roles. To this end we assessed the levels of free AAs (FAAs), total AAs (free and bound, TAAs) and protein levels in HM in the first 6 months of lactation, and evaluated possible associations with infant gender. HM samples of 25 healthy Dutch mothers participating in the PreventCD study were collected monthly during the first 6 months of lactation. Of the participating mothers, 12 gave birth to a boy and 13 gave birth to a girl. Analyses of the HM samples revealed that levels of free glutamate, glutamine, aspartate, glycine, and serine significantly increased during months 1–3 of lactation, both in absolute sense and relative to TAA levels. Evaluation of gender differences by mixed model analyses revealed an association between female infant gender and higher protein content (p = 0.0465) and TAA content (p = 0.0362) in HM during the first 3 months of lactation. Furthermore, there was a tendency for an association of male infant gender with higher levels of free glutamine (p = 0.0948) in HM during the first 3 months of lactation. These results show that FAA, TAA and protein levels in HM display a time-specific occurrence during lactation. Moreover, although confirmation is necessary in view of the small sample size, this study indicates that the AA composition in HM shows differential effects of the infant’s sex

    Circulating miRNAs as Potential Biomarkers for Celiac Disease Development

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    BACKGROUND & AIMS: Celiac disease (CeD), an immune-mediated disease with enteropathy triggered by gluten, affects ~1% of the general European population. Currently, there are no biomarkers to predict CeD development. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are short RNAs involved in post-transcriptional gene regulation, and certain disease- and stage-specific miRNA profiles have been found previously. We aimed to investigate whether circulating miRNAs can predict the development of CeD. METHODS: Using next-generation miRNA-sequencing, we determined miRNAs in >200 serum samples from 53 participants of the PreventCD study, of whom 33 developed CeD during follow-up. Following study inclusion at 3 months of age, samples were drawn at predefined ages, diagnosis (first anti-transglutaminase antibody (TGA) positivity or diagnostic biopsy) and after the start of a gluten-free diet (GFD). This allowed identification of circulating miRNAs that are deregulated before TGA positivity. For validation of the biomarkers for CeD and GFD response, two additional cohorts were included in subsequent meta-analyses. Additionally, miRNAs were measured in duodenal biopsies in a case-control cohort. RESULTS: 53 circulating miRNAs were increased (27) or decreased (26) in CeD versus controls. We assessed specific trends in these individual miRNAs in the PreventCD cohort by grouping the pre-diagnostic samples of the CeD patients (all had negative TGA) by how close to seroconversion (first sample positive TGA) the samples were taken. 8/53 miRNAs differed significantly between controls and samples taken <1 year before TGA positivity: miR-21-3p, miR-374a-5p, 144-3p, miR-500a-3p, miR-486-3p let-7d-3p, let-7e-5p and miR-3605-3p. 6/26 downregulated miRNAs reconstituted upon GFD, including miR-150-5p/-3p, whereas no upregulated miRNAs were downregulated upon GFD. 15/53 biomarker candidates also differed between CeD biopsies and controls, with a concordant direction, indicating that these circulating miRNAs might originate from the intestine. CONCLUSIONS: We identified 53 circulating miRNAs that are potential early biomarkers for CeD, of which several can be detected more than a year before TGA positivity and some start to normalize upon GFD

    The impact of human breast milk components on the infant metabolism

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    Background & aims Breastfeeding is beneficial for mothers and infants. Underlying mechanisms and biochemical mediators thus need to be investigated to develop and support improved infant nutrition practices promoting the child health. We analysed the relation between maternal breast milk composition and infant metabolism. Methods 196 pairs of mothers and infants from a European research project (PreventCD) were studied. Maternal milk samples collected at month 1 and month 4 after birth were analysed for macronutrient classes, hormone, and fatty acid (FA) content. Phospholipids, acylcarnitines, and amino acids were measured in serum samples of 4-month old infants. Associations between milk components and infant metabolites were analysed with spearman correlation and linear mixed effect models (LME). P-values were corrected for multiple testing (P-LME). Results Month 1 milk protein content was strongly associated with infant serum lyso-phosphatidylcholine (LPC) 14: 0 (P-LME = 0.009). Month 1 milk insulin was associated to infant acetylcarnitine (P-LME = 0.01). There were no associations between milk protein content and serum amino acids and milk total fat content and serum polar lipids. Middle- and odd-chain FA% in breast milk at both ages were significantly related to serum LPC and sphingomyelins (SM) species in infant serum (all P-LME < 0.05), while FA% 20: 5n(-3) and 22: 6n(-3) percentages were significantly associated to serum LPC 22:6 (P-LME = 1.91x10(-4)/7.93x10(-5)) in milk only at month 4. Other polyunsaturated fatty acids and hormones in milk showed only weak associations with infant serum metabolites. Conclusions Infant serum LPC are influenced by breast milk FA composition and, intriguingly, milk protein content in early but not late lactation. LPC 14:0, previously found positively associated with obesity risk, was the serum metabolite which was the most strongly associated to milk protein content. Thus, LPC 14:0 might be a key metabolite not only reflecting milk protein intake in infants, but also relating high protein content in milk or infant formula to childhood obesity risk
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