3,221 research outputs found

    Protein Expression of Steroid Receptors in Macaca mulatta endometriotic Lesions

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    Endometriosis is pathologically defined as the presence of endometrial tissue in ectopic locations. Currently, there are no specific, non-invasive biomarkers and no cure for endometriosis. Non-human primates (NHP), including Macaca mulatta (rhesus macaques), have been highlighted as appropriate models to study endometriosis due to genetic, physiological, and anatomical similarities to humans. Research shows endometriosis might be associated with molecular deviations in human peritoneal endometriosis, such as increased levels of estrogen receptors and decreased levels of progesterone receptors. The aim of this study is to determine protein expression of steroid receptors in five endometriotic lesions of rhesus macaques. We propose that lesions of rhesus macaques will express elevated estrogen receptors and diminished progesterone receptors, similar to human endometriotic lesions. Endometriotic lesions of rhesus macaques were obtained at time of surgery from different locations, and steroid receptor expression was determined by immunohistochemistry. This study was able to determine the expression of steroid receptors in endometriotic lesions of rhesus macaques; however the results were not able to support our hypothesis. Results did not observe significant differences between estrogen and progesterone receptor protein expressions in glandular and stromal compartments of the endometriotic lesions. Still, this animal model represents a valuable tool to study endometriosis since they do develop spontaneous endometriosis. Future studies should match the location of lesions and classify the severity of endometriosis in the rhesus macaques

    Gene expression rearrangements denoting changes in the biological state

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    In many situations, the gene expression signature is a unique marker of the biological state. We study the modification of the gene expression distribution function when the biological state of a system experiences a change. This change may be the result of a selective pressure, as in the Long Term Evolution Experiment with E. Coli populations, or the progression to Alzheimer disease in aged brains, or the progression from a normal tissue to the cancer state. The first two cases seem to belong to a class of transitions, where the initial and final states are relatively close to each other, and the distribution function for the differential expressions is short ranged, with a tail of only a few dozens of strongly varying genes. In the latter case, cancer, the initial and final states are far apart and separated by a low-fitness barrier. The distribution function shows a very heavy tail, with thousands of silenced and over-expressed genes. We characterize the biological states by means of their principal component representations, and the expression distribution functions by their maximal and minimal differential expression values and the exponents of the Pareto laws describing the tails

    The Impact of FDI on CO₂ Emissions in Latin America

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    This paper uses panel Granger causality tests to study the relationship between sector specific FDI and CO2 emissions. Using a sample of 18 Latin American countries for the 1980-2007 period, we find causality running from FDI in polluting intensive industries (“the dirty sector”) to CO2 emissions per capita. This result is robust to controlling for other factors associated with CO2 emissions and using the ratio of CO2 emissions to GDP. For other sectors, we find no robust evidence that FDI causes CO2 emissions

    Idea: Electronic Writing in L2: Accuracy Vs Other Outcomes

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    This is the publisher's version, also available electronically from http://www.jstor.org/.This article describes the effects of dialogue journaling through e-mail on the language produced by two groups (experimental and control) of first-semester-Spanish college students. The independent variable was the use of electronic mail while the dependent variables were accuracy and number of words per message. Quantitative results showed that the control group significantly outperformed the experimental group regarding grammatical accuracy. Nonsignificant differences for either lexical accuracy or number of words were found. For qualitative analysis, a questionnaire administered to both groups requested their opinions on the effectiveness and attitude towards the journaling technique. The authors concluded that, although the e-mail medium promoted a more positive attitude towards the language, dialogue journals via e-mail did not improve grammar skills. Thus, suggestions are offered to modify instruction to enhance other positive results from the use of electronic writing in L2, thereby providing a way to incorporate authentic, real-life writing tasks, develop better classroom rapport, and allow advantages to students otherwise reluctant to speak in class

    Acción colectiva en la gestión de recursos hídricos y adaptación al cambio climático en la Microcuenca Apalilí en el año 2012

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    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo caracterizar la acción colectiva en la gestión del recurso hídrico frente a las variaciones climáticas en la Microcuenca Apalilí ubicada en la Subcuenca Waswalí. El tipo de estudio fue descriptivo, de diseño transversal o transeccional, con enfoque cuali-cuantitativo. Las comunidades estudiadas fueron: Sitio Viejo, Ocotal Espeso, Fuente Pura, Palsila y Los Calpules. Las variables medidas fueron acción colectiva para la gestión del recurso hídrico de consumo humano/alimento, uso doméstico, agricultura/regadío, agroindustria y ganadería así mismo, el capital social vinculado a la acción colectiva sobre el medio ambiente; de manera que se pueda visualizar las formas de cooperación, organización y participación que existe en las comunidades de estudio. Para la obtención de la muestra se utilizó el método Finite Population Correction (FPC), el cual fue de 77 viviendas encuestadas a los jefes de hogares. Para recopilar los datos se aplicaron entrevistas a los líderes comunitarios y encuestas a los jefes de hogares. El procesamiento de la información se realizó en las hojas Excel. La metodología utilizada fue: revisión bibliográfica e información secundaria, fotografías y la observación directa en campo. Los resultados indican que la acción colectiva para la gestión del agua en los distintos usos, ha tenido mayor relevancia en el de consumo/alimento y doméstico a diferencia de los usos de agricultura/regadío, agroindustria y ganadería, donde las acciones en conjunto han sido minoritarias, por tanto no existe un manejo a nivel de microcuenca y la organización de los CAPS, solo se limita al manejo para consumo humano/alimento. Ante los efectos del cambio climático el uso que más ha afectado es el de consumo humano/alimento y la principal medida tomada por la población es la búsqueda de fuentes alternativas realizándolas de manera aislad

    Like Mother, Like Daughter: Intergenerational Programs for Hispanic Girls

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    Hispanic mothers\u27 involvement with and expectations of their children coupled with their position as role-models, have a lasting impact on their children\u27s academic achievement

    Paleoenvironmental variations during the Late Cambrian: implications from Zn isotopes and I/(Ca+Mg) ratios

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    The Upper Cambrian at the Martin Point section partially spans the coeval Tuckers Cove (Shallow Bay Formation) and the Martin Point (Green Point Formation) members of the Cow Head Group of western Newfoundland (eastern Laurentia), Canada. These units comprise alternating shale, minor conglomerate beds and limestone rhythmites of a toe-of-slope apron. Earlier studies of the C-isotope profile, based on the lime mudstone interbeds, documented global negative δ¹³ Ccarb shifts (from old to young: NL1, NL2, HERB) correlated with the lowermost Proconodontus posterocostatus, Proconodontus muelleri and base of Eoconodontus notchpeakensis conodont zones, respectively. Samples were extracted from the most micritic spots, where the micritic to near-micritic grain size (≤ 4 μm−10 μm) and fabric retention confirm petrographic preservation. Insignificant correlations of diagenetic proxies with their environmental counterparts support high degree of geochemical preservation. The zinc-isotope (δ⁶⁶Zn) signatures (0.09 – 0.73 ‰ JMC Lyon) and iodine-to-calcium-plus-magnesium (I/(Ca+Mg)) ratios (0.02 – 0.48 μmol/mol) vary consistently throughout the studied events and were employed to shed light on paleoenviromental conditions. The decrease in δ⁶⁶Zn values seems to denote inhibition of bioproductivity in a dysoxic water column, consistent with warm and humid climate during general transgressive settings and shoaling of organic matter into the shallow environment. On the contrary, slight increases in δ⁶⁶Zn (<0.8 ‰ JMC Lyon) might reflect weak bioproductivity and possible influence of carbonate weathering input during minor fluctuations (episodic falls) in sea level during the main course of the transgression. The low I/(Ca+Mg) ratios (< 0.5 μmol/mol) reinforce this interpretation, suggesting general dysoxic settings along the entire section

    Aplicación WEB con énfasis multimedia para alumnos de Enfermería de segundo año en Procedimientos Básicos de Enfermería de la FAREM Matagalpa, año 2013

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    En el estudio realizado se evaluó el proceso de Enseñanza-Aprendizaje de la asignatura de Procedimientos Básicos de Enfermería, de la Carrera de Enfermería de la UNAN FAREM-Matagalpa, en el cual se describió la manera en que se imparte dicha asignatura y se identificaron dificultades y se valoraron algunas alternativas que ayuden a reforzar el proceso de Enseñanza-Aprendizaje, año 2013. Del resultado de la investigación se encontró que el docente de la asignatura procedimientos básicos de enfermería imparte la clase de manera tradicional dando primero la teoría y luego esta se lleva a la práctica utilizando los laboratorios que se encuentran situados en el recinto Rubén Darío; el alumno al equivocarse en realizar la técnica o procedimiento debe iniciar de nuevo, al indagar más sobre el proceso se encontraron dificultades que se le presentan a los alumnos al momento de comprender la teoría y luego llevar está a la práctica lo cual le dificulta en su desarrollo de destrezas. Al valorar las dificultades encontradas en dicho proceso, se tomaron dos alternativas, una de ellas es la propuesta de adquisición, de nuevos equipos (Computadoras), dominio, personal requerido. La segunda solo seria lo del personal requerido, debido a que la UNAN FAREM MATAGALAPA cuenta con los todos los medios tanto hardware y software para su buen funcionamiento. La alternativa mas óptima es la segunda, ya que la universidad cuenta con los recursos necesario para la implementación de la aplicación. Esta alternativa tiene un menor costo que la primera. (Ver Anexo N° 6