2,634 research outputs found

    An estimation of the pattern of diffusion of mobile phones: the case of Colombia

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    In this paper we fond that the difusion pattern of mobile telephony in Colombia can be best haracterised as following a Logistic curve. Although in recent years the rate of growth of mobile phone subscribers has started to slow down, we find evidence that there is still room for further expansion as thesaturation level is expected to be reached in five years time. The estimated saturation level is consistent with some individuals possessing more than one mobile device.Technology di¤usion; Mobile telecommunications; Gompertzcurve; Logistic curve; Colombia.

    Testing for stock market integration in a developing economy: Colombia

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    This paper examines the linkage between two parallel stock exchanges trading the same shares in Colombia, namely the Bogotá Stock Exchange and the Medellín Stock Exchange. We provide empirical evidence to support the hypothesis that these two markets can be best described as fully integrated over a period of almost four decades, which is consistent with the view that arbitrage opportunities are only possible in the short but not in the long run. In addition, we find evidence that the location of a company´s headquarters appears to matter in stock price formation.Stock market, cointegration, arbitrage, Colombia

    Statistical inference for testing gini coefficients: an application for Colombia

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    This paper uses Colombian household survey data collected over the period 1984-2005 to estimate Gini coeficients along with their corresponding standard errors. We �find a statistically signi�cant increase in wage income inequality following the adoption of the liberalisation measures of the early 1990s, and mixed evidence during the recovery years that followed the economic recession of the late 1990s. We also �nd that in several cases the observed diferences in the Gini coeficients across cities have not been statistically signi�cant.Inequality, Gini coe¢ cient, bootstrap, Colombia.

    An analysis of the relationship between wages in the public and private sector in colombia: a panel data approach

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    This document examines the time-series properties of the wage differentials that arise between the public and private sector in Colombia during the sample period 1984 to 2005. We find conflicting results in unit-root and stationarity tests when looking at wage differentials at an aggregate level (such as for men, women or both). However, when we analyse wage differentials at higher levels of disaggregation, treat them jointly as a panel of data, and allow for the presence of potential cross section dependence, there is more supportive evidence for the view that wage differentials are stationary. This implies that although wage differentials do exist, they have not been consistently increasing (or decreasing) over time.

    What Are the Driving Forces of Individuals’ Retirement Savings?

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyze what factors are driving the retirement savings of European individuals and whether there are marked differences in retirement preparation among a sample of European countries. Our evidence is based on a sample of 6,036 individuals from eight European countries. The results show that although the percentage of savers for retirement varies widely across countries, the driving forces of the decision to save for retirement are quite similar. Thus, this decision is positively related to individuals’ age, financial literacy, household income, and saving habit. In addition, the results suggest that country-level institutional factors also play a crucial role in an individual’s retirement attitudes.retirement savings, financial literacy, Europe

    Estudio metalográfico e histórico de las barandas de la Casa Elorriaga Museo de la Ciudad – GCABA

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    La evaluación metalográfica permite verificar las características del material y su correspondencia con los documentos escritos. En el caso analizado, se verifico que el metal, era compatible con hierro proto-pudelar y que la fabricación de las barandas databan de 1810/11 La simbiosis de ambos documentos permitió por primera vez datar la construcción y además caracterizar el hierro. Tabla periódica grupo VIII, número atómico 26 y masa atómica 55,847

    Use of water-based carbonyl-functional polymers on a cross-linker-free highperformance leather finish

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    The present paper aims to study a new high-performance coating formulation while avoiding the use of cross-linkers. By using acrylic polymers with carbonyl functional groups, the negative environmental effects of the finishing process can be minimized. These new polymers can give very good physical properties without losing the inherent properties of flexibility and elasticity needed in upholstery leatherPostprint (published version

    Las telecomunicaciones en la España contemporánea, 1855-2000

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    The construction of both contemporary society and modern State cannot be understood without taking into account the deep transformations that communications produced in the organization of the different national spaces and of the world system. If electrical telegraphy changed and moulded the world of the 19th century, radiotelegraphy and telephony changed the 20th century. Wireless telegraphy was the basis for the development of broadcasting and television. In the last thirty years of the 20th century, telephonic wire turned into the instrument that canalized most of the innovations of the revolution of telecommunications, which have resulted in the birth of the society of the information.La construcción de la sociedad y el Estado contemporáneos no pueden ser entendidos sin las profundas transformaciones que las comunicaciones provocaron en la organización de los distintos espacios nacionales y del sistema mundial. Si la telegrafía eléctrica cambió y moldeó el mundo del siglo XIX, la telegrafía sin hilos y la telefonía lo hicieron con el del siglo XX. La telegrafía sin hilos sentó las bases para el desarrollo de la radiodifusión y la televisión. En el último tercio del siglo XX el hilo telefónico se convirtió en el instrumento por el que se canalizaron buena parte de las innovaciones de la revolución de las telecomunicaciones, que han dado lugar al nacimiento de la sociedad de la información
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