90 research outputs found

    Denotational semantics for timed testing

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    In this paper we present a denotational semantics for a timed process algebra, which is fully abstract with respect to the must testing semantics previously developed [Lla96,LdFN96]. The domain of semantic processes is made up of consistent sets of barbs, which generalize the notion of acceptance sets, in such a way that the actions that are offered but not taken in each state are also recorded. the main difficulty when defining this denotational semantics has been that the natural ordering between semantic processes cannot be proved to be complete. So an alternative stronger complete ordering has to be considered, which is proved to be consistent with the original one, in the sense that lubs of chains with respect to the new ordering are also lubs with respect to the original one

    Timed contract compliance under event timing uncertainty

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    Despite that many real-life contracts include time constraints, for instance explicitly specifying deadlines by when to perform actions, or for how long certain behaviour is prohibited, the literature formalising such notions is surprisingly sparse. Furthermore, one of the major challenges is that compliance is typically computed with respect to timed event traces with event timestamps assumed to be perfect. In this paper we present an approach for evaluating compliance under the effect of imperfect timing information, giving a semantics to analyse contract violation likelihood.peer-reviewe

    Jugando con el tiempo : semántica de pruebas para algebras de procesos temporizadas

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    en el presente trabajo hemos estudiado la semántica de pruebas para alebras de procesos temporizadas. En primer lugar hemos estudiado un álgebra de procesos temporizada básica, se trata de un lenguaje recursivo, secuencial no determinista. Puesto que las semánticas de pruebas son poco manejables, se hace necesario dar una caracterización alternativa de la misma; nosotros hemos dado una caracterizacion que depende unicamente de la semántica operacional de álgebra. A continuación hemos dotado al álgebra de una semántica denotacional, que ha resultado ser completamente abstracta con respecto a la semántica de pruebas. Seguidamente hemos estudiado una semántica axiomática, puesto que conseguimos probar que esta ultima es correcta y completa con respecto a la semántica detonaciones tenemos inmediatamente que tambien será correcta y completa con respecto a la semántica de pruebas. Puesto que todo lo anterior lo habíamos hecho con un álgebra bastante simple, es necesario introducir operadores mas complejos. En concreto hemos estudiado una serie de operadores que aparecen en la mayoria de las alebras de procesos temporizadas: . El operador de paralelo. El operador de ocultamiento, y. El operador de prefijo mediante acción visible con intervalo de tiempo. Por ultimo hemos estudiado un operador de elección tipo ccs, que tiene los problemas típicos con respecto a la congruenci

    MT-EA4Cloud: A Methodology For testing and optimising energy-aware cloud systems

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    Currently, using conventional techniques for checking and optimising the energy consumption in cloud systems is unpractical, due to the massive computational resources required. An appropriate test suite focusing on the parts of the cloud to be tested must be efficiently synthesised and executed, while the correctness of the test results must be checked. Additionally, alternative cloud configurations that optimise the energetic consumption of the cloud must be generated and analysed accordingly, which is challenging. To solve these issues we present MT-EA4Cloud, a formal approach to check the correctness – from an energy-aware point of view – of cloud systems and optimise their energy consumption. To make the checking of energy consumption practical, MT-EA4Cloud combines metamorphic testing, evolutionary algorithms and simulation. Metamorphic testing allows to formally model the underlying cloud infrastructure in the form of metamorphic relations. We use metamorphic testing to alleviate both the reliable test set problem, generating appropriate test suites focused on the features reflected in the metamorphic relations, and the oracle problem, using the metamorphic relations to check the generated results automatically. MT-EA4Cloud uses evolutionary algorithms to efficiently guide the search for optimising the energetic consumption of cloud systems, which can be calculated using different cloud simulatorsThis work was supported by the Spanish MINECO/FEDER projects DArDOS, FAME and MASSIVE under Grants TIN2015-65845-C3-1-R, RTI2018-093608-B-C31 and RTI2018-095255- B-I00, and the Comunidad de Madrid project FORTE-CM under grant S2018/TCS-4314. The first author is also supported by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid Santander Universidades grant (CT17/17-CT18/17

    Conformance Verification of Normative Specifications using C-O Diagrams

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    C-O Diagrams have been introduced as a means to have a visual representation of normative texts and electronic contracts, where it is possible to represent the obligations, permissions and prohibitions of the different signatories, as well as what are the penalties in case of not fulfillment of their obligations and prohibitions. In such diagrams we are also able to represent absolute and relative timing constrains. In this paper we consider a formal semantics for C-O Diagrams based on a network of timed automata and we present several relations to check the consistency of a contract in terms of realizability, to analyze whether an implementation satisfies the requirements defined on its contract, and to compare several implementations using the executed permissions as criteria.Comment: In Proceedings FLACOS 2012, arXiv:1209.169

    A Semantic Framework to Debug Parallel Lazy Functional Languages

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    It is not easy to debug lazy functional programs. The reason is that laziness and higherorder complicates basic debugging strategies. Although there exist several debuggers for sequential lazy languages, dealing with parallel languages is much harder. In this case, it is important to implement debugging platforms for parallel extensions, but it is also important to provide theoretical foundations to simplify the task of understanding the debugging process. In this work, we deal with the debugging process in two parallel languages that extend the lazy language Haskell. In particular, we provide an operational semantics that allows us to reason about our parallel extension of the sequential debugger Hood. In addition, we show how we can use it to analyze the amount of speculative work done by the processes, so that it can be used to optimize their use of resources

    Nietzsche y Darwin: vínculos y conflictos.

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    En el presente trabajo se van a documentar los principales desencuentros y las mayores críticas desde Nietzsche hacia Darwin y sus seguidores alemanes, ingleses y franceses en el ámbito de la ética y la moral nietzscheanas. Una vez terminada la documentación previa, podremos redactar este trabajo sobre una clara estructura. En primer lugar, trataremos el contexto intelectual que surgió alrededor de las ideas evolucionistas, partiendo de Darwin y deteniéndonos en sus principales seguidores europeos, trazando una trayectoria del darwinismo en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX a través de su desarrollo, interpretaciones, sucesivas olas, autores y las inevitables tensiones maestro-discípulos. En segundo lugar, entraremos en el punto central de nuestro trabajo: la relación entre Nietzsche y las ideas darwinistas, plasmadas en muchas de sus ideas morales y reflejadas en claras diferencias doctrinales y enmiendas parciales y totales. Finalmente, cerraremos el trabajo con una breve conclusión.<br /

    Analysis of temporal complex events in sensor networks

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    International audienceIn this paper we introduce a framework for detecting anomalies in the clocks of the different components of a network of sensor stations connected with a central server for measuring of air quality. Local clocks of sensor stations can be advanced/delayed with respect to the central server clock and this situation provokes the inaccuracy in the interpretation of the collected data. We propose a novel approach, supported by a formal representation of the network using fuzzy-timed automata, to precisely represent the expected behaviour of each component of the network. Using fuzzy logic concepts, we can specify admissible mismatches between the clocks. In addition, we apply complex event processing (CEP) technology in order to automatically detect situations of interest while processing the massive amount of data transferred across the network. Specifically, we have designed a collection of CEP patterns that trigger alarms when unexpected differences are observed. We also report the results obtained from the application of our approach to the network during December 2016

    A hybrid Quantum proposal to deal with 3-SAT problem

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    Going as far as possible at SAT problem solving is the main aim of our work. For this sake we have made use of quantum computing from its two, on practice, main models of computation. They have required some reformulations over the former statement of 3-SAT problem in order to accomplish the requirements of both techniques. This paper presents and describes a hybrid quantum computing strategy for solving 3-SAT problems. The performance of this approximation has been tested over a set of representative scenarios when dealing with 3-SAT from the quantum computing perspective.Comment: 25 pages, 21 figures, 4 table

    Validación de un Cuestionario Multidimensional de Adaptación a la Enfermedad para Pacientes Renales en Diálisis (CMAE-RD) diseñado a partir de un cuestionario para pacientes oncohematológicos

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    Objectives: The present study aims to explore the psychometric properties of a multidimensional questionnaire to assess adaptation to illness in patients with end stage renal disease under hemodialysis (CMAE-RD for its Spanish acronym). Methods: This instrument was developed to be administered by a psychologist as a semi structured interview and it was adapted from a previous questionnaire for patients with oncohaematologic diseases. A total of 113 patients receiving hemodialysis treatment were interviewed with the CMAE-RD and completed two additional questionnaires with validation purposes: the HADS (to assess anxiety and depression) and the CDRISC-2 (to assess resilience). Results: Internal consistency scores for the areas of the CMAE-RD was comprised between.53 and.70. Evidences of validity related to an external criterion and concurrent validity were obtained for the areas which assess the level of information of the patient and their emotional state. Conclusions: We conclude that the CMAE-RD shows adequate levels of reliability and validity, being a useful measurement tool from the standpoint of health care, as it allows psychologist the needs and resources of renal patients, providing guidance for psychological intervention.Objetivos: El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar las propiedades psicométricas de un cuestionario multidimensional de adaptación a la enfermedad para pacientes con enfermedad renal en diálisis (CMAE-RD). Métodos: Esta herramienta está diseñada para ser administrada por un profesional de la psicología en forma de entrevista semiestructurada y fue diseñado a partir de un cuestionario previo para pacientes oncohematológicos. Un total de 113 pacientes en hemodiálisis fueron entrevistados mediante el CMAE-RD y completaron dos cuestionarios adicionales con propósitos de validación: el HADS (para evaluar ansiedad y depresión) y el CDRISC-2 (para evaluar resiliencia). Resultados: La consistencia interna para las áreas del CMAE-RD estuvo comprendida entre 0,53 y 0,70, y se obtuvieron evidencias de validez relacionada con un criterio externo y concurrente especialmente para las áreas que evaluaban el grado en que el paciente está informado y su estado de ánimo. Conclusiones: CMAE-RD presenta niveles adecuados de fiabilidad y validez, siendo una herramienta útil desde el punto de vista clínico, pues permite evaluar las necesidades y recursos de los pacientes, guiando la intervención psicológic